FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #18

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I haven't posted on this case in a while, but I pop in regularly.

ITA with the above quote. We don't know if there truly was a witness, and if so, who was it? DS1? Junior's mom? The female who almost fell out of the truck, in that one news clip? A close friend?

And if none of the above, the independent witness could still be wrong about who they saw or when they actually saw it. Just last week, I saw a woman who bore a striking resemblance to MP (in Miami). I even pointed her out to the other person in my car. But based on many things, I know it couldn't have been her. It wouldn't have made sense.

But some other person might have seen the same person and swear it was her, and then report it to LE as a legit sighting (kind of what I suspect happened with the one in Daytona). A lot of times people see what they want to see, or are simply mistaken. So I take the witness comment with a grain of salt, unless more details are released by LE.

And if DS2 was seen even 5 to 10 minutes after 4:30, by said witness, it makes a big difference. Furthermore, maybe this person just saw his truck parked outside DS1's house, and took it to mean he was there, when it could have been parked by someone else.

There are so many possibilities at this point, I just pray that this case gets solved soon. :(

The only witness siting that might be considered highly reliable would be an independant neighbour who saw DSJr and the kids when they pulled up to the house on Rose Blvd. Someone who may have been out in their yard or coming or going from their home, who knows DSJr, and was aware of the time perhaps because they were either leaving to go somewhere or coming home from work, which they do at the same time every day. They may even have waved or actually said hello to him.

If that is the type of siting we're talking about then we'd have to assume that DSJr and the kids were there around 4:30pm. And I think MN would be comfortable going on record to say that they were if he's aware of this type of siting.

If there was an independent witness... wouldn't that have been exploited by now? Just my opinion that it would have---

In the peoples court episode Dale was quick to pull out his phone to show the texts from Michelle ... he quickly shoved the phone back in his pocket because no such texts exist, imo. That makes me believe that if an independent witness like; "old ms jones, the neighbor" had seen Dale jr and the twins at 430 promptly while she watered her plants.. this would have been repeated 527 times.
I was only going by what Lark2 said. Did I get it screwed up? :)

Yes! I screwed it up, sorry!!!! Nobody has it right (nobody the poster.) "Heading west FROM Semoran." :blushing:
If there was an independent witness... wouldn't that have been exploited by now? Just my opinion that it would have---

In the peoples court episode Dale was quick to pull out his phone to show the texts from Michelle ... he quickly shoved the phone back in his pocket because no such texts exist, imo. That makes me believe that if an independent witness like; "old ms jones, the neighbor" had seen Dale jr and the twins at 430 promptly while she watered her plants.. this would have been repeated 527 times.

Exploited by who though? No one is talking. MN has completely left the scene it appears after his little presser and he probably left DSJr and his family with one piece of advice. Keep your mouths shut. Don't talk to MSM about anything.

Oh and call me when you get arrested. :crazy:

The neighbor with the surv cam. Where does he live again? TIA.

eta: if i don't get my bearings pretty soon, I'm going to have to just drive down there, lol.

Same condo building opposite end.
that's my point, if there were an independent witness, SOMEONE would have said something---- leads me to believe there is no "real" witness other than Ma Smith or the equivalent.
I really wonder why the family has not organized any searches the past 2 saturdays (I believe I am correct that they haven't, please let me know if I am mistaken).

Are they not searching because of exhaustion or frustration or a combination of both? (which, IMO, is completely understandable)
Or, are they not searching because LE has suggested it is somehow hindering the investigation - complete speculation on my part.
Or, are they not searching simply because their individual schedules no longer allow for it?
Or, are they not searching because they are scared of something or someone.

I really feel there has to be a very good reason the family stopped searching and stopped posting about searching, but what?
I really wonder why the family has not organized any searches the past 2 saturdays (I believe I am correct that they haven't, please let me know if I am mistaken).

Are they not searching because of exhaustion or frustration or a combination of both? (which, IMO, is completely understandable)
Or, are they not searching because LE has suggested it is somehow hindering the investigation - complete speculation on my part.
Or, are they not searching simply because their individual schedules no longer allow for it?
Or, are they not searching because they are scared of something or someone.

I really feel there has to be a very good reason the family stopped searching and stopped posting about searching, but what?


Maybe they feel that announcing where the searches will be in advance, gives the person responsible for her disappearance, time to go to the scene and remove evidence.

I wonder if they are still doing searches, but just with a smaller group of people, who they notify in ways other than publically on Facebook?
I really wonder why the family has not organized any searches the past 2 saturdays (I believe I am correct that they haven't, please let me know if I am mistaken).

Are they not searching because of exhaustion or frustration or a combination of both? (which, IMO, is completely understandable)
Or, are they not searching because LE has suggested it is somehow hindering the investigation - complete speculation on my part.
Or, are they not searching simply because their individual schedules no longer allow for it?
Or, are they not searching because they are scared of something or someone.

I really feel there has to be a very good reason the family stopped searching and stopped posting about searching, but what?

Aside from GIA's suggestion, that still leaves at least one other reason I can think of, like being about to say: "Cuff him, boys!"

To quote Judge Milian: "A girl can dream, can't she?"
I really wonder why the family has not organized any searches the past 2 saturdays (I believe I am correct that they haven't, please let me know if I am mistaken).

Are they not searching because of exhaustion or frustration or a combination of both? (which, IMO, is completely understandable)
Or, are they not searching because LE has suggested it is somehow hindering the investigation - complete speculation on my part.
Or, are they not searching simply because their individual schedules no longer allow for it?
Or, are they not searching because they are scared of something or someone.

I really feel there has to be a very good reason the family stopped searching and stopped posting about searching, but what?
I'm going to guess that it's a combination of things. Maybe LE has suggested they hold off for a bit while they work on some things, plus maybe not enough people for a publicized search, plus maybe they figure it's time for a break anyway. I don't imagine they have quit entirely, though. Probably regrouping, reconning more areas, etc. Just not enough to put out in the MSM or Facebook. jmo

Maybe they feel that announcing where the searches will be in advance, gives the person responsible for her disappearance, time to go to the scene and remove evidence.
I wonder if they are still doing searches, but just with a smaller group of people, who they notify in ways other than publically on Facebook?
Where foul play is a possibility, people doing a search, should never ever, ever, ever give locations of a search until time to do the search.

Have they been announcing in advance, where the searches are going to be? I surely hope not. jmo


eta: of course, unless they are doing it as a ruse (via LE)
I don't have much to add these days, but I read here several times a day to see if there is anything new about where she could be.

I ran out of ideas, because I don't know the POI. We know a good bit about Michelle and her day and what she was doing and where she was heading and being seen at KFC, but we don't don't know a thing about Dale's day except what he told LE. I feel you have to know the POI in order to think like the POI; if you want to find your missing person.

What don't we know about the POI? When I say "don't know" I mean confirmed things, not rumor or second hand info.

When he left the condo.
What truck or van did he use.

You can make a long list of what you don't know.
But I would rather have a list of what I do know.
I've just been pondering about when the perp did what in what time frame.

Part of me believes that the potential killing took place fairly quickly after MP arrived to drop off the kids. Then I believe he would want to get away from his condo very quickly afterward, probably heading straight to his parents. Here's where I think they would take some time (assuming DS1 is in on it at this point), somewhere, to think about the next step. If it was not all planned in advance, they would need to take careful time here to plot out what to do next. I'm not a murderer so I'm just guessing here, but once the act is committed, cooler heads must prevail at some point, so I feel there was considerable time here to plan out next moves. So lets say, when the calls from Yvonne started occurring, everyone was available still to take the calls, but chose not to take the call to continue plotting. I bet at some point after at least 1 hour, he/they left to go continue making plans and/or dispose of the evidence. It may have even been closer to a couple hours or more. (I am not assuming the phone was not necessarily placed at Nela Bridge at 8pm, just that it powered down near there about that time - correct me if I'm out of line here).

Afterward, he/they probably ended up back to the parents house to regroup & finally head back to condo when police wanted to walk thru.

I realize I'm just rambling here...thanks for humoring me :)

all MOO
Where foul play is a possibility, people doing a search, should never ever, ever, ever give locations of a search until time to do the search.

Have they been announcing in advance, where the searches are going to be? I surely hope not. jmo


eta: of course, unless they are doing it as a ruse (via LE)

The only one they announced was Palm Bay. All others were to meet at the command center Jesse Blacks.

I have alwasys felt the Palm Bay was a ruse. jmo
I know they or someone put up posters along Semoran and thought that YS said in the interview during her Birthday that they were going to that the next day. I did go back to the Kwick Mart before going to work this past Saturday. I talked to a guy behind counter and asked him if he knew about Michelle and he said no. He told me that no one else has inquired about the camera and I asked him specifically if LE had asked and he said no. I noticed another camera on the other corner that seems to point towards the gas pumps with Hoffner possibly in the background. I asked could the cameras pointing toward Hoffner could actually see the traffic and he said no. I personally hope that with the 2 cameras pointing that way could have caught something. He wasn't very receptive to any more questions. I also did not see her poster at the store. So I am somewhat confused on what or if I should do more. I keep thinking what if no one really did ask about it. Also IMO with the height and angle of the cameras I don't see how it could miss much of the traffic.

I'm sorry if the post seems to ramble and hope everyone understands it, had to work a lot lately and have too go back again.
Not trying to get anyone to worry - just to think about what they post on a public forum that certain people are reading. Go on sleuthing - just be smart about what you post...

Everyone here who is venturing on their own to search, should make very certain to NEVER post in advance where they are planning on looking. If you want, by all means post after - but don't tip off a potential viewing perpetrator. Whomever that person may be.
Everyone here who is venturing on their own to search, should make very certain to NEVER post in advance where they are planning on looking. If you want, by all means post after - but don't tip off a potential viewing perpetrator. Whomever that person may be.

But of course, even if you shouldn't post it here, do tell someone you trust where you'll be going.
Cell Towers

I had to go to the S Goldenrod area today.

While I was over there I took note of the area a little better. When you come out of "the" Condos directly across the street is a cell phone tower. Hoffner is 1/2 mile up Goldenrod. Turn L on Hoffner and a little ways maybe 1/2 mile on the L is another cell tower. Coming back I went down the 528 and there is another cell tower at mile marker 21. The next cell tower is at 520 and 528.

My point is and this is JMO, Michelle's phone should have pinged off both of those towers. And IMO LE knows exactly where that phone was, how long it stayed and when it left.

I'm sorry I didn't cross Semoran and head west.
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