FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #19

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I must be an idiot bc I still keep wondering how Dale could have done this and done so successfully. He had the twins. There's sooo many security cameras. How? I'm assuming le would have followed several paths Dale and/or Michelle could have taken from his place to Rose Blvd and also where her Hummer was parked - so they'd have secured those surveillance videos right? If Dale's involved, why wouldn't he be arrested by now? What more would they need bc if they have him driving her suv or even tailing her, that's reason for probable suspicioun and he could be brought in. I know so much looks bad with him but there's still so many unanswered questions. I'm still not sold. My honest opinion.

Yep, I'm nutty probably but still think of the area connections with other missing females. That whole Oak Ridge area has had heavy security bc of crime. I keep thinking of the bars.

In real life, I'd say IMO Dale appears to be the "dumb jock", yet where he excels is crime 101... JMO, he has a master's degree in being shifty and sly... He had much time to plan this disappearance and though it could have been heat of the moment, he most likely had a plan in motion for quite some time.

Though he's not the brightest bulb on the porch in real life, he is a master at covering his tracks. Think about it: no body, no DNA, no witnesses and he gets away with it for a while. Yet OJ, Scott Peterson, Joran Van der sloot, and all the countless others that get what they have coming. They may excel in covering up a crime, but they're so stupid in real life they are bound to mess up again somewhere down the road. Just wait, Dale's day is coming soon...
I must be an idiot bc I still keep wondering how Dale could have done this and done so successfully. He had the twins. There's sooo many security cameras. How? I'm assuming le would have followed several paths Dale and/or Michelle could have taken from his place to Rose Blvd and also where her Hummer was parked - so they'd have secured those surveillance videos right? If Dale's involved, why wouldn't he be arrested by now? What more would they need bc if they have him driving her suv or even tailing her, that's reason for probable suspicioun and he could be brought in. I know so much looks bad with him but there's still so many unanswered questions. I'm still not sold. My honest opinion.

Yep, I'm nutty probably but still think of the area connections with other missing females. That whole Oak Ridge area has had heavy security bc of crime. I keep thinking of the bars.

You bring up some of the same questions that I have had since OPD named DSII a suspect. I thought that law enforcement had a lot more evidence against him than we knew about and that there would be movement of some sort in the case. Whatever evidence has come to light still isn't enough for an arrest and that seems a bit odd given how enthusiastically OPD named DS II their only suspect. It bothers me that things went very quiet after OPD found the iphone. Ds II is the perfect suspect. Maybe having such a ready made suspect hindered the investigation by narrowing the focus too much. Would OPD have done some things differently if DS II was not such an obvious choice for harming MP? If so, perhaps hard evidence (enough for an arrest) against DS II or someone else would have turned up.

As always, I hope today is the day that Michelle is found.
I must be an idiot bc I still keep wondering how Dale could have done this and done so successfully. He had the twins. There's sooo many security cameras. How? I'm assuming le would have followed several paths Dale and/or Michelle could have taken from his place to Rose Blvd and also where her Hummer was parked - so they'd have secured those surveillance videos right? If Dale's involved, why wouldn't he be arrested by now? What more would they need bc if they have him driving her suv or even tailing her, that's reason for probable suspicioun and he could be brought in. I know so much looks bad with him but there's still so many unanswered questions. I'm still not sold. My honest opinion.

Yep, I'm nutty probably but still think of the area connections with other missing females. That whole Oak Ridge area has had heavy security bc of crime. I keep thinking of the bars.

Your not a idiot at all.... because even if he didnt do this....how could anyone else take Michelle in daylight from an area while she was NEAR the condo that day... and no one see her...see her hummer, Nothing...

We do know about what time she could have went missing that is pretty tight...(if we are to believe that the 4:26 text was not done by Michelle).
Whatever happened was either at the condo or immediately right after leaving in the same vicinity....thats why I have more markers aganist DS2 than a stranger... but when I factor in little things DS2 has said and did ....I add a few marks to his side and when I find any info that leads away from Dale I add a mark to SODDI.... right now Dales has more marks... but its only an opinion and SODDI is still possible...

I dont think LE gets SV as often as we think they do....Ive seen in other cases whether the searchers and family did that leg work for LE...
For example what if she did leave Dales and went to Taco Bell to use the restroom and get a coke while going home....this area is in the abduction zone. It could have happened..maybe slim but it could have...DId anyone check the Taco Bell Videos? we dont know.

I think experience from other cases like Josh Powells and many others show having children around doesnt stop the violence...and maybe the violence was never met to esclate to death.

But your question is how could Dale get away with this.... Its easier to see he had more privacy to get away with it than the person at Taco Bell... but how can anyone get away with this in broad daylight with all the cameras, people, etc. and then hide her so well that no one can find her...(maybe there was a dumpster that didnt get checked IDK)

Someone got very lucky...so far...but if Michelle is ever found Im thinkng arrest will be made.....

Until then ....we wait for some new evidence to break this case.

Again just my opinion....
I absolutely agree, Jazzmaster, that Dale may very well have been jealous on NM. And not just a bit, but a lot. Jmo. Perhaps jealous to the point where he thought if he couldn't have her, no one else would either. Again, jmo...no proof of that, just a feeling I have. I wish there'd be a break in this case soon!

It bothered me when remark were made about the new boyfriend from the Smiths....so I gave DS2 another mark...

Its not anything big just the little things that added up to where Im at today... and it doesnt mean he did it... just looks like he could have...

Few if any of us here would be called to serve on a jury for Dale Smith. That’s why I feel free to express my opinion on his guilt without the type of the hard evidence LE would desire and require in bringing this person to justice.

What indicates to me that DSII is the likely perp.:

First and foremost, Dale gave the time that Michelle arrived at the condo with the twins as 4 PM. He said she stayed about 10 minutes and left. He said that he left with the twins at the same time Michelle left, and drove to his parents’ house on Rose Ave. Dale arrived with the twins at the Rose Ave. house about 4:30 PM, according to an eyewitness.

In time, news of Dale’s neighbor’s surveillance camera surfaced. The Hummer is recorded arriving at the condo at 3:18 PM. The camera is accurate to within scant seconds.

If Dale was not lying when he said Michelle had arrived at 4 PM, but was just guessing and mistaken about the actual time of 3:18 PM, why did it take him at least an hour to drive from his condo to his parents’ house?

Other factors that have influenced my feeling about Dale as perp:

  • Video of Dale on his way into the courthouse, and the cameraman accident: I’ve watched this video a number of times, and my sense of it each time is that Dale veered widely out to his left to cause the photographer to fall over a sign. There may not have been any physical contact, but in my view, it was obviously Dale’s intent to cause the cameraman to stumble or fall. Dale’s companions laughed with glee about the accident, while Dale remained poker faced. While this is not any kind of evidence against Dale for Michelle’s disappearance, it served to synthesize my previously uncertain impressions of his character.

  • Dale’s family’s reaction in the first few days, before Dale was named prime suspect: I cannot understand why his family did not offer even simple words of comfort and concern to Michelle’s family, even if they felt that they could not participate in searches.

  • Dale’s use of the Buck Fuddy Facebook alias to disparage Michelle by suggesting in a comment on the Megacon Facebook site that she was a paid escort. Not only did Dale post something malicious and offensive about Michelle, he did so under an assumed alias in an attempt to conceal his identity. This demonstrates to me not only a callousness about Michelle’s disappearance, but an active desire to place blame on her. This is a man who has been named a prime suspect in the disappearance of a woman, intentionally and publically denegrating her.


Few if any of us here would be called to serve on a jury for Dale Smith. That’s why I feel free to express my opinion on his guilt without the type of the hard evidence LE would desire and require in bringing this person to justice.

What indicates to me that DSII is the likely perp.:

First and foremost, Dale gave the time that Michelle arrived at the condo with the twins as 4 PM. He said she stayed about 10 minutes and left. He said that he left with the twins at the same time Michelle left, and drove to his parents’ house on Rose Ave. Dale arrived with the twins at the Rose Ave. house about 4:30 PM, according to an eyewitness.

In time, news of Dale’s neighbor’s surveillance camera surfaced. The Hummer is recorded arriving at the condo at 3:18 PM. The camera is accurate to within scant seconds.

If Dale was not lying when he said Michelle had arrived at 4 PM, but was just guessing and mistaken about the actual time of 3:18 PM, why did it take him at least an hour to drive from his condo to his parents’ house?

Other factors that have influenced my feeling about Dale as perp:

  • Video of Dale on his way into the courthouse, and the cameraman accident: I’ve watched this video a number of times, and my sense of it each time is that Dale veered widely out to his left to cause the photographer to fall over a sign. There may not have been any physical contact, but in my view, it was obviously Dale’s intent to cause the cameraman to stumble or fall. Dale’s companions laughed with glee about the accident, while Dale remained poker faced. While this is not any kind of evidence against Dale for Michelle’s disappearance, it served to synthesize my previously uncertain impressions of his character.

  • Dale’s family’s reaction in the first few days, before Dale was named prime suspect: I cannot understand why his family did not offer even simple words of comfort and concern to Michelle’s family, even if they felt that they could not participate in searches.

  • Dale’s use of the Buck Fuddy Facebook alias to disparage Michelle by suggesting in a comment on the Megacon Facebook site that she was a paid escort. Not only did Dale post something malicious and offensive about Michelle, he did so under an assumed alias in an attempt to conceal his identity. This demonstrates to me not only a callousness about Michelle’s disappearance, but an active desire to place blame on her. This is a man who has been named a prime suspect in the disappearance of a woman, intentionally and publically denegrating her.


I couldn't agree with you more NobodyNoz. All excellent points and very well said. Dale may not be on trial right now, but the heat is on... Until he tells us what he did with Michelle. All suspicion leads back to him and Dale is the only one that has the power to clear his name. Wonder if he'll ever do the right thing and "man up"!
I couldn't agree with you more NobodyNoz. All excellent points and very well said. Dale may not be on trial right now, but the heat is on... Until he tells us what he did with Michelle. All suspicion leads back to him and Dale is the only one that has the power to clear his name. Wonder if he'll ever do the right thing and "man up"!

I would think he'd definitely want to clear his name. And I'd like to think he'd want to be upright and forthcoming, and help all he can to get her home. But I haven't seen that happen yet. All I've seen so far are disparaging remarks about his children's mother via a fake alias that leads directly back to him. That's bizarre, imo.

In the meantime, I'm going to follow a suggestion I saw on Gayle's FB page to light a cyber candle for Michelle. What a wonderful idea! I'd light a million if it would help bring her home or at least let us know what happened to her, where she is.

Few if any of us here would be called to serve on a jury for Dale Smith. That’s why I feel free to express my opinion on his guilt without the type of the hard evidence LE would desire and require in bringing this person to justice.

What indicates to me that DSII is the likely perp.:

First and foremost, Dale gave the time that Michelle arrived at the condo with the twins as 4 PM. He said she stayed about 10 minutes and left. He said that he left with the twins at the same time Michelle left, and drove to his parents’ house on Rose Ave. Dale arrived with the twins at the Rose Ave. house about 4:30 PM, according to an eyewitness.

In time, news of Dale’s neighbor’s surveillance camera surfaced. The Hummer is recorded arriving at the condo at 3:18 PM. The camera is accurate to within scant seconds.

If Dale was not lying when he said Michelle had arrived at 4 PM, but was just guessing and mistaken about the actual time of 3:18 PM, why did it take him at least an hour to drive from his condo to his parents’ house?

Other factors that have influenced my feeling about Dale as perp:

  • Video of Dale on his way into the courthouse, and the cameraman accident: I’ve watched this video a number of times, and my sense of it each time is that Dale veered widely out to his left to cause the photographer to fall over a sign. There may not have been any physical contact, but in my view, it was obviously Dale’s intent to cause the cameraman to stumble or fall. Dale’s companions laughed with glee about the accident, while Dale remained poker faced. While this is not any kind of evidence against Dale for Michelle’s disappearance, it served to synthesize my previously uncertain impressions of his character.

  • Dale’s family’s reaction in the first few days, before Dale was named prime suspect: I cannot understand why his family did not offer even simple words of comfort and concern to Michelle’s family, even if they felt that they could not participate in searches.

  • Dale’s use of the Buck Fuddy Facebook alias to disparage Michelle by suggesting in a comment on the Megacon Facebook site that she was a paid escort. Not only did Dale post something malicious and offensive about Michelle, he did so under an assumed alias in an attempt to conceal his identity. This demonstrates to me not only a callousness about Michelle’s disappearance, but an active desire to place blame on her. This is a man who has been named a prime suspect in the disappearance of a woman, intentionally and publically denegrating her.


Great post Nobody.

It really all does boil down to the fact that Michelle lost contact with anyone after 3:15pm. And a video surveillance camera captured her driving in to DSJr's condo at 3:18pm. After that, she disappeared. DSJr fudged his times and did not account for at least 42 minutes. Her phone was likely still pinging at the condo until well after 4pm so that's an even longer time that she was known to be at the condo...or at least her phone was.

And when confronted with this discrepancy and asked to explain and take a lie detector, DSJr clammed up and hid behind a lawyer.

Not the actions of an innocent man in my opinion.

Great post Nobody.

It really all does boil down to the fact that Michelle lost contact with anyone after 3:15pm. And a video surveillance camera captured her driving in to DSJr's condo at 3:18pm. After that, she disappeared. DSJr fudged his times and did not account for at least 42 minutes. Her phone was likely still pinging at the condo until well after 4pm so that's an even longer time that she was known to be at the condo...or at least her phone was.

And when confronted with this discrepancy and asked to explain and take a lie detector, DSJr clammed up and hid behind a lawyer.

Not the actions of an innocent man in my opinion.


What would he have to fear by taking the LDT? The fact that killing Michelle had crossed his mind? Or the thought that he knows what happened to her? Or the thought that he knows where she is? Or the thought that he knows who killed her? Or another thought?
When that one fella said "All you have to fear, is fear itself," he was wrong. You also have to fear truth, prosecution, conviction, and sentencing when you are guilty :)
When that one fella said "All you have to fear, is fear itself," he was wrong. You also have to fear truth, prosecution, conviction, and sentencing when you are guilty :)

Ain't that the truth... :seeya:
Nothing New??? Any searches planned for the weekend???
What would he have to fear by taking the LDT? The fact that killing Michelle had crossed his mind? Or the thought that he knows what happened to her? Or the thought that he knows where she is? Or the thought that he knows who killed her? Or another thought?

I had a little time on my lunch break and decided to look into (some may say research) LDT and saw a few articles that caught my eye. I myself would not take such a test and I'm not guilty of anything. I would have to try to prove my innocence otherwise. Now DS may or may not be doing that. We don't know. For all we know the only reason LE deemed him as not cooperative is because of the LDT. Here is just one of the articles I read and hopfully I get the link right! This is my first time providing a link. I think the last part of the article itself is a great piece of advice :

Here's my advice: If you're ever asked to take a polygraph test, say "No way." If you have to — if it's a job requirement — relax and tell the truth. It won't make much of a difference

This post has been MOO!!!!

I had a little time on my lunch break and decided to look into (some may say research) LDT and saw a few articles that caught my eye. I myself would not take such a test and I'm not guilty of anything. I would have to try to prove my innocence otherwise. Now DS may or may not be doing that. We don't know. For all we know the only reason LE deemed him as not cooperative is because of the LDT. Here is just one of the articles I read and hopfully I get the link right! This is my first time providing a link. I think the last part of the article itself is a great piece of advice :

Here's my advice: If you're ever asked to take a polygraph test, say "No way." If you have to — if it's a job requirement — relax and tell the truth. It won't make much of a difference

This post has been MOO!!!!


I respectfully disagree. It would be a great way for Dale to clear his name or for the truth about what happened to Michelle to come out.

Here is an excerpt from http://www.jacktrimarco.com/faq.html

"Suppose a law enforcement agency asked you to submit to a polygraph examination because you are a suspect or person of interest in a particular crime.* The APA encourages citizens to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.* However, be aware that if you are involved in the matter under investigation and have concealed that fact from investigators, your deception will almost certainly be identified.* If you have committed the crime you might want to seek legal counsel before proceeding with the polygraph.* If you have not been involved in the matter under investigation, there probably are very strong reasons for you to proceed with the examination"

IMO this is why Dale lawyered up after being asked by LE to take one.
I respectfully disagree. It would be a great way for Dale to clear his name or for the truth about what happened to Michelle to come out.

Here is an excerpt from http://www.jacktrimarco.com/faq.html

"Suppose a law enforcement agency asked you to submit to a polygraph examination because you are a suspect or person of interest in a particular crime.* The APA encourages citizens to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.* However, be aware that if you are involved in the matter under investigation and have concealed that fact from investigators, your deception will almost certainly be identified.* If you have committed the crime you might want to seek legal counsel before proceeding with the polygraph.* If you have not been involved in the matter under investigation, there probably are very strong reasons for you to proceed with the examination"

IMO this is why Dale lawyered up after being asked by LE to take one.

I think he lawyered up once he was named suspect which I would also do. I respect your opinion and I think this is one of the many things that we all differ on. I have read enough articles to stick with my opinion. So I guess this is one subject we'll have to agree to disagree. :)

Also people are able to pass LDT as seen in this article:

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