FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #19

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I don't believe there was any definitive confirmation that the poster actually saw Michelle.

Yep, not a whole lot of definitive confirmation of anything in this case, which is just as well, as the less known by the public and most especially the perp, the better for building a case.

I've been in and out of here, and I'm not trying to be a pest, but the articles/info/map doesn't give the location of DUSTIN when he got the "Waterford" text...OR, maybe someone can help me out on that one??
IIRC, he had texted 3 people...mom, MP, and a sister. Only MP replied with "Waterford"
IIRC, he did this somewhat regularly to get a ride home, from WHERE this time?
Was it the mall? I know the text reply was waaay outta where she actually was when she sent it. I can't remember where he sent it from...thanks!!

OH, sorry, AGAIN...LOL. But I've been trying to figure out just what/where Waterford is, been online looking at maps, seems like it's an "area" as opposed to a city?
Is the area off 408/Woodbury/N. Alfaya where a potential sighting was?

I was also thinking...since her bro seems to text for rides, maybe she just got PO'd and tired and said "Waterford" so she wouldn't have to pick him up??
Also, could it be someone who's mad that her new boyfriend seems to have "moved on"?
I in NO way am trying to bring people into this that don't belong.

Again, all just IMO.

Waterford Lakes is an area in Orlando. Shopping, Subdivisons and Apts. Woodbury Rd is where Fusion Night Club used to be located. I know you know where that is :)

The potential sighting was Alafaya and 408, but Ironhorse the poster also, IIRC mentioned Lee Vista and 417. HTH
IMO if you look through some of Jrs old FB posts (the ones he deleted but captured via screenshots), you will see his plan in motion....His bragging to his cronies about the PC episode...Who would be proud of that performance? Then he makes Michelle disappear on the day of the show....No one will think he's that stupid, right? Yes we do Jr. We're onto you and we will never stop searching. You can play your games all you want, hide behind all your little fake names and play fantasy trooper, but we will connect all the dots...As certain as the sun rises and sets, I am certain we will find the truth....

I don't see the LE naming anyone else as the primes suspect and for that matter I don't see the prime suspect trying to clear his name. Enough said!
DSJr is not just keeping those children away from their maternal grandparents, aunt and uncle. He is keeping them away from their older brother as well. He is deliberately and spitefully eliminating all traces of their mother from their lives IMO. Just like I believe he eliminated Michelle from his and her family's lives as well.

Yvonne Stewart is one of the most level headed and common sense parents I've ever had the chance to witness during a situation like this. Even though LE have named him the prime suspect in her daughter's disappearance, for good reason and not just because of his refusal to take a lie detector, she embraced Dale after that court hearing and pleaded with him to keep the lines of communication open. And he hugged her back and then spit in her face when it came time to make good on that promise. There is no way she would ever say a disparaging thing to those children about him...no way. She loves those children and would never use them as a pawn. I can't say as I can say the same for him.

The only way for the twins to have any bond with their brother, or with any of their maternal family, is to spend time with him/them at a neutral place such as at YS's home. Why does he have such a problem with this? Because he thinks they don't like him? It's not about him even though he seems to think it's all about him all the time. His relationship with Michelle was strained but at least she didn't keep him from his children because she knew how important it was for them to have a relationship with their father and their paternal family. Too bad she didn't heed the warnings or none of us would be here because there would be no Michelle Parker missing forum. Just because his relationship with her family is strained, it is no excuse. He is a selfish man, with no consideration for the mental well being of those children whatsoever. He wants them all to himself...like possessions that he can do whatever he wants with because they "belong" to him. Plus he gets a great deal of satisfaction knowing that he is hurting her family, again, I'm sure.
I know there are situations where it's just not healthy or safe for children to see extended families and you've expressed that you yourself have been in such a situation but in no way is this one of them IMO. And I'm sure you know the difference since you've obviously had experience with unsafe and unhealthy environments for your own children. What he is doing to them by not allowing them to see Michelle's family is about as unhealthy as it gets. It's sheer vindictive hate and maybe fear? That they will reveal something they remember?


I agree with your post, especially the bolded parts.

Michelle's family were a major part of the twins life prior to her disappearance. Did Dale have a problem with them being around the grandparents then?? IIRC, there were times he, himself, refused to see his own kids. Was he thinking of their well-being then?

Yvonne and the rest of the family have always been there for those children. What would they have to gain by trying to turn them against their father? Could they even accomplish that during short visitation periods? Wouldn't they spend the time enjoying them rather than brainwashing them? I'm sorry, but I just don't see them doing that.

What I do feel is evident, is that Dale is doing this for reasons already stated: spite, control, and fear.

He wants to hurt Michelle's family for not liking him, speaking out against him, believing he's responsible for what happened to her, etc. And he's afraid of what the kids might disclose to them about the day Michelle disappeared.

IMO, it's as simple as that. When people are self-absorbed, they care little about the feelings/well-being of others...to include their own blood. MOO
So sad that Michelle has not been found. The finding of little Devon Davis yesterday in the algae covered lake made me remember all the searches for Michelle and those ponds cover with same in her case. In discovering little Devon the helicoper came in and swooshed the algae away and there he was. Of course, his little red shirt was seen on the film the drone provided earlier, but was wondering if LE used this method too?

Still thinking of you Michelle---and praying you are found.
IMO if you look through some of Jrs old FB posts (the ones he deleted but captured via screenshots), you will see his plan in motion....His bragging to his cronies about the PC episode...Who would be proud of that performance? Then he makes Michelle disappear on the day of the show....No one will think he's that stupid, right? Yes we do Jr. We're onto you and we will never stop searching. You can play your games all you want, hide behind all your little fake names and play fantasy trooper, but we will connect all the dots...As certain as the sun rises and sets, I am certain we will find the truth....

I don't see the LE naming anyone else as the primes suspect and for that matter I don't see the prime suspect trying to clear his name. Enough said!

RBBM Jazzmaster, apparently Mr. Fantasy Storm Trooper was proud of his performance in front of Judge Milian....I swear, I could almost read her mind, she was thinking, "Is this dude for real? LOL" I know I was thinking something along those lines....

JMO, IMO, and :moo: plus other other disclaimers....
RBBM Jazzmaster, apparently Mr. Fantasy Storm Trooper was proud of his performance in front of Judge Milian....I swear, I could almost read her mind, she was thinking, "Is this dude for real? LOL" I know I was thinking something along those lines....

JMO, IMO, and :moo: plus other other disclaimers....

It just goes to show you there's Dale's world and the REAL world...just wish we could all figure out what he did with Michelle. It has been WAY too long and no answers. People don't just disappear. Someone had to have seen what Dale did and willing to speak up. Does he have that much control over family and friends? Someone knows something...send it to LE anonymously...lead us to Michelle! Her family needs her! Do the right thing!
I think biological grandparents should have the ability to sue for visitation. The grandchildren are their biological offspring and they should have the ability to care for and monitor their wellbeing.
Haven't been here in a while due to work but y'all have had some great discussion! Although I can't be here often, Michelle is never far from my mind. I'm so worried about the twins in Dale's care. I can't believe Michelle hasn't been found. It's hard for me to comprehend that Dale may actually get away with this. I pray that doesn't happen!!!
I think biological grandparents should have the ability to sue for visitation. The grandchildren are their biological offspring and they should have the ability to care for and monitor their wellbeing.

In many states, they can.
According to MN, Dale and Michelle left at the same time, which is open to 'having left TOGETHER." If they left separately, but at the same time, then Dale would know Michelle made it safely out of the complex, yet calls had already went unanswered which is NOT in Michelle's nature. If she is 'stillalive,' does Dale know where she is being kept or where she is hiding?

Dale, if you know where Michelle is, you have a legal obligation to disclose that. Your children will not be very happy when they find out you knew where she was all along. If you love your children, and you know where Michelle is, tell. If you even SUSPECT you know where she is, tell.

Dale, is she dead or alive?

It's time for the truth, Dale. If you don't KNOW the truth, then quit hiding! Your children have the right to know what has happened to their mother, and so does her other son.

Dale, why have you chose to protect YOURSELF rather than to HELP FIND YOUR CHILDREN'S MOTHER? WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT? If there is not enough evidence to arrest you, and a LDT carries no weight in a court of law, what would continue to keep you from trying to assist? Please, help us to see WHY it is better for everyone concerned that you hide behind your friends and fake ID's.

Friends of Dale, how is it you can condone the actions of Dale? If he is innocent, would he really need to be here? Would he really need you here? What do you gain by being here if you are not searching out answers? If Dale is innocent, are you any closer to proving it? Let us in on what you know so that we can find who is responsible.


why is MN saying NOW that Dale and Michelle left at the same time... why didnt he say that in the beginning.... something is UP with that statement... I think thats lawyer talk covering his client because Dale had Michelle's phone on him that afternoon.. JMO

Didnt Dale originally say she left after about 1O minutes... arriving at 3:18PM and then he said he was at his parents by 4:3Opm

Doesn't sound like the timelines would have both leaving at the same time unless Dale revised his story some.
why is MN saying NOW that Dale and Michelle left at the same time... why didnt he say that in the beginning.... something is UP with that statement... I think thats lawyer talk covering his client because Dale had Michelle's phone on him that afternoon.. JMO

Didnt Dale originally say she left after about 1O minutes... arriving at 3:18PM and then he said he was at his parents by 4:3Opm

Doesn't sound like the timelines would have both leaving at the same time unless Dale revised his story some.


On Nov 29, 2011 MN says: MN said Jr has not lied to police and that Jr left his condo with the twins at the same time Michelle left and that he arrived at his parents home an hour and 12 minutes later.


and that he arrived at his parents home an hour and 12 minutes later.


0.o ok... she arrived at 4pm, stayed 10 minutes then they both left at the same
time and he was at his parents by 4:30pm but the lawyer says it took him an hour and 12 minutes to get there?

Things that make you go hmmmm..:waitasec:
I guess it would take an hour and 12 minutes to get there if you had to dump a body on the way.....

On Nov 29, 2011 MN says: MN said Jr has not lied to police and that Jr left his condo with the twins at the same time Michelle left and that he arrived at his parents home an hour and 12 minutes later.


Thank you Pias!

MOO for the following.

The video from the neighbor's surveillance camera came out about five days before the above story, so MN would not have been talking about a 4 PM arrival time for Michelle when he made the statement about the time frame.

I believe the 4 PM arrival time was what Dale had told Michelle's family before the surveillance footage was revealed. I don't believe MN ever stated the 4 PM time. Correct me, please, if I'm wrong--I'm certainly capable of being wrong! :)

My hunch is that the "hour and 12 minutes" time frame is counted from the Hummer's arrival at the condos (3:18 PM, according to the video) until Dale's arrival at the Rose Ave. house.

Whether it's an hour and 2 minutes or an hour and twelve, it sure does provide extra time to take care of some sort of task beyond simply driving to Rose Ave.!

On Nov 29, 2011 MN says: MN said Jr has not lied to police and that Jr left his condo with the twins at the same time Michelle left and that he arrived at his parents home an hour and 12 minutes later.


Ok then if Dale took 72 minutes to get to an area that normally took 22 minutes...what did he with the 50 minutes of missing time...

I hope LE has his phone records but if he had his phone turned off during this time...then Im pretty sure I know what he was doing....

Is this a hint from MarkN? why would he tell us it took 72 minutes to get to his parents home.....
why is MN saying NOW that Dale and Michelle left at the same time... why didnt he say that in the beginning.... something is UP with that statement... I think thats lawyer talk covering his client because Dale had Michelle's phone on him that afternoon.. JMO

Didnt Dale originally say she left after about 1O minutes... arriving at 3:18PM and then he said he was at his parents by 4:3Opm

Doesn't sound like the timelines would have both leaving at the same time unless Dale revised his story some.

IMO Dale has a twisted sense of reality....He lives in a FANTASY world with all his make believe Star Wars world where he thinks his friends really care about him. Who's sticking by him now I wonder....NOT TOO MANY PEOPLE lining up to support a suspected abductor/possible murderer I would imagine. Must be tough to get dates with his track record I bet...Wonder if he's back on Craig's list? Is Buck still active? IMO he will continue to pretend to be someone he's not and try to deceive others...

Now IMO the reason the truth has to be slanted in Dale's alibi defense is the fact that Dale cannot make up for the fact that any way you slice it 42 minutes has disappeared...which by the way most likely will explain Michelle's disappearance. If he makes 42 minutes vanish, he COULD'NT possibly be involved. Right? The problem Dale is that unlike your fantasy world you cannot erase time. Unless he's a time traveler. IMO HE MAY actually believe he is. For the rest of us, his story smells real fishy! We will get to the bottom of this...no matter how long it takes! MOO
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