FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 2

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I am waiting on an article to come out with regards to the fact that it was the "twins" and not just children.

The reporters came on scene after the fact, IMO.
Boy I sure have missed alot. Between moving and TG it's been difficult to stay caught up, let alone post.

Hoping Michelle is found today. Back to reading.
The more I sift through my confused thoughts about the raid last night and the videos and articles, it seems plausible that the "twins" may have been at the house, and very possible Dale, Jr., is staying at the house. I figure based on how the media is, the media would be camped out, or at least try and be camped out at Dale, Jr's condo.

Although, for the life of me, I do NOT understand why LE went in with a SWAT team knowing or NOT knowing if there were 3 year old children inside the house or any children and using any type of "flash-bomb" or whatever it was that they used.

My goodness, the children could have been right inside of the path of the doorway and could have been seriously harmed.

IF this was ME, I would be filing a complaint BIG TIME for using excessive force, of which, could have harmed the children.
If we remove DS from this for just the moment...

Assuming her disappearance was the result of something else, then the airing of her on TV likely had nothing to do with it. The likely hood of someone seeing her on TV and then tracking her down or just freakishly running into her and also having the ambition of abducting her because they just saw her on TV is practically beyond all sensible possibilities...

I'm sure whom ever took this woman had not a clue she was going to be on TV that same day in a pre-taped court TV drama show.

I STILL think it had to do with the show, BUT, I also can believe it was something else...but, still not a TOTAL bizarre coincidence. The fact that this happened on THIS day, in or around the time of the show, IMO, is something I just can't dismiss.

On the "People's Court" site...there's a schedule of when the show was taped, and when it'll be on TV, as well as a quirky name they give it. The schedule runs from 2010 - 2012...easy for someone to figure out when the case will be shown. http://peoplescourt.warnerbros.com/

MP was embarassed by it, but her ex might have told family - DEFINITELY - IMO And most likely some friends...then again, maybe.
Since "word of mouth" of what was said during the taping, IMO, doesn't really carry as much impact as actually experiencing it "pseudo-live" on NATIONAL TV. I think they, MP and the ex, were given a "heads up" of when the show would be on....again, IMO. OR, someone could have easily checked the schedule on the site.
I honestly think someone KNEW to watch the show....KNEW when she was dropping off the kids.....followed her and just waited for the opportunity to do something to her...AFTER she left the ex's, IMO, because HE would be the likely suspect. It would be too easy to figure out it was him. So, the dropping off the twins was a GREAT alibi for him.

I honestly still believe it had to do with the show....maybe not him....but someone who watched and "snapped" (I had said this in another post, so it's redundant...sorry). Someone overly protective of him, and maybe had a real hatred towards MP....like, "how dare that "b*tch humiliate him on national TV"....as always....just IMO and just a speculation as to what could have happened.

(I've also been typing this two fingered and it took a while...so if someone else posted the same thing....I'll have to take Mavis Beacon's lessons for typing online..LOL)
While it's natural to assume that the Ex-Fiance might be involved in MP disappearance. There is nothing as of yet that gives any concrete proof he had anything to do with the disappearance of MP. This of course doesn't remove him from the radar entirely but it does demand that other possibilities be explored.

The only things know for sure was MP went to drop off her kids with their father (3:15pm 11-17-11). S. Goldenrod Rd & Lee Vista Blvd

Her phone replied to a text her brother sent saying only 'Waterford' (4:26pm 11-17-11).

Her phone powered down or died (8:01pm 11-17-11). Somewhere in the vicinity of the Belle Isle area.

Her vehicle was discovered by police on Walden Circle (12am 11-18-11)
I'm doing some research and need to verify the following information:

1. Is Dale's middle initial W., as is his father's?? is his full name DALE WAYNE SMITH?

2. Date of birth: 06/28/1971?

Anyone know? Thanks in advance.
I still can't get past SWAT using gas to enter the home with children there. They must have anticipated SOMETHING.
I still can't get past SWAT using gas to enter the home with children there. They must have anticipated SOMETHING.

I agree. It sounds like it must have been a terrible experience for anyone in that house, but honestly, if they feared for the twins with some sort of retaliation by someone in that house....then I don't think there was any other way for them to enter but by surprise. All speculation on my part.... theory only.... plus no heads up for anyone to move, change or alter anything. I sure wish we knew what "piece of the puzzle" they were looking for.
I still can't get past SWAT using gas to enter the home with children there. They must have anticipated SOMETHING.


I'm wondering if they felt they had a legitimate tip that Michelle was being held hostage at the home. I could understand it if that were the case...

Bringing in a SWAT team and using gas or a "flash-bomb" is a drastic measure. Even moreso with children being present.

I'm wondering if they felt they had a legitimate tip that Michelle was being held hostage at the home. I could understand it if that were the case...

Bringing in a SWAT team and using tear gas is a drastic measure. Even moreso with children being present.

Either that or they felt there was an arsenal of weapons in the house or both.

Many people have weapons especially one's who have Military backgrounds.
I seriously doubt tear gas was used. Flashbangs smoke much like tear gas. If tear gas was used, medics would have been on the scene. It also didn't appear from the footage I saw that the SWAT members were wearing gas masks, which they would have been had tear gas been used. JMO. :eek:)

Also, tear gas is used to expel the residents. Flashbangs are for stunning so that LE can take control of the house quickly and easier. IMO, I don't think tear gas was used. Is there some statement from LE saying so or the Smith family that I missed? Seems to me the media is getting a lot of things wrong lately.
As far as DS "living" at his fathers house I think it's possible he stays there when he has the
twins. He may just go back and forth between the house and the condo. Or it's just bad reporting that has snowballed.
This area is unincorporated Orange County I think...so would this be under Orange CountySheriff and not OPD. (I noticed in the real estate listing it had Unincorp.)

Orlando Police Department's Swat Team raided a home on Rose Boulevard in Orlando Saturday night

When you watch the video and the reporter asks if Dale Smith is at home, a man on the other side of the door yells No it's Santa Clause house. WTH

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