FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #22

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A member of Michelle's extended family was in Daytona Beach yesterday meeting with some people involved within the history of Michelle's case. Leaving confidentiality at that, they coincidentally ran into someone who has connection with police activity in the general sense and says that he has seen information indicating that Michelle's case is still considered a daily number 1 active priority within the police department. So for every one of us that thinks that things are on the back burner and not getting the proper attention, that is apprarently NOT the case. Just because it is not in OUR view or within OUR range of hearing, does NOT mean it has gone cold. Consider this good news! http://www.facebook.com/michelleparkermissingperson
You certainly are entitled to your judgement about the evidence which BTW is irrelevant for any of us unless one of us personally has seen all that has been collected by LE. Since only a select few are privy to such detailed intelligence we are not at liberty to know what is truly going on behind closed doors. The fact that Dale is a free man right now is of little significance in the big scheme of things.

The statue of limitations on murder is indefinite and he could be arrested at any moment making our discussion here a moot point...if we sleuthers can uncover and see the great depth of deception Dale went through, the blatant lies he told, the careless actions he took online, and a host of other damning evidence, I can only imagine the depth of what LE has to continue to be SOLEY focused on one Dale Smith as well as known associates and family members.

Jazz, evidence that does exist is not a matter of opinion though, it either exists or it does not, an one cannot evaluate evidence that has not been presented. One can certainly theorize on the existence of evidence or a lack thereof but one cannot use evidence that is not known to prove a point but only to present a particular theory from one's point of view and one should keep the two separate as facts and opinion are not the same. Also whatever in terms of evidence you have mentioned here they IMO would not even be admissible in court since they don't relate directly to an hypothetical prosecution of this particular crime and further I cannot comment on any evidence "..only a select few are privy to ..." as you said now and times before, so let me hope that DS is not thought as guilty in relation to such non-existent evidence until they are actually part of the record.
Jazz, evidence that does exist is not a matter of opinion though, it either exists or it does not, an one cannot evaluate evidence that has not been presented. One can certainly theorize on the existence of evidence or a lack thereof but one cannot use evidence that is not known to prove a point but only to present a particular theory from one's point of view and one should keep the two separate as facts and opinion are not the same. Also whatever in terms of evidence you have mentioned here they IMO would not even be admissible in court since they don't relate directly to an hypothetical prosecution of this particular crime and further I cannot comment on any evidence "..only a select few are privy to ..." as you said now and times before, so let me hope that DS is not thought as guilty in relation to such non-existent evidence until they are actually part of the record.

Said evidence surely exists. Just because we cannot see the wind does not mean there is no such thing as the wind. We see the wind's effects. With this case we see the effects as Dale remains the PRIME SUSPECT hence cause and effect. Based on my experiences, interviews, case profiles, along with web work it is and will continue to be my opinion that Dale is as guilty as sin until PROVEN OTHERWISE. In Jazz's court of law Dale has been tried and convicted. I'd lock him up and throw away the key if I could...JMO
A member of Michelle's extended family was in Daytona Beach yesterday meeting with some people involved within the history of Michelle's case. Leaving confidentiality at that, they coincidentally ran into someone who has connection with police activity in the general sense and says that he has seen information indicating that Michelle's case is still considered a daily number 1 active priority within the police department. So for every one of us that thinks that things are on the back burner and not getting the proper attention, that is apprarently NOT the case. Just because it is not in OUR view or within OUR range of hearing, does NOT mean it has gone cold. Consider this good news! http://www.facebook.com/michelleparkermissingperson

Isn't this wonderful! A "daily number 1 active priority" for LE. This gives me real hope that an arrest is imminent. :)
Isn't this wonderful! A "daily number 1 active priority" for LE. This gives me real hope that an arrest is imminent. :)

Yes cases that have "very limited evidence" don't get priority treatment unless it's like the Transformers "more than meets the eye"... I would say an arrest is in the foreseeable future. JMO
Yes cases that have "very limited evidence" don't get priority treatment unless it's like the Transformers "more than meets the eye"... I would say an arrest is in the foreseeable future. JMO

Sorry, I haven't seen anything at all that's been reported.

I bet even Nejames thinks his client is guilty...but isn't he too busy being a TV personality to help low life's like Dale now a days? JMO
Yes cases that have "very limited evidence" don't get priority treatment unless it's like the Transformers "more than meets the eye"... I would say an arrest is in the foreseeable future. JMO

I hope u right Jazz, but it doesn't look likely ... I wish the police at some point would make an appeal of sort since it is clear IMO they have next to nothing, it is very frustrating to me to hear about the many ways DS did this or that, while time goes by and MP is not found ... all this chatter ... but who's looking for Michelle? Really who's looking for Michelle? And I mean demonstrably looking? Not I" know it, you don't know it", "I think so", " "it's my opinion" bla bla bla bla bla . Demonstrably! What's the plan? Where are they looking? How often? Somebody should ask the police "what are you doing?" After 9 months, this poor woman is still missing ... What are you doing? What are your leads? What you got to show after 9 months ...? Why is she still missing? What are your investigative plans? Michelle could be my daughter, my wife my mom ... missing ... what are you doing? How long to wait? 10 Months? A year? 2 years? How long you're going to cover your .... by naming DS a suspect? What's the plan? At what point should the police let us know what's going on really?
May be ... consider the cell, the decals and the Hummer ... three pieces of the puzzle that IMO are of crucial importance, although I would bet not in the way some here would like to believe, and you would find one single thread which I think is of considerable importance ...

IMO all three of those things point to the fact that this was unlikely done by a random stranger. Very unlikely.

If Michelle had been abducted from her vehicle by a random stranger, most likely for sexual purposes, then the Hummer would have been found with cell phone inside and decals intact not far from where her body was found.

Random sexual predators and murderers do not go about playing hide and seek with evidence. They are compelled to do what they do for their own sick purposes and they are quick and efficient when they manage to get a hold of a victim. It's a crime of opportunity and they act on it when the mood strikes them. Then they leave the victim and all of their belongings, with perhaps the exception of any cash they may have had on hand (her purse was not touched and everything was intact), and they get away from the crime scene. They don't go to the trouble to try and frame someone else and move evidence all over a highly populated urban area. And to lug a likely deceased body to a good hiding place.

No...that thread seems to lead to someone known to the victim who was trying to cover tracks as to not get caught. Because the body would likely yield the evidence to point to someone who would have been considered by LE in her known circle of friends/acquaintances.

IMO all three of those things point to the fact that this was unlikely done by a random stranger. Very unlikely.

If Michelle had been abducted from her vehicle by a random stranger, most likely for sexual purposes, then the Hummer would have been found with cell phone inside and decals intact not far from where her body was found.

Random sexual predators and murderers do not go about playing hide and seek with evidence. They are compelled to do what they do for their own sick purposes and they are quick and efficient when they manage to get a hold of a victim. It's a crime of opportunity and they act on it when the mood strikes them. Then they leave the victim and all of their belongings, with perhaps the exception of any cash they may have had on hand (her purse was not touched and everything was intact), and they get away from the crime scene. They don't go to the trouble to try and frame someone else and move evidence all over a highly populated urban area. And to lug a likely deceased body to a good hiding place.

No...that thread seems to lead to someone known to the victim who was trying to cover tracks as to not get caught. Because the body would likely yield the evidence to point to someone who would have been considered by LE in her known circle of friends/acquaintances.


Lots of perps hide evidence and this one in particular is particularly adept at that, it has done it before, he lives or has connection to the area, he almost surely drives a van or a truck and he's not about to leave a body by the side of the road where all kinds of evidence can be gathered by LE. Predatory instincts, sexual or otherwise, don't necessary imply carelessness and/or preclude a planning propensity. JMO
Sounds like dale to me.

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No, I don't think DS did this, not at all. All points away from DS not toward ... location, circumstances, time lines ... all of it points away. I believe his lawyer when he said that DS is a suspect because he fits the profile and not because of actual evidence. JMO
No, I don't think DS did this, not at all. All points away from DS not toward ... location, circumstances, time lines ... all of it points away. I believe his lawyer when he said that DS is a suspect because he fits the profile and not because of actual evidence. JMO

What? :what:

How do location, circumstances and time lines point 'away' from Dale?

I would say it is just the opposite. She was last seen alive in his location, her cell was found on the way to his next location. Imo the circumstances point to him. She pulls up to his condo and is not seen pulling out, which is what he say happened. And the timeline is wide open. He had plenty of time to dispose of her and get back home.
Lots of perps hide evidence and this one in particular is particularly adept at that, it has done it before, he lives or has connection to the area, he almost surely drives a van or a truck and he's not about to leave a body by the side of the road where all kinds of evidence can be gathered by LE. Predatory instincts, sexual or otherwise, don't necessary imply carelessness and/or preclude a planning propensity. JMO

You've just described the prime suspect. Not so sure that's my opinion, but we'll call it that.
What? :what:

How do location, circumstances and time lines point 'away' from Dale?

I would say it is just the opposite. She was last seen alive in his location, her cell was found on the way to his next location. Imo the circumstances point to him. She pulls up to his condo and is not seen pulling out, which is what he say happened. And the timeline is wide open. He had plenty of time to dispose of her and get back home.

the following is only a simplification because of time constraints

Timeline? He was at Sr. around 4:30pm, the kids present , the time of day ... and on and on ...

Cell location in an area made up of hundreds or thousands of houses?
He leaves in the area, MP lives in the area, Sr lives in the area, and so do thousands of others ...

It's a fact that he was the last known person to have seen MP alive, but that is meaningless on its own. All my opinions.
No, I don't think DS did this, not at all. All points away from DS not toward ... location, circumstances, time lines ... all of it points away. I believe his lawyer when he said that DS is a suspect because he fits the profile and not because of actual evidence. JMO

So can you give us a run down of how this perp was able to do all this when Michelle and DSJr supposedly left the condo at the same time, as per him, and she was supposed to be headed in the complete opposite direction but all of the evidence was hidden in the direction that he was going? :waitasec:

And his lawyer actually said...

“They haven’t given any specifics, and to our knowledge there’s no evidence other than conjecture and speculation,’’ NeJame said. “You have the basic reason — because he refuses to take a polygraph. Most people should not take polygraphs. They’re not even reliable, (and) not one court in the country accepts them as reliable.

“We watch so much trash TV thinking that polygraphs are the end-all and be-all (about) whether someone is telling the truth.’’

So he didn't say that DSJr was a suspect because he fit the profile, he said to their knowledge there was no evidence. Well of course they don't have the knowledge of any evidence. When does a suspect or his attorney ever have that knowledge until after they have been arrested and the evidence is released to the defence as part of discovery?

Of course if memory serves me, this is the same lawyer who, along with Tim Miller, had Misty Croslin take a polygraph in his office and then announced to the world that she had failed.

So as usual with defence lawyers, it appears that MN talks out of both sides of his mouth.

No wonder Tim refused to take on this case.

the following is only a simplification because of time constraints

Timeline? He was at Sr. around 4:30pm, the kids present , the time of day ... and on and on ...

Cell location in an area made up of hundreds or thousands of houses?
He leaves in the area, MP lives in the area, Sr lives in the area, and so do thousands of others ...

It's a fact that he was the last known person to have seen MP alive, but that is meaningless on its own. All my opinions.

Where are the facts in evidence that DSJr was at his parent's at 4:30pm that day?

DSJr himself originally told the family that he left around 4:15pm, just after Michelle. Now somehow that got changed to left "at the same time" as Michelle by his lawyer. And of course the time changed after the surveillance video showed up. Impossible for him to have gotten to his parent's at 4:30pm by his own original timeline.

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