FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 6

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Thanks Jaylergirl! I was getting a little bit frazzled by all of the hoopla over the new boyfriend when I didn't think there was a chance of him having anything to do with it. Sometimes things just go off on tangents. LE CLEARLY have to have reason for naming Djr as the only suspect, especially since they did so PUBLICLY.

Are you a local?

Yes, I am local. Lived here my entire life but on the East side of Orange County.


Just tell 'em you were "peer pressured" into calling.

We do appreciate it. :)

lol when I do call I always say "we" would like to know if....

I don't mention WS though just in case anyone was wondering!
Just got off the phone with "John" again lol. I feel like I know him. He told me to "take care" at the end .:blushing:

They will be streaming again in an hour. 4 pm est
Can anyone recommend a local reporter who has covered Michelle's case from the beginning? I hate to contact a reporter I know nothing about. I'm looking for a guest for Sunday's radio show.

Can anyone recommend a local reporter who has covered Michelle's case from the beginning? I hate to contact a reporter I know nothing about. I'm looking for a guest for Sunday's radio show.


Kathie Belich is on it and Tony Pipitone (sp) who is a member here and posted with us the other day.
Can anyone recommend a local reporter who has covered Michelle's case from the beginning? I hate to contact a reporter I know nothing about. I'm looking for a guest for Sunday's radio show.


Pipitone is a member here, "Fact Finder." He participated a bit in one of the previous threads about Michelle.
Well..wait a sec. There's some contradiction here on the times coming from Dale's side. We are hearing from the sister that Dale says she dropped the twins off at 4:00pm and that the time of 3:18 on the tape is wrong. BUT...we are hearing from MN that he only had 72 minutes to do what all he is accused of having done and in that time frame it's not possible...yada yada yada. We are told Dale arrived at parents house at 4:30.

So, if Dale is the one telling the family 4:00, why wouldn't MN be using that time instead of the 3:18 time as it makes argument even stronger.

Also - when Michelle's mom called Dale's parents house to look for Michelle, his mom answered the phone and said Dale wasn't there. Dale then later called her back. Correct?

So, if that is the case, then where was he at the time Michelle's mom called? I thought DSsr said he was there the whole time.

Am I confused with all this and have something wrong with what I am thinking?
I vote for Tony Pipitone aka Fact Finder too! Good guy, very involved in the case.
Just got off the phone with "John" again lol. I feel like I know him. He told me to "take care" at the end .:blushing:

They will be streaming again in an hour. 4 pm est

Stop making me laugh! My cheeks hurt darn you! Quit! Cease! Desist! Stop! :floorlaugh:
At the end of the PC episode, the two of them are talking about what is currently happening in their lives at the time of taping, and both talk about visitation. MP also says the relationship is over and DS says she texted him the night before saying she still cares. The visitation was a hot topic during the show also, and she went missing during or shortly after a visitation. So even if the new boyfriend watched the episode and heard about the alleged text from MP to DS, the fact that they are fighting with each other by using the kids points to the visitation issue being a cause for her disappearance, imo. Was this the first time MP dropped the kids of at Dale jr's? From PC:
JM: What's going on with visitation with the kids?
MP: He's not taking his visitation right now.
.JM: How long's it been since you've seen the twins?
DS: It's been three weeks right now
JM: Why do you let three weeks go by and not see your kids, they're three?
MP: 26 days. And it's been their birthday..
DS: She didn't invite me to their birthday, she didn't tell me where their party was at.
MP: I got subpenaed the day before
Was MP withholding the kids until the day the episode aired, or was DS not seeing them to spite her? Did the judge make them both realize they shouldn't be using the 3-year-olds to make each other mad. Judge M scolds them about using their kids and MP says DS isn't taking his visitation:
JM: Because you can't possibly think it's in the best interest for them not to have seen him in three weeks.
MP: No, absolutely not, he's not taking it.
JM: You can't think it's in their best interest to say “I wasn't invited to the party” because obviously you haven't made an effort because she's sorta mad that you haven't seen them. No I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it, I don't what to hear anybody's justifications. You know your conscience. You know what you've allowed, what you haven't allowed. You know what you've bothered yourselves to do and what you haven't bothered yourselves to do. If she doesn't let you see the kids then you go to court about it. And if she does let you and you don't do it because you're having a bad time with her then you're just a bad father. It's just that simple. Because the kids need, a three-year-old is missing their father, they're missing their father. So you don't punish them in order to punish her. That's crazy.
MP: That's exactly what it is
Hallway interviews:
CC: First out of the courtroom is the defendant right here, step on in here, so he gets half, you have to pay half.
MP: That's fine, he doesn't deserve either half after what he's done and put me through, but it is what it is.
CC: So you accept 50% of the blame?
MP: Absolutely
CC: So then he gets half.
MP: Yep
CC: This fatal attraction relationship here, is there still anything left to it?
MP: No, it's over.
CC: Well that's the twins' dad
MP: Yeah
CC: So, there has to be some co-parenting done, can you get that done?
MP: I'm trying the best that I can if he would take his visitation but he won't to be vindictive towards me.

CC: So step in, you're still looking at your phone here as you come out, don't look at that now. Just talk to us and tell me how you feel about what you came out with.
DS: I'm a little bit upset, I never agreed to pay for half the ring, she agreed to pay for it all.when she threw it. I mean it was her drunken rage, she didn't throw the ring to me, you know, there was no way I could have caught it. If I would have dove for it I would have dove over the balcony as well.
CC: Alright, the visitation and the co-parenting.
DS: She's mad because I was suing her so she wouldn't let me see my kids for their birthday, she didn't want to let me have them the last weekend, and then when I asked this past weekend to have them she said “absolutely not”.
CC: I mean but there's a long life, a long future here
DS: I've never, oh yeah, I mean, we have to be together for the rest of our lives. You know, and as far as I'm concerned it's done. She's the one. She sent me this text message last night saying she still cares, she's just so confused. You know so now she's changing her story again. She's bi-polar.

I would like to know exactly when the episode was taped and how long DS had been taking his visitation before MP disappeared. Does anyone know these answers?

Good points! I can only surmise that LE can narrow down the timeline through her cell phone pings. Guessing hat she never turned it off herself. It would be very damning if she never left that exact area/ her phone didn't.
Don't know if any one can answer this, but.... Can LE check out the condo to see if there are any traces of blood splatter in it: and when can they do that? I was just thinking if he hit her or struck her in some way in the condo that would have killed her, can they go in and spray Luminol (sp?) for any traces of blood? I know they raided the other house, but have they tested the condo for trace evidence?
I would like to know exactly when the episode was taped and how long DS had been taking his visitation before MP disappeared. Does anyone know these answers?

--i don't know about his more recent visitation----but the PC episode was taped ----according to mark NJ, in july .
Pipitone is a member here, "Fact Finder." He participated a bit in one of the previous threads about Michelle.
Not sure how Pipitone and Ashton would mix. At least they won't be in the same room.
Her last voice message to her dad is troubling. To paraphrase: "Hey Dad! It's about 8:40, this is Michelle on Wednesday morning. I know that you are at work, but call me when you have lunch or have a break or at the end of the day." the day before she went missing. Maybe they didn't know she was going to be on the People's Court? Or she was upset from something else? I find her last message to her dad to be odd, jmo...
Originally Posted by Jade (Respectfully Snipped for emphasis by me)
In this picture from the day after her disappearance he has fresh marks on his hands and arms including one on his finger that looks like a fingernail gouge.


Its 39 in the slide show if the link doesn’t take you right to the picture.


DS just seems so vain that any negative from the PC would go right over his head.

Tho, I am extremely concerned and find Jr to be a very violent, narcissistic, abuser.. I am however able to keep my mind open to there absolutely still being other possibilities for who it was that has harmed Michelle(I must note that I rarely believe there to be coincidences and I feel the chances are slim that the perp was someone other than Dale).. So tho the chances may be slim I am however still open to other possibilities..

That said I was curious to see the photo of NM, particularly the scratches and even possibly what appeared to be a fingernail gouge.. I searched thru the slideshow and found photo 39 of NM hugging someone with a great view of his arms and hands.. In working with the mobile view I just could not see ANYTHING.. so I decided to save the image and that way I could zoom in on any/all areas of interest that I wanted to see the finer detail.. And I still am not seeing ANYTHING:crazy:.. Twice I thought I'd found "something" but upon zoooming infor an up close and personal look-see I found both appear to only be part of his many tattoos.. Even on his hand I'm seeing what appears to be a portion of a tattoo..

Wanting to know if my lack of being able to see any scratch type abrasions on NM is strictly due to my being via mobile(am on the golf course w/hubby and I never play the back nine.. So had a few mins to check in..I'd say The mid-day glare of the sun could be hindrance as well to my being able to clearly view the pic).. So, are others able to see any abrasions or scratches on his arms/hands?? That certainly, certainly would be quite an interesting find if it indeed is true.. But for me, for now I do not see anything except his many different tattoos..jmo, atm..
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