FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 7

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Within all the much talked about searching that was done today at another area pond(this one due to a specific tip stating a new hole cut in the fence&fresh tire tracks).. In the midst of all of that there was some extremely important news that came to light that I personally have been waiting for before I broached the subject that I'm about to..

That all important info is more of a clarification/verification from DSJr's neighbor who has the video surveillance.. He states that his timestamp on the video IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT AND THAT IT WAS 3:18pm when Michelle's hummer is seen approaching Dale's condo.. He says that the time is only a mere 2 seconds off.. This validating what we thought we know from way Back near the beginning.. We now know for certain..

So, I would like to discuss and hear others opinions on what they believe is going on with this flip-flopping of the time Michelle dropped off the twins.. IMO THERE IS SOMETHING OF HUGE SIGNIFIGANCE AT PLAY HERE WITH MICHELLE'S ARRIVAL TIME!! can anyone make sense of why would Lauren Erickson, just two days ago on 11/30 get on a globally broadcast PRIMETIME NEWS CAST and make certain to state that the timestamp on the video of Michelle'sHummer WAS ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT TIME OF 3:18pm.. SHE FURTHER STATES THAT NOT ONLY IS 3:18pm INCORRECT BUT THAT THE ACTUAL CORRECT TIME THAT MICHELLE ARRIVED AT DALE's WITH THE TWINS WAS 4:00pm!!

If not even more important is what she IMMEDIATELY STATES AFTER GIVING THE NEW&CORRECTED TIME OF MICHELLE's ARRIVAL at 4:00pm.. It's followed by her saying that even Dale told her&family upon first speaking with them on the night of 11/17 and their asking him when did he last see Michelle.. Lauren states that Dale's account of the events was that Michelle arrived at the condo with the twins at 4:00pm, he says they talked for 10minutes with Michelle telling him she was headed to go shopping and that is when she left his condo.. Again this is Dale's original statement made to Michelle's family on 11/17.. And Lauren makes sure to include all of Dale's acct including the 4:00pm arrival time ON THIS GLOBALLY BROADCAST PRIMETIME NEWS STATION.. why??

As we had validated for us today by the very man whose video surveillance camera and video is what captured these last known images of Michelle as she arrived at DSJr and now know FOR A FACT THAT SHE DID ARRIVE AT 3:18pm.. His timestamp is only a mere 2 seconds "off"..this is a fact derived strait from it's originating source(the horse's mouth)..
What is the motive for Lauren publicly making known a completely false and untrue important detail of thhis case??.. I truly am anxious to hear what many of you, my fellow sleuths believe to be the motive or the "plan".. What's to be accomplished from making adamant public statement altering what essentially is the most important detail of the whole entire case.. The time Michelle arrived at Dale's condo with the twins??

In breaking it down and putting it out there just exactly what it is that I'm talking about and why I am very much questioning what SIGNIFIGANCE is at play with this major detail of this entire case.. Look at who and when this detail has been altered just thus far..

1) 3:18pm is the timestamp we all saw on the video showing Michelle's Hummer arriving with the twins at Dale's condo on 11/17. Publicly reported by multiple news agencies that Michelle arrived at 3:18pm.

2) Dale Smith JR's ORIGINAL and very first account of the events of 11/17 to her family. This acct was given the night of 11/17 when the family first spoke with Dale and ask him when was the last time he saw Michelle?.. Dale's acct is Michelle and the twins arrive at his condo at 4:00pm, they chat/talk for 10mins, she tells him she is headed to go "shopping", and leaves the condo.[this stated by Lauren Erickson publicly]

3) Mark NeJame is retained by Dale Smith Jr.. NeJame immediately holds a presser where he publicly outlined a timeline of the events as they occurred that day(11/17) and using this timeline as defense against his clients involvement in Michelle's disappearance by claiming there just is such a small and definite window of opportunity that was available and due to that it was just not humanly possible his client could have murdered Michelle and disposed of her body.. NeJame's timeline states that Michelle and the twins arrive at Dale's condo at 3:18pm and that 72 short minutes later Dale and the twins arrive across town at his dad's house..(MOO.. I love NeJame to death but IMOO I believe it was very very stupid what he did in that presser and for him to literally lay out a timeline publicly..I just do not know what he was thinking ESPECIALLY GIVEN THE FACT THAT THE TIMELINE DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS HIS VERY OWN CLIENTS ACCOUNT HE GAVE TO THE VICTIMS FAMILY(ie. Michelle didn't arrive til 4:00pm).. All just MOO, tho..)

4) On 11/30 the victim's sister, Lauren Erickson appeared live via phone interview on a GLOBALLY BROADCAST PRIMETIME NEWS CAST and made a bold statement that the video surveillance time of 3:18pm showing Michelle's Hummer arriving at Dale Jr's condo(and she did state that it was in fact Michelle's Hummer seen on that footage).. BUT THE TIME OF HER ARRIVAL AT 3:18pm WAS ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT.. wanting to make sure and publicly correct Michelle's arrival time as 4:00pm.. Even more interesting she follows the corrected arrival time of 4:00pm quoting what Dale Smith Jr's ORIGINAL ACCT OF EVENTS OF 11/17 was that he personally stated to Michelle's family when they first spoke with him the evening of 11/17.. The family asked Dale Jr when was the last time he saw Michelle.. Dale told the family that Michelle and the twins arrived at his condo at 4:00pm, they chatted/talked for 10mins, that Michelle told Dale that she was the headed to go "shopping", and she left his condo..

I hope I've made clear enough what it is that I'm trying to explain about what I believe to be one of the most important details of the case and what in the hell could possibly be the motive for having Lauren Erickson go public with such direct and bold contradiction of that extremely important detail..
Would love to hear what is others opinion on this strange development?!?!!!

All we have is what Lauren claims Dale said to her. However, the camera's time-stamp shows what it shows and in fact is accurate. So I have these major doubts and reg flags all over the place over Lauren being so adamant about the time on the camera being wrong.

I am also concerned why it was originally stated that the child called the grandmother at 3:30 PM looking for his mother when the camera shows his mother only arriving to Dale's at 3:18 PM. And now knowing the child didn't call his grandmother until 6:50 PM.

We do NOT really know if Mark is contradicting his clients account of the time because the ONLY people saying what Dale said is the "family".

Is there some backpedaling going on here?
So are most thinking that:
1) Michelle's sister/family are going with the 4:00pm drop off of the twins by Michelle to DS Jr.'s house because that is what DS told the family on the phone when YS called to tell him her daughter was missing that night?
2) Or that the time is still off on the camera? Someone changed it or hadn't changed it to the correct time? Or it was altered? Or she did indeed get there at 3:18pm?

To me whether it is 3:18 or 4:00 pm there was still quite enough time for DS to do something to her and dispose of the car. I don't necessarily trust the alibi of his family. JMO. I don't see any reason for MP's family to lie. Early on, YS thought it might have been a car-jacking. All they want is Michelle back. Whether it was a random stranger, DS/DS + an accomplice or the current bf, NM. I think they just want the truth and want their daughter back. No matter what. JMO, as always.

My money is on DS. I have heard from a few posters (one in particular) who know NM and he hasn't had any where close to the "stellar" rep that DS has. In fact, NM and DS couldn't be more polar opposites. If they tried.

I am just confused as to why there was a surveillance camera there anyway. JMO. Something is sketchy there. I don't know.

I was wondering that too. But someone posted the answer upstream. The next door neighbor had trouble with someone breaking into his car so he put the camera up to see who was doing that.
On a presser it was said that the neighbor put the camera up because he had had a vehicle broken into prior to the camera being installed. Do you think DS jr knew about the camera?
I will have to go back to look, but I think that is the essence of what was said.
Also, Hon3yBee posted that Dale said the correct time of the drop off was 4 pm. That was said in her very first post here I believe.

Anyone looking at the video of her Hummer arriving can see the time stamp. So why is Dale continuing to say the corrected time is 4 pm?

Dale is not saying anything, it is Lauren that is saying that Dale said this or that.

In my book, I want to hear it right from Dale, and that is not going to happen. :(
I was wondering that too. But someone posted the answer upstream. The next door neighbor had trouble with someone breaking into his car so he put the camera up to see who was doing that.

I understand that. When my brother lived in Corpus his truck was broken into in his driveway four times. The cops said he had the easiest truck to steal in the state (very popular for coyotes who run people across the border, his truck was later stolen from a hospital parking garage for employees in Austin, ended up in a highspeed chase and was dumped. The console and back seat had been removed.) because all you need for that model is a screw driver. Just pop it in the lock and it is yours.

What concerns me is why her Hummer didn't go out the way it came in. I know it is hard to turn around in a large vehicle, so maybe that is why, but does anyone know the makeup of the street and if she had gone out another way, where would she hit up. The shopping thing at Waterford doesn't make sense either...JMO.
I'm so late in all this, gotta check where they moved the search post to. I haven't helped yet because of some of the rude comments posted by the fam on their FB page. I questioned that party "drink up" fundraiser they did and was blocked from posting on their FB page...

I don't like that Michelle is missing. I also don't like that her family is insulting ppl trying to help by asking questions on the wall. I don't like seeing people being called junior detectives on their wall, then being deleted. Do you want help or not???????
Dale is not saying anything, it is Lauren that is saying that Dale said this or that.

In my book, I want to hear it right from Dale, and that is not going to happen. :(

Didn't Dale tell the police that she was there at 4 pm and left 10 minutes later?
All we have is what Lauren claims Dale said to her. However, the camera's time-stamp shows what it shows and in fact is accurate. So I have these major doubts and reg flags all over the place over Lauren being so adamant about the time on the camera being wrong.

I am also concerned why it was originally stated that the child called the grandmother at 3:30 PM looking for his mother when the camera shows his mother only arriving to Dale's at 3:18 PM. And now knowing the child didn't call his grandmother until 6:50 PM.

We do NOT really know if Mark is contradicting his clients account of the time because the ONLY people saying what Dale said is the "family".

Is there some backpedaling going on here?

I can't find it anywhere.....aarrgghh.... but from the get go, I thought I read that the child called somewhere around 7:00. Never read an exact time...just close to 7:00... then I started reading that the child called around 3:30....but honestly I only think I read that time here. As far as the time being off on the surveillance and Laurens statement.... no, I don't get it. Why would she??? I'm really lost.
Having said all that, I'll google the new search central and be available to search Sun and Mon. This whole story just rips my heart out...
When Tony Pipitone posted about his interview with the neighbor, he said the camera's time was only off by 2 seconds. Wouldn't LE be able to prove that, based on the time they obtained the tape? I would imagine they were at the actual monitor at some point. MOO

Why would this man lie about that? He should know his equipment. I think DS has far more reason to alter the time, to make it seem like he would have had less time to commit a murder.

Now going back to the sister, the ONLY thing I can come up with, is that she believed DS or was misinformed by LE initially. Otherwise where would she have gotten that from? With lack of sleep and the multitude of facts/tips/rumors coming in and out, I don't doubt that it's confusing even for the family at times.
Didn't Dale tell the police that she was there at 4 pm and left 10 minutes later?

Not sure, if LE actually stated what Dale stated publicly. Normally I do not go by what the media states LE says, as I rather hear it directly from LE.

Does anyone recall LE saying anything on video regarding what Dale told LE?
I can't find it anywhere.....aarrgghh.... but from the get go, I thought I read that the child called somewhere around 7:00. Never read an exact time...just close to 7:00... then I started reading that the child called around 3:30....but honestly I only think I read that time here. As far as the time being off on the surveillance and Laurens statement.... no, I don't get it. Why would she??? I'm really lost.

I know about the 6:50, but it was in print about the 3:30 phone call to his grandmother.
So are most thinking that:
1) Michelle's sister/family are going with the 4:00pm drop off of the twins by Michelle to DS Jr.'s house because that is what DS told the family on the phone when YS called to tell him her daughter was missing that night?
2) Or that the time is still off on the camera? Someone changed it or hadn't changed it to the correct time? Or it was altered? Or she did indeed get there at 3:18pm?

To me whether it is 3:18 or 4:00 pm there was still quite enough time for DS to do something to her and dispose of the car. I don't necessarily trust the alibi of his family. JMO. I don't see any reason for MP's family to lie. Early on, YS thought it might have been a car-jacking. All they want is Michelle back. Whether it was a random stranger, DS/DS + an accomplice or the current bf, NM. I think they just want the truth and want their daughter back. No matter what. JMO, as always.

My money is on DS. I have heard from a few posters (one in particular) who know NM and he hasn't had any where close to the "stellar" rep that DS has. In fact, NM and DS couldn't be more polar opposites. If they tried.

I am just confused as to why there was a surveillance camera there anyway. JMO. Something is sketchy there. I don't know.

An Orlando reporter who posts here under Factfinder clarified that the timestamp is correct. The homeowner says it's only two seconds off.
Posts keep showing up about Waterford.

Please, it's been verified by LE that the phone did not ping at Waterford. LE believes it was a bogus text and sent to mislead.

This is not something new. We've seen this many times at WS. The perp gets ahold of the victims phone and starts answering texts in an effort to stall, buy time or make it appear the victim is still alive. There have been some cases where the perp will make it appear a victim has left town by putting the phone in another vehicle. Like the back of some random pick up at a truckstop.
I know about the 6:50, but it was in print about the 3:30 phone call to his grandmother.

Nancy Grace:And at 3:30, she`s gone because her 11-year-old son gets home from school. Mommy`s not home, so he starts calling around, trying to find Mommy. So somewhere between the airing of that episode and her dropping her twins off at her ex`s home by 3:30, we can`t find Mommy. Is that the timeline, Rory?

I know about the 6:50, but it was in print about the 3:30 phone call to his grandmother.

Parker has an 11-year-old son from a previous relationship and 3-year-old twins with her ex-fiancée Dale Smith. Police say her 11-year-old son came home from school at around 3:30 p.m. Thursday and his mother wasn't home, so he contacted his grandmother, who alerted police.

Parker's boyfriend, Nathan Mitchell, was supposed to meet his girlfriend for dinner last Thursday night, but she never showed. "I feel so helpless.


This is where the 3:30 PM comes in when the child came home from school, mother not home, calls grandmother, grandmother calls the police.

However, it turns out that the child calls his grandmother at 6:50 PM, and I would have to assume that after that 6:50 PM phone call, the grandmother called the police.

That is a BIG 3 hours and 20 minute difference.
Nancy Grace:And at 3:30, she`s gone because her 11-year-old son gets home from school. Mommy`s not home, so he starts calling around, trying to find Mommy. So somewhere between the airing of that episode and her dropping her twins off at her ex`s home by 3:30, we can`t find Mommy. Is that the timeline, Rory?


Thanks. I found that one too, however, I needed something from MSM article first and found it. :)
One of the pics of DS and the twins (dated 12/02/11) was taken at a popular Orlando (themed) hotel.
I take my little guy there each year for a weekend birthday treat. If their dad can afford that particular place, then they probably don't need the publics help to pay for a trust fund.

Maybe the family feel that the twins will soon be with them and not with the wealthier but more volatile parent.

Not judging, just stating some thoughts amidst this sad story.
any chance Michell WAS NOT IN the hummer video shot at 3:18?

hmmm trying to figure a reason for the discreprency
All we have is what Lauren claims Dale said to her. However, the camera's time-stamp shows what it shows and in fact is accurate. So I have these major doubts and reg flags all over the place over Lauren being so adamant about the time on the camera being wrong.

I am also concerned why it was originally stated that the child called the grandmother at 3:30 PM looking for his mother when the camera shows his mother only arriving to Dale's at 3:18 PM. And now knowing the child didn't call his grandmother until 6:50 PM.

We do NOT really know if Mark is contradicting his clients account of the time because the ONLY people saying what Dale said is the "family".

Is there some backpedaling going on here?

Could they be concerned about custody repercussions if it is proven the 11 yr old was left alone to fend for himself for several hours? Seems silly to me to do that but I honestly can't think of any other reason to be so blatantly telling untruths regarding a very critical piece of evidence IMO. ?
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