FL - Mom Charged With Child Neglect After "Going On Strike" From Caring For Sons

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I'm betting she did it to force DCF's hand. You know, leave the kids alone all the time, etcetera. Cops get called. DCF steps in and removes the kids from their home.
yeah but i would think if she plotted it all out 1 of her complaints would not be lack of privacy. duh she had a lack of privacy. she is a mother of 4 boys. they fight alot... duh. they dont clean up after themselves... big old DUH. kids are work. non stop work. every day, day after day after day. when they are 2 and you decide it is too much work to make them help pick up their toys you get a 3 year old that dont pick up their toys. every day it seems easier to let things go. so what if they lost their temper and yelled at you. every1 has a bad day. so it takes a hour to get them in bed. then 2. then you just pray they dont keep you up. i am sure she feels overwhelmed at this point and her house is out of control. unless your child has committed a crime it is hard to get dcf to step in. dcf has limited funds and must deal with abused children and those that are a danger to themselves and others. now dcf will have to use limited funds to raise these boys because mom never took the time and energy to do it right.
Not saying she was right. Just that I wouldn't be surprised if that is what she had in mind.
Not saying she was right. Just that I wouldn't be surprised if that is what she had in mind.
i understand that i just dont buy it. she did not call dcf or the police and tell them she left her kids. someone called a reporter and the reporter called police.
I won't hop on my soapbox about this one until I have the full story because I (as most people) have been in situations that quickly made me feel like I was in over my head. Granted-it was never something as important as parenting. I'm not saying she was right in doing this.
I had to parent my two kids alone after the hurricane and they were 5 and 1. It was harder than anything I had ever done in my life.
I wonder what type of support system she has. Did she have family nearby that could have helped out?
She may have been wrong for letting the kids get out of control, but at least she had the nerve to ask for help. DCF could have at least sent her to some parenting classes.
i understand that i just dont buy it. she did not call dcf or the police and tell them she left her kids. someone called a reporter and the reporter called police.
What is there to buy? She never made such a claim (to buy). I simply proposed a possible reason for her behavior.

As for the other bit, if you read/listen to the reports, LE confirmed that there were at least 16 calls—within the past 6 months—that ranged from stealing to assault. She is also alleged to have contacted DCF. Furthermore, a neighbor called the cops (bc two of the boys were fighting over a computer cord), not the media. Although the media did call them when they were accosted while trying to film the story (when mom was already in jail).
Where is the father and the grandparents? I don't know, this is such a bad situation. Out of controls kids- hard to get help from the courts, but if your too hard on them they yell child abuse and then she's in trouble. A fine line to walk no doubt, but you don't abandon your children.
Wow! I just looked at the picture of the mom in the one article. She looks a heck of a lot older that 33. :eek:
Wow! I just looked at the picture of the mom in the one article. She looks a heck of a lot older that 33. :eek:

I agree, she looks a lot lot older than 33; no doubt the stress has aged her.
What is there to buy? She never made such a claim (to buy). I simply proposed a possible reason for her behavior.

As for the other bit, if you read/listen to the reports, LE confirmed that there were at least 16 calls—within the past 6 months—that ranged from stealing to assault. She is also alleged to have contacted DCF. Furthermore, a neighbor called the cops (bc two of the boys were fighting over a computer cord), not the media. Although the media did call them when they were accosted while trying to film the story (when mom was already in jail).
it is not personal hun i just dont agree with what you proposed as reasonable. you said...
I'm betting she did it to force DCF's hand. You know, leave the kids alone all the time, etcetera. Cops get called. DCF steps in and removes the kids from their home.
you did a much better job of stating the time line than i did but it made it seem less logical that she planned this to me. for this to be her plan she would need to foresee the actions of the boys fighting then running to a neighbor who called the police. only she knows if the theory you proposed is correct but i still just think she decided it was too hard and quit.
It's sort of funny to think about someone from the media getting accosted by a bunch of kids while snooping around. They may not have even realized what the person was doing filming them. I'd sure hate to live next door to those kids. I live next door to a bunch of loud mouthed teenaged boys who have parents and have had them try to chase each other and practically run over me while chasing each other through my yard like a bunch of idiots.
I would like to know if the mother just left for the night and planned on coming back the next day just to teach the boys a lesson or if she actually moved out and in with her friend. The news doesn't really give the whole story except to say that she said the boys were out of control fighting and wouldn't pick up after themselves. Maybe she just intended to teach them a lesson and then the media got ahold of the story and it really got bigger then it really was.

I raised four kids by myself and can easily put myself in this mother's place. I had a boy and three girls. Three in three years and the fourth 2 1/2 years later. Their fighting almost drove me crazy at times. At times I could visualize myself running down the road never to return and not looking back. It can really get to a person. Their dad lived about 45 mins away but was worthless as a dad. He was to involved in his drinking to worry about his kids or being a part of their lives. So much for dads helping.

Unless your child does something to break the law you don't get any help from anyone. It doesn't sound like her kids were in any trouble with the law. They were just driving her crazy. Now days a lot of kids aren't afraid to go nose to nose with a single parent. They can be disrespectful even if you have taught them to be respectful. I can picture that boy yelling at his mother or siblings just like he did the reporter. He is a big kid and if the mother slapped him I'm sure he would call 911. Would he listen if she told him to go take a time out? The 13 and 14 yr olds aren't little boys. For all we know they are big just like their brother and just as mouthy.

My girls didn't give me the trouble...mouth wise...that my son did. I didn't raise him to talk to me the way he did at times but he did it anyway. There were times I could have knocked him for a loop even though he was way bigger then me. I didn't do it but it wasn't because I didn't feel like it. I could write a book about raising 4 teenagers alone.

I'm not going to knock this mother's parenting skills or anything else because I've been in her shoes and it is the most difficult thing in the world to do by yourself especially when they hit their teens. Maybe she doesn't have family to help...mine lived about 300 miles away. Maybe she just had to get out of there for awhile and without thinking it through she left planning to come back in a day or two. No, the kids shouldn't have been left without an adult but I sure can understand this mom's frame of mind when she did leave. She could have thought that they would appreciate her more when she came home. I don't know. I just feel bad for her situation cause I remember how I felt at times. She holds a responsible position at work and to me that says something about her. She is trying to give her kids a decent life. She isn't sitting at home on welfare with a cig in one hand and a bottle in the other. She no doubt just got so frustrated that she didn't know what else to do that might teach these 4 kids something. That is my opinion anyway.
The mother cooked the children meals which she brought to them. She called them. She went over to check on them.

The police had been called to her house over twelve times. Where was the help she was asking for?

Perhaps she was afraid for her own safety. How often do we hear of a son killing his mother because they didn't like what that mother had to say?

She sounds like she is afraid of her kids. I wonder how often they threatened mom with a baseball bat?
They best thing that could have happened for this mom is having gotten this outragious behavior caught on tape. If that goes on towards a stranger, WTF goes on towards mom behind closed doors? She's outsized and outnumbered, these kids know that and took full advantage of it. Afterall how many times have LE been to their house? Time after time even the cops wouldn't stop them. That only empowered them.
Bobbisangel, i give you so much credit for raising 4 children on your own, it is hard to be a single parent with just one, yet let alone 4, God bless you!!

In this case it seems maybe the younger ones fed off the behavior of the older ones; like someone said, even the younger boys aren't small. They trailing with a baseball bat who am guessing is the older two who are threatened the reporter with the camera. They have their own little family gang it seems. So while they fight amongst each other, they seem to band together against the reporters. It makes me wonder if they all banded together like that against the mother if she told them no to something. It seems she tried all different attempts at getting help, and nothing worked.
We still have no clue as to where their father is. I think that may be a big part of the problem. If he's not in the picture at all, that is very hurtful for children, especially teenage boys and will add a lot to anger problems. They won't know how to channel that anger properly at that age sometimes. I don't think these boys know how at all.
The mother who is 33, looks in her late 40's, most likely from all the stress. I think that even if her boyfriend moved in with her instead of her moving in with him; i'm not sure it would have helped the situation, until we hear about where this boy's father(s) is or are.
A mother decides to "take the easy" way out and not raise and guide and set boundaries and consequences for her children because of course it is easier for her.

Then when it comes back to bite her on her butt, she picks up and leaves.

Again, the easy way out. She created the situation with her kids, now she wants everyone else to "fix it for her".

A tad too late don't you think. BTW, the excessive use of alcohol "can age a person much faster and to a greater extent then "stress". Stress will be "internalize and may affect you physically" but if you consume excessive booze over a fairly long period of time, you look 10 years older.

I saw the picture, if it is claimed that this women is 33 then I want to see her Passport. Because just from the facial features, she appears to be much, much older. I guess when you factor in 9 months of being pregnant, minus 17, it would appear that she gave birth to the first child at 15-16. Then she continued to have a child that was only a year apart who is now 16. Then two more 14 and then 13. So she had four kids by the time she was 19-20. Sound judgment does not seem to be a forte.
BTW, the excessive use of alcohol "can age a person much faster and to a greater extent then "stress". Stress will be "internalize and may affect you physically" but if you consume excessive booze over a fairly long period of time, you look 10 years older.
that i can testify to. my mother looks older than my grandmother by far. my husband uses the phrase "looks like she has been rode hard and put up wet" to describe her. i figure only horse lovers get that but trust me it applies. hard drinking ages you fast.
I think it is interesting that this woman left 4 teenagers alone, after begging for help, although she still made sure they had meals and checked on them.

She is being charged with neglect.

The nanny on the other thread, who was being paid, left a preemie newborn twin to roll off the couch and flung them around by their jammies. She is not being charged with any crime.

Not giving an opinion either way. It's just the order I read them in, and it struck me funny/odd.
I think it is interesting that this woman left 4 teenagers alone, after begging for help, although she still made sure they had meals and checked on them.

She is being charged with neglect.

The nanny on the other thread, who was being paid, left a preemie newborn twin to roll off the couch and flung them around by their jammies. She is not being charged with any crime.

Not giving an opinion either way. It's just the order I read them in, and it struck me funny/odd.

Hmm, yes, that's the answer. These boys could use a nanny like that!

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