Deceased/Not Found FL - Morgan Martin, 17, pregnant, St Petersburg, 25 July 2012 *Guilty/sentenced in 2022*

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This body was found in TX, she fits Morgan's description, not the cloths but everything else. No mention of being pregnant, but they will hold infor for a positive ID.

I think some people on FB have questioned it, but not sure if the family read about this or not.

There's a thread for that DOE I just found out about via bessie, ty

Bern you may want to add Morgan there as well.

TX TX - Houston - Female (UP 10722), 15-17, "He Smurfs Me" TShirt, Oct'12 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I have been thinking of Morgan too lately. There is noting new in the news or on her FB pages to report. But I have been thinking about the cell phone. What are the chances that they kept that phone? I know it was reported that it pinged in Hudson FL, so I googled towers there and there are only around 5 and Hudson is not a large place, at least not as big as St Petersburgh where she lived. I am still wondering if it was tossed out on a drive into or out of Hudson. Knowing which tower would help if the family were putting together a search. I know is some of the cases here the cell ended up in a river or a body of water. Anyway, still hoping there is a break in the case for her and the family. Happy New Year to all here!
Nurse, thank you for the link. I have been checking out some of the areas where the cell towers are in Hudson and some areas are of interest. At least 2 are where I would start if I was looking for cell phone. The areas are large, but if you were driving by in a car, and tossed it out, you maybe able to find it if you did a good search and had some people to help.
Nurse, thank you for the link. I have been checking out some of the areas where the cell towers are in Hudson and some areas are of interest. At least 2 are where I would start if I was looking for cell phone. The areas are large, but if you were driving by in a car, and tossed it out, you maybe able to find it if you did a good search and had some people to help.

If St Pete LE would give us an aprox area I would be willing to help search.
The Hope for Morgan Martin page looks less wild than the other one.. Apparently Morgan's due date is tomorrow (4th) :(
Her family said there was update on the news tonight at 11 if ne one can let me know what is said that would be awesome
The Hope for Morgan Martin page looks less wild than the other one.. Apparently Morgan's due date is tomorrow (4th) :(

Help for Morgan FB page is wild, but there is information on it. We can't post because there is no POI named at this point in time, but it is interesting reading. If LE finds her phone, then they will have something to link her what happened that night.

The family posts on the Hope for Morgan FB page when they can.
I have a question. Morgan went missing from her home in St Pete, and the cell is last pinging in Hudson, which is about 40 miles north. The best route to drive up to Hudson from St Pete and avoid any tolls or cameras is Rt 19.

My question is this; if you kidnapp someone, and lets say you want to drive up to Hudson to get rid of a body, do you think the killer would kill the person in St Pete, near that home, or try to disable the victim and drive up to Hudson and then kill them? I was wondering if she is in Hudson or St Pete, because that helps where you are going to search. If you were going to drive up with your victim, do you think she could have been forced into the trunk? I don't think she would not have fought off her kidnappers, because she is 17, healthy, and a mom protecting her unborn child.

Today was her due date and her family is just lost. Hoping to find a way to help.
If St Pete LE would give us an aprox area I would be willing to help search.

I went out today to one of the places I had in mind, and it would take some effort, but it is do-able. When you look at the whole area is it over whelming, but if you don't take the first step you can't find anything. I think if I don't hear from the family, I will call St Pete and Pasco and see what I can do about getting a "general" area. I really think she is with her phone. I don't think anyone knew it was on her. I feel she was ambushed and then taken up to Hudson to get rid of her body. No proof, just a feeling. So I have some ideas and hope to get something put together.

One of the areas I went too, is so scary, there are drop off of 20 feet or more, like pits, and not just one, but many. After riding around today, it is a wonder any one is ever found. Thank God most of these killers are lazy and in a hurry and just dump the body along the road or in the woods.
I went out today to one of the places I had in mind, and it would take some effort, but it is do-able. When you look at the whole area is it over whelming, but if you don't take the first step you can't find anything. I think if I don't hear from the family, I will call St Pete and Pasco and see what I can do about getting a "general" area. I really think she is with her phone. I don't think anyone knew it was on her. I feel she was ambushed and then taken up to Hudson to get rid of her body. No proof, just a feeling. So I have some ideas and hope to get something put together.

One of the areas I went too, is so scary, there are drop off of 20 feet or more, like pits, and not just one, but many. After riding around today, it is a wonder any one is ever found. Thank God most of these killers are lazy and in a hurry and just dump the body along the road or in the woods.

I think she's with her phone too :(
There are only 5 cell towers in Hudson. I google them and got address for them, and from there I looked at what was around them, from there I sort of guessed where I would most likely toss out a phone. But I am going to see if I can get it narrowed down. If I can, and if I get some help putting together the search, I will let you know. I will post here or you can pm me, how ever you want. But I feel like this is one case that need more attention.
I don't know if she would be out in the open, maybe in something ie;blanket, drum, box, etc. Also, there is the possibility she was put in dumpster and not there now. I'm curious why they would go all the way to Hudson. Was there some sort of connection to Hudson with the other gf? I'm not sure if we clarified that.

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