Resolved FL - Port St Joe, 2 Children 96UMFL & 66UFFL, bound & gagged in photo, Jun'89

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I think the boy was a better natural actor than had been the girl (my bet, his sister). He’s also holding his hands behind his back in a more convincing manner than her as well.

As for who took the photo, my bet is their brother, probably in-between their ages, a teen, 13-15.

I completely and absolutely disagree. I will never believe that this photo is staged. It just has too much emotion and bad karma about it. It gives me the creeps just to look at it and feel such sadness for the children in it.
I have a pretty good BS meter, and it has just never gone off with this picture. I am posting here the information from the Doe Network about this picture. There WERE other pictures found of "this" girl... why have we, the public, never seen the other pictures??? I think it is about time they made them public. Keeping them private is obviously not helping the case. The bolding below was done by me....


Case History
On June 15, 1989, a Polaroid photo of this girl bound and gagged was found in a Port St. Joe, FL convenience store parking lot by a customer. The photo also showed an unidentified boy, also bound. The photo was found where a white, late 1980's Toyota cargo van with no windows had previously been parked. This unidentified teenage girl was also seen on the beach in Port St. Joe, Florida on June 15, 1989. She was accompanied by several older Caucasian males, who appeared to be ordering the girl along the beach front. It is not known if this girl was being held against her will by these individuals or if the incident was staged. Investigators are still trying to ascertain the girl's identity, which would allow them to close the case or investigate further.

A tattered copy of "My Sweet Audrina" by V.C. Andrews, a plastic cup and a squirt gun are also visible in the photo. Polaroid officials say the picture was taken with film not available until May 1989. Two other photos have surfaced over the years. The first was found near a residential construction site in Montecito, California. The haunting Polaroid, taken on film not available until June 1989, shows the blurry image of a girl's face, her mouth again covered with tape, her hairline exhibiting that same cowlick at the right temple. Behind her is light-blue striped fabric similar to that on the pillow in the Toyota van photo. Another Polaroid, this one taken on film not available until February 1990, shows a woman loosely bound in gauze, her eyes covered with more gauze and large black-framed glasses. A man is sitting next to her on a passenger seat of an Amtrak train.
There have been speculations that the girl in this case file is Tara Calico who disappeared from New Mexico in 1988.

Although I agree that the FBI dismissing the photo out of hand because the girl’s legs were shaved is lame, apparently the FBI has dismissed it and they probably had other reasons to do so. I would urge you to read my analysis in my response #115 and Carl’s analysis of the gags which I quoted in #118.

The girl was presumably lying on the bed reading a book and then suddenly the kidnapper(s) decide to take this shot? For what reason? They then carelessly or intentionally left it in a public place?

As for the other alleged photos, as you say, let’s see them. There’s a photo of a woman “loosely bound in gauze” on the passenger seat of an Amtrak train? What??? The other alleged photo is described as being “blurry.” Therefore, (assuming it exists at all), it would seem difficult to identify her as being either Tara Calico or the girl in the Florida photo (assuming they are not one and the same).
I have seen the photo of the woman loosely bound in gauze on the train -- and yes, that is exactly what it shows. It looks to me more like European performance art than a kidnap photo.

The one in the van I'm not so sure about. She looks disgusted and angry but also bored. It does look staged, in the sense of the photographer arranging things to make sure it shows what s/he wants it to, but that doesn't mean the kids aren't captives.
I have seen the photo of the woman loosely bound in gauze on the train -- and yes, that is exactly what it shows. It looks to me more like European performance art than a kidnap photo.

The one in the van I'm not so sure about. She looks disgusted and angry but also bored. It does look staged, in the sense of the photographer arranging things to make sure it shows what s/he wants it to, but that doesn't mean the kids aren't captives.

It is difficult to read facial expressions from a single photograph. A friend of mine who I have known almost all my thinking life has three wonderful kids, all grown now. Because of our long relationship and because we lived very close at the time, his wife and he would often ask me to watch them. I have numerous photos of them.

All three of the kids were even tempered and amiable (having great parents and a good, comfortable life). I have two photos of their only son at age 12 sitting on my sofa and standing nearby it, taken in close succession. In both of these particular photos, the boy looks very angry; indeed, almost chilling so. He almost looks like the way Vito Corleone and his son Michael were described by Mario Puzo in The Godfather when they got murderously angry! (“The look,” as often practiced by real life gangsters.)

Neither of the photos were in the least staged and the boy hadn’t been in the least angry or unhappy that day (or at anytime when with me). A photograph is literally an instant in time and the camera can just simply catch a subject with whatever expression happens to be fleetingly on his or her face and one could easily read more in to it than what is was: chance.

Nevertheless, this particular photo, as you agree, is staged, and I believe the boy had been the better actor (and the more interested in and agreeable to the stunt). He tried to look terrified, and perhaps partially as a mechanism to keep himself from laughing. The girl’s expression seems more along the lines of: “Oh, this is so lame. My stupid kid brother!” (The photographer, I’m guessing, a middle child.) She's going along with a lame prank photograph to placate him; thus, her halfhearted effort to make it look real.
It is difficult to read facial expressions from a single photograph. A friend of mine who I have known almost all my thinking life has three wonderful kids, all grown now. Because of our long relationship and because we lived very close at the time, his wife and he would often ask me to watch them. I have numerous photos of them.

All three of the kids were even tempered and amiable (having great parents and a good, comfortable life). I have two photos of their only son at age 12 sitting on my sofa and standing nearby it, taken in close succession. In both of these particular photos, the boy looks very angry; indeed, almost chilling so. He almost looks like the way Vito Corleone and his son Michael were described by Mario Puzo in The Godfather when they got murderously angry! (“The look,” as often practiced by real life gangsters.)

Neither of the photos was in the least staged and the boy hadn’t been in the least angry or unhappy that day (or at anytime when with me). A photograph is literally an instant in time and the camera can just simply catch a subject with whatever expression happens to be fleetingly on his or her face and one could easily read more in to it than what is was: chance.

Nevertheless, this particular photo, as you agree, is staged, and I believe the boy had been the better actor. He tried to look terrified, and perhaps partially as a mechanism to keep himself from laughing. The girl’s expression seems more along the lines of: “Oh, this is lame. My stupid kid brother!” (The photographer, I’m guessing, a middle child.)

I don't necessarily agree that it's staged to the point that the kids in it are acting. Maybe, but maybe not.

I did wonder whether it might be an early attempt at what we now call viral marketing for some kind of strange underground film that didn't make it, or something like that. They did some similar stuff for parts of Blair Witch Project, as I recall.
Unless those involved with the hoax never saw the publicity of this picture in any media, it seems that someone connected with the photo might have stepped forward by now to state the truth. I don't think they would be in trouble for anything. If you knew a picture was being linked with the disappearance of kids, would you not want to speak up in order to dispell that idea? Perhaps being cruel comes more easily to some.
Unless those involved with the hoax never saw the publicity of this picture in any media, it seems that someone connected with the photo might have stepped forward by now to state the truth. I don't think they would be in trouble for anything. If you knew a picture was being linked with the disappearance of kids, would you not want to speak up in order to dispell that idea? Perhaps being cruel comes more easily to some.

If they are aware of it, they might well be too embarrassed or fearful to come forward now with proof, such as showing photos of themselves at that age; photos they took in Florida then, etc.. There is a well-known photo on Mrs. Gosch’s website of three boys bound on a bed (one of which she insists is her missing son). Someone wrote an anonymous letter to the police advising them that the photo was just one of kids messing around. A retired Florida police detective vividly remembers the photograph from years ago and when he investigated it, he found the same. It was not a criminal matter. Neither the letter writer nor anyone else involved with the photo has come forward in the open to “’fess up.”

Everything about this shot smacks of the same: kids messing around. They didn’t mean to be cruel at the time. They just thought it was funny.

Would I bet my life that the photo is a prank? No. However, if I could be somehow forced to bet my life one way or the other on the photo being a prank or not, without hesitation I would bet that it is. In any event, since no abducted child from that era has ever come forward to claim he or she was one of the subjects of this photo (and obviously survived), then I’m sure that at least all hope I am right in my judgment.
The eyes look a lot like Jacob Wetterling from Wisconsin. They have the downward slope at the corner, missing at the same time frame the pic was found. According to Noreen Gosch she thinks Johnny and Jacob are together. I do believe I read something about Florida in her writings.
I sincerely hope it's a prank. The first time I saw this picture several years ago, I felt my blood run cold. Same thing with those pictures on Mrs. Gosch's website. I'd rather believe they aren't real until proven otherwise.

On a separate note, didn't someone send a letter to either the sheriff or Tara's mother on the anniversary of her disappearance several years ago? I think it was postmarked from the area where Tara disappeared.
The eyes look a lot like Jacob Wetterling from Wisconsin. They have the downward slope at the corner, missing at the same time frame the pic was found. According to Noreen Gosch she thinks Johnny and Jacob are together. I do believe I read something about Florida in her writings.

Mrs. Gosch is a still grieving mother with whom I deeply sympathize. Nevertheless, to my knowledge there has never—never!—been a shred of credible evidence to support the existence of organized pedophilia rings abducting children. The tragically few cases where kids have been abducted by pedophiles (and in some cases whackos to boot) who have miraculously survived into teens or adulthood had all been abducted by men acting alone, occasionally with the complicity (knowledge of the act, either before or after the fact) of their families or a trusted individual (as in the Steven Staynor case). None of these verified rare survivors have ever given any account of having been forced into sexual slavery by any ring of perverts, just their abductors.

Most pedophiles who are so sexually compulsive, daring and evil as to abduct (and usually murder) stranger kids realize (like serial “thrill” killers who kill for the sake of killing, with no other motive beyond that) they are risking everything and their best chance of eluding justice is to trust no one and to keep their mouths shut. Because there is no motive beyond the act itself, and no prior relationship between the perpetrator and the child victim, like serial thrill killers they are very hard to find and prosecute, especially if they have no criminal record.

In fact, the Michael Devlin case is the sole case that I am aware of where a pedophile had abducted a kid (Ben Ownby) while still holding another abducted child (Shawn Hornbeck) whom he had kidnapped separately. (In that case, if Shawn is to be believed, Devlin hadn’t planned on keeping Ben around long.) Does anyone know of another such case?


By way of afterthought
, after just mentioning the Steven Staynor case, how could I have forgotten it? Both of these cases are quite similar and rare. Were there any other such cases?
I sincerely hope it's a prank. The first time I saw this picture several years ago, I felt my blood run cold. Same thing with those pictures on Mrs. Gosch's website. I'd rather believe they aren't real until proven otherwise.

On a separate note, didn't someone send a letter to either the sheriff or Tara's mother on the anniversary of her disappearance several years ago? I think it was postmarked from the area where Tara disappeared.

It was photos that might be the boy in question:
Thank you for finding that info. Mercy, I had forgotten about that awful picture. Ugh, it looked real...but I don't know what the cops thought -- it was very unsettling.
Another thing came to mind: If that photo accidentally fell out of the van, then it probably would have fingerprints on it. If the photo is entirely clean of fingerprints, I would suspect that the photo was deliberately dropped in the parking lot.
Another thing came to mind: If that photo accidentally fell out of the van, then it probably would have fingerprints on it. If the photo is entirely clean of fingerprints, I would suspect that the photo was deliberately dropped in the parking lot.

I don't think it accidentally fell out of the van. I believe that it was carefully placed there as a gesture to horrify people...which it did. Many serial killers left "calling cards" and, in this case, I think that it would not have fingerprints on it.
I don't think it accidentally fell out of the van. I believe that it was carefully placed there as a gesture to horrify people...which it did. Many serial killers left "calling cards" and, in this case, I think that it would not have fingerprints on it.

If the photo had fingerprints other than that of the person who had found it and anyone who had handled it afterwards, and if the police tried to find fingerprints, then I doubt they would have been able to identify them as it is not likely they would have been in any database (as I doubt the person or persons they belonged to had ever been fingerprinted).

To recapitulate:

1) The scene looks entirely staged. There are no actual restraints showing on either of the victims. The girl’s arms are positioned in such a manner as to make it most doubtful that her hands are even crossed behind her back. She seems to be acting a part in a rather disinterested and halfhearted manner, unlike the boy in the photo, who is probably her kid brother. Being both a boy and a younger child, he was likely more “into” the joke photo than her, which was probably taken by another kid, most likely their brother. Thus, his more convincing “performance.”

2) As Carl pointed out, the gags (tape) are applied ineffectually.

3) There is a book and other objects lying on the bed which indicates no sign of a struggle. If the “victims” were cowed by their abductor(s) into passively allowing themselves to be bound, then why the need for gags or, for that matter, the (inferred) bonds? If shortly before the photo had been taken the girl had been reading the book on the bed, it seems most unlikely she had been doing so with her hands free while wearing tape across her mouth. In this scenario, why would an abductor suddenly decide to bind and gag the kids and take such a photo? There was apparently no record of such a photo being sent to the family or families of the victims as ransom demands and no record of such a kidnapping for ransom at all.

4) The presence of a book on the bed that would appeal to a young woman of this age suggests that shortly before the photo was taken she had been reading it. Therefore, the photo was taken on an impromptu basis. This indicates a “brainstorm” by one of the participants, probably the kid who took the photo and who had seen a roll of tape lying about. He convinced his kid brother and his (probably) older sister to go along; in the latter case, probably reluctantly to placate him as she had been older and more mature.

5) Since there is no record of a ransom demand fitting these subjects’ descriptions, then the only other motive for such an abduction that comes to mind is sexual. Regarding the only two proven cases that I know of where a pedophile had held two kids—who hadn’t known each other beforehand—simultaneously against their wills, both involved kidnappings years apart when the pedophiles had wanted younger kids to replace their original victims who had outgrown their abductors' perverted sexual tastes. It would also be rare for a pedophile to have abducted children of both sexes.

6) It seems far more likely that kids engaged in a prank would either intentionally or carelessly leave such a photo in a public place than would one or more pedophiles who have successfully kidnapped youngsters and eluded police in the process. Since the town where the photo was found was one in Florida that attracts a lot of vacationers and tourists; and since the photo was found on June 15th, a week or so after many schools would have let out for the summer, it is reasonable to infer that the kids involved in such a stunt had been vacationers (with their parents) in the town rather than residents. Thus, they would not have feared being recognized by locals. (The kids might not even have been Americans.) The photo was most likely taken in a motel room while the parents were out for the evening (a likely time for the older child to have been reading a book while watching her younger siblings).

Against all of this logic, the case that the photo was a genuine abduction shot rests on the facts that the girl resembles a missing young woman (whom, by the way, at age 19 was older than the age this girl is judged to be by the FBI) and that the boy (whose speculated identity has been all over the place) in particular looks terrified.

Draw your own conclusions.
If the photo had fingerprints other than that of the person who had found it and anyone who had handled it afterwards, and if the police tried to find fingerprints, then I doubt they would have been able to identify them as it is not likely they would have been in any database (as I doubt the person or persons they belonged to had ever been fingerprinted).

To recapitulate:

1) The scene looks entirely staged. There are no actual restraints showing on either of the victims. The girl’s arms are positioned in such a manner as to make it most doubtful that her hands are even crossed behind her back. She seems to be acting a part in a rather disinterested and halfhearted manner, unlike the boy in the photo, who is probably her kid brother. Being both a boy and a younger child, he was likely more “into” the joke photo than her, which was probably taken by another kid, most likely their brother. Thus, his more convincing “performance.”

2) As Carl pointed out, the gags (tape) are applied ineffectually.

3) There is a book and other objects lying on the bed which indicates no sign of a struggle. If the “victims” were cowed by their abductor(s) into passively allowing themselves to be bound, then why the need for gags or, for that matter, the (inferred) bonds? If shortly before the photo had been taken the girl had been reading the book on the bed, it seems most unlikely she had been doing so with her hands free while wearing tape across her mouth. In this scenario, why would an abductor suddenly decide to bind and gag the kids and take such a photo? There was apparently no record of such a photo being sent to the family or families of the victims as ransom demands and no record of such a kidnapping for ransom at all.

4) The presence of a book on the bed that would appeal to a young woman of this age suggests that shortly before the photo was taken she had been reading it. Therefore, the photo was taken on an impromptu basis. This indicates a “brainstorm” by one of the participants, probably the kid who took the photo and who had seen a roll of tape lying about. He convinced his kid brother and his (probably) older sister to go along; in the latter case, probably reluctantly to placate him as she had been older and more mature.

5) Since there is no record of a ransom demand fitting these subjects’ descriptions, then the only other motive for such an abduction that comes to mind is sexual. Regarding the only two proven cases that I know of where a pedophile had held two kids—who hadn’t known each other beforehand—simultaneously against their wills, both involved kidnappings years apart when the pedophiles had wanted younger kids to replace their original victims who had outgrown their abductors' perverted sexual tastes. It would also be rare for a pedophile to have abducted children of both sexes.

6) It seems far more likely that kids engaged in a prank would either intentionally or carelessly leave such a photo in a public place than would one or more pedophiles who have successfully kidnapped youngsters and eluded police in the process. Since the town where the photo was found was one in Florida that attracts a lot of vacationers and tourists; and since the photo was found on June 15th, a week or so after many schools would have let out for the summer, it is reasonable to infer that the kids involved in such a stunt had been vacationers (with their parents) in the town rather than residents. Thus, they would not have feared being recognized by locals. (The kids might not even have been Americans.) The photo was most likely taken in a motel room while the parents were out for the evening (a likely time for the older child to have been reading a book while watching her younger siblings).

Against all of this logic, the case that the photo was a genuine abduction shot rests on the facts that the girl resembles a missing young woman (whom, by the way, at age 19 was older than the age this girl is judged to be by the FBI) and that the boy (whose speculated identity has been all over the place) in particular looks terrified.

Draw your own conclusions.

Respectfully, these are my conclusions:

1. Few people actually KNOW what a person would look like if they were in such a situation. Therefore, I think that we can't really say how one would "look" if they were in this position, especially children and young adults. And, if these children had been abused or threatened previously to these photos, they might well be restrained just through pure fear. Remember that Richard Speck was able to "restrain", rape, torture and kill 8 nurses back in 1966. There are numerous cases of killers being able to control and restrain people just by their fear. Maybe the girls hands were tied or maybe they weren't tied at all and he told her to put them behind her back while he took the photo? I don't think that we can infer anything by the expressions on their face. Everyone will see something different. You see boredom and acting, I see defiance and terror.

2. Again, the gags may also be part of the killer staging this photo for impact to the public. What better way to say to the world that these children are gone and he has them? He may have them somewhere that he is not concerned about them yelling and anyone hearing them. We can't see their feet. Perhaps the feet are tied or chained and he knows they can't go anywhere.

3. There appears to be bedding thrown down for the kids to lay on. Some think that it is in the back of a van, but I wonder about this because of the lamp up in the left hand corner that appears to be sitting on something. Maybe a camper that has a table? I don't think from this scene that one can infer that there appears to not have had a struggle. It doesn't necessarily look like there was, but in such a small space, what would a struggle look like? The girls hair is messed up. Again, the book laying there does not necessarily mean that she was reading it before or after the photo. If the killer abducted these kids and wanted to play a horrible game by leaving pictures around, he might have left the book there as a prominent clue as to who the girl was. I think the book was placed there as a clue just like the photo was placed in the parking lot.

4. Completely conjecture in the theory that this was set up. This is all subjective. To you, the scene looks like the girl had been reading the book. That would be the obvious thought. And, you have said that you believe this scene was staged by the middle brother. How do you get to that conclusion?

5. Just because you don't know of a case where 2 people were kidnapped separately does not mean that it has never happened. Sex isn't the only motivation for kidnapping. There is human trafficking as well. Perhaps the person had one longer than the other. Perhaps he thought he wanted a girl but decided that he wanted a little boy too. Perhaps he was working with a group and was taking them back to the group for whatever reason and decided to take this photo to either terrorize the community or maybe someone made him do it and he was trying to leave a clue? There are dozens of scenarios and most of us can't get our head inside of it because we are normal, sane individuals. I personally will never be able to think in the way a person like this would think, and I'm grateful for that.

6. Pure conjecture and you are trying to make the scene fit your beliefs. It is jumping to a lot of conclusions about the photo. Remember that this photo was taken with a film camera. It would have had to been developed and printed (unless the supposed middle brother had a dark room). It just doesn't seem to me to be something that a kid could/would do. And, what of the places that developed the film? Wouldn't this photo draw attention? Wouldn't the person who left it worry that they would be caught?

I believe that this photo is of Tara Calico. That's not only my belief, it's the belief of many thousands of others, including her own mother. I don't know who the boy is as he is further back in the photo and can't be as clearly seen. I am the mother of 5 daughters, so I can say with clear experience that 16 year olds can look 19 and vice versa. In the known photos of Tara, she looks young to me. Three years difference in a girls life is hardly a reason for the FBI to discount that this is her. It looks exactly like her and if I was her mother, I would be able to know positively that this was my daughter. The boy, on the other hand, is not as easy to identify.

As I said before, I respect your opinion, but I just wanted to point out the other side.
"PORT ST. JOE, Fla. — A mysterious photo of a young boy sent to police and media here has rekindled interest in a 20-year-old mystery surrounding a Polaroid of a young boy and girl, seemingly bound behind their backs, their mouths covered with tape.

The recently received picture shows a young boy with black marker etched across his mouth and face, as if it had been taped shut. The boy is similar in appearance to one of the youths in a Polaroid found here in 1989 that spawned national attention from police and the media."


Do you guys remember seeing the above referenced photo of the boy with his mouth marked over with black marker? He looks the same to me as the young boy in the back of the van. Does anyone know how long it was from when the first photo of the boy and girl was found to the time this one came in? Thanks!
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