FL - Shannon Dedrick, 7 mo., Chipley, 31 Oct 2009 #2

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What's the source of the info that Erica is a young child? In the letter, SB says both Michael and Erica "have shoke that baby too. They smoke ciggerets and drugs with the baby in the same room." Erica must be awfully precocious (in all the wrong ways) if she's a "young child".

And I don't see any need to asterisk her name. I think when it was first mentioned here on WS, it was from a private source and not out in the media yet. But the name is in SB's letter, which has been provided to the media by DCF.

True. I could have left her name unstarred. I am talking to the mods right now about proving that statement. I have the proof, I just don't know if I can post it.
Here's a thought, SB wont have to worry about food stamps and JB wont have to work 58 hours a week once they lock them away. Also, there is the added benefit that someone (a crazy someone) will feel pitty just like they did with Casey and deposit some fundage in their commesary (sp?) account, at first, so there is a free meal out of this afterall.Yay!
That letter was just awful! It sounds like a busy body with poor spelling skills was being really nosy about other people's lives and wanted to ruin their lives by going to the govenor - I wonder if SB actually thought he would arrest them for food stamp fraud. It sounds like Tina nad SB may have had a falling out and maybe she was never the sitter.
I 100% agree. This is proof she was TRYING to keep Shannon and NOT get rid of her.

I'm hoping this is true. I think though, that SB has it in for people she views as being bad parents. I think that's what she did to her husbands ex-wife. I don't think she loves kids as much as she likes control and likes to win. I bet she bosses all the parents of the kids she claims to babysit.
is there any live news? ......link?
And I just want to go on the record and say I'm sorry for being so suspicious of the mother. I feel terrible :(

She is not out of the woods yet. I need things confirmed.
That letter was just awful! It sounds like a busy body with poor spelling skills was being really nosy about other people's lives and wanted to ruin their lives by going to the govenor - I wonder if SB actually thought he would arrest them for food stamp fraud. It sounds like Tina nad SB may have had a falling out and maybe she was never the sitter.

ITA. I'm kinda getting this "I'm going to teach them a lesson" type vibe. SB wanted everyone to believe these parents were awful she was going to prove it.
Can someone link that news site we were watching the other day waiting for the presser? I can't seem to find it again.
That letter was just awful! It sounds like a busy body with poor spelling skills was being really nosy about other people's lives and wanted to ruin their lives by going to the govenor - I wonder if SB actually thought he would arrest them for food stamp fraud. It sounds like Tina nad SB may have had a falling out and maybe she was never the sitter.

i wonder the same thing....
did someone piz off SB and it had to do with money.....?
She is not out of the woods yet. I need things confirmed.

I'm in the same boat. I haven't had time to read through the entire thread, but I am still so confused about when the child was reported missing. Did the family wait hours before calling LE after discovering Shannon was missing or did they call right away?
Wow...something just hit me. I was wondering what the connection could possibly be with the "chipley's summer sweep" blog entry on SB's MS and the name circled on it. I looked on SB's mood and status and down on May 20th there was a new baby born with the same last name as the person circled in the blog. Searched for the circled person's MS and this person does have a young baby.

In my opinion, I am thinking perhaps SB was trying to track dirt on this person by showing evidence to suggest drug use/abuse, bad parenting, neglect, etc. on someone else with a new baby.
there is a back ground on her in bay county...thank you for the post of her middle inital...would you believe domestic violence....hummm
She is not out of the woods yet. I need things confirmed.

I agree. the astrology chart shows one or both parents so I have not ruled them out either.
That letter was just awful! It sounds like a busy body with poor spelling skills was being really nosy about other people's lives and wanted to ruin their lives by going to the govenor - I wonder if SB actually thought he would arrest them for food stamp fraud. It sounds like Tina nad SB may have had a falling out and maybe she was never the sitter.

I have no problem with poor, uneducated people trying to alert authorities to welfare fraud, child abuse, etc. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see a letter like that coming from someone who was telling the truth, and writing the letter both because the welfare fraud made them mad and because they were worried about the child. After all, drug-abusing, child-abusing, welfare fraudsters commonly live in neighborhoods where most people are poor and uneducated, and where many people are truly needy even though working quite hard and have still been turned down for various welfare programs they've applied for.

The problem with this letter is that it's written by a convicted child abuser who's neglecting to mention that little detail in the letter, and who in all likelihood made up most or all of the other information in the letter out of thin air for her own purposes.
Around here CPS is the biggest weapon...someone makes you mad, cuts you off in traffic, lies about you, steals your boyfriend...call CPS, make them lose their child, that'll teach them.
That's what the email looks like, a person that is mad about something and getting revenge in the most lowbrow way possible.
panama city, is bay county,,,alot of people go shopping in panama city,,,
I'm hoping this is true. I think though, that SB has it in for people she views as being bad parents. I think that's what she did to her husbands ex-wife. I don't think she loves kids as much as she likes control and likes to win. I bet she bosses all the parents of the kids she claims to babysit.

For someone who never had any kids of her own, she sure thinks she knows how to be a mother.....HUGE FAIL
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