FL - Shooter among 4 dead, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, 6 Dec 2019

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Berlin Christmas market: 12 dead, 48 injured in truck crash - CNN
Back in 2016.
But it could happen again.
U.S. State Department warning
".... German officials have been concerned about security around Christmas markets, which are the main place for holiday shopping and refreshments, such as the mulled beverage Gluhwein.
The US State Department alerted US citizens in November to the heightened risk of terrorist attacks throughout Europe, especially during the holiday season. The alert, which encouraged citizens to be cautious at the holiday festivals, expires on February 20.
ISIS and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad."

"... June 2016
Three Syrian men were arrested in June on suspicion of planning a terror attack on Dusseldorf on behalf of ISIS..."
It should not offend anyone to be on the alert for further terrorist attacks.
This recent savage murderer gunned down a fellow Muslim. Because Alshamrani hated equally.

Terror warning issued for Christmas markets destinations across Europe – The Sun
"... The Foreign Office have updated their travel advice for countries including Germany, France and Spain as the festive season approaches...."
"... In 2018, five people were killed following a terrorist attack at Strasbourg's Christmas market..."

Above link was dated Nov. 2019 and just before the holidays.
Not the first time msm has articles warning people to be on the watch during a Christian-themed holiday.

After Terror Attack Last Year, Berlin Christmas Markets Open : NPR

New fortified security measures at Berlin Christmas market | News | DW | 23.11.2018
Christmas markets are an iconic symbol of the holiday season in Germany. They represent warmth, community and regional pride, and can inspire a sense of childlike wonder. This is partly why the 2016 terrorist attack cut so deep into the German psyche.
Strasbourg France Christmas market attack: 2 dead, gunman at large
"... France was on high alert Wednesday as hundreds of security forces took part in a manhunt for a gunman who killed at least two people and wounded a dozen at a Christmas market in eastern France.
Heitz, the prosecutor, said witnesses heard the suspect shout, “God is great” in Arabic during the attack. He said police found a grenade, a rifle and four knives during a search of the suspect's house Tuesday morning..."

Was Alshamrani was self radicalized , or following the teachings of a hate-filled "Mullah" ?

If it wasn't by himself-- who was teaching this young man to carry out terror attacks and slaughter innocent people ?

Those are the types who need to be profiled and watched. Who else might be radicalized over someone's sermons ?
Even if the "Mullah" doesn't carry out an attack , he is still responsible if someone under his guidance goes out to 'jihad' or holy war.

And there are hundreds more Saudis here in the United States--but oh- they are vetted so don't worry---
The vetting process in this country has been shown by the attacks in FL to be a complete failure.

Who are they keeping tabs on ?
Does LE ever listen in on sermons at specific mosques that are preaching hatred and jihad ??
If not-- they should !

Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet . Muhammad and Violence and Jihad | PBS
".... the larger concept of jihad as striving for what is right..."

Playing the devils' advocate as I do not support radicalized Islamic terrorism.... these people who become influenced by their faith to kill others.
And actually view it as a cleansing, or striving to wipe out wrong practices or the evil of others.
Which would include any infidels who indulge in sinful practices.
Many of which are perpetrated in the 'Great Satan', the United States.

Not that I believe that.
Again being the devils' advocate.

The mormon church does not support polygamy but some smaller , shunned offshoots do -- and so many who don't follow that church will lump everyone together.

Radicalized is not the same as peaceful.
FBI says it presumes base shooting was act of terrorism
"Investigators are also trying to establish whether the killer, 2nd Lt. Mohammed Alshamrani, 21, of the Royal Saudi Air Force, acted alone or was part of a larger plot."

“We are, as we do in most active-shooter investigations, work with the presumption that this was an act of terrorism,” said Rachel L. Rojas, FBI agent in charge."

"All foreign students at the Pensacola base have been accounted for, no arrests have been made, and the community is under no immediate threat, Rojas said at a news conference. A Saudi commanding officer has ordered all students from the country to remain at one location at the base, authorities said.

“There are a number of Saudi students who are close to the shooter and continue to co-operate in this investigation,” Rojas said. “The Saudi government has pledged to fully co-operate with our investigation.”

''Rojas said federal authorities are focused on questioning the gunman's friends, classmates and other associates. “Our main goal is to confirm if he acted alone or was he part of a larger network,” she said.''
Muslims believe in Christ.
That's true.

Yet some Christians also believe in the devil.
Believing in something or someone does not mean you love their holidays or observances.
There is a focus on the radical Muslims attacking any Christian festivals and sometimes places of worship, that's troubling to say the least.

But back to the recent Pensacola attack ; why didn't the killer just leave if he thought America is an evil place, filled with infidels ?

If he came here purposefully to kill American citizens, how long was he planning this and did he have help ?
A mosque or a specific Mullah ?
If some places that radicalize people to the point of murder and aren't placed on a watch list and surveillance; we are all just sitting ducks.

A reporter had his Twitter account closed and he's banned after he posted the manifesto of the useless creep.
Maybe P.H. should've said radical Islam is 'allegedly' a terrorist-motivated "faith" ?
Fox host Pete Hegseth is 'BANNED from Twitter' after sharing 'manifesto' of Pensacola shooter | Daily Mail Online

Why are some in this country so afraid of exposing the truth ?
Because it's offensive to a very few... so it's better not to cause ruffled feathers ?
If you're a peaceful person-- you shouldn't mind if the truth about radicalization is publicized to protect non- Muslims.
This is a general reflection not directed at anyone.
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Couple of thoughts.

One, I've been to the tree-lighting ceremony in Rockefeller Center and it is highly attended. A terrorist attack there would result in hundreds if not thousands of casualties.

Second, I couldn't figure out how a foreign national was able to legally purchase a gun in the US. OMG BBM:

"If they were admitted to the U.S. for lawful hunting or sporting purposes, or if they are in possession of a U.S.-issued hunting license or permit"

Well isn't that lovely? Come over here, get a hunting license, next thing you know you're legally purchasing a Glock.

Really WTAF is this.

Source: Pensacola shooting: Gunman legally bought Glock 45 pistol, FBI says

Edit: Please do not jump off this post, anyone, to derail the thread about gun control in general. No matter what side of that debate you're on, I hope we can all agree that foreign nationals shouldn't be able to come over here and buy guns willy nilly. Call me crazy but I think the Second Amendment applies only to US citizens.
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Couple of thoughts.

One, I've been to the tree-lighting ceremony in Rockefeller Center and it is highly attended. A terrorist attack there would result in hundreds if not thousands of casualties.

Second, I couldn't figure out how a foreign national was able to legally purchase a gun in the US. OMG BBM:

"If they were admitted to the U.S. for lawful hunting or sporting purposes, or if they are in possession of a U.S.-issued hunting license or permit"

Well isn't that lovely? Come over here, get a hunting license, next thing you know you're legally purchasing a Glock.

Really WTAF is this.

Source: Pensacola shooting: Gunman legally bought Glock 45 pistol, FBI says

Edit: Please do not jump off this post, anyone, to derail the thread about gun control in general. No matter what side of that debate you're on, I hope we can all agree that foreign nationals shouldn't be able to come over here and buy guns willy nilly.

Grim thought !
Indeed so. I was there in much more innocent pre-9/11 times, but I still remember how crowded it was and how much damage could have been done by, say, a suicide bomber.

Security must be much tighter today than it was then.

I'm also concerned about security at the NAS Pensacola. How does this go on right in full view on a US military base? Maybe we should reconsider training these pilots and let their own home countries train them instead?

How did the Navy miss all this?
I'm also concerned about security at the NAS Pensacola. How does this go on right in full view on a US military base? Maybe we should reconsider training these pilots and let their own home countries train them instead?

How did the Navy miss all this?

Why was he allowed to bring a Glock onto a military base in the first place?

I have a LOT of questions.
Why was he allowed to bring a Glock onto a military base in the first place?

I have a LOT of questions.

It kind of makes you wonder if some of the military has gotten complacent/relaxed. It's been a while since the last attack on a US military base.

I just thought after 911 and the terrorists training to fly here, the military would be paying closer attention to foreign citizens on US military bases. I recall watching and reading transcripts of those hearings after 911, so many people admitting mistakes were made, yet here we are again.
Saudi Pensacola shooter was left 'infuriated' after instructor nicknamed him '*advertiser censored* Stash' due to his mustache in front of his classmates and filed an official complaint earlier this year

Saudi Pensacola shooter was left 'infuriated' after instructor nicknamed him '*advertiser censored* Stash' | Daily Mail Online


A *advertiser censored* stash is a slang for "*advertiser censored* moustache". These were very comman in the 70's along with the bush in the pubic region. A more modern *advertiser censored* stash is similar to the one the famous Ron Jeremy has.

Urban Dictionary: *advertiser censored* stash


The instructor evidently has watched old *advertiser censored*.

Brad Brooks, Reuters
Saudi airman may have become radicalized before US Navy base attack
"Two US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, named the shooter as Second Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani.

He was reported to have played videos of mass shootings at a dinner earlier in the week with other Saudi aviation students, according to US media reports on Saturday that cited an unnamed person briefed on the investigation.

Investigators have found no sign Alshamrani had links to international terrorist groups and think he may have radicalized on his own, the New York Times reported, citing an unidentified US official. It said the airman first entered the United States in 2018, returned to Saudi Arabia, then re-entered the United States in February, and had reported for training at the base about three days before the attack."

Thank you for all you do to keep us updated, and informed.

However, this is the very reason I do not ever read or trust anything The New York Times reports.

How can they say he was radicalized on his own when other SA nationals were with him as the video of mass shootings were being shown? Its absurd for the NYT to try to imply he was a lone wolf when everything coming out even right after it happened shows otherwise. He wasn't radicalized on his own. Imo, he came here with hate in his heart. This was his opportunity to murder Americans, and he acted on his Islamic extremism.

Imo, in fact it shows this was a small cell of Islamic extremists who infiltrated the Navy base.

If they weren't all involved with the same hate filled ideology the others would have reported him for his extremists views he had against the very Americans who welcomed him to train with the greatest Navy in the world.

But I'm no longer shocked by anything the NYT reports, and of course uses the routine scam standby of 'unnamed sources.' All I will say the (cough cough) sources were clueless to the facts.

Imo, for years now the NYT has been nothing more than a propaganda machine who does not report the facts, but spins the stories hoping no one ever searches for the real facts, which are out there to find for everyone who truly are interested in the facts, no matter the subject matter.

Thankfully more, and more of our citizens are searching for the facts now rather than totally relying on any of the MSM agenda driven biases on what they want everyone to believe instead of the truth.

You would think all MSM news sites would catch a clue just by looking at their low viewer ratings.

Surely they realize by lying to the American public time after time isn't working for them. Yet they all forge on pretending mere opinions by talking heads are to be believed as facts. LOL! They truly must believe their viewers and readers are dumb as a box of rocks.

I truly hope that all of you who are posting about not forgetting 9/11 and the vetting of these people are standing JUST as strong against Open Borders and for more stringent security checks for EVERYONE coming into this country. You can't have it both ways when a tragedy occurs. We either protect our country as COMPLETELY as possible, or we take in all those 'refugees' that come in under the guise of bringing women and children. We as a nation are so scared to offend EVERYONE that we let ANYONE do and say what they want, and we ALLOW them in our HOME to then disrespect us.
Thank you for all you do to keep us updated, and informed.

However, this is the very reason I do not ever read or trust anything The New York Times reports.

How can they say he was radicalized on his own when other SA nationals were with him as the video of mass shootings were being shown? Its absurd for the NYT to try to imply he was a lone wolf when everything coming out even right after it happened shows otherwise. He wasn't radicalized on his own. Imo, he came here with hate in his heart. This was his opportunity to murder Americans, and he acted on his Islamic extremism.

Imo, in fact it shows this was a small cell of Islamic extremists who infiltrated the Navy base.

If they weren't all involved with the same hate filled ideology the others would have reported him for his extremists views he had against the very Americans who welcomed him to train with the greatest Navy in the world.

But I'm no longer shocked by anything the NYT reports, and of course uses the routine scam standby of 'unnamed sources.' All I will say the (cough cough) sources were clueless to the facts.

Imo, for years now the NYT has been nothing more than a propaganda machine who does not report the facts, but spins the stories hoping no one ever searches for the real facts, which are out there to find for everyone who truly are interested in the facts, no matter the subject matter.

Thankfully more, and more of our citizens are searching for the facts now rather than totally relying on any of the MSM agenda driven biases on what they want everyone to believe instead of the truth.

You would think all MSM news sites would catch a clue just by looking at their low viewer ratings.

Surely they realize by lying to the American public time after time isn't working for them. Yet they all forge on pretending mere opinions by talking heads are to be believed as facts. LOL! They truly must believe their viewers and readers are dumb as a box of rocks.


I didn't get any of that from the NYT article I read, but YMMV. People should read news from various sources, do research and make up their own minds. Kind of the way we do here at WS when reading up on a murder or serial killer, etc.
Saudi Pensacola shooter was left 'infuriated' after instructor nicknamed him '*advertiser censored* Stash' due to his mustache in front of his classmates and filed an official complaint earlier this year

Saudi Pensacola shooter was left 'infuriated' after instructor nicknamed him '*advertiser censored* Stash' | Daily Mail Online


A *advertiser censored* stash is a slang for "*advertiser censored* moustache". These were very comman in the 70's along with the ******* bush in the pubic region. A more modern *advertiser censored* stash is similar to the one the famous Ron Jeremy has.

Urban Dictionary: *advertiser censored* stash


The instructor evidently has watched old *advertiser censored*.


The shooter is responsible for his own horrible acts, but the instructor sounds dumb and irresponsible.

Maybe the USN and other branches of the US military should reconsider labeling each other with juvenile and sometimes insulting nicknames. Surely they can find a better way to build camaraderie.

Having family who served, the personalized nickname thing didn't become so popular until the 80's with the Top Gun movie stuff.

Navy to Change Pilot Call Sign Protocol After Minority Aviators Report Bias

We need to have a serious investigation of the Saudi pilot training program. There have been too many incidents of terrorism against the US and allies by Saudi citizens to keep sweeping it under the rug. Reducing our reliance on them for foreign oil would also help.
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Saudi Pensacola shooter was left 'infuriated' after instructor nicknamed him '*advertiser censored* Stash' due to his mustache in front of his classmates and filed an official complaint earlier this year

Saudi Pensacola shooter was left 'infuriated' after instructor nicknamed him '*advertiser censored* Stash' | Daily Mail Online


A *advertiser censored* stash is a slang for "*advertiser censored* moustache". These were very comman in the 70's along with the ******* bush in the pubic region. A more modern *advertiser censored* stash is similar to the one the famous Ron Jeremy has.

Urban Dictionary: *advertiser censored* stash


The instructor evidently has watched old *advertiser censored*.


Somewhat juvenile behavior but don't they have nicknames for others as well ?
Sounds like msm wants to make this killer into a victim.
I personally am not having it.

He was a vicious murderer.
Probably inspired by teachings at a mosque from an equally evil Mullah.
And who else were involved in this plot ?
We need to have a serious investigation of the Saudi pilot training program. There have been too many incidents of terrorism against the US and allies by Saudi citizens to keep sweeping it under the rug. Reducing our reliance on them for foreign oil would also help.
Snipped for focus


What a shame the U.S. consider Saudi Arabia our 'allies'.
Even after the 9/11 attacks.
Those pilots came from the UAE.
The shooter is responsible for his own horrible acts, but the instructor sounds dumb and irresponsible.

Maybe the USN and other branches of the US military should reconsider labeling each other with juvenile and sometimes insulting nicknames. Surely they can find a better way to build camaraderie.

Having family who served, the personalized nickname thing didn't become so popular until the 80's with the Top Gun movie stuff.

Navy to Change Pilot Call Sign Protocol After Minority Aviators Report Bias

We need to have a serious investigation of the Saudi pilot training program. There have been too many incidents of terrorism against the US and allies by Saudi citizens to keep sweeping it under the rug. Reducing our reliance on them for foreign oil would also help.
I don't blame the instructor. It is a naval base. It is a common thing for nicknames and 'friendly' jabbing and teasing to take place.

For this man to shoot into a crowd of innocent people over a nickname is just sick. I don't think that is the reason at all. I think msm is just reaching for some sympathy for the killer. JMO

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