FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #15

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I wonder if the number associated with the witness (in Claire's case, 1) means anything -- was she the first witness interviewed? And if so, why she would come before AT (Juvenile) and Sean P.

Was she at the Thompson house?

Or was she driving down the street and shouted "Dumpster Reporting" and was immediately stopped by the LE officer with Diena before they went inside?
Admitting you are being snarky is the first step. I admit it. And I'm going to the corner. BBL
Don't think it's Dumpster Reporting.

Given the errors on this report, it could actually be an O that was transcribed incorrectly when it was typed out. As in, "Other Reporting".
I wonder if the number associated with the witness (in Claire's case, 1) means anything -- was she the first witness interviewed? And if so, why she would come before AT (Juvenile) and Sean P.

Was she at the Thompson house?

Or was she driving down the street and shouted "Dumpster Reporting" and was immediately stopped by the LE officer with Diena before they went inside?

No ...Detective Reported the dumpster reported
A woman, who did not want to be identified, tells First Coast News' Monica Landeros she asked investigators to search this vacant home and dumpster on Monday night.

She says, "I'm upset. It's like, should I have looked, should I have gone in the dumpster?"
I guess you confused me by answering that DR stood for Dumpster Reporting, but meant Detective Report.

I'm not sure why a woman who is asked "Have you seen this missing child?" would say check the burned out house, check the dumpster" and it would be reported on the MPR.

The woman in the MPR lives about 7 miles from Somer and works about 6 miles away (this is my determination based on information given in MPR). If she was in the neighborhood, why was she there?

How familiar would she be with the burned house/dumpster? And would that be a normal reaction to a lost child in the neighborhood (check the dumpster)? At what time did LE begin to think this was more than just a kid not coming home on time? If Claire was interviewed between 5-7, I'd say it was an odd reaction, but if she was interviewed later in the night, maybe not.

I thought the woman who asked not to be identified was one of the neighbors near 1080 Gano since the story talks about the chaos in the neighborhood.

And wouldn't the witnesses talked to by the officers who were assisting be on their reports?

My head is spinning, and lucky for me ... it's time for my kids to come home. :)
Here is a list of things we know for certain in Somer's case.
Things we know for certain (through reporting, or observing). Most of these facts come from reporting so when I reference something, it reportedly happened and there have been no contradictory reports in the media about it. Anything that has conflicting reports will not be included in this list. Obviously I don’t know any of these people, nor am I a local, so I have no firsthand knowledge of anything. If you think I've left something out let me know and I'll add it. Or if I've included something with conflicting reports, I'll remove it from the list.

Things we know:

-on 10/19/09 Somer Thompson was 7 years old
-Somer lived with her mom Diena
-Somer has a twin (ST) who also lives with their mother Diena
-Somer has an older sister AT(age 10) who also lives in the same house
-Somer’s father lives in NC and has not seen Somer in 2 years
-Somer has an older ½ brother AC(age 13)
-Diena has a boyfriend (CC) who also lives at the same residence with them
-Somer’s dad came to FL on the Sat. or Sun. after Somer’s disappearance
-DT and ST are estranged and in the process of divorcing

-Somer went to school (Grove Park E.S.)on 10/19 AB(neighbor) drove her to school
-Somer wore a red ribbon in her ponytail on 10/19
-Somer left school at the end of the school day(2:50) with a group of children to walk home
-Something happened on the walk home and Somer left the group of kids to walk alone
-SP reports Somer never made it home

-DT asked SP to be at her home to get the kids in after school on 10/19
-SP has never “watched” the kids after school, this was his first time (don’t know the right word to insert here was he supposed to watch them, just let them in??)
-DT came home for lunch and met SP at her house on 10/19

-at some point when Somer’s twin and older sister arrived home, SP asked where Somer was
-Somer’s twin and older sister didn’t know where she was
-SP sent Somer’s 10yo sister out to look for Somer, she returned saying she couldn’t find her, SP told her to look again real good before he notified DT
-at some point (around 4pm?) DT and SP talked/texted, DT asked were kids home, SP reports Somer didn’t come home
-DT leaves work right away (this is leaving early for her)
-DT felt something was wrong this time, and this is why she responded quickly to news of Somer not making it home on 10/19
-At some point DT contacts her bf (CC) and tells him Somer didn’t come home and he leaves work.
-DT stops at OPAA to pick up oldest son (AC)
-DT sees an officer(A.Coan)and reports Somer missing
-at some point bf arrives home and gets Somer’s twin and they go out looking for Somer

-there are MANY RSO’s that live within 3-5 miles of Somer’s home
-there is a house on Gano Ave. that caught fire months ago and it is being restored. Work crews have been around that house.
-Kyle, who works with the contractor working on Gano ave home, was at Gano Ave. home on 10/19 and said Somer stopped and told him that he/they were doing a good job on the house
-Kyle is the last person known to see Somer alive
-Vxxxxx Construction is the contractor working on the house
-Owner Vxxxxx Construction has a brother who is a RSO
-there are tanks near the house on Gano Ave.
-a boy on his bike says he saw Somer running around near the tanks excited but had a frown on her face
-there is a park and sporting fields (OPAA) across the street from the Gano Ave. house
-an unamed neighbor upon hearing of Somer’s disappearance, tells LE to check the vacant house on Gano Ave and its dumpster. She said she wishes she would have
-another neighbor when questioned about the trash pick up day made a comment that the trash had already been collected that day so to take that however you want to (weird comment)

-a woman says she intervened in an incident 10 days earlier where a little girl was allegedly being coaxed into a car containing one or two males and a hispanic female. This woman says she intervened and walked the little girl back to her house. This woman says she reported this incident

-CWG is a RSO
-CWG’s name and contact info appears on the initial police report detailing her disappearance, along with the names of family members and neighbors.

-An officer suggests to the sheriff that all trash trucks should be followed and searched so they can isolate the trash coming out of this area, the trash trucks are then followed
-Somer was found dead on 10/21 in a GA landfill, the trash trucks LE followed went to this dump

-At least one video of an interview with DT is blacked out-significant portion of interview is missing at the point where DT is recalling something from the day
-In an interview with ST (dad) he says soot was found on Somer’s body
-Since Somer disappeared many RSO’s have been arrested for failing to update their address
-Sheriff reports only one person cleared in the investigation into Somer’s death and that is him
-LE searched the house on Gano Ave extensively
-LE searched bathroom at the park briefly
-Bank Acct set up to take donations to Somer’s family is in SP’s name

While the facts we have are somewhat telling, what we don't have is even more telling.
cannot believe LE is not updating on Somer's case. I hope there is an arrest soon..
happy news for those who've been waiting and praying ... Mew's home!
end O/T

from the above article:

“There’s a certain mix of hopefulness when they pursue hot leads, then disappointment when the leads don’t pan out,” Justino said. “There’s determination, hopefulness and anguish. It’s a roller coaster.”

I guess we're not the only ones feeling hopeless when our leads don't pan out.

That is a very depressing article on the state-of-Somer's-case. :(
Here is a list of things we know for certain in Somer's case.
Things we know for certain (through reporting, or observing). Most of these facts come from reporting so when I reference something, it reportedly happened and there have been no contradictory reports in the media about it. Anything that has conflicting reports will not be included in this list. Obviously I don’t know any of these people, nor am I a local, so I have no firsthand knowledge of anything. If you think I've left something out let me know and I'll add it. Or if I've included something with conflicting reports, I'll remove it from the list.

Things we know:

-on 10/19/09 Somer Thompson was 7 years old
-Somer lived with her mom Diena
-Somer has a twin (ST) who also lives with their mother Diena
-Somer has an older sister AT(age 10) who also lives in the same house
-Somer’s father lives in NC and has not seen Somer in 2 years
-Somer has an older ½ brother AC(age 13)
-Diena has a boyfriend (CC) who also lives at the same residence with them
-Somer’s dad came to FL on the Sat. or Sun. after Somer’s disappearance
-DT and ST are estranged and in the process of divorcing

-Somer went to school (Grove Park E.S.)on 10/19 AB(neighbor) drove her to school
-Somer wore a red ribbon in her ponytail on 10/19
-Somer left school at the end of the school day(2:50) with a group of children to walk home
-Something happened on the walk home and Somer left the group of kids to walk alone
-SP reports Somer never made it home

-DT asked SP to be at her home to get the kids in after school on 10/19
-SP has never “watched” the kids after school, this was his first time (don’t know the right word to insert here was he supposed to watch them, just let them in??)
-DT came home for lunch and met SP at her house on 10/19

-at some point when Somer’s twin and older sister arrived home, SP asked where Somer was
-Somer’s twin and older sister didn’t know where she was
-SP sent Somer’s 10yo sister out to look for Somer, she returned saying she couldn’t find her, SP told her to look again real good before he notified DT
-at some point (around 4pm?) DT and SP talked/texted, DT asked were kids home, SP reports Somer didn’t come home
-DT leaves work right away (this is leaving early for her)
-DT felt something was wrong this time, and this is why she responded quickly to news of Somer not making it home on 10/19
-At some point DT contacts her bf (CC) and tells him Somer didn’t come home and he leaves work.
-DT stops at OPAA to pick up oldest son (AC)
-DT sees an officer(A.Coan)and reports Somer missing
-at some point bf arrives home and gets Somer’s twin and they go out looking for Somer

-there are MANY RSO’s that live within 3-5 miles of Somer’s home
-there is a house on Gano Ave. that caught fire months ago and it is being restored. Work crews have been around that house.
-Kyle, who works with the contractor working on Gano ave home, was at Gano Ave. home on 10/19 and said Somer stopped and told him that he/they were doing a good job on the house
-Kyle is the last person known to see Somer alive
-Vxxxxx Construction is the contractor working on the house
-Owner Vxxxxx Construction has a brother who is a RSO
-there are tanks near the house on Gano Ave.
-a boy on his bike says he saw Somer running around near the tanks excited but had a frown on her face
-there is a park and sporting fields (OPAA) across the street from the Gano Ave. house
-an unamed neighbor upon hearing of Somer’s disappearance, tells LE to check the vacant house on Gano Ave and its dumpster. She said she wishes she would have
-another neighbor when questioned about the trash pick up day made a comment that the trash had already been collected that day so to take that however you want to (weird comment)

-a woman says she intervened in an incident 10 days earlier where a little girl was allegedly being coaxed into a car containing one or two males and a hispanic female. This woman says she intervened and walked the little girl back to her house. This woman says she reported this incident

-CWG is a RSO
-CWG’s name and contact info appears on the initial police report detailing her disappearance, along with the names of family members and neighbors.

-An officer suggests to the sheriff that all trash trucks should be followed and searched so they can isolate the trash coming out of this area, the trash trucks are then followed
-Somer was found dead on 10/21 in a GA landfill, the trash trucks LE followed went to this dump

-At least one video of an interview with DT is blacked out-significant portion of interview is missing at the point where DT is recalling something from the day
-In an interview with ST (dad) he says soot was found on Somer’s body
-Since Somer disappeared many RSO’s have been arrested for failing to update their address
-Sheriff reports only one person cleared in the investigation into Somer’s death and that is him
-LE searched the house on Gano Ave extensively
-LE searched bathroom at the park briefly
-Bank Acct set up to take donations to Somer’s family is in SP’s name

While the facts we have are somewhat telling, what we don't have is even more telling.

That says it all.
Wondering if anyone local to the area has heard anything about the progress of this case. That article is depressing. Hoping for better news.
Been away for a few days, waiting for this moon phase to pass... being away cleared my thought process to look outside of the box. What if, just what if it was another child? What if there was an ongoing feud between Somer & a classmate at school. This classmate happens to have older siblings who were going to scare Somer, or "rough her up" but it turned deadly by mistake? Just like the Maddie Clifton case that happened here in Jacksonville... could the older kids have been hiding behind the propane tanks & said something to Somer like "we're going to get you"; followed her (cutting through the patch of woods unseen by the rest of the kids). They wouldn't have a vehicle & had to think fast. What quicker way to get rid of something than to throw it in a dumpster? Probably used the carpet in the dumpster @ the burned house to roll her up in. That apartment complex with the dumpster isn't that far from the burned house.
Wondering if anyone local to the area has heard anything about the progress of this case. That article is depressing. Hoping for better news.

They had something on Action News @ 6pm tonight about the FDLE and the crime scene investigator. She said they were looking for fibers & hairs, blood or other things that would help solve the case. She didn't say what they found, just showed a box they bring to dust for prints, etc.. a special light they use that can show hair & fibers that are unseen by the naked eye. Nothing of any value.... just fluff & stuff stuff.
Been away for a few days, waiting for this moon phase to pass... being away cleared my thought process to look outside of the box. What if, just what if it was another child? What if there was an ongoing feud between Somer & a classmate at school. This classmate happens to have older siblings who were going to scare Somer, or "rough her up" but it turned deadly by mistake? Just like the Maddie Clifton case that happened here in Jacksonville... could the older kids have been hiding behind the propane tanks & said something to Somer like "we're going to get you"; followed her (cutting through the patch of woods unseen by the rest of the kids). They wouldn't have a vehicle & had to think fast. What quicker way to get rid of something than to throw it in a dumpster? Probably used the carpet in the dumpster @ the burned house to roll her up in. That apartment complex with the dumpster isn't that far from the burned house.
welcome back :)
I've thought about the possibility of kids doing something to her. The place I run into a wall is, the kids would have to walk around with Somer's body or her body rolled in a carpet. That would draw attention I think.
At this point nothing is off the table for me so it very well could have happened.
My goodness it's mighty empty in here tonight. I'm afraid to ask what happened

**stare face**
I pray they find Somers killer soon.It's very sad.
Hey Cheewawa! I am popping in and out to check on the status... it seems that we have hit the dreaded LULL...

I wish that LE would have continued doing daily briefings like they did in the Sandra Cantu case. While he couldn't say anything hardly at all it DID keep intense focus on the case...
They had something on Action News @ 6pm tonight about the FDLE and the crime scene investigator. She said they were looking for fibers & hairs, blood or other things that would help solve the case. She didn't say what they found, just showed a box they bring to dust for prints, etc.. a special light they use that can show hair & fibers that are unseen by the naked eye. Nothing of any value.... just fluff & stuff stuff.

they were searching for these things in the house on Gano Ave.?

they better come up with something more than fluff & stuff (LOL) to help ease the community's mind about a killer being amongst them, or in the very least on the loose. I'd think the community would be very close to an uprising by now with such little info being released. No one knows what to look for, so it could be anyone. Imagine the unrest.
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