FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #23

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Good Morning, Well I skimmed through all the Jax news and there is zip for news on Somer. I doubt we will hear anything til Mon.
Good Morning, Well I skimmed through all the Jax news and there is zip for news on Somer. I doubt we will hear anything til Mon.

Mornin' my other smokin' buddy, ol' pal ol' friend... no news means more time for our minds to run wild!!
Hi Chee just had a smoke in the Garage, the smoke cop is up so...I got to be good.
I suppose everyone is shopping, are the deals that good? I am not the kind to stand in line ups, too impatient just as I am with this case.
I am leaning towards a Juvie like you .
Top of the mornin' to you my buddy, my pal!! My thoughts this morning are dayum you guys stay up late!!! LMAO....

I don't think DT killed Somer. I'm leaning towards the juvenile (you know where I'm going with that one) or a friend of the juvenile. I think DT was overwhelmed with four kids to raise, a fulltime job, a relationship with PC and a pending divorce with ST. Sounds like she had a full plate - hell I have problems controlling my own life and sometimes become "self centered" because I've got so much going on with the job, the household, the family, the bills, etc. If I don't take care of chee, no one else is going to do it for me - ya know what I mean? I know I'm not the perfect mother, wife, employee, but who is? My heart goes out to Diena - can't help it... just the way I feel. She is probably desperately seeking for her soulmate, and unfortunately he hasn't been found yet. I was fortunate enough to find mine & couldn't imagine life without him. That's my thoughts for today - thank you for asking - how about you my friend?

Hey Tara - can you guess where I'm going??
In my garage to smoke!!! BRB....

I'm not bad for a black friday...lol

I know exactly what you mean....my #1) pic is still the underage perp #2) takes me back to an RSO > WLK. If it's neither of those and I'm forced to go to #3) DT - but of course, I just don't want it to be!

I've been reading comments under news4jax and tho people maybe weren't at first but some people are really developing a hate for DT. Apparently, as one poster says - one of those Somer tribute sites - none of them have many pictures of her - but one inparticular is it's set up for people...anyone...to add their own pictures > that just strikes me as odd! (wheels turning)

Just to add.....she REALLY isn't exactly who some think she is. And the ones that know her well - really aren't out defending her - are they? There are neighbours - as in clay county residence posting in her defence - but do they REALLY know her? Friends like SNOOPY ONE and QUEEN really don't seem like friends at all....would you "out" your friend that way - considering what she's already up against?!?!?

Yep, big wheels keep on turning.....anyways, i'm rollin, rollin.....off to the garage again lol
Good Morning, Well I skimmed through all the Jax news and there is zip for news on Somer. I doubt we will hear anything til Mon.

Howdy neighbour!

Do you happen to read many comments under the news storys???

Some of that is better than the Y&R!
Hi Chee just had a smoke in the Garage, the smoke cop is up so...I got to be good.
I suppose everyone is shopping, are the deals that good? I am not the kind to stand in line ups, too impatient just as I am with this case.
I am leaning towards a Juvie like you .

I'm with you on the shopping & standing in line myself. My smoke cop just woke up - the nose knows - ya know? I can come in the house from being out in the garage & he'll say - "you stink - you smell like smoke - yuck"... that's the son; not my husband. LOL - oh well... it is what it is - KWIM?

I hate to bring this up, but the fight she got into with the other child at school... could be an older brother or sister who wanted to rough Somer up a bit to scare her, but it went too far.. so many possibilities and angles..
Please be careful what you post about innocent people (example is SC on the MPR). I believe we were warned about sleuthing them and posting what we find on this thread (names of family members, addresses, etc.)

And I promise, this is the last time I'm going to say anything. I know many of you are tired of hearing it.

If a person doesn't keep up with the threads every day...and some of us can't...you are totally lost when you come back on. The initials don't mean a thing if you don't read everyday. So you read a post and understand half of what it is talking about because it is full of initials which mean nothing if you missed when that person's name came up the first time. I really hate it.

Does everyone here keep up with Somer, Shaniya, and all of the other little girls who have been murdered? How do you have the time? If you don't read them every day or several times a day are you lost...especially when you are keeping up with several of the little girls plus other people? It was so much easier when we could use at least first names and a last initial. Maybe I'm the only person that it isn't working for but I'm feeling that I miss half of what is going on because of the initials. I have a decision to make I guess.
If a person doesn't keep up with the threads every day...and some of us can't...you are totally lost when you come back on. The initials don't mean a thing if you don't read everyday. So you read a post and understand half of what it is talking about because it is full of initials which mean nothing if you missed when that person's name came up the first time. I really hate it.

Does everyone here keep up with Somer, Shaniya, and all of the other little girls who have been murdered? How do you have the time? If you don't read them every day or several times a day are you lost...especially when you are keeping up with several of the little girls plus other people? It was so much easier when we could use at least first names and a last initial. Maybe I'm the only person that it isn't working for but I'm feeling that I miss half of what is going on because of the initials. I have a decision to make I guess.

LOL - IKWYM... that's why I have chosen one child to be my primary focus & when things slow down on this thread, I'll pop over to a couple of others. I'm lost when I visit the others I'll admit, but I have to remain true to the little angel in my state.
The comments are something else (below articles). This is why for the life of me I can not figure out why they do not clear her.

Re: the initials I really do not know why, but I guess I must play by the rules, funny cause the individuals are tagged below with their full names.
I am assuming that ST is being kept abreast of the investigation. LE would not leave him out of the loop. I would think by now LE has told him COD and whether or not a sexual attack took place. So....what does all of this mean?

LE told Freed to rep DT, why other than the reason of protecting sale of pic's? who the H knows. If he is representing her than why does he not put an end to all the negativity surrounding her, ie clear her name.
Like the song "all by myself......." Where did everyone go?
I just thought of something. Remember years ago the man that was hit by a car & was stuck in the car? The woman drove home & parked the car in the garage while the man was still alive & then when he died she disposed of his body? What if she darted out in front of a car, was hit & the driver put her in the vehicle, dumped her body in a dumpster. Possibly the driver has a suspended license, no license, was under the influence, etc. Maybe the evidence on her body indicates some type of paint from the vehicle or tire marks, or a piece of the grill of the car or an impression of it. Why else would someone cover up a car, hide it in the garage or sell it unless there was some type of damage done to it? I know it's a long stretch, but what the heck - must be all the smoke in my brain from being in the garage smoking...
Yes that could be, an accident , maybe an underage driver?
Hi Chick, I know no news.....the LE dudes are still full from their Turkey dinners.
If we ever get a sub forum, I think we should have a section called The Garage.

Does anyone know if the Astros did a chart for DT and CPC?

LOL - great idea, chick. I'm not sure about the astros doing a chart for DT and CPC.
good afternoon everyone.. to catch up

LE is telling ST nothing, according to him.. hes very frustrated about it...
Everyone writes SP off as not having enough time, but if somer took the shortcut, and he was sending everyone out when they arrived at the house.. it possible
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