FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #26

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Virginia - thank you so much for the info on hand-crafted items! My youngest daughter loves to raid my bins of out-dated cast-off clothes and "reinvent" them! We like to call her new creations "altered couture"! I'm also completely flattered that she would even give half a glance to, let alone want to wear, anything I had worn twenty years ago - LOL!

There was a great deal of speculation in earlier threads that the tote bag may have been something like what you described. I still think it's highly possible that it was a custom, "personalized" bag, which would make it impossible to find an exact likeness of anywhere, and I have taken that into consideration.

Here's what bothers me, though. If the tote bag was indeed a custom bag, why was that not included in its description (when the description was finally decided upon & released no less than three weeks after little Somer's death)?

It seems to me that if this particular item is such an important piece of evidence, so much so that a sketch is drawn up and put out for the public to see, wouldn't it also be important to at least mention that it was handmade? I know if it was me and it involved trying to find my daughter's murderer, I would insist that people be aware of that, as custom made items & store-bought items have an entirely different appearance.

I just thought of something about the book bag....our schools have what we call "book fairs", they are several times throughout the year, starting with the first month or two after school starts....wonder if this book bag was something that was purchased thru the school Book Fair, maybe came with several books?? just a thought...fwiw
I can't disagree with you about AMW and it does seem like the missing children cases Walsh was referencing were from the 1970's and not the 1980's. But, if I remember right, the Sheriff did specifically say that the last time she was seen was at the Gano house when she walked around the inside of the fence. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have the episode on my DVR anymore and the AMW site only has an "extended" interview with Sheriff Beseler that's all of 26 seconds long.

Also, is the shortcut behind the park you are talking about along the stream?

And we may not be able to find the bookbag since it's an artist's rendition and may be based on a faulty recollection by Diena.

The shortcut is bordered on one side by an irrigation ditch, but it had water in it, so I guess you could call it a "stream". I think you are right about the sheriffs comment. Also Virginatwo brought up a good point about the bags possibly being hand crafted.
I was reading this last night, on my blackberry, in bed, in "PDA mode" (which is hard to read KWIM)...

I'm a lurker because there is NO WAY I could keep up, but I keep checking back to see what is going on! And believe me, this is the hardest thread to follow. The initials are overwhelming. :banghead: I just try to make sense of it all.

I've missed most of the DT/ST opinions, but I have my own. I'll keep it to myself. Right now I lean towards the killer being someone Somer knew, and I am still suspicious of the whole afternoon and the babysitting arrangements.

Anyway, that's why I am able to read and not post. I'm not up to anything else, certainly not a spy!

How do you read these threads on a PDA?! My eyes hurt just thinking about it!!!

Thank you for posting. Yes, the initials can be confusing, so we've all had to take a course in hieroglyphics to be able to understand them!!!

Sometimes I think I need a refresher course!
Maybe this guy has already been sleuthed, REA:


He's one of two RSO on sadnpod's shortcut route. He pled guilty to two counts of Lewd or Lascivious Molestation (V<12 / D>18 Force/Entice) in 2004 and got a year in prison for each count and 5 years probation. He petitioned to have his probation modified in June 2008 and was granted the modification (I have no idea how it was modified).
if we have any school teachers here, maybe they can check with Scholastic, and see if they sell a book bag like the one described...just a thought
I'd wondered if the book bag was originally intended for something else when I'd heard "she used it as a book bag" ... but I cannot find any link so I don't know who said that or where I heard it. Will listen to AMW again.

So, based on previous sleuthing by SharetheLight and paris_paris:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 23

Way back in 1990, a couple of horny teenagers in love in Texas, where the age of consent is 17, didn't practice birth control very well. She was age 15 or 16, and he was 17, an age difference of less than 3 years. They were apparently married in September 1990 (lasted 10 months) and they had a child. He was charged with Sexual Assault in 1992, believed to be related to this relationship. AFAIK, no evidence to the contrary has been discovered. For this "crime", he is required to register as a SO for the rest of his life. His ONLY apparent offenses since that time appear to be related to his failure to register his changes of address. There is no indication at all that he has committed any similar offenses.

Now, nearly 20 years later, his name is bandied about as a POI in the murder of a 7 year old girl - all because of a mistake he and his girlfriend made when he was 17.

Something is wrong with this picture. Really! Based on the nature of his crime, I just don't see how he would even be seriously considered. These "Romeo and Juliet" offenses just overload the system. JMO

Please note that I do not believe the same about WLK. As an adult, he has been convicted of real crime(s?) against a child. Unlike CWG, he deserves to be an RSO. MOO again.

Do you have evidence as to that is why he is an SO, or is that the scenario you are deciding it is? He fails to register and moves around a lot. Not all Romeo and Juliets are what they appear to be. Witness the rapist that was just arrested in Jacksonville a few days ago. He was first a Romeo and Juliet.

So, based on previous sleuthing by SharetheLight and paris_paris:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 23

Way back in 1990, a couple of horny teenagers in love in Texas, where the age of consent is 17, didn't practice birth control very well. She was age 15 or 16, and he was 17, an age difference of less than 3 years. They were apparently married in September 1990 (lasted 10 months) and they had a child. He was charged with Sexual Assault in 1992, believed to be related to this relationship. AFAIK, no evidence to the contrary has been discovered. For this "crime", he is required to register as a SO for the rest of his life. His ONLY apparent offenses since that time appear to be related to his failure to register his changes of address. There is no indication at all that he has committed any similar offenses.

Now, nearly 20 years later, his name is bandied about as a POI in the murder of a 7 year old girl - all because of a mistake he and his girlfriend made when he was 17.

Something is wrong with this picture. Really! Based on the nature of his crime, I just don't see how he would even be seriously considered. These "Romeo and Juliet" offenses just overload the system. JMO

Please note that I do not believe the same about WLK. As an adult, he has been convicted of real crime(s?) against a child. Unlike CWG, he deserves to be an RSO. MOO again.

I totally understand your reasoning here. But by that same reasoning, CWG flys right under the radar. TXLE sees it just the way you do, thus their backlog in registering him in the system. Also media helps by putting his pic on air just recently as a predator and unknown address. When we all know here where he is (or suppose to be). I have a problem with this because he has learned from an early age how to play the system. He travels around alot between TX and FL, no matter were he is registered. His attitude towards registering is arrogant to say the least. Also, his mug strongly resembles the sketch of perp in shannon paulk case in AL. True, he could just be what you have described. But not having any more offenses could also be because of this attitude to the R/J scenario, by not only the public, but LE. What if he is just playing it right? What if he has been a suspect in other cases, but was dismissed by LE because he's just a poor R/J rapist and not a "real" SO? IDK. But I think there is alot more to CWG than it appears. Also, after sleuthing these RSO's Ive realized just how easily they manipulate us/LE. An RSO is an RSO, and unless laws are changed, he has to register too, or should be in jail if he doesnt. Horny teenage romeo or not.


Why is it you can say in three sentences, the same thing that takes me a whole dahmn paragraph?
Chili..I was sleuthing both those RSO's after walking the shortcut, without much luck. The only thing good is that both at least seem to be doing what they are suppose to and live where they say they do. Do you, or anyone, remember which RSO was the one that is now in jail, who was absconded and had pages of convictions for trespassing in vacant houses? Young BM. Grrrr I cant remember his name and i wanted to see his status. Geez, was it another AB? Help? anyone!?
if we have any school teachers here, maybe they can check with Scholastic, and see if they sell a book bag like the one described...just a thought

Hello -

I work at a school here in Florida. We happen to be having a Book Fair now.
There is nothing like this or any type of book bags for sale. I don't remember anything for sale with the "skull & bones" design at school.

I am not in the same district as this. But I would think that everything would have to be approved by each district before it can be brought into the school to sell. That is how it usually works. We cannot even bring in videos unless they are approved.

You can go to the Scholastic website and check. You might find something, but I don't think so.

Using the map above. See the pink thing that shows where she is last seen? Coming from school, turn left on gano, the propane tanks are immediately on the left (this is where she was seen frowning) right after that is Fromhart st on right. If u turn down this street, skate park is on rt and park is on left, the shortcut can be taken from this direction and go behind the park, or continue down gano, pass 1080 right about where that pink thing is is the other side of the fence around the park, you can go beside this fence and cut through this way too, to the same shortcut behind the park. It comes out through an open gate at the end on Grove Park, right by willow lane. From there you can turn right and take pecan (altho it looks like you cant) to the left to somers house or briarwood and back track less than a block to her house. I also never understood why LE insisted there were no shortcuts, Ive driven it, walked it, and neighbors said kids use it all the time. It was a worn path, with evidence of kids/teenagers hanging there. Im not so good at this. I hope this helps.

Willow like in weeping willow

So, based on previous sleuthing by SharetheLight and paris_paris:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 23

Way back in 1990, a couple of horny teenagers in love in Texas, where the age of consent is 17, didn't practice birth control very well. She was age 15 or 16, and he was 17, an age difference of less than 3 years. They were apparently married in September 1990 (lasted 10 months) and they had a child. He was charged with Sexual Assault in 1992, believed to be related to this relationship. AFAIK, no evidence to the contrary has been discovered. For this "crime", he is required to register as a SO for the rest of his life. His ONLY apparent offenses since that time appear to be related to his failure to register his changes of address. There is no indication at all that he has committed any similar offenses.

Now, nearly 20 years later, his name is bandied about as a POI in the murder of a 7 year old girl - all because of a mistake he and his girlfriend made when he was 17.

Something is wrong with this picture. Really! Based on the nature of his crime, I just don't see how he would even be seriously considered. These "Romeo and Juliet" offenses just overload the system. JMO

Please note that I do not believe the same about WLK. As an adult, he has been convicted of real crime(s?) against a child. Unlike CWG, he deserves to be an RSO. MOO again.

Hi Utta Waye
You might be absolutly right about this CWG. I checked every criminal and non-criminal record he has - several background checks revealed nothing. He moves between Florida and Texas often - overt attempts to avoid registration as SO?

The problem is: Maybe CWG and the girl were in love and sex was consensual, but then who filed charges against him and for what? How did he end up in court?

His moving around to avoid registration makes him look guilty - seems his sole purpose in life is to avoid registration.

If CWG is innocent and this was a 'love' thing way back when, how did the courts get it so wrong?

I'm with you completely in that people going to bed where consensual sex prevails or having been given the wrong age should NOT end up with charges of a sexual offense. However, rape early on, is a huge predictor of violence in future sexual crimes. How do we know this wasn't rape? TIA

ETA: I really do think WK is the predator in this case! There simply is not enough evidence to convict. mho
Thanks, but it's been found and the photos discussed. Mr. Tight Jeans was not among them.

ETA: Sadnpod has talked to detective about this man and they know who he is. He has taken a polygraph because his behavior raised red flags with LE. Discussed earlier in this thread.

(Threw this in for people who don't have time to read.)

Yea, I was catching up on reading when I posted that & after I posted I figured you had already found it. lol
Do you have evidence as to that is why he is an SO, or is that the scenario you are deciding it is?

If you read SharetheLight's explanation, I agree with it.


No other charge has surfaced, and there has been much sleuthing done. I do not have any evidence at all, just an opinion.

He fails to register and moves around a lot. Not all Romeo and Juliets are what they appear to be. Witness the rapist that was just arrested in Jacksonville a few days ago. He was first a Romeo and Juliet.

IIRC the rapist you mention was in his early twenties, so it's not been 20 years since his first offence. Also, he was not targetting children.

It just seems a stretch to go from having a girlfriend 2-3 years younger to possibly molesting and murdering a child. I may be wrong, but I don't think that is the history of most child murderers.

Perhaps if we knew exactly why CWG was mistakenly listed on the MPR by someone, I might change my mind.
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