FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #9

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The robbery was finally mentioned tonite on jvm but le would give no comment.
and why not? What they DON'T SAY says the most! If it has nothing to do with Somer's murder they need to address it.

Them not addressing it? 1) mistake 2) it has something to do with the case and they cannot discuss it

I am leaning toward mistake myself... but who knows

eta: they were quick enough to dismiss the relation of the other attempted abduction that turned out not to be an attempted abduction so if this was four dudes out just robbing some random family I would think they would just say it and be done with it? what gives?
Alright, I'll start the next thread unless someone beats me to it. I'll link.
there are also a few pictures of him with children in DR's memorial video! It also appears that he is LIVING with DR's daughter who has a baby (their pictures are also in the memorial video). I will link you to the obit and the video. Daughter's name is in the obit. Do a white page search and you will see that she is living at the same address as WLK!

WLK is listed as a predator. Worst of the worst. He also has DR's name tatted on his body.


and funny.... her video has been pulled from the link!

The video is still there-I just watched it-not going to link it, not sure if it is allowed.
Yes I believe so, when the mother of the child it had happened told what the child said happened it could have been that lady the child was talking about. I tried to get a mental picture of how the whole incident took place acording to the lady and could not so i tried to draw it out on paper and still no luck.

I think this is the press conf. where we met those other people that had the attempted abduction (mom and woman that helped)


That was around 11:30 a.m.
I've been gone all day, but I have a good excuse-honest. Let me just say this:please make sure your men get their PSAs and follow through with any and all recommended procedures. OK?

I just have a couple of questions:
1) The robbery at Somer's home was before she went missing, right? It was the arrest that came afterward?
2) Has there ever been a relationship established between the Thompsons and any of those who were arrested?
3) Did we ever hear back from an admin re:a forum for Somer?
OK, so that's 3.

I smiled about the MOO and KWIM. I've been trying to puzzle out ETA-but I looked it up
It's alphabetical and it has everything!

I was going to suggest a recap every 10 pages or so, but I knew better.
I'm quoting myself, but I really really want to know.
Thread #10.
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90850"]Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park thread #10 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Emailing a mod now.
I've been gone all day, but I have a good excuse-honest. Let me just say this:please make sure your men get their PSAs and follow through with any and all recommended procedures. OK?

I just have a couple of questions:
1) The robbery at Somer's home was before she went missing, right? It was the arrest that came afterward?
2) Has there ever been a relationship established between the Thompsons and any of those who were arrested?
3) Did we ever hear back from an admin re:a forum for Somer?
OK, so that's 3.
I smiled about the MOO and KWIM. I've been trying to puzzle out ETA-but I looked it up
I was going to suggest a recap every 10 pages or so, but I knew better.

Hi Doggies, I read today that the burglary address was a mistake and it was not at Somer's house. I've been reading around so don't know where that came from but thought it could be the case. It would have been just too COINKYDINK to have been the same address as Somer's with what happened. IMO

The robbery was finally mentioned tonite on jvm but le would give no comment.

Hi all,
Long time lurker here!! Just a quick question...

Was there an actual robbery at Somers house at all???

Somer's house was where the arrests took place. But that does not mean that was where the robbery occured.

Pretty sure someone pulled up a surname that match family or something.... but they may just mean they were for support and LE arrested them there??
IDK... Going back to lurking LOL!
It was stated by a LE official at last Thursday's press conference. It was an undercover LE agent in the blue car and he saw a girl cross the street on her bike and almost get hit by a car. He stopped to see if she was ok and then she said she couldn't find her house. After a few minutes, she said she saw her house and she went home and he went on his way and reported it to his boss. Somone saw this(parents??) and told LE enforcement about an attempted abduction. FDLE and the FBI investigated the matter and confirmed the story with the officer. That is it, there is NOTHING to this, we need to move on from this angle. I will try to find the video of the news conference.

Well that is strange - cuz the other lady made it seem like she was there at the same time this other car was still there to some degree - so wouldn't the officer have seen this other lady stop to talk to the child? I would think maybe he would then be concerned and ask the lady if she knew the little girl.
RANT: I'm so sick of having to worry about stepping on the toes of criminals. I feel that day they chose to touch a child in a way that is not natural is the day they forfiet rights and liberties.
During all of this, I went to family watchdog site and found a man in my small town that has been CONVICTED 5 times for molestation. You can pretty much bet he has done it a lot more times that 5. He lives about a block from the school my daughter goes to. I had no idea he existed till a sleuther gave me the link to the site. The site I always go to is thru Louisiana State Police. That site only gives you the ones in your "area". I guess the 3 or 5 mile radius of your house.
I will never, for the life of me, understand why SO's are roaming the streets. People who sell dope on the corner to consenting adults who pay for it get much more time in prison than these animals.
I don't get it and I think it is time for a change!!!

In the county where my children go to school RSOs cannot live within a 1 mile radius of any school...you should check on that. One mile is what children are able to walk, anyone outside is eligible for bus service.
It was stated by a LE official at last Thursday's press conference. It was an undercover LE agent in the blue car and he saw a girl cross the street on her bike and almost get hit by a car. He stopped to see if she was ok and then she said she couldn't find her house. After a few minutes, she said she saw her house and she went home and he went on his way and reported it to his boss. Somone saw this(parents??) and told LE enforcement about an attempted abduction. FDLE and the FBI investigated the matter and confirmed the story with the officer. That is it, there is NOTHING to this, we need to move on from this angle. I will try to find the video of the news conference.

Well thanx for that. I get it that it has nothing to do with Somer, but WHY did they have the 5 year old's mother and the woman that helped her talking about it at a press conference 2 weeks later? They said they called 911 after it happened. So the real story didn't come out until after it was on TV?
I've corrected my post, thank you, I did mean to quote correctly...

However, the big difference escapes me. The point that an SO may have difficulty with adult relationships gets across either way. IMO

I see a huge difference Emma Peel - 'can't get any' seems off handed and not much more than a slang saying used in jokes etc. I think it has a aura to it that if off color.

'Can't get anybody' - is a true statement made about pedophiles who obsess and fantasize about having power and control over a child...could be from violent sex, murder, sadistic sex, sadistic behavior. I don't believe a pedophile is happy and content with an adult woman - especially sexually. mho
Hi Doggies, I read today that the burglary address was a mistake and it was not at Somer's house. I've been reading around so don't know where that came from but thought it could be the case. It would have been just too COINKYDINK to have been the same address as Somer's with what happened. IMO
no no, one of our posters here called CCSO, and that address is CORRECT
Don't understand this part of your post.
There are people who think that it is okay to have sex with a person of any age-so long as it is not done in a violent way.I understand your not understanding what I said because it is such an abhorrant thing to consider or even think about but believe it or not there are such persons who BELIEVE this with a passion. You MUST put your mind into the mind of such a person-and go from there. IF such a believer killed Somer then take that knowledge and stretch it- was it a man who is a family man in daily life with an aberration of character/mind who is so far gone that he has entertained this fantasy/belief for many a year and then-boom-he acted upon such fantasy and had to get rid of her quickly and get home for dinner...sickening? YES. But real......Evil exists and it continues. And that is probably the reason for tomorrow's update. There is a very real threat out there. I somehow do not believe it is an RSO.....it is someone heretofore unknown. How do we protect ourselves/our children from someone lke this is the ultimate slam.
I'm quoting myself, but I really really want to know.

I hope this helps you a bit...

I didn't reply to an earlier post in response to my post regarding the robbery because, well, I already knew what day and time the robbery allegedly took place -- thus my post inviting more discussion.

It's my understanding that Somer disappeared on the 19th and the robbery took place on the 21st (the morning of the day her little body was found). If this is incorrect, someone please let me know.

I suppose I could be grasping at straws, but the link between Somer's disappearance, murder, and then the robbery at her home just can NOT be coincidental.
got to go to bed now all...prayers and blessing out to all, esp Little Somer's family tonight....til tomorrow.....night all
Quick Question: are we to continue posting here or move to new thread?


and why not? What they DON'T SAY says the most! If it has nothing to do with Somer's murder they need to address it.

Them not addressing it? 1) mistake 2) it has something to do with the case and they cannot discuss it

I am leaning toward mistake myself... but who knows

eta: they were quick enough to dismiss the relation of the other attempted abduction that turned out not to be an attempted abduction so if this was four dudes out just robbing some random family I would think they would just say it and be done with it? what gives?

A Member of WS called the jail this morning. These people WERE arrested at Somers home. NO MISTAKE!!
I am trying to think that these 4 were wanted in a robbery, and finally caught at Somer's home.....
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