GUILTY FL - Tariji Gordon, 2, Sanford, 10 Feb 2014

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Who was with the other kids while she went to bury the baby?

Department of Children and Families spokeswoman Carrie Proudfit said her agency took away Fryer's children after Tariji's twin brother was discovered dead May 13, 2011.
The medical examiner in that case ruled that the boy, Tavont'ae Gordon, died of asphyxiation, an accident that happened while mother and son were sleeping together on the couch.
The medical examiner said an impression on Tavont'ae's chest was caused by a shoe or foot, and it appeared Fryer laid her foot on the baby.
Fryer tested positive for cocaine, and although authorities feared her substance abuse may have contributed, she was not charged with a crime.
That conclusion, Proudfit said, prompted DCF to try to reunify the family instead of permanently strip Fryer of her parental rights.
Proudfit said Fryer successfully completed a case plan before a judge signed an order authorizing the children to move from a foster home back to their mother's home.
According to Proudfit, the department's chief concern about the mother wasn't that she was violent and beat her children, but that she had a history of abusing drugs.,0,6488049.story?page=1

BBM, ULBM... WHAT?!?!?!
I'm absolutely sickened. She could have given those kids to a family that will show them what it's like to be loved and cared for. But no, she chose to KEEP her 'retarded child' and beat them to death. I'm in tears, I can't handle this
:banghead::banghead: I am speechless ....OMG

This situation is wrong on so many levels...just wrong:banghead::banghead:
She was going to wake the children as soon as the social worker left....
They should have been woken while the social worker was still there.

Then Taraji might still be alive.
(This is how her foster mother spells it. I'm going to trust her.)

A previously posted link is now on page 2 -,0,6488049.story?page=2
And cellphone records obtained by police show Fryer confessed in a Jan. 31 text message to beating one of her children with a hanger. She also wrote that she feared she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

This link, has either part or complete text message.

That was not quite a week before....

Thank you MsFacetious for finding & sharing the picture of her.
She made it sound like the baby had a medical problem that she discovered in the morning. But that baby was found with shoes on. You don't put shoes on a dead child. In fact, most children of that age don't wear shoes at home. So was this child killed elsewhere? Food for thought.
My heart hurts for the many adults we read about here. My heart bleeds for the little Children who have no voice. Yet.......I can barely stand it. What the sam hay is wrong with people :banghead::banghead::banghead:
First child dies in 2011 had a foot/shoe imprint on his chest and mom tested positive for drugs. Mom wasn't charged in his death. Remaining children are placed in foster care. So sad when CPS believes reunification is best. We need to ask CPS, "how's that working for ya?".
Oh I'm so glad there's finally a share-able picture! I'd been admiring her on Facebook but knew we couldn't post those here. Beautiful little girl.

I'm trying so hard to keep my focus on positive feelings about Taraji, but this case has me so, so, SO angry. It's just senseless. Is this really how things went? (roughly):

- Taraji's twin dies mysteriously in infancy.. might've been related to the 'mom' but it's ruled an accident and she's not charged.

- 'Mom' appears to have various drug/addiction problems, kids are taken away.

- Kids go into foster care. Based on the photos from foster mom and the comments from the school teachers, kids were happy and loved in foster care. For those who do Facebook there are some beautiful pics of her all dressed up and clearly happy.

- Junkie 'mom' gets kids back, but is (supposedly) heavily supervised.

- 'Mom' is abusive to Taraji and admits to it via a text, also corroborated by her older daughter.

- The latest in home visit/observation consists of what, a guy taking a quick glance at blankets? (please tell me the kids have blankets) If Taraji was still alive at that point she had to have been in distress, IMO, so he sure as <self censored> didn't 'observe' them that closely.

- Caseworker leaves, Taraji doesn't wake up, and her 'mother' spends 30 minutes trying to revive her but doesn't think to, say, call 911?

- 'Mother' sits Taraji's lifeless body in a chair for HOURS before finally putting her in a suitcase.

- 'Mother' bums a ride from a friend to another location approximately an hour away (if I've got the right addresses for Google - I got them from the affidavit). So this this is what, 6-7 hours after she died that 'mother' finally buries her in a shallow grave? Must've been too much work to dig it deeper since poor Taraji's foot was still sticking out.

- 'Mother' spends the night on the porch of the house where she just buried her daughter (WHAT?!?), before getting a ride back home the next day.

- After all of this, 'mother' decides to turn herself in to the police.

I'm angriest at the 'mother' obviously, but there is SO MUCH wrong about this whole thing. I'm also very bothered by the fact that she probably could've gotten away with whatever happened if she HAD called 911 and Taraji died anyway - written off like what happened before with the baby.

So many questions even outside of the 'mother's' actions.

WT<bleep> is wrong with the caseworker that he thought seeing kids asleep in bed was an acceptable check? Or to be fair, maybe it's not his fault - in that case, what's wrong with the policies and procedures at this agency that this was acceptable?

Where were the other kids while she buried her daughter and took a nap?

Is it normal for "T" to just drop everything and drive her friend so far, two days in a row? Seems weird. Maybe it's just me but if I'm going to drive a friend roughly an hour one way, I'm going to ask them about their trip at some point during that drive (not interrogate them, but certainly ask - also, probably going to be confused when they ask me to just drop them off with a heavy suitcase and no obvious destination). To be clear I'm not trying to implicate "T" in anything, I just think it's an awfully strange piece of the story.

There's more but this is getting way too long, sorry. Time to take some deep breaths, look at Taraji's beautiful face, and think about her and not the awfulness that happened to her.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Ya know in the "real" world we live in sometimes I wonder if having Children should be Government mandated. Not even opening this for debate but so many cases make me wonder....... Sadly. Sigh.
She made it sound like the baby had a medical problem that she discovered in the morning. But that baby was found with shoes on. You don't put shoes on a dead child. In fact, most children of that age don't wear shoes at home. So was this child killed elsewhere? Food for thought.

Oh wow. I hadn't even thought about that.

I did notice that supposedly the 'fluid' described in the affidavit was on the couch, not in a bed. Do these poor kids even sleep in beds? Or do they just crash wherever, fully dressed including their shoes? (in which case, wouldn't that be a massive red flag for the caseworker?) ugh.
Oh I'm so glad there's finally a share-able picture! I'd been admiring her on Facebook but knew we couldn't post those here. Beautiful little girl.

I'm trying so hard to keep my focus on positive feelings about Taraji, but this case has me so, so, SO angry. It's just senseless. Is this really how things went? (roughly):

- Taraji's twin dies mysteriously in infancy.. might've been related to the 'mom' but it's ruled an accident and she's not charged.

- 'Mom' appears to have various drug/addiction problems, kids are taken away.

- Kids go into foster care. Based on the photos from foster mom and the comments from the school teachers, kids were happy and loved in foster care. For those who do Facebook there are some beautiful pics of her all dressed up and clearly happy.

- Junkie 'mom' gets kids back, but is (supposedly) heavily supervised.

- 'Mom' is abusive to Taraji and admits to it via a text, also corroborated by her older daughter.

- The latest in home visit/observation consists of what, a guy taking a quick glance at blankets? (please tell me the kids have blankets) If Taraji was still alive at that point she had to have been in distress, IMO, so he sure as <self censored> didn't 'observe' them that closely.

- Caseworker leaves, Taraji doesn't wake up, and her 'mother' spends 30 minutes trying to revive her but doesn't think to, say, call 911?

- 'Mother' sits Taraji's lifeless body in a chair for HOURS before finally putting her in a suitcase.

- 'Mother' bums a ride from a friend to another location approximately an hour away (if I've got the right addresses for Google - I got them from the affidavit). So this this is what, 6-7 hours after she died that 'mother' finally buries her in a shallow grave? Must've been too much work to dig it deeper since poor Taraji's foot was still sticking out.

- 'Mother' spends the night on the porch of the house where she just buried her daughter (WHAT?!?), before getting a ride back home the next day.

- After all of this, 'mother' decides to turn herself in to the police.

I'm angriest at the 'mother' obviously, but there is SO MUCH wrong about this whole thing. I'm also very bothered by the fact that she probably could've gotten away with whatever happened if she HAD called 911 and Taraji died anyway - written off like what happened before with the baby.

So many questions even outside of the 'mother's' actions.

WT<bleep> is wrong with the caseworker that he thought seeing kids asleep in bed was an acceptable check? Or to be fair, maybe it's not his fault - in that case, what's wrong with the policies and procedures at this agency that this was acceptable?

Where were the other kids while she buried her daughter and took a nap?

Is it normal for "T" to just drop everything and drive her friend so far, two days in a row? Seems weird. Maybe it's just me but if I'm going to drive a friend roughly an hour one way, I'm going to ask them about their trip at some point during that drive (not interrogate them, but certainly ask - also, probably going to be confused when they ask me to just drop them off with a heavy suitcase and no obvious destination). To be clear I'm not trying to implicate "T" in anything, I just think it's an awfully strange piece of the story.

There's more but this is getting way too long, sorry. Time to take some deep breaths, look at Taraji's beautiful face, and think about her and not the awfulness that happened to her.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Your post says it all tenfold. I just cant wrap my head around these cases. The why of hurting a child. The why of why these children are returned. Just god damn why:banghead::banghead::banghead: to any of it!!!!!
:tantrum: :please:I prayed for a different outcome.

RIP little angel.

I hope the mom is severely punished.
It looks like they never believed that Timothy and Tonya HAD Taraji....
They just thought they had information.
So that's why the female TG was being looked for. They knew she had given the mother a ride. :twocents:
There isn't a time frame on charging for murder is it? Can they charge her for killing the baby boy now? I mean, I don't know how you have a foot/shoe impression on an infants chest and it be an accident. No. You do cocaine, while being in charge of two infants, then you face the consequences! That little boy didn't get justice for his death!

I thought I had settled down, but I haven't. This case has made me the angriest I've been in quite some time. Killing two kids, and pregnant again. Oh this pisses me off. Those babies did NOTHING to warrant killing them! They were innocent babies!!

And to state that Taraji was bad for coming to bed with a ****** pullup on... ummm *****...that's part of a being a parent that you obviously know nothing about! If you had gotten up off your fat *advertiser censored* and taken care of the child, and loved the child, then it wouldn't have been a baby getting into bed with a ****** pullup! She would have been bathed, a new pullup on her, and her jammies, snuggled into bed with a cuddle and kisses, and read her book. You know, one of those 20 books you boasted about buying. How many did you ever read to the kids??? And since you obviously didn't want to deal with Taraji, why couldn't you have just left her in foster care where she was loved, dolled up, and treated like the little princess that she was!! WHY??? So you could get more foodstamps that you bragged about??? What was your motive? WHY WHY WHY?????

As for the getting a ride deal... probably thought they were going to get some drugs. I know if someone asked me to drive them an hour away, drop them off with a suitcase, and then wanted me to pick them up the next day, and they didn't have the suitcase, well, it wouldn't be pretty! I'd be asking questions, or refuse to take them to begin with! What did they talk about during that hour ride? Were the kids mentioned at all? What was the reasoning given for needing a ride? The driver obviously knew something, because in the pdf that's link, it states that the driver told someone that she knew about the baby being buried. AND on facebook, before news stated she had been buried, it was being rumored. So yeah, someone was talking!

Where was she when they found her and the 3 kids? Was there anyone else with her? Who drove her there? Did anyone ask where Taraji was??

The loss of a child is so heartbeaking to begin with. To find out it was the loss of two children whose own birth vessel didn't value them is sickening! She has no idea how lucky she was to have had twins that survived pregnancy, and to have healthy babies. She has no idea how many women would love to just be pregnant once and carry to full term and deliver a healthy baby.

I don't blame DFC or any other government service. None of them killed the kids. None of them buried Taraji and placed plywood, and piece of tin over her, after dressing her! No... that was done by the MOM! The one person a child should be able to trust that will love them unconditionally, and that protect them from harm.

My prayers with the remaining children. May their memories of the abuse Taraji suffered eventually fade, and may they only know love, support, and guidance from here on out. May they grow up and learn to parent from their foster parents, and not from what they endured for their brief periods of living with this monster!

All as always, JMO!!!

I haven't gotten it to play yet, so don't know what it says. But link says exclusive interview with father of toddler buried in Putnam County.

There's a tiny link that says Transcript...still haven't gotten it to play for me though.
It looks like they never believed that Timothy and Tonya HAD Taraji....
They just thought they had information.
So that's why the female TG was being looked for. They knew she had given the mother a ride. :twocents:

Agreed... I was thinking about Timothy too. It sounds like he's the father of at least some of the kids. Since he reportedly didn't live there anymore I wonder, did he even know Taraji was missing? I was feeling pretty bad for him earlier, especially if he had no idea. Of course, if he did know, that completely changes things.
<snipped for space>
I thought I had settled down, but I haven't. This case has made me the angriest I've been in quite some time. Killing two kids, and pregnant again. Oh this pisses me off. Those babies did NOTHING to warrant killing them! They were innocent babies!!<snipped for space>

2Hope4 I did the best I could snipping your post just for space reasons, but so agree with all of what you said.

I can't settle down either. I've been trying, but it isn't working. I keep alternating between sadness, anger, and more questions coming to mind.

The poor baby that died earlier - good question about being able to go back and possibly re-try that case. I hope so. I seriously can't think of any acceptable reason for the baby to have marks on him like that. He's not a footrest.

One other thing that hit me in the last few minutes - who was the guy that they interviewed initially on the affidavit? Was he a neighbor, or was he there with/watching the kids? I won't sleuth him as I know he's a witness and not a suspect, but I find it weird that the female "only known to him as Tonya" just randomly came up with I helped Rachel dispose of her deceased child to tell this guy she doesn't know that well. Really????

For that matter where were the other kids at the time - were they with this witness, or somewhere else?

About the drive, just... I don't understand. Did TG have any idea something shady was going on? It sounds like she must have, but I wonder what she really knew. Again not implicating her, but at some point along the way was she not thinking "ok this is weird"? I am with you on the suitcase thing too! Plus if I'm already driving someone an hour away I would expect to take them to their actual destination, not just drop them off nearby. Red flags right and left.

It absolutely breaks my heart to think these kids had a happy foster home and got sent back to this. I hope they're somewhere safe tonight, and for the rest of their lives. Oh and I hope the new baby gets a brand new home the second he or she is born.
Thanks 2Hope4. I hope you can get it to play. It worked for me. A couple of very short notes:

Reporter talking about her discussion w/him:
"He tried to stay away from that house as much as possible" and "He had his reasons."

[I had] "Nothing to do with it."

He was crying (I confess, me too) so I couldn't understand what he said before this, but it sounded like it was along the lines of wishing she was there today so he could hug/help her. This part I could understand: "If she could've just screamed out and said Daddy I need your help. Daddy I need you."

He had 4 children by Rachel Fryer.
My note: One of them was Tanaji, another her twin... so I guess he has two surviving children with her? They didn't mention her pregnancy or whose child it is.

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