FL FL - Terrance Williams, 27, & Felipe Santos, 23, Collier Co, 2003 & 2004

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Status Missing
First name Terrance
Middle name Deon
Last name Williams
Date last seen January 12, 2004 15:49
Date entered 12/23/2009
Age last seen 27 to 27 years old
Age now 38 years old
Race Black/African American
Sex Male
Height (inches) 68.0 to 72.0
Weight (pounds) 160.0 to 175.0
Dental Status: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA Status: Sample submitted - Tests complete
Fingerprint Information Status: Fingerprint information is available elsewhere
Last one is age-progression. Photos from NamUs.

Terrance has been missing for 11 years today.
I just don't think either of these men were ever at the circleK. There is no video at all of Terrence being dropped off there.
Sometimes I think that men are ignored when they are Missing persons unless they are famous. These guys deserve to be put to rest and their loved ones deserve answers.
http://www.fluiddb.com/php/details10.php?case=508 Can someone help me find out if this doe had been checked against Felipe Santos?

I noticed gold teeth (upper front two) on this UID (they say silver but they look more gold to me?) and I have no idea if Felipe had those? Terrance does but I don't know if he has any hispanic heritage or if he even fits any of your UID description. I am trying to find out if Felipe has any silver or gold dental work but coming up with nothing.
If it is neither of them, I wonder if this UID disappeared under the same circumstances.
Do you think it's close enough that i should post it to the facebook page or something? I don't know about the teeth either but I've always wondered about this doe because to me it favors Felipe.
Nevermind everyone... It said that does was checked against Felipe Santos but it said race undetermined somewhere i read... so I wonder if they could check him against Terrance too?
I'm just a short drive from Naples, Florida (Fort Myers here) and every time this case is on Disappeared it makes me so angry. My heart aches for Terrance, Felipe and their families. It drives me crazy every time I hear them say there was no "probable cause" to search Calkin's home, but there was enough probable cause to search his vehicle and put a GPS tracking device in it to trace his movements. BS.

I am convinced that Calkin's is a serial killer and that there are many more victims out there.

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