FL - Terrorist Discussion/49 Killed in Orlando at Nightclub Pulse

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New York Times: "Even if [Orlando gunman Omar] Mateen had remained on the [FBI's terrorist] watch list, it would not have stopped him from buying a gun. Congress blocked an attempt last year to give the FBI the power to block gun sales to people on terrorism watch lists."

Mateen, pledged allegiance to the so-called Islamic State – but to date, there are no proven links.

This is 21st major mass shooting in the six years... in the US

I thought this was a great analogy--mass shooting -- call it ISIS poof not our responsiblity:

Closer to the Orlando moment is the case a couple of weeks ago, of the rare gorilla that was shot dead at Cincinnati Zoo, to save the life of a child that had found its way into the animal's enclosure. It was human error that left the gap through which the child crawled; but like it or not, the response of the experts was that the animal be killed.

same thing

n the shadow of the greater Orlando tragedy, a lesser but quite horrific one – an alligator snatched a two-year- old boy at a Disney resort a few miles from the city. The child was allowed to be "partly in the water", in which alligators live; and the immediate response by authorities was to hunt and kill five alligators, to establish if any was the culprit – none was.

If we dont focus on why the kid was able to fall in, and or dont focus on the parents decision to allow a toddler to swim in the dark, our remedy is to kill the gorilla, or a bunch of alligators - it is not DOING anything , really. to prevent it from happening again.

Identical to Pulse. As a society we can puff up all about these ISIS terrrists, while ignoring the reality that OMAR was displaying great potential for violence sine he was young. Stay focused on ISIS, and I can promise you a budding mass shooter is marinating somewhere in some school in some part of AMerica.

It occured to me that teachers should be educated on homicial indicators , in conjuction with sucidal warning systems.

Sadly, the airport and restarant, have highlighted what real radical terrorsim looks, and feel like in sharp contrast to Pulse. Yet the myth lingers...............................promising us another mass shooting just around the corner.

It astounds me that the media , despite far more similarties with Batman massacre, than the the airport/SanBern continue to let the focus point the binnoculars in the wrong direction.

You aint gonna find what ya need if your looking in wrong direction....



Teachers need to be trained in providing positive interventions as well as how to talk with parents re issues with kids.

This is getting out of control guys

Sadly I just had to start thread

Baghdad Car bombs target shopping districts, 126 dead

I'm not sure which thread to post this in but this is a fascinating and in-depth article about the Americans who want to join ISIS.

What the Americans Drawn to ISIS had in Common

The nearly 100 United States residents accused of trying to help the Islamic State share certain characteristics that may have made them more susceptible to radicalization, according to a report from the Center on National Security at Fordham Law.


........investigators say Mateen's profile is more like that of a "typical mass shooter" than an individual radicalized by ISIS, as NPR's Dina Temple-Raston reports.

intelligence officials and investigators say they're "becoming increasingly convinced that the motive for this attack had very little — or maybe nothing — to do with ISIS."

al-Qaida and ISIS-inspired attacks tend to follow a different pattern.

"We know that during the attack the gunman posted messages on Facebook saying he was doing this on behalf of ISIS. But officials have yet to find any of the precursors usually associated with radicalization. T

"And they say that they've yet to find any indication that he became noticeably more religious,

The way he dressed didn't change. His relationship with his family didn't change

typically warning signs that parents and friends and educators are told to look for i

the signs of radicalization aren't there,

Investigators have also been struck by "how closely Mateen's biography adheres to profiles that they associate with typical mass shooters,"

"He was bullied as a kid in school. He had well-documented behavioral problems. He was aggressive toward other kids. As he got older, things didn't get much better. He took steroids, he jumped from job to job, he had a history of domestic violence. And all these things together fit into a mass shooter's profile."

Dina says Mateen reportedly beat both his first wife and his second one — and "violence and control and power are often precursors to mass attacks."

had some problems with his sexuality, maybe even had some latent attraction to men. And he lashed out at the gay community as a result."

........investigators say Mateen's profile is more like that of a "typical mass shooter" than an individual radicalized by ISIS, as NPR's Dina Temple-Raston reports.

intelligence officials and investigators say they're "becoming increasingly convinced that the motive for this attack had very little — or maybe nothing — to do with ISIS."

al-Qaida and ISIS-inspired attacks tend to follow a different pattern.

"We know that during the attack the gunman posted messages on Facebook saying he was doing this on behalf of ISIS. But officials have yet to find any of the precursors usually associated with radicalization. T

"And they say that they've yet to find any indication that he became noticeably more religious,

The way he dressed didn't change. His relationship with his family didn't change

typically warning signs that parents and friends and educators are told to look for i

the signs of radicalization aren't there,

Investigators have also been struck by "how closely Mateen's biography adheres to profiles that they associate with typical mass shooters,"

"He was bullied as a kid in school. He had well-documented behavioral problems. He was aggressive toward other kids. As he got older, things didn't get much better. He took steroids, he jumped from job to job, he had a history of domestic violence. And all these things together fit into a mass shooter's profile."

Dina says Mateen reportedly beat both his first wife and his second one — and "violence and control and power are often precursors to mass attacks."

had some problems with his sexuality, maybe even had some latent attraction to men. And he lashed out at the gay community as a result."

Sure, and the Ft Hood shooting was workplace violence. If someone says they are doing this in the name of their religion, that is why they are doing it. This twisting of motives to achieve a political goal is wrong, and hopefully the voters will reflect that
in the November elections.
Sure, and the Ft Hood shooting was workplace violence. If someone says they are doing this in the name of their religion, that is why they are doing it. This twisting of motives to achieve a political goal is wrong, and hopefully the voters will reflect that
in the November elections.

Yes, it's too bad we can't vote for the Secretary of Defense - Robert Gates wasn't an elected official in 2009. (He was appointed by George Bush in 2006.)
Mosque attended by Pulse nightclub shooter destroyed overnight by arson.

FORT PIERCE, Fla. -- A fire overnight destroyed the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, a mosque once attended by the Pulse nightclub killer and another American terrorist, reports CBS West Plam Beach Florida affiliate WPEC-TV.

The first crews on scene reported seeing flames shooting through the mosque’s roof.

The St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office released a statement Monday morning says the blaze was set.

Authorities said it was unclear if there were any ties to the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

According to the station, the FBI investigated Mateen for terrorist ties twice, including connections to Abu Salha.

The new details of the conversations, released by Orlando Police last week, show Mateen had more than a passing interest in Islamic State, counterterrorism experts said. He specifically singled out the death of Abu Wahib, one of the more visible leaders of the terror group, as one of the main motivations for his attack. Abu Wahib was killed in an airstrike in Iraq just weeks before Mateen opened fire at the Pulse nightclub in June in an attack that killed 49 people and wounded 53. Mateen died in a shootout with police
A reminder that this transcript was seen in its entirety by Loretta Lynch but the public was told the motive "may never be know" and then the hate crime/LGBT spin started.


U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch spoke about the attack hours later on Fox News Sunday.

“I think we have to keep our eye on a larger picture here, which is the victims of this crime were from a community that is often marginalized and that, frankly, the LGBT community is more often the victims of hate crimes than any other recognized group,” she said.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/gay-south-florida/article86731012.html#storylink=cpy

Wag the dog, indeed. :snooty:

Vicarious Injustice Collector. Typical of Islamic Terrorists from 1998 Kenya and Tanzania, 2000 USS Cole, 9/11, Bali, Madrid, Beslan, Baghdad, Mumbai, Boston, Nairobi, Northern Nigeria, Karachi, Paris, Orlando, Nice, and Istanbul.
Wow. I am so happy they did this.

Me too, but it would seem that there is something else. jmo idk jmo but what they are saying, (with him when he bought ammo/aiding and abetting) was known then. jmo

Noor Salman, wife of Orlando massacre shooter Omar Mateen, arrested in San Francisco


Omar Mateen’s wife Noor Salman arrested by FBI


F.B.I. Arrests Wife of Killer in Orlando Mass Shooting

At one point, Salman was cooperating with the FBI. She told the agency that she was aware of her husband's intentions to attack the club and tried to talk him out of it.

Sources told CNN on Friday that the two were texting during the attack, and that Salman tried to call him several times after news of the shooting broke, but he did not answer.


A grand jury is currently weighing whether or not to charge Salman with a crime for withholding information from police about her husband's plans.

I didn't know she was missing/ went into hiding.

Took the GJ 6-7 months to indict.?

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