FL - Tracy Ocasio, 27, Orlando/Ocoee, 27 May 2009 - #1

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Bold by me - I swear if there is chloroform or a nanny in this case I QUIT! (and nobody better mention a church either!) :eek:

:rolleyes: Well...I'm sure JVH has been getting all the coverage of the Anthony case too. Maybe there's a 'breakin necks' t-shirt in his wardrobe, Cocoamom.

Turning back to JVH's m.o...

Can anyone that's done the research tell us if anything in his priors indicate S.O. tendencies? I know LE commented on his proclivity for 'dark arts' (IIRC), vampires, etc. IOW...his interests may have had nothing to do w/ sex. Only choosing female victims that may have been smaller & presumably easier for him overpower. Could be a cross-over too...something like necrophilia. With only one real data point to go on from the 8/2008 account the victim said nothing of refusing an advance by JVH...only that a hug turned into choking (IIRC). Am I making sense? :waitasec:

Headed down this path to see if there is anything we might glean from a profile based on what his motivation/objective was...sex? Thrill-kill?

ETA: The following from the article Kiki linked above that included interview w/ JVH's former roomie:

"Francisco Arellano says he was with Hatway the night he caught a ride home with a Casselberry woman who claims Hataway attacked her.

"He said he wanted to kill people."

Even though Arellano doesn't know what happened after they left the bar, he says Hataway was known to beat people and bragged about hurting women.

"He had a girl pinned down and she would stay down and he kept hitting her until she stopped," he said."​
Look at the caption he put below each of these myspace pictures.
at first the one of him injured (supposedly after either dirtbiking or skateboarding) wasn't important in my mind - but then i saw the same caption under a group of friends? hmmm seeing too coincdental. Are any of these "friends" Onda?



It doesn't appear to me that any one of the 4 in the group pic are Onda Chris George.

IMHO, Left-to-Right:

Unidentified#1, Toole, Unidentified#2, Hataway

Also noted that the image of the individual w/ the bloodied finger shows some one considerably smaller than Unidentified #2. Perhaps Unidentified#1 is the subject in the bloodied finger image. Connecting these two images only by their "R.I.P. P.S.88" titling.

Anyone else identified these 2 or wanna suggest person between them isn't Toole?
Hafta comment...although I haven't read the details of the other victims coming forward beyond the 8/2008 account...IF we take 2 data points and draw a line through them to establish this 'need a ride home' modus operandi...then we can consider what that tells us 'bout JVH.

Some things to consider...
  • A 'give me a ride...' m.o. ensures he would become the POI if/when any witnesses knew 'bout that situation :doh:
  • A 'give me a ride...' home from a bar fits 2 incidents we know about directly involving JVH...potential to fit Kesse case seems less likely IMHO...still possible though
  • Since JVH evaded arrest for the 8/2008 incident he may have been emboldened to try it again
  • Did JVH 'learn' from his botched 8/2008 attack and go to a location where an escape was less likely to be witnessed?
  • LE searches of JVH's computer would reveal if he researched methods of breaking someone's neck. I haven't done that, but, the 8/2008 victim is very specific about some methods JVH used.
  • I get the impression from JVH's body language (nothing more) from the surveil video that JVH was a bit anxious to get going when Tracy came to get him and delayed leaving briefly.
Interested to hear from others that may have been reading 'bout the other alleged victims coming forward and what elements their stories may have in common w/ the 2 incidents we know about to-date.

FWIW...if JVH was familiar w/ industrial cleaning and had access to drums of caustic (sodium hydroxide) I'd be pulling the string on that too.


Bolded by me..

Do we know the locations of these other attacks and where they occurred in relation to where JVH lives/lived at the time?

If these other attacks occurred in relatively the same area, it is possible that those areas are close to a potential dumping ground.


This explains LE's interest in septic tanks

If his old resident's is still empty maybe he drove TO to his old house, killed her and put her in a septic tank there, then drove her car back as close as he could to his house and then walked the rest of the way.

But then again her phone would have pinged near his old residents i suppose.
It doesn't appear to me that any one of the 4 in the group pic are Onda Chris George.

IMHO, Left-to-Right:

Unidentified#1, Toole, Unidentified#2, Hataway

Also noted that the image of the individual w/ the bloodied finger shows some one considerably smaller than Unidentified #2. Perhaps Unidentified#1 is the subject in the bloodied finger image. Connecting these two images only by their "R.I.P. P.S.88" titling.

Anyone else identified these 2 or wanna suggest person between them isn't Toole?
Nothing to add really, but it is interesting to note the blood spatter on those pants is on the opposite side of his injury. He was also spending a lot of time on his knees with those ground in stains. :waitasec:

I agree it would appear to be the smaller of the two UIDs in the photo, but it does look like the larger fellow is wearing the bracelet/watch. Have we checked the Obits yet? My guess for a person that young to pass it would be either an accidental death, murder, or an overdose. Car wreck? A serious blood infection resulting from that injury?
Is LE sure when they say he is into the "dark arts" that he didn't have some harry potter searches on his computer. I wonder what kinda of stuff they found. Where is the sunshine on this case, can we see the warrant?
It doesn't appear to me that any one of the 4 in the group pic are Onda Chris George.

IMHO, Left-to-Right:

Unidentified#1, Toole, Unidentified#2, Hataway

Also noted that the image of the individual w/ the bloodied finger shows some one considerably smaller than Unidentified #2. Perhaps Unidentified#1 is the subject in the bloodied finger image. Connecting these two images only by their "R.I.P. P.S.88" titling.

Anyone else identified these 2 or wanna suggest person between them isn't Toole?

Unident #1 is Watters - IMO the person showing injury is not JVH but his friend Matt - based on tattoo's again - covered this in previous posts.
Didn't someone already determine that P.S. 88 was a type of skateboard.
Got it:
RIP and then P.S. 88 is: Psalm 88 (New American Standard Bible)

Psalm 88
A Petition to Be Saved from Death.
A Song. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. For the choir director; according to Mahalath Leannoth. A Maskil of Heman the Ezrahite.
1O LORD, the (A)God of my salvation,
I have (B)cried out by day and in the night before You.
2Let my prayer (C)come before You;
(D)Incline Your ear to my cry!
3For my (E)soul has had enough troubles,
And (F)my life has drawn near to Sheol.
4I am reckoned among those who (G)go down to the pit;
I have become like a man (H)without strength,
5Forsaken (I)among the dead,
Like the slain who lie in the grave,
Whom You remember no more,
And they are (J)cut off from Your hand.
6You have put me in (K)the lowest pit,
In (L)dark places, in the (M)depths.
7Your wrath (N)has rested upon me,
And You have afflicted me with (O)all Your waves. Selah.
8You have removed (P)my acquaintances far from me;
You have made me an [a](Q)object of loathing to them;
I am (R)shut up and cannot go out.
9My (S)eye has wasted away because of affliction;
I have (T)called upon You every day, O LORD;
I have (U)spread out my hands to You.
10Will You perform wonders for the dead?
Will (V)the departed spirits rise and praise You? Selah.
11Will Your lovingkindness be declared in the grave,
Your faithfulness in Abaddon?
12Will Your wonders be made known in the (W)darkness?
And Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
13But I, O LORD, have cried out (X)to You for help,
And (Y)in the morning my prayer comes before You.
14O LORD, why (Z)do You reject my soul?
Why do You (AA)hide Your face from me?
15I was afflicted and (AB)about to die from my youth on;
I suffer (AC)Your terrors; I am overcome.
16Your (AD)burning anger has passed over me;
Your terrors have (AE)destroyed me.
17They have (AF)surrounded me (AG)like water all day long;
They have (AH)encompassed me altogether.
18You have removed (AI)lover and friend far from me;
My acquaintances are in darkness.

Creppy! Are we sure one of those guys, maybe the smaller guy is not Chris O. Do we have a pic of him someplace.
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: GREEN
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 192 lbs.
Birth Date: 03/02/1980
Release Facility: LAWTEY C.I.
Custody: MEDIUM
Release Date: 12/30/2007


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Didn't someone already determine that P.S. 88 was a type of skateboard.

I believe it is related to Psalms 88 - "the darkest of Psalms" -

It also stands (from my research only :eek:) for HH as in Heil Hitler within the Aryan Brotherhood circles.

The Psalm reference fits with this.

According to Google it also means bye-bye and good luck in China.

Posting a link - someone please remove if not permitted - not sure if certain religious related links are allowed :waitasec:

Also may be disturbing to some - they were to me...


http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalms 88:1-18
I believe it is related to Psalms 88 - "the darkest of Psalms" -

It also stands (from my research only :eek:) for HH as in Heil Hitler within the Aryan Brotherhood circles.

The Psalm reference fits with this.

According to Google it also means bye-bye and good luck in China.

Posting a link - someone please remove if not permitted - not sure if certain religious related links are allowed :waitasec:

Also may be disturbing to some - they were to me...



BINGO!!!! Note photo of "Matt" with Nazi General's flag in background (attributed to Blink - with respect!) - friend of JVH - think White Supremacy Groups??


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Cocoamom, I agree with you. I saw a Swastika in the background of the picture with the guy with the bloody hand and pants. I think you are right since RIP and PS 88 both mean "good-bye" like forever. So are all 4 people in the picture still alive?
Dearmont you are two fast. You took the words right out of my mouth. I think we are on the same path.
So who is Matt? So in the photo we have #1 Waters, toole, matt and JH. Is that right?
Maybe they suspect Chris George of being a plant by the FBI. read this article http://www.clickorlando.com/news/16071250/detail.html

That is an outstanding theory - and very likely - well done!!
I don't think unident #2 in the bar photo is "Matt" but could be. It is also possible that OG was "removed" because he knew too much about JVH's "interests" and became a liability - perhaps OG tried to intervene and stop JVH from hurting someone? From what we have read - JVH had a very very short fuse (and probably something else - but won't go there)
oh my gosh! I haven't been keeping up with this case lately but I just read they were planning to search a septic tank for her and it churned my stomach. How horrible :( Good Lord I pray they find her soon.
BINGO!!!! Note photo of "Matt" with Nazi General's flag in background (attributed to Blink - with respect!) - friend of JVH - think White Supremacy Groups??
His shirt says something about "Cracker ____". Definitely White Supremacy group type I would say.
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