Flies and Maggots in the trunk - forensic entomology #1

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It has been clarified in the audio tape interviews (i believe of Lee) that she was not completely potty trained and still wore diapers.

text messages from casey to amy...
9th june 2008
3.36pm caylee just pooped in her potty for the first time!
3.43pm- sorry. proud mamma moment.
exit 13..What do you know, that LE needs to know???

He has mentioned that a couple of times I think. Maybe it's just a place he has thought of a being a possibility. Or maybe he has a reason...but it is interesting. I hope he shared that with le.
the landfil is like a mile down the street from my house, and casey came to my house often

it would definitely be a place that would cross my mind
So my assumption that she wasn't potty trained or not completely trained was correct.

However so many developments since then render it meaningless :/
This way I read this 'cycle' it seems the body coulda been in the trunk anywhere from @ least 6/22 back to 6/19........because we KNOW when the car was stored, both the flies & maggots had to be second generation.....

However, what if the body was placed in the trunk on 6/16 (with no flies) then moved sometime later, & the trunk left open ('cause your moving the body) & this is when flies are attracted to any fluids/tissue that remains in the trunk ??

JMO....& if my math/understanding of the cycle is wrong, feel free to correct me........;0)

Take a look at the calendar for both June and July. There's only one weekend, the 21st and 22nd of June where there was no activity right up to the date of her arrest. No going out, no events, no phone calls. Doesn't this fit with the timeline according to the decomp data?

June - http://www.websleuths.com/forums/calendar.php?month=6&year=2008&c=4&do=displaymonth

July - http://www.websleuths.com/forums/calendar.php?month=7&year=2008&c=4&do=displaymonth
the landfil is like a mile down the street from my house, and casey came to my house often

it would definitely be a place that would cross my mind

Could that have been where she disappeared to for an hour and a half that night she ran into Brandon at the party?
Does anyone know about a death ring found on hair in trunk? What is a death ring? I think I read somewhere it was Caylee's hair...........isn't this enough to arrest her?

There is a band (dark mark) found on a part of a hair strand that, based on articles I have from a scientific journal, indicate that the hair has come from a dead body. The band can vary in location, and there doesn't appear to be set pattern of when it will appear on a hair, or potentially, if it will appear. It also does not appear to correlate with time of death. I'd need to re-read the articles to be sure, and search some other journals.

I think they have enough to arrest as it is, they are holding out for a reason.
Could that have been where she disappeared to for an hour and a half that night she ran into Brandon at the party?

lol she didnt dissapear! she was in the bathroom crying and venting and being a drama queen
QuickAttack....since you made that post I have read it at least ten times or more and first thanks and second, why not just tell if Gil Grissom is your favorite character on TV, :blowkiss: 'cause I know he is mine and William Peterson may portray him but, sweetie, you are a Grissom protégé. Your little lesson on entomology spurred me on to try a few little science projects! Honestly, I believe with LE TRIPLE CHECKINGthe DNA, the case will be so deep, we will not even know such test existed and will center on it. This case could come down to what is in a maggot's stomach!

the landfil is like a mile down the street from my house, and casey came to my house often

it would definitely be a place that would cross my mind

Wow! i'm sitting here thinking how hard that must be to write about somebody you know....And how close to home it is for you literally.
if all of us are so deeply affected by this, i cant imagine what you must be feeling atm.
You seem like a really decent guy...and your honesty is much appreciated.
text messages from casey to amy...
9th june 2008
3.36pm caylee just pooped in her potty for the first time!
3.43pm- sorry. proud mamma moment.

mmmm...but isnt this the same day she was supposedly gone missing? :crazy:

Obviously we have figured out that isn't true, just another "HUH??" when you realize that on such a proud momma moment day, you would thik casey would remember caylee NOT going missing that day. :bang:
If there was a "poopy diaper" in the trash bag, it would certainly breed maggots. You'd be surprised how easily flies can get into a "Sealed" environment.

I agree with the life cycle timeline, however. Just not that the only explanation is a corpse.
Exactly, flies can get into a sealed trunk and maggots can hatch, I had a girl friend years ago who had left garbage in the trunk of her car. She could not get the trunk open so she just left it there. Eventually the smell was awful when she did get the trunk open it was full of maggots and flies. Your right it does not have to come from a dead body.
lol she didnt dissapear! she was in the bathroom crying and venting and being a drama queen

Yep, that's where I would think she would be... or some guy gave her a shoulder to lean on...

Here's some good advice, we should stop feeding her/enabling her to be the way she is. It is our fault (every other creation of mankind because she ain't accepting any blame), yes everyone's but her own.

Maggots feed on organic matter that contains moisture. Pizza dries out when left exposed. Something else had to be in that bag.

Yes, and had it been anything other than a body, then the Anthony's would have said so, not just blame an old pizza.
I know this has probably been addressed but the part that has me confused is how could flies and maggots have survived in the trunk if there was a high concentration of chloroform in there?
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