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And I am going to stick my neck out and say that I hope that Casey Anthony can get help to grieve properly for her daughter and what has happened to her life.
I honestly wish her well and hope that she can make a life for herself and do some good while she is at it.

Nancy Grace and her ilk should be ashamed of themselves
Just for clarification: Kronk did not say this on the stand. He said that he lifted the bag about 4 feet off the ground using his meter reader rod. The bag was covering the skull. Then he set it down near the skull so that it was no longer covering it. Then he put the rod into the eye socket and pivoted the skull upwards (tilting but not lifting) to see that it really was a human skull.

Kronk never seemed to be able to tell the same story twice in his various testimonies and interviews. He told the story yet again differently when he was on the stand including new things that had never been heard before.

I will take your word for it. The fact that he moved it at all and that Ashton claims Roy is just spinning his yarns does not work for me. Either the skull was not moved or it was. I do not like Casey Anthony. I felt she would be found not guilty because I had felt it was an accident. Since the trial I am not sure if it was an accident or murder. What I am sure of is that murder was not proven. I am glad because this was a death penalty case and nobody should have even the smallest chance or being wrongfully convicted and put to death.
And I am going to stick my neck out and say that I hope that Casey Anthony can get help to grieve properly for her daughter and what has happened to her life.
I honestly wish her well and hope that she can make a life for herself and do some good while she is at it.

Nancy Grace and her ilk should be ashamed of themselves

I totally agree.
Of course. I dont believe anyone would sit in jail for 3 yrs if it was an accident.
The first officers she worked with gave her plenty of chances to come clean. (the ones she led to at Universal Studios to the end of the hall)
And alot of people want to pin this on GA....he is former L.E. He would know an accident would be better to admit to than to lie.
You;d certainly be better off than making up ridiculous 'Nanny" story and the kidnapping. Which 3 yrs later you say was made up.
And, if kC wouldve admitted she drowned at least Caylee couldve had a decent funeral. not being worn around as jewelry. (sorry, that is appalling to me)
I am just not convinced she drowned though.

What do you mean by "worn around as jewelry"? TIA
Actually the prosecution had such good closing arguements they almost had me (and I have from the start thought she would be found not guilty on all charges relating to the death of Caylee-I had wondered why they did not include a charge of illegal disposal of a body. They almost had me. Till I heard that what they feared would get lost was common sense.

Common Sense???

The prosecution was clear that they felt this was first degree murder. That Casey Anthony Planned this murder and as far back as months prior to her death searched on the net for ways to commit this crime. Jeff Ashton argued how very smart Casey is. They also argued that Casey benefits from the death of Casey. Well, if she is indeed so very smart then she knew she would have to answer for her crime. To me the benefit goes out the window. Unless the motive had to do with something other than she wanted to party. Because no super smart person believes they can murder their 2 year old child and nobody will ever make her answer as to what happened to that child. In Casey Anthony's case that goes triple with a mother like Cindy.
Timer 55, I submit is the day that Casey knows the crap will hit the fan. I submt that Casey knew she would be going to jail. Had she ever stolen checks from someone outside the family. Because while her family would let her get away with it and her mother would protect her, going and taking another persons checks and going to target (I am sure super smart CMA knows target has video). Casey knew already she was going to jail. Therefore the idea that killing Caylee would impove her life is ridiculous.
Even the judge seemed to think it was ridiculous saying that an intelligent person would ask if she was going to kill her parents as well. Back to common sense.

Common sense tells me that this magical duck tape did not stay in place for six months. With animals moving the body all around and with no skin left in place so much so that no DNA from Caylee was found on the tape. The fact that there was none on the sticky side indicates to me that either the tape was never on Caylee but used to seal the bag OR that there was no sticky stuff left on the tape and if there was no sticky stuff how exactly was the tape stuck to her face? After all the skin was gone? The answer seems to be that it got stuck in her hair. This causes so many questions for me. Then we have Jeff Ashton and what he says is his reason that he felt this was premeditated murder.

Mr. Ashton says that the photos of the skull with the tape on it clearly tells him this was premeditated murder. That makes me have more common sense questions that I do not have time to get into. Ashton arugued that the skull was never moved. He would have to argue this if that was his reason for thinking this was planned murder. Yet we have Roy Kronk who called in August because he saw a skull. A white round object. He called in three times. Yet when Roy Kronk reports this skull again in December the skull has made its way back into the bag. Because Kronk said he kicked the bag and the skull rolled out. Well, how the heck did the skull get back into the bag? Jeff Ashton says Roy Kronk just likes to spin a good yarn?? Oh, so Roy just likes to lie under oath but we should just let that go? Even if the life a of 25 year old woman is on the line? The prosecution spent lots and lots of time having experts tell us and the jury that the skull was there for a long time, with leaf litter, vines and dirt all proving this. Then Kronk on the stand tells Macy that he TOOK HIS METER READER STICK AND PUT IT IN THE EYE SOCKET AND PICKED UP THE SKULL TO SHOULDER LENGTH.

Common sense tells me reasonable doubt exists about the crime scene and the way anything was found including the duck tape. The magical duck tape.

The state did not prove its case.

Good post but RK said he picked the bag up to shoulder height and not the skull ,the skull he said he lifted but not off the ground. No matter since he had to set the skull but on the mandible or it wouldnt have been there. Skulls dont roll the way the skull was positioned (I asked an bone doc just to verify this yesterday) and had it, it wouldnt have taken its mandible with it EVER.

Roy Kronk wont ever tell the truth.
I do believe it is certainly plausible that Caylee drowned in the family pool. During the trial I was watching some of Caylee's home videos, and the home video that has George feeding Caylee a carrot (or something like that) in the backyard, if you look in the background the pool is there with the ladder attached. Both George and Caylee are wearing clothing that isn't swimming attire, therefore they DIDN'T religiously take that ladder down as they portrayed. Caylee clearly looked at least 2 in this video. This would've been a time they were supposedly taking the precautions to avoid accidents like this.

I do believe it is plausible that both George and Casey would attempt to cover up this accident out of fear from Cindy. We've all seen how ruthless that woman is (Cindy). Maybe George felt responsible for the accident, and Casey equally felt responsible. Keep in mind, George just regained some of Cindy's trust and was welcomed back into the home. Maybe Casey didn't know exactly what happened with Caylee's body, and left all of that up to George (hence the "I don't know where she is" comments).

I do believe it is very possible that George was a sexual abuser. He appeared very arrogant, and almost above the law on the stand when facing JB. He had inappropriate laughter, etc; it all appeared to be a show to me. I don't think George was with Caylee alone ever, like the Anthony's would like us to believe. Caylee had her own bedroom, but slept with Casey every night. I think Casey made up the job lie to get her parents off her back, and made up the nanny lie to make sure George would never be alone with Caylee. The nanny was there to cover the times Cindy wouldn't/couldn't watch Caylee. And, Casey just took Caylee with her wherever she went on the other times. Ricardo stated on the stand that Caylee and Casey stayed at his place about 4 times a week. Casey clearly wasn't drugging Caylee then to 'get rid of the burden'; I doubt all of a sudden she started with Tony.

I don't believe there was "off the charts" amounts of chloroform in that trunk. I also think it's impossible for there to have been chloroform used on Caylee's body, Caylee dumped in the swamp, Casey dumping her car, then the Anthony's picking it up from the towyard and AIRING THE TRUNK OUT for hours, and it still having chloroform relating to this child's death. That trunk was aired out, the whole car was aired out, for at least a couple of hours if not longer. How would there have been chloroform still in the air, given the fact that it's highly volatile? I think, Cindy dumped a bleach/water mixture in that trunk, or another form of cleaner with bleach in it, to get rid of the smell. When she closed that trunk for the final time, it resulted in the choloform being released in the trunk air.

And, one thing I found extremely strange (amongst the many MANY other things in this case) is the Dominic Casey video. I hadn't really paid a lot of attention to it until it was brought up in the trial. I do believe after watching and rewatching that video many times, Dominic was in the dump site of Caylee. The area they entered the swamp matches the crime scene photos of the entry to where her body was. After they go in and take a left, there is a fallen tree that matches the tree that was right near/over Caylee's skull. And, in the background of this video is a really long/large fallen tree that sounds like the one that is described on one of RK's first 911 calls. I'm convinced this is the same area. And, either Caylee's body wasn't there in November, OR it was burried and they practically stepped on/over her body. And, besides the strangeness of both Kronk and Dominic knowing where to go to find her body, I remember reading in one of Kronk's statements that he was in that area in August, November, and then December. Why was he there in November without calling 911?

Too many questions without answers in this case. And too many weird coincidences. I agree with the verdict, I would've done the same thing. I openly stated this on another forum after the prosecution rested, and got flamed many times for it. I never understood the anger against the people who didn't agree, people should truly be mad at the prosecution for not presenting a better case.

you rock...very thoughtful analysis
It's a very, very faint memory of mine, so I could definitely be wrong about that. I think it might have been mentioned during the trial, but again, I'm not sure. I do remember thinking that the defense might have been hinting that RK had a 17 allele, but then realized I had to be wrong about that, because I don't think RK has ever had a DNA test done.

Only speaking in generalities, but wouldn't it be assumed he did have one done? He did have contact (at least with urine) with the crime scene, so shouldn't they have gotten his DNA to at least deduce it from the crime scene?
Only speaking in generalities, but wouldn't it be assumed he did have one done? He did have contact (at least with urine) with the crime scene, so shouldn't they have gotten his DNA to at least deduce it from the crime scene?

A DNA sample taken from Kronk would have been in a doc dump. It isn't. Didn't happen.
And I am going to stick my neck out and say that I hope that Casey Anthony can get help to grieve properly for her daughter and what has happened to her life.
I honestly wish her well and hope that she can make a life for herself and do some good while she is at it.

Nancy Grace and her ilk should be ashamed of themselves

NG and Co. should be completely ashamed of themselves. I do not know how they get away with spinning half-truths to their mob followers and spewing so much hatred to the country. I've had so much trouble getting through a single one of her shows with out yelling at the TV because of the lies she's telling, and it's every show! Her opening is full of lies! At the very least, I hope this case is an eye opener to how damaging releasing so much information could be to anyone and everyone involved. Even the unsuspecting jurors got it after they reached a verdict. NG was flaming them and all their downfalls across national TV... "2 never passed 11th grade, 1 has a DUI...." Sickening!
A DNA sample taken from Kronk would have been in a doc dump. It isn't. Didn't happen.

Well, that just adds to my thoughts on the overconfidence in this trial. Clearly they didn't entertain all avenues. Why wouldn't they get a DNA sample from him since he was at the crime scene? Wouldn't you assume that's a standard?
Well, that just adds to my thoughts on the overconfidence in this trial. Clearly they didn't entertain all avenues. Why wouldn't they get a DNA sample from him since he was at the crime scene? Wouldn't you assume that's a standard?

He was never considered a suspect and he made a point of saying he didn't touch anything (other than with the rod).
I just wanted to put something out here because IMO there are very important details, evidence, statements, etc that a prosecution team has zero control over whatsoever.. IMO those extreme of importance details and evidence are imperative in their even having the ability(even the most sharp of an ATTY)to successfully try a case.. I keep reading that the prosecution failed.. The prosecution didn't do their job.. Etc.. Unlike the DT that can lie, make up, create completely false and fabricated theories, lie about innocent people and claim they are killers and have raped and molested babies and children.. Just as was seen in this trial DT are absolutely allowed to make up and fabricate workable theories til they can find one that sticks.. Much the opposite the state ABSOLUTELY 100% CANNOT CREATE EVIDENCE, LIE ABOUT PEOPLE AND ACCUSE THEM OF CRIMINAL ACTS ON A CHILD.. they operate in a complete and total opposite manner and are held to very strict rules within which they must try a case..*

So you see when you've got this really talented, morally bankrupt, soulless, self-centered "mother" who has done this
Magnificent job of weaving webs of lies amd deceit in order to buy her more time.. The whole way thru lying thru her teeth with every syllable from her mouth.. So in dealing with such a talented piece of work like Casey who succeeded in weaving webs, manipulating and snowing anyone who worked their *advertiser censored* of to find her baby.. Literally sucking the life from those who had the misfortune of having to be involved in any way with her.. She did such a mighty fine job that it was 6 mos until her baby's remains were found.. Alot of what was being asked of the state to provide these jurors to make them be able to convict her of ANYTHING related to Caylee is gone and not attainable..

Well it's not the state they need to getting answers from.. Because of the victim's mothers morally bankrupt soul her baby decomposed to a skeleton while she had the world on a wild goose chase.. The only person that any blame deserves to placed on anyone.. Is Casey Anthony.. Her deceit and lies is the reason why the state didn't have the detailed evidence from CSI TV.. "The one that wraps the whole case up in nice neat bow"<-and yes that quote was from juror 3, Miss Ford..

Difference here is this is real life and it doesn't work like TV.. A morally bankrupt mother whO killed her child then lied and connived til there was nothing left but scattered, gnawed on bones of her baby left..*

So, obviously since Miss Casey was such and efficient liar and conniver she kept this evidence from being able to be used in court.. And as I said unlike Baez who could make up any lie, completely slander and drag thru the mud innocent people's lives, and basically make it up as you go along.. The state cannot and does not do this..*

So in looking and asking for that nice neat little bow that was wanted to wrap it All up in.. Go look and ask the only person who was solely responsible for it NOT BEING AVAILABLE, Casey Anthony!!
And I am going to stick my neck out and say that I hope that Casey Anthony can get help to grieve properly for her daughter and what has happened to her life.
I honestly wish her well and hope that she can make a life for herself and do some good while she is at it.

Nancy Grace and her ilk should be ashamed of themselves

Im not being snarky at all but she had 30 days to "grieve properly" and partied it up... Why does anyone sympathize with someone who throws their child away like trash? I just dont get it?
Im not being snarky at all but she had 30 days to "grieve properly" and partied it up... Why does anyone sympathize with someone who throws their child away like trash? I just dont get it?

Did we see 31 days straight of partying photos? Or was it just one night?
Oh for goodness sake. :rolleyes: Half these people with their pitchforks and torches didn't even see one shred of evidence - they are just going off what
Nancy Grace told them. Frankly, ANY person who had served on a jury, has taken time out of their life for civic duty, should be commended, regardless of the verdict.

The fact is, all these people agreed. I don't think people realize how hard it is to get twelve people to all come to the same conclusion. They agreed that there was reasonable doubt. Let it go. Frankly, I'm a bit disgusted that so many are up in arms about this - but you see far less about innocent men being put to death or on death row. Our country was founded on the principle that better ten guilty men go free than an innocent be put to death. Whether you believe Casey is guilty or not, she was judged by a jury of her peers as non guilty. To be honest, I find a lot of the mob mentality surrounding this case to be rather concerning.

Note: I was referring to a news article upthread which also had a photo, stating the jurors were not welcome at a restaurant. None of this is directed at WS posters - who demonstrate critical thinking with every post.
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