For those who agree with the me understand.

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I've never heard of this type of thing before...Is this a normal/popular thing to do? I'm not sure how I feel about jewelry being made out of a loved one..Hmmm.

If you think that is bad...people are now having the ashes of loved ones placed in the ink for their tatoos. Some States allow it, others don't. Gives me the creeps.
I would have never thought to look for a Casey is innocent group.

Picturing JB with wings is a bit amusing as well.

All I really wanted from the trial was the truth,because really I have no clue what happened to Caylee. I just pray one day we will truely know what happen to Caylee and the real reason she was hidden in the woods.

The group is on FB. Not really organized but it worked for them. All I wanted was to read somewhere that wasn't tainted by opinions formed months ago. I never found it however I was never bored watching or reading about this trial :)
The jurors did not have a real case to go by.
It was at best DOUBT. but that was not a choice I think.

I have stated to think that the state threw the case.
What if the jurors threw it too? hmmmm :waitasec:
there was just as much evidence that SP was a good husband, that he cheated and had done so before and not killed her, but he loved Laci and was excited about Connor. He never even told the girlfriend whose name I forget that he loved her. Why did he have to kill his wife. People cheat all the time. I'm guessing cause he told Amber she was dead already? - I think her being pregnant pushed over the edge. He could have waited one more day and let her have Cristmas. oh well he was movin on!

Casey lived a lie that involved her non-verbal daughter who was now starting to speak and she had a new bf who didn't allow her to sleep over with her child. She obviously wanted to live with Tony as she basically moved in and played wife. Caylee was going to start talking a blue streak and so no more fake job and nanny and whatever other lies she told. Plus, Caylee was getting all the attention and Cindy was pressuring Casey to be a better mother. But she couldn't be-she didn't have a job, an apartment, nothing.

I honestly don't see any more motive for SP than for ICA. Plus, motive is not required anyway.

The jurors did not have a real case to go by.
It was at best DOUBT. but that was not a choice I think.

I have stated to think that the state threw the case.
What if the jurors threw it too? hmmmm :waitasec:
THAT MAY BE A PLACE opposing sides can meet.

What came up in between the time the trial started and ended?
I guess it's only me but I saw a change in LDB and I thought it was just that CA had lied but I also know Lee did not do what he was supposed to either. And JA was miffed at him for meeting Baez.
All I can say is something happened.

Can they do that?
cause if you ask me George and Cindy were on trial there.
Dan Abrams was just on Joy Behar saying that in the SP case, we didn't know how LP died, but we knew why. Whereas in the Anthony case, we didn't know how and the "why" ("KC wanted more time to party") seemed really vague.

I think he has a point.

(ETA Abrams (and I) think KC was proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He was just pointing out why the Peterson case was different.)

I agree, the motive was a sticking point, at least from what the state presented. If you don't really know the how, when, or where, the why becomes more important, even if not legally necessary. Scott P. had a girlfriend and it was clear he did not want a baby and a wife. While we may know Casey didn't want to be bothered with a baby, the jury did not get to learn about the fight, and about Cindy being after Casey in a big way, because the state thought they needed her more as a grieving, normal grandmother. In lots of other circumstantial cases I've seen with convictions, insurance policies are a big part of convincing a jury. They say money, love or revenge are the big motives, and the state could have made something with revenge, IMO...I think it was revenge against Cindy.
I'm not sure where else to put this... so here looks like a good spot.

I am angry about the not guilty verdict.. even more so, I'm angry that we have never learned the truth about what happened to Caylee. I had no idea I would take it quite so bad... wasn't prepared. Not sure HOW one prepares for that.
That being said, I am having to learn to accept the verdict. Accept that fact that the jurors didn't see it as I saw it. I have been following the case in the media, also read every page of discovery.. so I know the evidence. I am coming to understand and accept that they did not feel that it was enough to convict Casey of the charges against her. There's nothing that will change that. It's over.
I'm done with it. I don't care what the jurors say and the more we flip out about the verdict and feed into the media sensationalism (jury interviews) the more these corrupt jurors are going to make in blood money off of CAYLEE. The more Casey will make selling books, giving interviews.
I am begging everyone to stop. We are never going to get the answers we want and need. I think it's safe to say that some of us will never understand the jury's decision. Besides, their stories are all the same.. if you've heard it from one, you've heard it all.
All we are doing is upping the value of interviews and books and whatnot. If we want to be a voice, keep lashing out about interviews to voice your disgust. But PLEASE, PLEASE let's stop encouraging this jury (and case players) to speak. Let's not click links to read interviews and boost ratings.
I do not want to see juror #6 get that $50k+ for his interview. I don't want to see any more of them go to Disney.. Or be rewarded for their shoddy work.
I'm starting to contradict myself now.. I said I was over it lol Really, I am trying to accept it.
Speaking of "watching the same trial" When this trial started I was trying to follow the trial here however it seemed that JA was wearing wings and JB was wearing horns. I went out onto the internet to see if I could find a Casey is innocent group. I did and I joined just to get a different outlook on the trial. I have to say that in that group it was just the opposite.

I knew nothing of this case before the trial so it was amusing to me to read in the 2 different groups. Trust me I thought both groups were watching a different trial. Bottom line is that once everyone in each group formed their opinion there was nothing that was going to change it. Both groups went into this trial with a closed mind and nothing was going to change it.

I imagine there are people on both sides of this case who approach it from an essentially non-emotional, analytical standpoint. Just because a person has taken a side doesn't mean he or she started out with a bias, or has abandoned objectivity.

In a similar way, experts who are probably quite analytical and objective disagree on subjects such as economics and astrophysics (think of the heated debate, albeit fictional, in the movie "Apollo 13.")

The Anthony trial was a very complex one. Jeff Ashton said this was the ultimate case for an attorney in terms of intellectual challenge, involving as it did a host of complicating factors.

I think this is illustrated by all the volcanic debates that broke out between media members in the immediate hours after the verdict was announced. Even those who follow such cases for a living were polarized.

I'm not sure where else to put this... so here looks like a good spot.

I am angry about the not guilty verdict.. even more so, I'm angry that we have never learned the truth about what happened to Caylee. I had no idea I would take it quite so bad... wasn't prepared. Not sure HOW one prepares for that.
That being said, I am having to learn to accept the verdict. Accept that fact that the jurors didn't see it as I saw it. I have been following the case in the media, also read every page of discovery.. so I know the evidence. I am coming to understand and accept that they did not feel that it was enough to convict Casey of the charges against her. There's nothing that will change that. It's over.
I'm done with it. I don't care what the jurors say and the more we flip out about the verdict and feed into the media sensationalism (jury interviews) the more these corrupt jurors are going to make in blood money off of CAYLEE. The more Casey will make selling books, giving interviews.
I am begging everyone to stop. We are never going to get the answers we want and need. I think it's safe to say that some of us will never understand the jury's decision. Besides, their stories are all the same.. if you've heard it from one, you've heard it all.
All we are doing is upping the value of interviews and books and whatnot. If we want to be a voice, keep lashing out about interviews to voice your disgust. But PLEASE, PLEASE let's stop encouraging this jury (and case players) to speak. Let's not click links to read interviews and boost ratings.
I do not want to see juror #6 get that $50k+ for his interview. I don't want to see any more of them go to Disney.. Or be rewarded for their shoddy work.
I'm starting to contradict myself now.. I said I was over it lol Really, I am trying to accept it.

Wise words.

I would like to know why George's 20 something year old gas can (the same can he won't admit to placing the "messy" duct tape on) had not one fingerprint on it. A 20 year old gas can with no fingerprints?!?

George said when the cans were returned they were filthy. He wiped them down.
I would have never thought to look for a Casey is innocent group.

Picturing JB with wings is a bit amusing as well.

All I really wanted from the trial was the truth,because really I have no clue what happened to Caylee. I just pray one day we will truely know what happen to Caylee and the real reason she was hidden in the woods.
This may sound bad, but I don't mean it that way...but at least she was found and not left in a swamp for eternity. And finding her did answer the lingering questions of her being kidnapped and out there alive somewhere. So even though we may never get the truth, at least finding her put a stop to that bogus, diversion from the truth, bunk. MOO.
George said when the cans were returned they were filthy. He wiped them down.
Seriously? lol, how tidy of him...and he acts surprised that people suspect him? I always thought a gas can was one of the few things that was ok to let get dirty. wow, I hear something new every day.
Seriously? lol, how tidy of him...and he acts surprised that people suspect him? I always thought a gas can was one of the few things that was ok to let get dirty. wow, I hear something new every day.

I know! I can see wiping them after they were fingerprinted because of all the fingerprint powder but how dirty could they possibly have been after Casey stole them? I'm not buying it
Now we have the son on T.V saying that he told his dad what he was doing was wrong because by not reporting this and waiting he was helping the culprit get away with murder.

We have heard so much about how Kronk wanted so badly to rebuild this relationship with his son. I at least have heard he wanted to impress his son.

What if Roy Kronk wanted to make sure that his son did not look badly on him for waiting and helping the culprit get away with murder so badly that he put the duck tape on the skull? Removing it from the bag and being smart enough to wear gloves? We already heard about how he duck taped his wife.

Why did we not hear about this at trial? In my opinion the reason that Roy Kronk messing with Caylee's remains was kind of nuts because he had no motive. If he would have insisted in August that police investigate further he would still have been allowed the reward. But he waited and I am willing to bet that he wanted the reward enough to have hidden Caylee just so that nobody else found her. Not taken her somewhere but simply done something to hide the skull. That seems logical to me. Based on what he told people that he would be getting famous and getting that reward.

I know I have heard that Kronk wanted to impress his son. If his son then had an a total opposite reaction and rather than being impressed he expresses to his dad that it is wrong not to report and insist. Because in doing so he was helping the culprit get away with murder. This would be a clever way for him to unhelp the suspect.

Just more reasonable doubt.

One thing I do remember was Casey's reaction to Jeff Ashton talking about her putting that duck tape on Caylee. She could not stand it. Look at all her other reactions. I never thought it was because that was what she did to her daughter. I always felt that she could not bear to hear her daughter going through something like that. Another thing that for me just never fit.
What still gets me is that for 5 months JB insisted that Caylee was alive and that KC shouldn't be charged with murder yet in his OS he said that Caylee died on June 16, 2008. If he knew that from the beginning then he lied all that time, hoping the body would never be found. If he didn't know that at the time that shows that they were reaching, looking for a plausible defense and the whole OS was fabricated.
Now we have the son on T.V saying that he told his dad what he was doing was wrong because by not reporting this and waiting he was helping the culprit get away with murder.

We have heard so much about how Kronk wanted so badly to rebuild this relationship with his son. I at least have heard he wanted to impress his son.

What if Roy Kronk wanted to make sure that his son did not look badly on him for waiting and helping the culprit get away with murder so badly that he put the duck tape on the skull? Removing it from the bag and being smart enough to wear gloves? We already heard about how he duck taped his wife.

Why did we not hear about this at trial? In my opinion the reason that Roy Kronk messing with Caylee's remains was kind of nuts because he had no motive. If he would have insisted in August that police investigate further he would still have been allowed the reward. But he waited and I am willing to bet that he wanted the reward enough to have hidden Caylee just so that nobody else found her. Not taken her somewhere but simply done something to hide the skull. That seems logical to me. Based on what he told people that he would be getting famous and getting that reward.

I know I have heard that Kronk wanted to impress his son. If his son then had an a total opposite reaction and rather than being impressed he expresses to his dad that it is wrong not to report and insist. Because in doing so he was helping the culprit get away with murder. This would be a clever way for him to unhelp the suspect.

Just more reasonable doubt.

One thing I do remember was Casey's reaction to Jeff Ashton talking about her putting that duck tape on Caylee. She could not stand it. Look at all her other reactions. I never thought it was because that was what she did to her daughter. I always felt that she could not bear to hear her daughter going through something like that. Another thing that for me just never fit.

BBM. I don't think RK placed the tape on Caylee, but I agree with the part of your post in bold. I do believe it is a possibility that Roy tried to hide the remains, as in covering it with leaves, or something along those lines. He might have even moved things around slightly, but I think the remains were in the same general area they had always been. Although, after watching the Dominic Casey video, I have wondered if the remains started out being at that abandoned house.
I know! I can see wiping them after they were fingerprinted because of all the fingerprint powder but how dirty could they possibly have been after Casey stole them? I'm not buying it

Yet more doubt. I actually thought that Baez may have bought his client the death penalty with his story or her story that to me was just never going to fly.

Still, something is very wrong with George Anthony. That much is crystal clear to me. His entire reaction and comments seemed to me that he wanted his daughter to get convicted and perhaps even get death. Now he totally changed his tune after the defense accused him of what they did. He went from defending his daughter for the most part to tossing her so far under the bus. He already knew his daughter was a liar. In my opinion his little comments and his fighting with Baez and making Baez look stupid of course would never have happened had the defense not brought him into it. Some may take that as he then felt or knew that she was guilty. I think it was all about him.

When you listen to Cindy on the 911, I know I stand alone but in what world are those parents of Casey? Arrested for stealing an Auto?
When Casey told the police that Caylee was the only person she loved or something like that I totally believe it. Clearly Caylee had to be the first and only person that showed Casey unconditional love. Whatever happened I do not think Casey thought she was going to get away with it. She felt she was going to jail. Maybe not so soon. But to me that does not mean she is guilty.
What it means is that whatever took place she blammed herself. Comments she made she never said I did not harm Caylee or I did not kill Caylee, what does she say? You know I would never let anything happen.............., I am petrified I know my mother will never forgive me....................,

People need to move on. She was found not guilty. She deserves a chance to rebuild her life and morn the loss of her daughter. I also did not like Drakes closing where she talked about how Casey was not an "awesome" mother, then spoke about this awesome mother who sat by their childs grave doing a storm cause she feared the child would be afraid. The child was dead, sorry and was not going to be afraid. The prosecutor also has to know that Casey wanted Caylee to be buried and have a grave. That Cindy had her remains cremated against the wishes of Casey and that Caylee had still not a grave. Her ashes are with Cindy and George.

My gut just tells me their is so much more to this case. Cindy running around on the 16th telling everyone at work someone went swimming in their pool.
People on talk shows asking if the defense and Casey should write a book and call it

Tot Mom?

Just call it Witch Hunt, thats what this was.

I feel less sure about Misty Croslin and her innocence but we can add her to the list and call it Witch Hunts.
People on talk shows asking if the defense and Casey should write a book and call it

Tot Mom?

Just call it Witch Hunt, thats what this was.

Doesnt Nancy Grace have the exclusive use to "tot mom" isnt it like her trademark or something. She would sue them.
What still gets me is that for 5 months JB insisted that Caylee was alive and that KC shouldn't be charged with murder yet in his OS he said that Caylee died on June 16, 2008. If he knew that from the beginning then he lied all that time, hoping the body would never be found. If he didn't know that at the time that shows that they were reaching, looking for a plausible defense and the whole OS was fabricated.
'nuff said...
I invite you to read my post history. My opinion had nothing to do with the winning team or I would have never posted this and often I am left defending my post repeatedly ,even being asked often "are we watching the same trial" . Sometimes people only see what they want to. Alot of posters saw this coming.

You might want to read my posting history too, I had a lot of questions during the trial about "facts" that indicated Casey's guilt
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