For those who believe Darlie innocent - help me understand.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There were a few odd things that Darin said and did. Mentioning her big breasts to paramedics, talking about how this is the biggest thing Rowlett has seen, and the teddy bear NFL moment. I did think he looked very uncomfortable at the memorial service when Darlie was shooting silly string on the boys graves.

IMO, no matter what you make of him and his actions, there was, and is, no evidence that he had anything to do with stabbing his children. All that evidence is in Darlie's direction.

If she tried to roll on him, either justly or not, it doesn't make her any less culpable in stabbing those boys. She was right there in the thick of things and the evidence shows that.

Personally, I've always thought Darin was just an odd ball.
I live in the metroplex. The way the city police is ran is basically to collect and embezzle tax dollars by housing low risk offenders. It's true. They get so much for an inmate and feed them wholesale tv dinners they get for less than the $1.00 we pay at the store. They're too incompetent to seriously conduct an investigation and did not seriously investigate him. If she's guilty he was an accessory at the very least. She's very guilty.
I live in the metroplex too. The budgets for the district attorney's office, police force, crime investigators, first responders and forensic labs all come out of different city and county funds and are not paid for by either real or imagined savings from the jail, which is totally separate. Dallas may not be the best run city and Darin may be a total jerk, but all you have to do is look at the transcripts of the 911 tape and the transcripts of the trial itself to understand the crime timeline and the innocence of Darin.
I read one book on this case, Hush Little Babies, and by the time I was through it was very clear to me who done it - and it wasn't Darlie, but someone else who had access to that home.

No, I won't/can't accuse anyone on the internet, just read the book with an open mind. I'm older, maybe I understand more, how a lifetime of envy and bitterness can eat at a person's soul.


No, IMO, Darlie is NOT guilty.
I read one book on this case, Hush Little Babies, and by the time I was through it was very clear to me who done it - and it wasn't Darlie, but someone else who had access to that home.

No, I won't/can't accuse anyone on the internet, just read the book with an open mind. I'm older, maybe I understand more, how a lifetime of envy and bitterness can eat at a person's soul.


No, IMO, Darlie is NOT guilty.

Books are written by authors with a pre-conceived bias and are not always factually correct. Please read the trial transcripts. You'll be amazed at how they differ from many books and documentaries on the subject.
Books are written by authors with a pre-conceived bias and are not always factually correct. Please read the trial transcripts. You'll be amazed at how they differ from many books and documentaries on the subject.

I've read a good portion of the transcripts, but not all. Bad on me, really. However, I've seen so much biased media, such as the silly string fiasco (as reported by the media), and the failure to show the true extent of Dollie's injuries.

Yes, I should read ALL of the transcripts and, if I may, I would like to ask you to read the book I referenced. In that book that person "I" feel did this horrible crime does everything but stand up and wave their arms.

Maybe it's just me, but I can understand the motivation of the one I believe is the true perp a lot better than I could every understand Dollie's killing her children. Read the book, please.

Edited to Add: And read the book with an eye to the history of the world, not Dollie. I know I sound mysterious, but I don't mean to. I have to since I cannot accuse anyone. I guess I'm trying to say if you understand who the people are who were involved with Dollie and family, and understand a bit of history, you may come to a different understanding. You may not, and that's okay, we are all products of our environment, but some have lived through a bit more, have seen more.

I've read a good portion of the transcripts, but not all. Bad on me, really. However, I've seen so much biased media, such as the silly string fiasco (as reported by the media), and the failure to show the true extent of Dollie's injuries.

Yes, I should read ALL of the transcripts and, if I may, I would like to ask you to read the book I referenced. In that book that person "I" feel did this horrible crime does everything but stand up and wave their arms.

Maybe it's just me, but I can understand the motivation of the one I believe is the true perp a lot better than I could every understand Dollie's killing her children. Read the book, please.

Edited to Add: And read the book with an eye to the history of the world, not Dollie. I know I sound mysterious, but I don't mean to. I have to since I cannot accuse anyone. I guess I'm trying to say if you understand who the people are who were involved with Dollie and family, and understand a bit of history, you may come to a different understanding. You may not, and that's okay, we are all products of our environment, but some have lived through a bit more, have seen more.


Her name is Darlie, not Dollie.
I read the book and have no idea who you suspect??? Definatly wasn't obvious to me.
Her name is Darlie, not Dollie.
I read the book and have no idea who you suspect??? Definatly wasn't obvious to me.

Sorry about my misspelling of Darlie, I knew that, LOL.

I'm sorry my vote for perp wasn't obvious to you 'cause it was to me, stood out like a sore thumb. This person had motive and opportunity, but I believe you may have to be older and understand how the world was way back when after one of our big wars. Unless you know how things were, or have friends who went through the "good old days", you might not catch some of the not-so-subtle signs. Of course, I could be wrong, but even so, I do NOT believe Darlie did it.

Actually, I believe Darlie was the victim of a misogynistic (sp?) policeman.

All MY OPINION, of course.
He lives with the woman, what does a timeline involving when she actually murdered the kids have to do with it. The word is precedence if you vcan't figure how it relates. The responding officers weren't from Dallas initially, Rowlett offocers showed up if you can't comprehend my point. It's just opinion, I just think an individual would have to be naive to suspect he wasn't involved if Darlie is guilty. If you believe she's guilty it takes a huge leap to believe he wasn't involved epecially with his actions during and afterwards...the same jump to conclusion lay individuals have about the balloons and what not at the cemetarty will make someone cite the 9/11 call as evidence that Darin couldn't have had prior knowledge.
I've read a good portion of the transcripts, but not all. Bad on me, really. However, I've seen so much biased media, such as the silly string fiasco (as reported by the media), and the failure to show the true extent of Dollie's injuries.

Yes, I should read ALL of the transcripts and, if I may, I would like to ask you to read the book I referenced. In that book that person "I" feel did this horrible crime does everything but stand up and wave their arms.

Maybe it's just me, but I can understand the motivation of the one I believe is the true perp a lot better than I could every understand Dollie's killing her children. Read the book, please.

Edited to Add: And read the book with an eye to the history of the world, not Dollie. I know I sound mysterious, but I don't mean to. I have to since I cannot accuse anyone. I guess I'm trying to say if you understand who the people are who were involved with Dollie and family, and understand a bit of history, you may come to a different understanding. You may not, and that's okay, we are all products of our environment, but some have lived through a bit more, have seen more.


Girlfriend: you gotsta gotsta get her name right. It's Darlie.
It's not about belief, it comes down to what the evidence is and where it points. No one wants to believe a parent could harm their own children--that's actually been a hurdle for many people who could not allow themselves to think that way.

Darin's role, if any, remains a mystery. For those who think he's the real perp, you have to wonder why Darlie would allow herself to sit on death row if Darin was involved. C'mon, no one is that much of a martyr. If Darin was the perp she would have at least tried to save herself--they already were on the cusp of separating the night of the murders, so it's not like she wasn't already angry at him. Instead, did Darin try to help Darlie that night? Unknown. He stuck by her for a long time and to this day, even though he divorced her, he's not thrown her under the bus.

The DNA testing hasn't revealed anyone else, not an intruder, and once a conviction was obtained, the burden shifted to Darlie. WHY are Darlie & camp hiding DNA test results? (Cami, I already know the answer). They would not release results from this most recent batch tested. Those with nothing to hide, hide nothing. The results are hidden. If you think Darlie is innocent you at least have to ask yourself why hide testing results.
It's not about belief, it comes down to what the evidence is and where it points. No one wants to believe a parent could harm their own children--that's actually been a hurdle for many people who could not allow themselves to think that way.

Darin's role, if any, remains a mystery. For those who think he's the real perp, you have to wonder why Darlie would allow herself to sit on death row if Darin was involved. C'mon, no one is that much of a martyr. If Darin was the perp she would have at least tried to save herself--they already were on the cusp of separating the night of the murders, so it's not like she wasn't already angry at him. Instead, did Darin try to help Darlie that night? Unknown. He stuck by her for a long time and to this day, even though he divorced her, he's not thrown her under the bus.

The DNA testing hasn't revealed anyone else, not an intruder, and once a conviction was obtained, the burden shifted to Darlie. WHY are Darlie & camp hiding DNA test results? (Cami, I already know the answer). They would not release results from this most recent batch tested. Those with nothing to hide, hide nothing. The results are hidden. If you think Darlie is innocent you at least have to ask yourself why hide testing results.

If this woman killed their kids there will be bus throwing. Your reasons are weak and like I said take a huge leap to jump to those conclusions. To be a real investigator and get to the truth you have to have some common sense and also understand human psychology and nature to speculate possibilities even if there's a lack of strong evidence. This isn't a court of law and you're trying to use court burden of proof as a scapegoat because your position lacks true merit.
It's not about belief, it comes down to what the evidence is and where it points. No one wants to believe a parent could harm their own children--that's actually been a hurdle for many people who could not allow themselves to think that way.

Darin's role, if any, remains a mystery. For those who think he's the real perp, you have to wonder why Darlie would allow herself to sit on death row if Darin was involved. C'mon, no one is that much of a martyr. If Darin was the perp she would have at least tried to save herself--they already were on the cusp of separating the night of the murders, so it's not like she wasn't already angry at him. Instead, did Darin try to help Darlie that night? Unknown. He stuck by her for a long time and to this day, even though he divorced her, he's not thrown her under the bus.

The DNA testing hasn't revealed anyone else, not an intruder, and once a conviction was obtained, the burden shifted to Darlie. WHY are Darlie & camp hiding DNA test results? (Cami, I already know the answer). They would not release results from this most recent batch tested. Those with nothing to hide, hide nothing. The results are hidden. If you think Darlie is innocent you at least have to ask yourself why hide testing results.
I call B.S.<modsnip> I'm always willing to listen and can easily change my position if logic reasons I'm most likely wrong. You actually responded thst he couldn't have did it because she hasn't ratted him out. <modsnip> This woman is still saying she's innocent and knew nothing <modsnip>.
Or a Mad " woman " perhaps?

I'm no bruising expert. However, I bruise VERY easily, I hate it. Mine will be terribly DARK =( IMO, I do not feel it would be THAT difficult, to cause bruises. Dark ones, if you are prone to bruising easily. One of my old charge nurses had dental work done years ago. Had to have a clamp on the side of her mouth or something, to help hold it open & in place. Her face was black n blue all over! Even under her eye's. Just places you wouldn't expect and pretty extreme! She wasn't in pain at all. Just embarrassed as hell as she feared being mistaken for a a battered woman and didn't want a ton of " concern "

BBM[QUOTE=Evianna13;12142924]There is a cut screen. A bloody sock in the driveway. Darlie saw and fought with the killer. She was seriously injured and could have also died. No one can bruise themselves that badly. Both of her arms were so bruised they were completely black/purple. Do you have any idea of the blunt force trauma needed to cause these bruises? Darlie was convicted on circumstantial evidence. No one piece of evidence pointed to her. There are so many cases in the US of serial killers breaking into homes and murdering the occupants. Complete strangers who chose the victims at random. I believe that is what happened here. As for the blood splatter on Darlie's shirt...she was present when her boys were stabbed. Her shirt was splattered as the blood was being distributed. I never got why the Texas authorities thought the scene was staged. Every crime scene is different. No one can predict what a madman will do while committing a crime, especially if they are on drugs or alcohol or just mentally challenged. I believe a great injustice was delivered to Darlie. Every single blood splatter and item downstairs should have been tested. Who knows what was missed? Quite possibly evidence to exonerate her. It seems that the "silly string incident" convicted Darlie. Did the jury even see the complete memorial service? Darlie was a young mother suffering grief and did what she thought her young son would have wanted on his birthday. Was Darlie being sedated with medications due to her loss? Everyone grieves differently. In many cultures death is celebrated like nearby Mexico or New Orleans. It is ridiculous to even include this event! How could anyone on the jury come to the conclusion they did?? Did they see the pictures of her injuries sustained in a fight for her life?[/QUOTE]
I have followed this case, and this forum for years. Up until recently, I was convinced of Darlie's innocence. At this point, I am not sure either way. Lots of questions in my mind.

1. Why not kill all the kids? Who leaves one child alive, if the motive is to rid their life of the burden of motherhood? And why leave the most demanding child (infant) alive. Life insurance is a weak motive, they did not gain financially. Furthermore, even though everyone implies they were broke, they weren't. Broke people cannot come up with the kind of money they did for Darlie's defense. How many of you honestly have 5k in savings today? They did, and had many items that they could have sold off rather than kill their kids.
2. Why call 911 when one of the victims is still living? Damon was alive when EMS arrived. Darlie had no way of knowing if he would die before they arrived, or tell on her if he was.
3. There are reports of other crimes in the area that night. But none were really looked in to. The traffic stop in which the car was allowed to go because of Darlie's 911 call is the one that bothers me the most.
4. The timeline is shoddy. You cannot convince me that Darlie was able to pull off everything that needed to occur. The sock, the staging, the blood being wiped up, etc. Damon had up to 9 mins to live, and 6 mins were while D was on the phone with 911. Cutting herself up, knocking over furniture, getting blood on the sock, ripping her clothes, etc would have been LOUD and time consuming. And would she be brave enough to run down an alley full of motion lights in a white shirt and risk being seen?
5. I do believe she could have slept through the murders. People with collapsed lungs or lungs full of blood don't make much sound. You need air exchange for sound to occur. Sleeping children could have been silently killed.
6. Darlie is not a smart gal. At best she is of average intelligence. Yet we are expected to believe that she was smart enough to inflict her neck wound using her left hand, she was smart enough to inflict near perfect defensive slices to her finger tips, thrust a knife into her arm bone, and even bite the insides of her own cheeks? She also managed to slice up her night shirt. She apparently is way smarter than she seems.
7. Her neck wound/breast wounds. This is a superficial woman. They spent a lot of money on her appearance. Would she really hack up her most prized possessions- her DD breasts? Furthermore, why cut her own throat, she would have inflicted her injuries in less obvious places.
8. The necklace- It was embedded in her neck wound. Common theory is that Darlie slit her throat over the sink. Her necklace would have been hanging down due to gravity, so we are to believe she stuffed the necklace into the wound? The necklace had knife damage on it. Given the fact that it was embedded into the wound, with knife damage on it, it is most likely she WAS lying down when her neck was cut.
9. The couch- stop claiming there was not blood on it. YES there was. Look at the crime scene photos. You can see where the outline of her pillow ends, and the blood is there. The pillow shielded the area it was covering.
10. The towels. They are all over the crime scene photos. It is quite clear to me that if your neck is profusely bleeding, you would apply a towel. Both Darin and Darlie said they were applying wet towels to the boys, and those towels appear in multiple pictures. Therefore, Darlie (while bleeding) was standing with a blood soaked nightgown over the sink wetting towels. Of course watered down blood will be on the counter edge, the sink, and the floor.
11. Yep, there was blood under the vaccuum. You can't tell me in the chaos, that EMS, police, Darlie, etc didn't move anything. You cannot rely on that fact when it is clear that things were moved all over the place from one photo of the scene to the next.
12. No glass in her feet. We all have feet. They are tough, thick skinned, etc. to prevent cuts. Just because one wine glass broke does not automatically imply that her feet had to be cut. I've walked on broken glass and felt it, but not been cut by it. It didn't shatter into a million pieces.
13. No other crimes happen like this? Yes they do. Apparently people do not read as much as I do. Try looking up the Keddie murders (3 kids slept through that one, with 3 others murdered way more savagely than this case), Jaclyn Dowalaby was taken without anyone awakening, Julie Rea was railroaded in a case similar to Darlies. There are hundreds of cases of people randomly killing others in break ins.
14. There is the possibility of an intruder. While it is most likely the fingerprints are Darlie's, they factually remain unidentified, therefore we cannot 100% say they are not an intruders. There is also hair that hasn't been matched. Yes, a pubic hair could arrive at a crime scene a million different ways, but until we can prove the way, the intruder is still possible.
15. The nurses. This makes my blood boil. I am an RN. You cannot chart one thing, and testify to another. They clearly indicated in their charting that Darlie was tearful, sad, and grieving appropriately. They did not use words like "fake" or "indifferent". Why were their licenses not called into question? Either the testimony was false, or the charting was false. One is perjury, one is a HIPAA violation.
16. Silly string. Dana's idea, that was made out to be way more than it is. Odd, yes, but not something Darlie had any part in planning. Also, as an RN, let me tell you, people become pretty silly when they are taking Valium, Ativan, etc. She was likely chewing gum because of the cotton mouth side effect of those medications. She was prescribed sedatives/antianxiety meds following the murders.
17. Surgery. The neck and arm wound were serious. Doctors just don't do surgery for fun. The necklace had to be surgically removed because of its proximity to the carotid. In medical terminology, the word superficial implies that something is "above." Your skin is superficial to your carotid artery. Your platysma muscle is also superficial to your carotid artery. To the general public, superficial means "skin deep." The words should not be confused. Being within the carotid sheath is a BIG deal, that means she was a paper sheet thickness away from a very hasty death.
18. Something I noticed- when 911 asks how old the boys are, she tells them 6 and 8. Yet, Devon was not 8, he was still 7. If she had murdered him, and knew he was dead, he would be eternally 7. By stating that he was 8, means she expected him to turn 8 a few days later. It implies that she expected the future with him to continue. If you have ever followed Jonbenet's case, it is much like the fact that JonBenet's headstone states that she died Dec 25. I feel this is because Patsy knew she died before midnight. (And why make her date of death Christmas Day if you aren't sure- doesn't that further tarnish the holiday?) Yet no one supposedly knew that JonBenet was even missing until 0545 on 12/26. That has always bothered me.
19. Before you ask, YES, I have read the transcripts. I find that the error's make me mistrust it, even though it has since been corrected. Yes, Darlie was a hot mess on the stand. Yes she changed her story many times. However, I think in a traumatic event that this is not that unusual. The psychologist who examined her did not feel she was capable of committing the crime and that she has some traumatic amnesia. Again, more common than you think, and something I see at times in my profession.
20. The castoff. Darin has said many times, that he was attempting CPR on Devon. When you blow air into lungs full of holes, it will spurt out. It is possible that the blood came from this. Also, I challenge you to kneel down, and act out stabbing the floor below you, and realize how far over your head you need to weild that imaginary knife to get cast off down your back. These were small kids, the knife would never have needed to come way back over the head of the killer to re enter the victim, and these were little kids, it would not have needed a ton of force. Also, with all of the wet items being placed into paper bags together, it is hard to know what blood was transfer vs cast off. I have read that the blood is very questionable for cast off to being with.
21. The whole investigation stinks. Court reporters being removed, cops pleading the fifth, illegal taping, interviewing witnesses under the influence of sedation/anesthesia (should have been thrown out, you can't sign a consent for surgery if you have had Tylenol 3, but you can be interrogated after awakening from propofol?) Texas is known for their love of the death penalty. I don't want to see Darlie end up like Todd Willingham. Even if it means finding out for sure that she did do it, I think a new trial is owed to her.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I have wanted to get that off my chest. I am sure I left out many other things, but these came to mind. I would love to hear opinions, theories, etc on the doubts that I have raised.
I have followed this case, and this forum for years. Up until recently, I was convinced of Darlie's innocence. At this point, I am not sure either way. Lots of questions in my mind.

1. Why not kill all the kids? Who leaves one child alive, if the motive is to rid their life of the burden of motherhood? And why leave the most demanding child (infant) alive. Life insurance is a weak motive, they did not gain financially. Furthermore, even though everyone implies they were broke, they weren't. Broke people cannot come up with the kind of money they did for Darlie's defense. How many of you honestly have 5k in savings today? They did, and had many items that they could have sold off rather than kill their kids.
2. Why call 911 when one of the victims is still living? Damon was alive when EMS arrived. Darlie had no way of knowing if he would die before they arrived, or tell on her if he was.
3. There are reports of other crimes in the area that night. But none were really looked in to. The traffic stop in which the car was allowed to go because of Darlie's 911 call is the one that bothers me the most.
4. The timeline is shoddy. You cannot convince me that Darlie was able to pull off everything that needed to occur. The sock, the staging, the blood being wiped up, etc. Damon had up to 9 mins to live, and 6 mins were while D was on the phone with 911. Cutting herself up, knocking over furniture, getting blood on the sock, ripping her clothes, etc would have been LOUD and time consuming. And would she be brave enough to run down an alley full of motion lights in a white shirt and risk being seen?
5. I do believe she could have slept through the murders. People with collapsed lungs or lungs full of blood don't make much sound. You need air exchange for sound to occur. Sleeping children could have been silently killed.
6. Darlie is not a smart gal. At best she is of average intelligence. Yet we are expected to believe that she was smart enough to inflict her neck wound using her left hand, she was smart enough to inflict near perfect defensive slices to her finger tips, thrust a knife into her arm bone, and even bite the insides of her own cheeks? She also managed to slice up her night shirt. She apparently is way smarter than she seems.
7. Her neck wound/breast wounds. This is a superficial woman. They spent a lot of money on her appearance. Would she really hack up her most prized possessions- her DD breasts? Furthermore, why cut her own throat, she would have inflicted her injuries in less obvious places.
8. The necklace- It was embedded in her neck wound. Common theory is that Darlie slit her throat over the sink. Her necklace would have been hanging down due to gravity, so we are to believe she stuffed the necklace into the wound? The necklace had knife damage on it. Given the fact that it was embedded into the wound, with knife damage on it, it is most likely she WAS lying down when her neck was cut.
9. The couch- stop claiming there was not blood on it. YES there was. Look at the crime scene photos. You can see where the outline of her pillow ends, and the blood is there. The pillow shielded the area it was covering.
10. The towels. They are all over the crime scene photos. It is quite clear to me that if your neck is profusely bleeding, you would apply a towel. Both Darin and Darlie said they were applying wet towels to the boys, and those towels appear in multiple pictures. Therefore, Darlie (while bleeding) was standing with a blood soaked nightgown over the sink wetting towels. Of course watered down blood will be on the counter edge, the sink, and the floor.
11. Yep, there was blood under the vaccuum. You can't tell me in the chaos, that EMS, police, Darlie, etc didn't move anything. You cannot rely on that fact when it is clear that things were moved all over the place from one photo of the scene to the next.
12. No glass in her feet. We all have feet. They are tough, thick skinned, etc. to prevent cuts. Just because one wine glass broke does not automatically imply that her feet had to be cut. I've walked on broken glass and felt it, but not been cut by it. It didn't shatter into a million pieces.
13. No other crimes happen like this? Yes they do. Apparently people do not read as much as I do. Try looking up the Keddie murders (3 kids slept through that one, with 3 others murdered way more savagely than this case), Jaclyn Dowalaby was taken without anyone awakening, Julie Rea was railroaded in a case similar to Darlies. There are hundreds of cases of people randomly killing others in break ins.
14. There is the possibility of an intruder. While it is most likely the fingerprints are Darlie's, they factually remain unidentified, therefore we cannot 100% say they are not an intruders. There is also hair that hasn't been matched. Yes, a pubic hair could arrive at a crime scene a million different ways, but until we can prove the way, the intruder is still possible.
15. The nurses. This makes my blood boil. I am an RN. You cannot chart one thing, and testify to another. They clearly indicated in their charting that Darlie was tearful, sad, and grieving appropriately. They did not use words like "fake" or "indifferent". Why were their licenses not called into question? Either the testimony was false, or the charting was false. One is perjury, one is a HIPAA violation.
16. Silly string. Dana's idea, that was made out to be way more than it is. Odd, yes, but not something Darlie had any part in planning. Also, as an RN, let me tell you, people become pretty silly when they are taking Valium, Ativan, etc. She was likely chewing gum because of the cotton mouth side effect of those medications. She was prescribed sedatives/antianxiety meds following the murders.
17. Surgery. The neck and arm wound were serious. Doctors just don't do surgery for fun. The necklace had to be surgically removed because of its proximity to the carotid. In medical terminology, the word superficial implies that something is "above." Your skin is superficial to your carotid artery. Your platysma muscle is also superficial to your carotid artery. To the general public, superficial means "skin deep." The words should not be confused. Being within the carotid sheath is a BIG deal, that means she was a paper sheet thickness away from a very hasty death.
18. Something I noticed- when 911 asks how old the boys are, she tells them 6 and 8. Yet, Devon was not 8, he was still 7. If she had murdered him, and knew he was dead, he would be eternally 7. By stating that he was 8, means she expected him to turn 8 a few days later. It implies that she expected the future with him to continue. If you have ever followed Jonbenet's case, it is much like the fact that JonBenet's headstone states that she died Dec 25. I feel this is because Patsy knew she died before midnight. (And why make her date of death Christmas Day if you aren't sure- doesn't that further tarnish the holiday?) Yet no one supposedly knew that JonBenet was even missing until 0545 on 12/26. That has always bothered me.
19. Before you ask, YES, I have read the transcripts. I find that the error's make me mistrust it, even though it has since been corrected. Yes, Darlie was a hot mess on the stand. Yes she changed her story many times. However, I think in a traumatic event that this is not that unusual. The psychologist who examined her did not feel she was capable of committing the crime and that she has some traumatic amnesia. Again, more common than you think, and something I see at times in my profession.
20. The castoff. Darin has said many times, that he was attempting CPR on Devon. When you blow air into lungs full of holes, it will spurt out. It is possible that the blood came from this. Also, I challenge you to kneel down, and act out stabbing the floor below you, and realize how far over your head you need to weild that imaginary knife to get cast off down your back. These were small kids, the knife would never have needed to come way back over the head of the killer to re enter the victim, and these were little kids, it would not have needed a ton of force. Also, with all of the wet items being placed into paper bags together, it is hard to know what blood was transfer vs cast off. I have read that the blood is very questionable for cast off to being with.
21. The whole investigation stinks. Court reporters being removed, cops pleading the fifth, illegal taping, interviewing witnesses under the influence of sedation/anesthesia (should have been thrown out, you can't sign a consent for surgery if you have had Tylenol 3, but you can be interrogated after awakening from propofol?) Texas is known for their love of the death penalty. I don't want to see Darlie end up like Todd Willingham. Even if it means finding out for sure that she did do it, I think a new trial is owed to her.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I have wanted to get that off my chest. I am sure I left out many other things, but these came to mind. I would love to hear opinions, theories, etc on the doubts that I have raised.

If you have read the transcripts you'd know that the necklace did not have to be surgically removed.
I have followed this case, and this forum for years. Up until recently, I was convinced of Darlie's innocence. At this point, I am not sure either way. Lots of questions in my mind.

1. Why not kill all the kids? Who leaves one child alive, if the motive is to rid their life of the burden of motherhood? And why leave the most demanding child (infant) alive. Life insurance is a weak motive, they did not gain financially. Furthermore, even though everyone implies they were broke, they weren't. Broke people cannot come up with the kind of money they did for Darlie's defense. How many of you honestly have 5k in savings today? They did, and had many items that they could have sold off rather than kill their kids.
2. Why call 911 when one of the victims is still living? Damon was alive when EMS arrived. Darlie had no way of knowing if he would die before they arrived, or tell on her if he was.
3. There are reports of other crimes in the area that night. But none were really looked in to. The traffic stop in which the car was allowed to go because of Darlie's 911 call is the one that bothers me the most.
4. The timeline is shoddy. You cannot convince me that Darlie was able to pull off everything that needed to occur. The sock, the staging, the blood being wiped up, etc. Damon had up to 9 mins to live, and 6 mins were while D was on the phone with 911. Cutting herself up, knocking over furniture, getting blood on the sock, ripping her clothes, etc would have been LOUD and time consuming. And would she be brave enough to run down an alley full of motion lights in a white shirt and risk being seen?
5. I do believe she could have slept through the murders. People with collapsed lungs or lungs full of blood don't make much sound. You need air exchange for sound to occur. Sleeping children could have been silently killed.
6. Darlie is not a smart gal. At best she is of average intelligence. Yet we are expected to believe that she was smart enough to inflict her neck wound using her left hand, she was smart enough to inflict near perfect defensive slices to her finger tips, thrust a knife into her arm bone, and even bite the insides of her own cheeks? She also managed to slice up her night shirt. She apparently is way smarter than she seems.
7. Her neck wound/breast wounds. This is a superficial woman. They spent a lot of money on her appearance. Would she really hack up her most prized possessions- her DD breasts? Furthermore, why cut her own throat, she would have inflicted her injuries in less obvious places.
8. The necklace- It was embedded in her neck wound. Common theory is that Darlie slit her throat over the sink. Her necklace would have been hanging down due to gravity, so we are to believe she stuffed the necklace into the wound? The necklace had knife damage on it. Given the fact that it was embedded into the wound, with knife damage on it, it is most likely she WAS lying down when her neck was cut.
9. The couch- stop claiming there was not blood on it. YES there was. Look at the crime scene photos. You can see where the outline of her pillow ends, and the blood is there. The pillow shielded the area it was covering.
10. The towels. They are all over the crime scene photos. It is quite clear to me that if your neck is profusely bleeding, you would apply a towel. Both Darin and Darlie said they were applying wet towels to the boys, and those towels appear in multiple pictures. Therefore, Darlie (while bleeding) was standing with a blood soaked nightgown over the sink wetting towels. Of course watered down blood will be on the counter edge, the sink, and the floor.
11. Yep, there was blood under the vaccuum. You can't tell me in the chaos, that EMS, police, Darlie, etc didn't move anything. You cannot rely on that fact when it is clear that things were moved all over the place from one photo of the scene to the next.
12. No glass in her feet. We all have feet. They are tough, thick skinned, etc. to prevent cuts. Just because one wine glass broke does not automatically imply that her feet had to be cut. I've walked on broken glass and felt it, but not been cut by it. It didn't shatter into a million pieces.
13. No other crimes happen like this? Yes they do. Apparently people do not read as much as I do. Try looking up the Keddie murders (3 kids slept through that one, with 3 others murdered way more savagely than this case), Jaclyn Dowalaby was taken without anyone awakening, Julie Rea was railroaded in a case similar to Darlies. There are hundreds of cases of people randomly killing others in break ins.
14. There is the possibility of an intruder. While it is most likely the fingerprints are Darlie's, they factually remain unidentified, therefore we cannot 100% say they are not an intruders. There is also hair that hasn't been matched. Yes, a pubic hair could arrive at a crime scene a million different ways, but until we can prove the way, the intruder is still possible.
15. The nurses. This makes my blood boil. I am an RN. You cannot chart one thing, and testify to another. They clearly indicated in their charting that Darlie was tearful, sad, and grieving appropriately. They did not use words like "fake" or "indifferent". Why were their licenses not called into question? Either the testimony was false, or the charting was false. One is perjury, one is a HIPAA violation.
16. Silly string. Dana's idea, that was made out to be way more than it is. Odd, yes, but not something Darlie had any part in planning. Also, as an RN, let me tell you, people become pretty silly when they are taking Valium, Ativan, etc. She was likely chewing gum because of the cotton mouth side effect of those medications. She was prescribed sedatives/antianxiety meds following the murders.
17. Surgery. The neck and arm wound were serious. Doctors just don't do surgery for fun. The necklace had to be surgically removed because of its proximity to the carotid. In medical terminology, the word superficial implies that something is "above." Your skin is superficial to your carotid artery. Your platysma muscle is also superficial to your carotid artery. To the general public, superficial means "skin deep." The words should not be confused. Being within the carotid sheath is a BIG deal, that means she was a paper sheet thickness away from a very hasty death.
18. Something I noticed- when 911 asks how old the boys are, she tells them 6 and 8. Yet, Devon was not 8, he was still 7. If she had murdered him, and knew he was dead, he would be eternally 7. By stating that he was 8, means she expected him to turn 8 a few days later. It implies that she expected the future with him to continue. If you have ever followed Jonbenet's case, it is much like the fact that JonBenet's headstone states that she died Dec 25. I feel this is because Patsy knew she died before midnight. (And why make her date of death Christmas Day if you aren't sure- doesn't that further tarnish the holiday?) Yet no one supposedly knew that JonBenet was even missing until 0545 on 12/26. That has always bothered me.
19. Before you ask, YES, I have read the transcripts. I find that the error's make me mistrust it, even though it has since been corrected. Yes, Darlie was a hot mess on the stand. Yes she changed her story many times. However, I think in a traumatic event that this is not that unusual. The psychologist who examined her did not feel she was capable of committing the crime and that she has some traumatic amnesia. Again, more common than you think, and something I see at times in my profession.
20. The castoff. Darin has said many times, that he was attempting CPR on Devon. When you blow air into lungs full of holes, it will spurt out. It is possible that the blood came from this. Also, I challenge you to kneel down, and act out stabbing the floor below you, and realize how far over your head you need to weild that imaginary knife to get cast off down your back. These were small kids, the knife would never have needed to come way back over the head of the killer to re enter the victim, and these were little kids, it would not have needed a ton of force. Also, with all of the wet items being placed into paper bags together, it is hard to know what blood was transfer vs cast off. I have read that the blood is very questionable for cast off to being with.
21. The whole investigation stinks. Court reporters being removed, cops pleading the fifth, illegal taping, interviewing witnesses under the influence of sedation/anesthesia (should have been thrown out, you can't sign a consent for surgery if you have had Tylenol 3, but you can be interrogated after awakening from propofol?) Texas is known for their love of the death penalty. I don't want to see Darlie end up like Todd Willingham. Even if it means finding out for sure that she did do it, I think a new trial is owed to her.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I have wanted to get that off my chest. I am sure I left out many other things, but these came to mind. I would love to hear opinions, theories, etc on the doubts that I have raised.

BradJRN - This is a logical and reasoned debate. It's great to see this kind of discussion, based on rationale and analyses rather than emotion. You deserve a response; I'll use your same numerical notations.

1. "Why not kill all the kids?" There was a lot more going on here than just getting rid of troublesome kids. Darlie was infuriated with Darin and a lot of this was aimed at him. The two oldest kids were more trouble (and less controllable) than an infant. They tracked in, mouthed off, ran wild, got dirty, etc. Darlie was overwhelmed, depressed and completely on edge - needing a neighbor girl to watch the older kids and another woman to do laundry and clean. I totally agree that life insurance was not the motive. However, massive overspending was a huge stress factor in the marriage. And by the way, Darin was broke and did not pay the lawyers. Darlie's relatives mortgaged their homes and the family constantly begged for money from online supporters. I think Douglas Mulder did not get all the pay he was due, which is why he withdrew during the appellate process.

2. "Why call 911 when one of the victims is living?" I agree this is puzzling. I think Darlie thought Damon was dead and only discovered he was still breathing during the call. As heard on the 911 recording (and as Darin has testified on several occasions) she called out to Darin to attend to Devon, not Damon. This is because she knew for sure that Devon was already dead. That would keep Darin away from possibly helping Damon.

3. "Reports of other crimes in the area." With all due respect, this is just a red herring that is always used by any defense team. Unfortunately crimes occur all over the Dallas Metroplex - all night, every night.

4. "The timeline." A doctor testified that Damon could live 9 minutes after his stabbing. There are multiple problems with this. First, that's an opinion and is subject to error plus or minus. Second, that 9 minutes starts after the FINAL stabbing. Darlie stabbed Damon, ran around depositing a sock, staging the scene and slashing herself, and then discovered Damon was still alive and had crawled across the room. She stabbed him a second time and then called 911. Only then is when the so-called "timeline" starts.

6, 7, 8, 17. "Darlie's wounds." Agree that her wounds are aggressive. Prosecutors say that the slices on the insides of her fingers are from her hand slipping down against the blade when the knife hit bone and stopped. If you can get yourself into such a keyed-up state that you can stab your kids multiple times, you are frenzied enough that you can also slash wildly at your throat (specifically avoiding your breast and not removing your thin chain necklace). It was just coincidence that it was close to the carotid (no matter who did it).

9. "Blood on the couch." Yes, there is blood on the couch. Darlie slashed her throat, pressed a towel to it, and then came back into the couch area to stab Damon a second time and do some staging. Her blood is behind the couch as well, where staging occurred.

10. "Bloody towels." Agree there are bloody towels lying around. However, Darlie's story about wetting towels to put on the boys came out AFTER she discovered that detectives had removed the sink, drain and pea trap for analysis. The blood on the counter edge is Darlie's blood, not the boys'.

11. "Blood under the vacuum." I agree that blood under the vacuum doesn't mean anything in all the ensuring chaos. However, Darlie came up with a story about leaning on the vacuum and knocking it over - AFTER she learned that this was going to be a prosecution point. Like the bloody towels, her story changed constantly to match the evidence.

12. "No glass in her feet." I agree that no glass in her feet is meaningless. There is no reason to believe she would automatically step on any broken glass lying around.

14. "There is a possibility of an intruder." I disagree with this. There is no evidence of an intruder. Blood was soaked all into the carpet. Darlie's bloody footprints are everywhere. There are NO intruder footprints. How did he walk through that carnage without leaving bloody footprints? That, to me, is the most telling point in all the evidence.

16. "Silly String." IMO, this was not convicting evidence. There was too much other evidence. It just showed that she was gleeful at the gravesite. Was it because she was on drugs or because she couldn't care less about those boys and was glad they were gone?

18. "Stating Devon's age as 8." When children are a few days away from a birthday, moms always round up when stating their ages. Ask any mom. (As an aside, I agree that the JonBenet headstone date is creepy and probably implicates Patsy, along with other evidence. Good call.)

19. "Darlie was a mess on the stand and her stories changed." I agree that testifying is emotional and difficult and your memory and stories might change. However, Darlie's stories changed whenever new evidence was presented, which in itself is damning. Also, some of her stories are just unbelievable. She said Damon followed her into the kitchen, touched the back of her nightshirt (explaining that blood evidence) and called to her. He was stabbed in the lungs and major organs. In his death throes, he left a blood trail after barely being able to crawl across the den floor. He certainly couldn't walk or talk or follow her into the kitchen. And there is no blood evidence that he did so.

20. "Castoff blood." I agree that how the blood got on the back of her nightshirt is debatable. However, she was infuriated with Darin and could have been taking large plunging stabs as part of that fury.

IMO, the preponderance of evidence (like the intruder not bringing his own weapon but instead relying on finding a home knife in an unfamiliar kitchen) all points to Darlie. Supporters have to come up with stretches of imagination to explain that "it could have happened this way" for every obvious piece of evidence that points to Darlie.

A defendant can't have a new trial just because some people now debate the evidence that was presented to the jury. Those debates also occurred during the trial. Darlie had a very well renowned lawyer, known for getting murders off. She has also gone through the entire appellate process. New trials occur when new evidence is uncovered, if it is discovered that the prosecution withheld evidence from the defense, or if it is discovered that there were gross errors made by the defense lawyers. So far, none of those have occurred.
Hello Web Sleuthers. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I don't believe Ms. Routier is innocent and never have. The reason I'm posting is to address the point of motive. What was the motive for this individual to break into the Routier home, kill 2 innocent children and attempt to kill the mother? I realize there are some totally unhinged people out there walking the streets, but I don't think that's the case here. If it was, I guarantee you they would have made sure not to leave any witnesses. Just my two cents, but Ms. Router is and has been where she's belonged all these years and that's behind bars.
Hello Web Sleuthers. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I don't believe Ms. Routier is innocent and never have. The reason I'm posting is to address the point of motive. What was the motive for this individual to break into the Routier home, kill 2 innocent children and attempt to kill the mother? I realize there are some totally unhinged people out there walking the streets, but I don't think that's the case here. If it was, I guarantee you they would have made sure not to leave any witnesses. Just my two cents, but Ms. Router is and has been where she's belonged all these years and that's behind bars.
One more thing: If Ms. Routier feels she's innocent and has been railroaded, she should contact The Innocence Project to see if they are willing to look into her case.
One more thing: If Ms. Routier feels she's innocent and has been railroaded, she should contact The Innocence Project to see if they are willing to look into her case.

BINGO!! This is one thing that has always struck me. The Innocence Project, I'm sure, would just love to their hands on a high profile case such as this and prove that the system was wrong. And an innocent woman is on death row.

But, it's never happened. Because there is just so much evidence against Darlie. You can't prove that she isn't right where she belongs.

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