For those who refute the prosecution's theory, what are your alternate theories?

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The court always tells jurors the rules (over and over and over) and includes admonitions not to read or post things on social media, or online, or in newspapers or in the news, or on TV or allow anyone to discuss the case with them at any time, nor are they to do that. By the end of a trial the jurors have heard this hundreds of times. During deliberations they are not allowed to have a cell phone on and with them in the jury room. They are allowed to check for messages on breaks.

What the court won't do is tell the jurors about the specific incident that occurred in the last trial and the details of that. The jurors are not usually a problem; but whackadoos outside the court (like people who spread false rumors on Facebook to get a reaction) are a problem.
The court always tells jurors the rules (over and over and over) and includes admonitions not to read or post things on social media, or online, or in newspapers or in the news, or on TV or allow anyone to discuss the case with them at any time, nor are they to do that. By the end of a trial the jurors have heard this hundreds of times. During deliberations they are not allowed to have a cell phone on and with them in the jury room. They are allowed to check for messages on breaks.

What the court won't do is tell the jurors about the specific incident that occurred in the last trial and the details of that. The jurors are not usually a problem; but whackadoos outside the court (like people who spread false rumors on Facebook to get a reaction) are a problem.

Of course the Court won't discuss the last trial. I was on a jury for a civil case that had a previous mistrial. We weren't told that until the trial ended and met with the Judge.

And our decision later resulted in a mistrial because of juror misconduct. A juror had read something outside of court that influenced her decision. Other jurors reported her to the counsel.

After the trial was over, I was interviewed by attorneys representing both sides. You can bet that Young's attorneys interviewed the jurors to get their opinions not only on the case but also about other jurors' conduct.
Given this question:

For those who refute the prosecution's theory, what are your alternate theories?

I have none. I have no theory about the murder of Michelle Young other than to recognize that there are irregularities in the prosecution of her husband. Twice, the verdict has been set aside. Are we to believe that three times lucky means that he will finally be legitimately convicted, or that three tries by the prosecution suggests a weakness in the case? How many tries; kicks at the can, should the prosecution have and it is still fair?
Something strange is happening with this website this evening.
Have there been any virus alerts, or is it just updates?
Here is an alternate theory:

Consider the following facts:

1) Victim was killed in her bed.
2) Victim was killed during late hours of the night/early morning.
3) Victim's marriage was on the rocks.
4) Victim's husband was out of town.
5) Victim was killed in a manner which suggest crime of passion.
6) No sign of forced entry.
7) Strange car sighted in driveway (?? not sure if this is a fact).

Now I know this is a victim-friendly forum, but considering the above 7 points, does'nt any one else think "affair-gonig-wrong-ending-in-murder"?

The theory is that MY and this unknown person were having an affair, he visited her late night while the child was asleep and husband was away. She opened the door for him. Something went wrong in the bedroom, which enraged the attacker and her killed her.

Of course a very weak theory. But opnions?
Hi thesetup. There have been two trials and literally years of investigation. If there had been a "boyfriend" it would have come out. She was 5 months pregnant and had a two year old in the house (although that didn't stop Jason Young from bringing a woman into the house and "doing it" in the family room with the toddler upstairs).

Michelle is regarded as being a loyal, devoted wife and excellent mother. Hope that helps.
Hi thesetup. There have been two trials and literally years of investigation. If there had been a "boyfriend" it would have come out. She was 5 months pregnant and had a two year old in the house (although that didn't stop Jason Young from bringing a woman into the house and "doing it" in the family room with the toddler upstairs).

Michelle is regarded as being a loyal, devoted wife and excellent mother. Hope that helps.

Yeah I think you are right. I bet they scoured through MY's phone records, purchase records, etc. And also interviewing all her friends/co-workers... something must have come up if she indeed was having an affair.
Yeah I think you are right. I bet they scoured through MY's phone records, purchase records, etc. And also interviewing all her friends/co-workers... something must have come up if she indeed was having an affair.

Nothing like that could ever be true. The one thing we all agree on is how devoted Michelle was to her family and how much she loved them.
I know I ama fish, but I just had to bite on this one. The lure has been dangling before my eyes too long.

Michelle was killed by someone who knew a bit about jewelry and probably had done a few robberies beforehand. This person maybe was watching the house for an opportunity and thought he saw it when Michelle walked Shelly to her car. He already knew that Jason's vehicle was gone and had seen Jason put his suitcase in the Explorer and pretty well knew that Jason would not be back that night.
Maybe he thought that Michelle left with Shelly, or maybe he just didn't care because he knew that he could easily handle Michelle. So he calls his accomplice to come on over with the car, or just maybe makes his way back to the trailer park and gets his car and accomplice. They wait a couple of hours then head over to 5108 Birchleaf Drive. They enter through the back door. maybe it is locked and maybe not. Picking locks is a trivial exercise for a moderately competent thief. (I once locked my keys to a lock in the locker. An acquaintance easily opened it for me and only charged me a dollar.)
The house was mostly dark at this time. Michelle had left her room to go check on Cassidy. The thieves entered her bedroom while she was in CY's room. Michelle was remembering Shelly's unease and had began to be uneasy herself, so she went throughout the house turning on all of the lights, thinking that this would deter any would be intruder.
The intruders heard her coming back up the stairs and secreted themselves. When Michelle entered the room, the thief wearing the Belleville Hush Puppies grabbed her from behind getting a forearm around her neck with great force. When he put his other hand over her mouth to endure no sound would come out, she bit him. This completely enraged the assailant and he went berserk, beating her to death with his fists and finally with a heavy flashlight or the like which he had brought with him.
In the fury of the attack, Michelle had been knocked off the bed and had rolled in front of Jason's closet. The murderer pulled Michelle up somewhat in order to open the closet and retrieve the wallet containing five hundred dollars which he had found while rummaging through the closet but dropped when he heard Michelle coming up the stairs. He also pulled the rings off her fingers and rummaged through the jewelry box picking out he good stuff from the costume jewelry. His accomplice, who had been rummaging through Michelle's closet, was attending to other things because CY had come into her mother's room while the beating was going on. He or she went to Cassidy and told her something like "It's okay, Mommy's just getting a spanking for biting."
So CY has to go see her mother and saw the "boo boos" and the red stuff. The murderer tells the accomplice to get her out of their, so CY is carried to the hallway bathroom to make the mess that was there while the pair decided what to do. At least one of them really loved kids and persuaded the other to take CY out and clean her up. They decided not to take any of the electronics, TV's etc. because of the chance that the serial numbers had been recorded and could be traced.
They took CY home and cleaned her up. (I have no idea what CY's personality was at the time. There are some children who do not know strangers. I went into a Post Office some years ago to transact a little postal business. There was a mother holding what appeared to be a two or three year old. I smiled at the little one and she wriggled out of he mother's arms and came up to me with her arms out stretched. I rather nervously picked her up to take her back to her mother, but she clung to me as if I were a beloved grandparent or the such. I wound up having to walk out to the mother's car with the mother and put her into her car seat.
I also have a granddaughter who really loves women who have short graying hair. She would go to just about any of them without hesitation, even though she did not know them.)
So CY is now clean but without a diaper since the thieves aren't normally babysitters. They wash and dry CY's clothes and their own clothes which had become rather bloody. The shoes, etc that they had on they put into the bag they had brought for the items they were going to pilfer.
They know they have to get back, turn off the lights and get CY put somewhere. CY is sound asleep when they get back to the house somewhere around five. That is what Terry Tiller saw when she was on Birchleaf Drive closer to four to five A.M. time frame that she first told the LE, before they judiciously helped her to remember that it must have been earlier.
The sleeping CY was placed under the covers on Jason's side of the bed. All of the lights in the house were turned out. It took them a few minutes to find all of the switches. Then they left, to be seen by Cindy Beaver at 5:25 A.M. or so.

This is a totally fictional story. It does not answer all of the questions and some bits may seem improbable. But some type of similar scenario is plausible, given the actual evidence. More plausible than the JY did it scenario, IMO.

Of course, I am going to get some boos. But think bout it.

I know I ama fish, but I just had to bite on this one. The lure has been dangling before my eyes too long.

Michelle was killed by someone who knew a bit about jewelry and probably had done a few robberies beforehand. This person maybe was watching the house for an opportunity and thought he saw it when Michelle walked Shelly to her car. He already knew that Jason's vehicle was gone and had seen Jason put his suitcase in the Explorer and pretty well knew that Jason would not be back that night.
Maybe he thought that Michelle left with Shelly, or maybe he just didn't care because he knew that he could easily handle Michelle. So he calls his accomplice to come on over with the car, or just maybe makes his way back to the trailer park and gets his car and accomplice. They wait a couple of hours then head over to 5108 Birchleaf Drive. They enter through the back door. maybe it is locked and maybe not. Picking locks is a trivial exercise for a moderately competent thief. (I once locked my keys to a lock in the locker. An acquaintance easily opened it for me and only charged me a dollar.)
The house was mostly dark at this time. Michelle had left her room to go check on Cassidy. The thieves entered her bedroom while she was in CY's room. Michelle was remembering Shelly's unease and had began to be uneasy herself, so she went throughout the house turning on all of the lights, thinking that this would deter any would be intruder.
The intruders heard her coming back up the stairs and secreted themselves. When Michelle entered the room, the thief wearing the Belleville Hush Puppies grabbed her from behind getting a forearm around her neck with great force. When he put his other hand over her mouth to endure no sound would come out, she bit him. This completely enraged the assailant and he went berserk, beating her to death with his fists and finally with a heavy flashlight or the like which he had brought with him.
In the fury of the attack, Michelle had been knocked off the bed and had rolled in front of Jason's closet. The murderer pulled Michelle up somewhat in order to open the closet and retrieve the wallet containing five hundred dollars which he had found while rummaging through the closet but dropped when he heard Michelle coming up the stairs. He also pulled the rings off her fingers and rummaged through the jewelry box picking out he good stuff from the costume jewelry. His accomplice, who had been rummaging through Michelle's closet, was attending to other things because CY had come into her mother's room while the beating was going on. He or she went to Cassidy and told her something like "It's okay, Mommy's just getting a spanking for biting."
So CY has to go see her mother and saw the "boo boos" and the red stuff. The murderer tells the accomplice to get her out of their, so CY is carried to the hallway bathroom to make the mess that was there while the pair decided what to do. At least one of them really loved kids and persuaded the other to take CY out and clean her up. They decided not to take any of the electronics, TV's etc. because of the chance that the serial numbers had been recorded and could be traced.
They took CY home and cleaned her up. (I have no idea what CY's personality was at the time. There are some children who do not know strangers. I went into a Post Office some years ago to transact a little postal business. There was a mother holding what appeared to be a two or three year old. I smiled at the little one and she wriggled out of he mother's arms and came up to me with her arms out stretched. I rather nervously picked her up to take her back to her mother, but she clung to me as if I were a beloved grandparent or the such. I wound up having to walk out to the mother's car with the mother and put her into her car seat.
I also have a granddaughter who really loves women who have short graying hair. She would go to just about any of them without hesitation, even though she did not know them.)
So CY is now clean but without a diaper since the thieves aren't normally babysitters. They wash and dry CY's clothes and their own clothes which had become rather bloody. The shoes, etc that they had on they put into the bag they had brought for the items they were going to pilfer.
They know they have to get back, turn off the lights and get CY put somewhere. CY is sound asleep when they get back to the house somewhere around five. That is what Terry Tiller saw when she was on Birchleaf Drive closer to four to five A.M. time frame that she first told the LE, before they judiciously helped her to remember that it must have been earlier.
The sleeping CY was placed under the covers on Jason's side of the bed. All of the lights in the house were turned out. It took them a few minutes to find all of the switches. Then they left, to be seen by Cindy Beaver at 5:25 A.M. or so.

This is a totally fictional story. It does not answer all of the questions and some bits may seem improbable. But some type of similar scenario is plausible, given the actual evidence. More plausible than the JY did it scenario, IMO.

Of course, I am going to get some boos. But think bout it.


The only problem is jewellery is pretty worthless at a pawn shop. Diamonds are really worthless, jewellery stores mark them up 300%, so a $10,000 ring is only going to get you somewhere less than a grand.

My theory is it was a botched robbery. They had to kill Michelle. Maybe Michelle knew them? Or maybe it was a stranger who panicked? They didn't have the heart to kill the little girl though, so they took care of her, cleaned her up away from the scene, then had to return her to the house because they couldn't just keep her.

There's too many holes in the prosecution's theory, and a fictional story makes more sense than JY staying up 24+ hours, driving back and forth hundreds of miles on an empty tank of gas, and making it to his meeting appearing normal.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
The only problem is jewellery is pretty worthless at a pawn shop. Diamonds are really worthless, jewellery stores mark them up 300%, so a $10,000 ring is only going to get you somewhere less than a grand.

My theory is it was a botched robbery. They had to kill Michelle. Maybe Michelle knew them? Or maybe it was a stranger who panicked? They didn't have the heart to kill the little girl though, so they took care of her, cleaned her up away from the scene, then had to return her to the house because they couldn't just keep her.

There's too many holes in the prosecution's theory, and a fictional story makes more sense than JY staying up 24+ hours, driving back and forth hundreds of miles on an empty tank of gas, and making it to his meeting appearing normal.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

Agree on the pawn shop idea. The thief would need a fence rather than a pawn shop. Not being in the know on such things, I would surmise that a thief that made his living by heists would use a fence for all of his sales. No thief in his right mind would use a pawn shop, especially a local one. Too little gain and too risky.

The only problem is jewellery is pretty worthless at a pawn shop. Diamonds are really worthless, jewellery stores mark them up 300%, so a $10,000 ring is only going to get you somewhere less than a grand.

My theory is it was a botched robbery. They had to kill Michelle. Maybe Michelle knew them? Or maybe it was a stranger who panicked? They didn't have the heart to kill the little girl though, so they took care of her, cleaned her up away from the scene, then had to return her to the house because they couldn't just keep her.

There's too many holes in the prosecution's theory, and a fictional story makes more sense than JY staying up 24+ hours, driving back and forth hundreds of miles on an empty tank of gas, and making it to his meeting appearing normal.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

I also believe it was a botched robbery. I really think Michelle was murdered because she not only awakened but fought back and that enraged her killer.

I don't know how pawn shops operate but my daughter took an antique diamond ring into a jewelry store last week and they offered her $10,000 for it. She declined and took it to another jewelry store and got it appraised for insurance purposes. There are ways to sell jewelry without using a pawn shop.

I still don't buy as fact that CY was cleaned and removed from the house. This is something that was assumed at some point, but In no way was it proven. Any narrative that includes this theory is, in my opinion, flawed.
I still don't buy as fact that CY was cleaned and removed from the house. This is something that was assumed at some point, but In no way was it proven. Any narrative that includes this theory is, in my opinion, flawed.

She was cleaned up somewhere and somehow. Where then? There's no signs of her being cleaned at the house.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
She was cleaned up somewhere and somehow. Where then? There's no signs of her being cleaned at the house.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

She wasn't necessarily cleaned up, that is a conclusion that some people have come to but not a fact. Most of the blood could have worn off as CY ran around the bathroom and the house.
She wasn't necessarily cleaned up, that is a conclusion that some people have come to but not a fact. Most of the blood could have worn off as CY ran around the bathroom and the house.

The bathroom had a ceramic tile floor. There is no way for wet blood to "wear off" on a glazed tile floor. This is why people use bath mats in their bathrooms. There was no indication the child left bloody footprints anywhere else in the house other than the master bedroom and her bathroom. This is one point I have to agree with the investigators on. I have no idea why they embraced this theory and later abandoned it.

I still don't buy as fact that CY was cleaned and removed from the house. This is something that was assumed at some point, but In no way was it proven. Any narrative that includes this theory is, in my opinion, flawed.

CY didn't have to be removed from the house to be cleaned. Her feet could have been rinsed in the toilet and her clothes washed in the washer. It's not a flawed theory that her clothes had no visible sign of blood but tested positive. That was part of the testimony.

JMO because it has been linked repeatedly.
It's not a flawed theory that her clothes had no visible sign of blood but tested positive.

It has not been established that her clothes had no visible sign of blood. That is a conclusion some people made based on limited evidence. We heard testimony that her pants had blood stains. The only reason that this conclusion was reached was because people claimed that they didn't see blood, but there is no indication that this was anything other than a cursory observation.
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