Forensic Astrology - BETH BENTLEY last heard from 5/23/2010

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Friendships are VERY important to this Oprah type woman, an Aquarius Sun & Mercury

With Mercury (symbolic of our everyday, and lower mind) conjunct The Eagle “Altair” ambitious very much so towards her interests, and I’m sure friends would have been part of this ambition to be there for them and with them.

Was the Moon in Sag the day she was born or moved into Capricorn? Either way, in the Sidereal constellation and heavens, she is Moon in Sagittarius more then likely.

Again, with her friends, and more an extroverted lifestyle not a stay at home, reclusive type of person.

There is some concern here for Beth because of her Venus in 9Aries more a risk taker conjunct the North Node in a critical 0 degree of Aries.
Venus makes harsh aspects some of them coming to her as a “challenge” in life from Uranus and Saturn and with the oppositions from these planets then, “outside of herself” they are invited into the life. This is not a conscious choice necessarily at all.

There is quite a bit of independence here from the “shackles” of marriage for Beth, she’s one to stay home and maintain the home without wanting to be on some “off time” with her friends and maintain outside relationships too, with all of these signs
In the more indepdendent minded woman.

Venus in Aries for example would be one, (if a Sag influence) then that’s two,
The Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Aquarius lean more towards independence of thought and lifetstyle. A “don’t hem me in” song.

Mars in Scorpio a fixed sign and the planet of the sign’s ruler, is strong and independent too.
Her North Node as mentioned in a critical place at 0 Aries is also conjoined to her Chiron within minutes, so the path in this lifetime can bring her intense suffering as well….
Juno at 1Caprcorn shows us she was married to a business partner (her husband a lawyer)and businessman.
And she herself worked with the business and kept the books I understand from one link.

Juno is also critical at 1Capricorn, a Cardinal Sign, so we look a little more carefully at the aspects Juno makes in this sign.
We can see the squares to Chiron (a source for the inner wound), a square to Uranus
(a separating force or influence ) and a square to Jupiter.

Beth wanted “space” breathing space and she took it for herself from time to time (as the opportunites arose) it appears from the constraints and restraints and everyday concerns of an intense marriage and business partnerhip.

Her Moon square Uranus denotes a person who often is nervously searching for freedom in spite of the Security her Juno craves.
Her Moon square Jupiter gives one the inclination to be overly optomistic about others
And a tendency to lose sight of the reality at hand.

Her Moon square Pluto will give her many opportunites to transmute the baser energies
Into a desire to embody the higher forms of expression, such as generosity, and more universal love . This she must have been successful in, because her sons and husband miss her terribly, she must be a really wonderful person .

But Neptune 28Scorpio, conjunct Mars and Mars quincunx to Saturn may suggest she took on a bit much when “trusting” others and their intentions and lifestyle too.
Scorpio in the latter degrees, may be problematic, and Neptune often wears rose colored glasses in life, conjunct to Mars (the everyday lifestyle) and who we are attracted to be with, creatively merges with Saturn here, ….however Saturn restricts us as well when we try to cut corners (Neptune BiQuintile to Saturn) ….and then can bring us no good because Saturn doesn’t like cutting corners in life, regardless of how creatively we do this. Her Saturn then, is in the sign of it’s “Fall” even though she is Aquarius, we can’t neglect to see the importance of Saturn here with perhaps, changing fortunes in her life.

Uranus conjunct to Jupiter would incline the life to be often involved in unexpected opportunities for travel that come her way.

Perhaps this was one of them?

Why don't we next look at some timed events, like the last time her husband heard from her, which he doesn't recall her mentioning taking a train home!
He assumed she'd be driving back with her friend just the same way she left!

Here is the Event chart for the "Last Phone call home to Husband" 4PM
on the 23rd of May 2010:


There are indicators of lies being told in this chart.

Was it then, on the part of being forced to lie to her husband by another?
It’s important then, to know what her message to him was, and what was going on between them.

I suggest it’s important to know, because of the following indicators for lies:

1) Rising Asc. 13Libra is conjunct exactly to Algorab denoting “lies, falsity, dishonesty and even loss of a partner”

2) The Sun is 2Gemini in the 8th house: “The Elbow of the Pleadies, Merfek”

Known for lies and tendencies to be dishonest.

3)Neptune in the 5th of love affairs and gambling, opposes Mars (Ruler of the 7th)
and squares the Sun in the 8th house of Sex and death (among other things the 8th house rules)

Venus, ruler of the chart and I would think indicating Beth,or the telephone call, is also opposite Pluto in the 3rd house of the communication or telephone call.

We’ll need to study more charts I think to try and unlock the keys here for clues as to what in the world went on that day.
Thank you Leomoon. So with all that said, do we think Beth is voluntarily missing or is there foul play involved? Hoping for the former.
Thank you Leomoon. So with all that said, do we think Beth is voluntarily missing or is there foul play involved? Hoping for the former.

Until we can get more charts going, I'm leaning towards voluntary however, with a caveat or "something may have gone badly" that she was not expecting.
Okay, the logic:

She speaks to the husband at 4PM yet says nothing ( him) about taking a train home.

The "friend" says, she left her at the station around 5 (originally 4:30PM) but of course, it's easy to get confused I'm sure.

WHY did she not tell her husband about the train, but instead he believes she will come home the way she left via the girlfriend?

The only thing that comes to mind is not wanting him to know something OR being coerced somehow to lie (the chart at 4PM)

I'd prefer to see more charts for timed events.
Date: 6/9/2010 Case #: 10-7650 Author ID: 201
BENEDETTA "BETH" BENTLEY DOB 02-12-1969 Female White, 5'06" 180 Lbs
Bentley was reported missing on 05-24-10 at 2248 hours. On 05-21 and 05-22-10 Bentley had been
staying in the Mt. Vernon Illinois area. On 05-23-10 at approximately 1730 hours she was dropped
off at the Centralia Illinois train station to board a 1800 hours train bound for Chicago with a final
destination of Woodstock Illinois.
(815) 338-2131
How about the time she was reported missing? Not sure if this link will be good, so I snipped and abbreviated the original content. The link if it works, prompts you to open or save the pdf file.{59338FB1-36FC-4D84-9A22-AD8358190535}.PDF

Saturn is in disappointment relationship to the rising degree (30+ degrees behind, as lies the 12th House of sorrow & disappointment). Mars is badly conditioned, as discussed under the horoscope, and is opposite Neptune for a betrayal by one who had been trusted. Pluto, who co-rules with Mars the Ascendant, is opposed by ruler of House 7 and ruler of House 12~stiff armed and worse.

Beth Bentley was returning from her visit on a day ruled by the Sun, at an hour ruled by Mercury, shortly to be replaced by the Moon. (Moon takes over at 4:41:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.)

Next examination, we will look into the lawyer husband.
Thank you for that look-see Tuba!!!! So the suspicions that the "friend" and I use that term loosely and bf are being un-truthful may be true. The chart you drew certainly tells a very different story than what they have told LE to date. Funny how these cases work; do these perps really think the dumb stories they come up with will float? Completely does not make sense that a 41 yo woman with a son graduating from HS in a matter of days and a party planned for him, would simply hop on a train and disappear into the sunset :waitasec:

I have to add; there is a **RUMOR** that the friend and bf were blackmailing Beth. Have no idea if there is any truth in that tid-bit.

Waiting with you Leomoon. Can we also take a look at the chart of the friend, who was the last person to actually see Beth and dropped her off? She is currently being looked at and questioned by LE.
Waiting with you Leomoon. Can we also take a look at the chart of the friend, who was the last person to actually see Beth and dropped her off? She is currently being looked at and questioned by LE.

That would be up to the moderators...And have they been "named" in any way yet, in the news.

I see that Beth has been married only 5 yrs. to her lawyer husband, and the two older ones are not his biological children? I thought the youngest was already 10yrs.old? 3 sons.

Still trying to get a handle on the particulars of the case.

Timeline here on post #2:
[ame=""]IL Bennedetta "Beth" Bentley TIMELINE AND MEDIA LINKS - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Further info on friend' as well as Beth's maiden name found here:
Friend, whose NAME we will NOT post, has been questioned multiple times and as I recall reading early on out in the main Missing person forum, lawyered up within a couple days. ( may be a rumor ) observed on JW's Facebook or Beths's Missing Facebook page.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

ETA: they are speaking freely about JW and her bf RR there as well, so I'm guessing it's OK.
Just use initials.!/profile.php?id=1031154364

Ref: JW:

Her facebook and account photos (friends page) may be accessed above link:

Check posts on JW and RR # 44, (make a great deal of sense referencing
the lawsuit of Beth Bentley that would have been on June 9th scheduled)
no appearance however, necessary then.

check for more info on post 52 and post 55.......

JW confirms she and Beth were seen (with RR) and a 3rd person male,
at the "Frosty Mug" Restaurant ? on Friday night and she speaks about this confirming same on Beth's FB Missing page.

Was this 3rd male at the "Frosty Mug" then, the brother of RR or NR? Do you know yet Knox?

I have what I believe is the dob of RR but not for NR
JW is posted as 11/20/73 IF this is correct and from Calif. originally. All mentioned in the newspapers and on the Webslueths' links.

If charts are requested, we need accurate or confirmed info. of course, first before proceeding.
Yes Leomoon, the folks at Beth's Missing Facebook Page are saying that NR was at the Frosty Mug Friday night with BB, JW and RR.
I hate to be a pest, but are there any updates on Beth Bentley? Is there somewhere we could go look for Beth?

Like I said, in the quote, IF anyone has the dob/place for NR, I'd be gald to look at the chart in relation to the transits and the disappearance of Beth.
Or even a "true" time of last seen would be nice too. Not just, "oh, I dropped her off sometime...."
Like I said, in the quote, IF anyone has the dob/place for NR, I'd be gald to look at the chart in relation to the transits and the disappearance of Beth.
Or even a "true" time of last seen would be nice too. Not just, "oh, I dropped her off sometime...."

I'd be happy to get sleuthing on that. I don't know what the N stands for. Can you point me where to look to find it? Thanks!

This story, her 10 year old son in particular, break my heart. I joined the FB page. Her friend puts quotes from her son on there. Just simply heartbreaking.
I'd be happy to get sleuthing on that. I don't know what the N stands for. Can you point me where to look to find it? Thanks!

This story, her 10 year old son in particular, break my heart. I joined the FB page. Her friend puts quotes from her son on there. Just simply heartbreaking.

Sorry, I don't know. I do know that somewhere on the WebSlueth's page
for Beth they speak of two brothers and her girlfriend and gave the initials for them all.

But it's been awhile now since I saw that.

Perhaps Knox knows?
Sorry, I don't know. I do know that somewhere on the WebSlueth's page
for Beth they speak of two brothers and her girlfriend and gave the initials for them all.

But it's been awhile now since I saw that.

Perhaps Knox knows?

I've been searching all morning. I got suckered into paying $20 for one of those internet criminal search things. It said it had listing for NR three times, I paid, it didn't give me the info. LOL. I did however find his first name.

One of the FB members messaged me that the birthdate is 12/19/1989 but that would make him only 21. The listing I found listed him at 31. Off to search some more.


Edited to add: On the FB page I saw that Beth went boating on Rend lake on May 22. Is it possible to do a chart for that time as a last seen? I did put in a question as to whether they knew exact time or not. Haven't heard back.

Also I got a message from someone there who is an Empath. This person says they know other empaths who all believe Beth to be in a certain location. Is it possible to do a chart for this location? Stretching here, but really wanting to help.
K, found some more info. Don't know if this has been added yet but RR's birthdate is 4/7/1983 and NR is his younger brother so the 12/19/1989 could be the accurate date!!
K, found some more info. Don't know if this has been added yet but RR's birthdate is 4/7/1983 and NR is his younger brother so the 12/19/1989 could be the accurate date!!

Edited to add:
On the FB page I saw that Beth went boating on Rend lake on May 22. Is it possible to do a chart for that time as a last seen? I did put in a question as to whether they knew exact time or not. Haven't heard back.

Also I got a message from someone there who is an Empath. This person says they know other empaths who all believe Beth to be in a certain location. Is it possible to do a chart for this location? Stretching here, but really wanting to help.

Personally, I wouldn't go by anything a self-described "Empath" has to say, but , "hey" that's just me talking! :waitasec:

And PLEASE don't waste your money on online sites promising you something for your money again. ......:furious: and then they never deliver the goods.

As for the 2 who were with Beth?
We need to be sure, before running charts as to date and place of birth (helpful too)

And YES, IF you have a link for that LAST BOAT RIDE, I'd be more then happy to run a chart for the time of that boat ride if indeed she (wrote or reported somewhere) and said she did go on one, on May 22nd.....that's "breaking news" stuff as long as it's valid from Beth herself.

If you don't have a link, but some other source, you can always PM me anytime.
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