Forensic Astrology - CASE REQUESTS only - #1

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If you get a chance, anytime in the future, could you possibly do a chart for my friend Tammy who died on 6/9/07 of a supposed suicide? Her family and I do not think she committed suicide.

Here are the facts as I put them here and in another website (Mystic Board):

As you will see, we received alot of psychic confirmation that Tammy was murdered. I would like to see her chart done as another confirmation for her family. Her father died about 9 months after she did and the hospital found his death suspicious and wanted to do an investigation but the State Police wanted to chalk her death up to suicide and refused to reopen the case.

Thank you from me and her family, especially her mother.


I have commented on this case in the Case Briefings thread, post #69

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This forensic astrology is fascinating. Thank you to everyone who is working so hard on these requests.

If you get a chance, any info you may provide on the following case is greatly appreciated, these girls (sisters) seemingly vanished without a trace:

Sheila Mary Lyon: DOB 3-30-62
Katherine Mary Lyon: DOB 3-29-64
They are sisters that disappeared 3-25-75 from Wheaton Plaza in Wheaton MD.

The girls left on foot for Wheaton Plaza sometime between 11:30am-12pm on 3/25/75. They were due back home between 3pm-4pm that day.
Several people saw them at the mall that day. The last time the girls were reportedly seen IN the mall is around 2pm. Two separate neighbors reportedly saw the girls walking toward their (the Lyon) home between 2:30-3:30 on 3/25/75. (the validity of these sightings is in question because they were reported several days after the girls disappeared)
The police were called by John and Mary Lyon (their parents) some time between 7pm-8pm on 3/25/75.

To date, no trace of Sheila or Katherine has been found. The 34th anniversary of their disappearance just passed. This case needs to be solved.

Here is a link to the Sheila and Katherine Lyon forum here on Websleuths:


Respectfully bumping so this request doesn't get buried.

There is so little to go on with this case any information that can be provided is greatly appreciated.
I don't know if two people(sisters) disappearing together makes chart reading easier or more difficult. I have no experience with chart reading but maybe some common denominators in the girls' charts can provide some insight/possibilities.

Just about everything in this case is questionable except the few details I provided in the post quoted above.

I question whether the girls were taken by a stranger or someone they were familiar with. It's been 34 years. Will the girls/their remains ever be found? I also don't know if charts can indicate an area where the girls ended up.

Two young girls 10, 12 were taken without a trace 34 years ago. It would be nice to glean some direction to look toward to solve this case. Their forum discussions have been round and round. With no other information, it is tough to try to solve.

If you need any other information about this case, I'll do whatever I can to provide you with the information.
Any attention you can give to this case is greatly appreciated.
This is my father who died in 1980.

Date/Place of Birth: Sept. 14, 1942 (sorry I don’t have the time) in Bellefontaine, OH.

Last heard from: Sept. 24, 1980 at 5:30 pm (phone call to wife).

Last seen alive: Sept. 24, 1980 at approx 7:30 pm (seen by an acquaintance in Sidney, OH).

Body Found: Sept 27, 1980 at 8:30 am (found floating in Milligan South Gravel Pit, Shelby County OH).

Time of Death: Sept. 24, 1980 at approximately 11:00 pm.

His death was officially ruled a suicide – a drowning.

However, throughout the investigation, the investigators stated they were “treating the death as a homicide” and “foul play is expected”. There were indications that there had been a confrontation and his car had been ransacked. Strangulation, physical abuse or gunshot or knife wounds were ruled out as a cause of death.

He was found floating in a gravel pit, but there was no water in his lungs. This was not made public, but investigators told us that his hands had been strapped inside his belt at his waistline. One hand was in the front and the other in the back and the belt tightened around them. They told us there was no way he could have done that himself.

I only have old newspaper clippings left and I can't find anything online regarding him. My mom saw a psychic once that told her he could "see" several men around my dad at the time of his death. He also told her that my dad was murdered and the case would never be solved. We never believed his death to be a suicide.

I would greatly appreciate any information that any of you super astros could provide to me and my family. And thank you for all of your hard work on the requests here and on all of the other "big" cases posted on WS.

Thanking you in advance.



A chart has been posted in the CASE BRIEFINGS thread, post # 85

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Watchinginky, even without the time of birth I can tell you from a preliminary look at the charts that your father was murdered. I will post a commentary on the Case Briefings thread sometime this evening.



A chart has been posted in the CASE BRIEFINGS thread, post # 85

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Watchinginky, even without the time of birth I can tell you from a preliminary look at the charts that your father was murdered. I will post a commentary on the Case Briefings thread sometime this evening.


Thank you so much Soulscape. We have always believed that his wife at the time may have had a hand in it as well.
I am new to the forum. I am an astrologer but not horary so I do not get into the depth of detail you marvelous people do. I lean more toward psychological/spiritual interps. I am glad to have found your forums here, a delight!

Please feel free to move or delete this post as it is not topic related, I am just overwhelmed with the number of forum and don't know wher to post my question.

Which is-
Does anyone yet have the DOB for Chrisopher Coleman, 32 , the Illinois father who strangled his family and was just arrested for that a few days ago?

Thanks for pointing me in the proper direction on this.

Since you do psychological and spiritual interpretation, you are tapped to do an analysis of this man and we will do whatever we can to find his birthdate for you. Usually, the crime shows put up the first page of an arrest report with the DOB but this time, that hasn't been done. I'm off to do a search for you.
I have been fascinated by the case of John W Glasgow. He disappeared from Little Rock, AR, Jan.28, 2008.
He was the CFO of a major company and there appeared to be many disagreements within the company.
It would be wonderful if you could take a look at this mysterious case.

**This case first requested by beckaroozie, 1/24/2009.
WS case request: his case is on page 1, number 20. dated 1/24/2009.
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reward is now 100,000.
March 2009 business magazine article about possible shady dealings surrounding John Glasgow's disappearance.

Thank you.
Name: William (Billy) Mason
Date of Birth: June 27, 1978
Place of Birth: Burlington, Ontario Canada

Date of Abduction: February 22, 2006
Place of Abduction: Hamilton, Ontario Canada

Mother: Donna Mason

Last spoke with his mother: February 22, 2006 at 8:30 pm


February 22, 2006 - 8:30 p.m - Billy's mother Donna arrived at his apartment with groceries, Billy wasn't at home but he called her from a friends cell phone saying he was at the corner store, he was on his way back. Donna left the groceries at his apartment and headed back to her house, Billy phoned her back and asked if she could take some of his laundry with her because the machine in the building was broken - she said she would pick it up the following day, a Thursday.

February 23, 2006 - Billy did not answer his phone when called to pick up the laundry. She phoned several times and got no answer.

February 24, 2006 - A female answered the phone and told her that Billy had "gone away for the weekend" but this was out of character since Billy didn't drive and wasn't known to go away anywhere, especially not in the middle of the winter. Donna became suspicous.

February 22 or 23, 2006 - 27 year old Billy Mason is kidnaped from his home at gunpoint by two unknown men

March 1, 2006 - Billy was reported missing on this day, due to the misleading information his family recieved from people in Billy's apartment regarding his whereabouts, it was believed he may have been voluntarily missing until this time.[/QUOTE]

TUBA has posted a LAST SEEN chart for ADJI in our CASE BRIEFINGS Thread

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Saturday 1/10/09

• 5 p.m. — Family members realize 6-year-old Adji Desir is missing from his grandmother’s Farm Worker Village home at 814 Grace St., Immokalee, FL (Collier County). Adji was wearing blue shorts and a blue T-shirt with yellow stripes when he disappeared.

• 7 p.m. — Family members call Collier County Sheriff’s Office after a 2-hour search.

• 7:42 p.m. — Deputies respond, begin searching Farm Worker Village and surrounding woods with bloodhounds, ATVs, on horseback, and in a helicopter. The first neighborhood canvass is conducted.


"My impression is they immediately called the Sheriff's office," Batten said. "At 7:15 he was watching TV and told his parents he was going outside to play with friends. We got the call at 7:42."

There are conflicting times when Adji was last seen, but 7:42pm is when he was reported missing.

Adji’s mother Marie Nadia, 36
stepfather Antal Elant, 41
Adji’s grandmother, Jesula Thebaud, 55

Adji was born Oct. 15, 2002 in Naples, Florida

I believe all 3 of his relatives were born in Haiti, but I don't know where.

ETA: Here is Adji's WS thread #2

Respectfully bumping for little Ji Ji. Hoping this precious boy is found soon.
the Michelle Young case is one of the cases i've been following. is there anything you can tell by the charts. hopefully when an arrest will be and did her hubby kill her as many of us suspect?

here is some of the info let me know if you need more:

michelle young birthdate:

feb 17, 1977 (i believe sayerville, ny)

married october 10th, 2003

died nov. 2 -3 2006 raleigh, nc

hubby jason young: april 8th 1974 i believe brevard, nc at least thats where he was raised

left home for business trip 8 pm nov. 2 2003

made call to michelle's sister at 12:00 - 12:30 pm nov. 3rd to go pick up fax.

michelle's sister found her bludgeoned to death 1:30 pm friday. nov 3
A chart has been posted in our CASE BRIEFINGS thread, post #97

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LeoMoon has posted a chart in the CASE BRIEFINGS thread.

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Dear Astros,

I am requesting a forensic astrology chart for Officer Davina Buff Jones who died while on duty at Bald Head Island, NC on Oct. 22, 1999. (This is the same island that Kate + her 8 kids recently visited.) Davina made a 1 minute phone call at 11:30 that evening and she was reported as last seen by 3 people at 11:45 pm. Her last transmission moments after stated "Show me out with three. Stand by please." Then she keyed her portable mike and said 'There aint no reason to have a gun her on Bald Head Island, okay?" She was dead after a few more words. Everybody knows that she was murdered yet LE ruled it a suicide. Here's a link to her site (includes graphic photos):

Davina Jones
DOB 7-29-1966 Charlotte, NC
DOD 10-22-1999 between 11:45pm-midnight, Bald Head Island, NC

There are dark and corrupt elements to this case which point to powerful people and a cover-up. The sheriff is currently serving time for witness tampering and OJ in an unrelated matter. A relative of his was questioned in Davina's case. A documentary was made about him years ago called "The Work Series: Sheriff" and can be rented from Netflix. (It is interesting).

The Attorney General won the race for Govorner in the 2000 election and served 2 terms. He is now being investigated for his use of private planes before and during his govornership. There have been rumors and rumblings since Davina's death that he was tied to large drug shipments shipped to the island and stored in a building owned by him and that Davina had learned this. Planes have been rumored to fly over the island just after dusk without their lights on and dropping large packages for as long as I can remember. They navigate by the light on the lighthouse that Davina died beside.

I snipped this message from Davina's family on her site at the above link:
Justice for Davina

Information is presented on this web site to give the public a better idea of what transpired on Bald Head Island the night Davina Buff Jones was killed in the line of duty. If anything happens to any of us hosting this site, or identified with the book, no matter how accidental it looks, we will have our proof that Dee did not commit suicide.

I am providing this so that you can use your own discretion in deciding whether to chart this case. Thanks for all you Super Astros do for us Sleuths!

Kimster you are absolutely right these girls do need to be found. This is the first I have read about this case and was just stunned that the B family property was not searched thoroughly in the begiining.


A thread dedicated the this case has been opened

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - JENNIFER & ADRIANNA WIX Missing since 3/27/2004 - TN - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Hello AstroWS

I know you are doing important work on this thread(understatement). I know that you are working to bring people home safe. I did not know where else to ask...have the Astros ever done any charts on the JonBenet Ramsey case? If so...may I be pointed in the right direction?

Thank you for your time.
Hello AstroWS

I know you are doing important work on this thread(understatement). I know that you are working to bring people home safe. I did not know where else to ask...have the Astros ever done any charts on the JonBenet Ramsey case? If so...may I be pointed in the right direction?

Thank you for your time.
No JonBenet chart done here.

May be others on line.
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Update from post 131 on these forums.

Since the original request made on the 4 year anniversary of Janet's murder, new information has come out. Raven's wife came forward to state her and Raven separated in December after 2 months of marriage.
She was interviewed by NC Wanted link as follows:

My concern now is him repeating his bad behavior and killing again. I also worry that he may have killed prior or since then. I worry about Kaiden as I have heard he is becoming more erratic.

August 4, 2000
Janet and Raven Abaroa married

November 11, 2000
Janet and Raven and their dog Shanuk take a trip to Lost River National Park in West Virginia

December, 2000
Janet obtains her Associate's Degree and takes a year off from college to spend time with Raven

February 19, 2001
Janet and Raven took a vacation to Orlando, FL

May 8, 2001
Raven's wallet was stolen. It contained $35, his driver's license and credit cards

January, 2004
Raven was unfaithful to Janet and the couple were in the process of separating,

Janet discovers she is pregnant

May, 2004 - Janet showing and Raven discovers she is pregnant. They begin reconcilliation talks

July, 2004
01: Raven allegedly begins embezzling funds from his employer, Eurosport

August, 2004 Raven and Janet move into home on Ferrand Drive (THIS NEEDS CONFIRMATION)

September, 2004
01: Raven embezzles more funds from his employer, Eurosport

October, 2004
01: Raven embezzles more funds from his employer, Eurosport
17: Kaiden is born

November, 2004
01: Raven embezzles more funds from his employer, Eurosport

December, 2004
01: Raven embezzles more funds from his employer, Eurosport

January, 2005
Raven fired for allegations of embezzlement from his former employer, Eurosport in Hillsborough.

Janet resigned from her accounting position at Eurosport.

February, 2005
02: Raven Abaroa was charged with 5 counts of embezzling thousands of dollars from Eurosport, according to court documents.

March 8, 2005 - Raven signed up at

April 19, 2005 -Signed up at myspace as single

April 22, 2005
Landlord said Janet and Raven just signed the forms for the change in rent. Landlord gave the previous two months free due to unemployment.
It is believed that their churched raised enough funds to pay for their April rent. May rent would've been back to normal before their unemployment.

April 25, 2005 - Raven makes an entry to his blog on his website about overcoming trying times in his life and plans to start anew - He names the blog If I were a Bird..."Wait I am"

April 26, 2005 - Janet and Raven go to work in the a.m. Raven & Janet leave work to bring Janet's vehicle to the shop.

April 26, 2005 - Hometeacher comes to home.

April 26, 2005 - Raven goes to play Soccer

April 26, 10:30--Raven arrives home

April 26, 2005 - Janet Abaroa found Murdered in her home

April 26/27, Taken to the Police Department to be questioned

April 27th 5:30 am contacts the Christiansen family regarding Janet's death and states she committed suicide.

April 27th - 8:00 am Informant told me they received a call from Karen Abaroa that Janet was dead and it is being investigated as a suicide.

April 27th - 8:00 am a Memorial Trust Fund set up in Raven Abaroa's name at the Credit Union (I believe said fund was bankrupted when he overdrew)

May 6-7--Buena Vista, VA for funeral/visiting friends

May 9--attends Memorial Service in Annandale, VA

May to ??--Stays with Christiansen family members

May ??--Volleyball tournament

Month of May--returns to Durham to collect belongings

-Moves in with Karen and Jim Bolten in Utah

May - July - Raven involved with High School Student who has a baby girl and gives the baby girl up for adoption

June 3, 2005 -- Video surfaces showing Raven flashing his buck knife.

June 11th & 12th - Beach Volleyball

June 30th - we hear that Raven is heading out on a trip

July 7th-??--Trip to Maine/Vermont for competition(what was that called that he did?)

July 22, 2005 - Prosecutors offer deal on Embezzlement Charges

June-July, 2005 --Starts working at Cingular

July-August, 2005 --Fired from cingular

August 17, 2005 - News that police secure warrant to search involved all online activity from accounts, between April 1 and May 16, 2005.

August 18, 2005 - Autopsy information released

August 23, 2005 - Raven pleads guilty to embezzlement (5 COUNTS)

August ??--Starts working part-time at bike shop

October 17, 2005--Returns to Buena Vista, VA for SVU's homecoming

October 24-31, 2005--Moab, for bikefest

November 29, 2005 -signed up at the Alta High Reunion website.

April 26, 2006 – Raven goes to Attorney’s office to file bankruptcy petition, which so happens to coincide with the One YEAR Anniversary of Janet’s Murder.

April 29, 2006 – Raven no show at Wife and Unborn Child’s Candlelight Memorial Vigil

May 5, 2006 – Rumors surface that Raven went on another bike trip

August 2006 Bankruptcy is dishcharged.

August - September - Raven moves from apartment to Condo.

September 28, 2006
news reports regarding psychic on the case:

October 2006 - Raven moves to new Condo - rumors surfacing he purchased a condo. (Confirmed that someone he was "dating" Jen who is real estate agent/doctor) allowed him to live there. He told family & friends he purchased a condo and a friend gave him $30,000.00 to put down.

October 21, 2006 -
Homecoming Soccer game in Memory of Janet Christiansen Abaroa Pioneer Scholorship held at SVU. Raven attended.

November 8, 2006 -
News Coverage with Cpl Perkins, DPD -
Police Follow New Lead In Durham Woman's 2005 Slaying stating they have a Person of Interest.

November 2006
Rumors regarding Raven having a girlfriend and possible fiance (name?) surface

February 8, 2007
FBI Interviewed Raven in Utah. No news regarding the outcome of the interview.

March 2007 -
Raven no longer working for Canyon Bicycles (Confirmed) Word from coworkers Raven was stealing and quit before he could be fired.

April 2007 -
Vigil,March held to call for end to violence - Christiansen Family spoke - Raven a no show.

April 2007 - -

November 2007- Raven does interview with

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

January 2008 - Raven starts to date Vanessa Pond

May 11, 2008 - (Mother's Day) Raven and Vanessa Pond get Engaged

September 6, 2008 - Raven and Vanessa Pond Wed

December 24, 2008 - Raven and Vanessa Pond separate

I have heard Raven is now working for


LeoMoon has posted a chart in the CASE BRIEFINGS thread.
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Darlie Routier was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of one of her two children. There is a lot of doubt as to whether an innocent woman may die for these crimes. Just this last November of 2008, that appelate court agreed to let her test items for DNA that was kept from the defense (as well as many pictures). Here are the statistics I have found:

The murder occured in the early morning of June 6, 1996 in Rowlett (near Dallas), Texas. Darlie, Devon, and Damon were asleep downstairs in front of the television when "an intruder" supposedly entered the home. Darlie says she woke with a stranger hovering over her and jumped up and chased them out the house. She immediately called 911 at 2:31 a.m. and stayed on the phone with the operator until the first officer arrived on the scene. By this time, 5 minutes and 40 seconds had passed.

Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was born January 4, 1970 in Altoona, PA
Devon Routier was born June 14, 1989 in Rowlett or Dallas, TX
Damon Routier was born February 19, 1991 in Rowlett or Dallas, TX

Darlie's husband, Darin, and her infant son, Drake were upstairs when the "intruder" came in. Darin said he had gone upstairs and turned out the light and looked at the clock "close to one o'clock in the morning".

Darin Routier was born January 1, 1968 in Lubbock, TX
Drake Routier was born October 28, 1995 in Rowlett or Dallas, TX

Devon & Damon were killed; Darlie survived "an attack". Darin and Drake were not injured. Darlie was rushed into surgery at Baylor Medical Center at 3:40 a.m. She was released into ICU at 4:49 a.m.

Devon was already dead when paramedics arrived on the scene. Damon's time of death on his autopsy report says he passed at 3:26 a.m.

Jump to June 8th. Darin & Darlie were brought to the Rowlett Police Department for questioning and at that time Darlie was given her Miranda rights. They both made written statements: Darin at 4:55 p.m and Darlie at 4:49 p.m. On this same day, a private viewing at the funeral home for the family was scheduled for 8:00 p.m.. The funeral was the following day, the 9th at 2:00 p.m.

On June 14, 1996 there was a memorial service at 1:45 p.m. Devon for his 7th birthday. A Celebration of Life for Devon was at 6:30. This is where Darlie's teenage sister brought the silly string because she new Devon loved silly string. This silly string video was the one that was played over and over in the media. The video for the solemn memorial service was never released to the public.

June 18th at 10:20 p.m., Darlie was arrested and charged with capital murder.

The trial was moved to Kerrville. It began January 6, 1997 at 9:55 a.m.

On February 1, 1997, the judge read the verdict from the jury at 12:40 p.m. -guilty of capital murder. She was later sentenced to death (I don't have the date/time).

I am generally FOR the death penalty, and if she truly is guilty then I hope she gets what she deserves. However, there are so many questions with this trial, there is no way she should have been found guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt". The DA kept too much from the defense. At the least, she deserves a fair trial.

Sorry for going on and on, but I really feel like an innocent women may be on Texas' Death Row. I can't find any birth times.

Here is her non-astrology thread:
September 10, 2008 birthdate

kidnapped 1230 am June 10 (allegedly)

She is nine months old.

video on case (raw interview),0,3487346.story

amber alert and other coverage

ETA: the last link I posted shows the mother pleading for the return of her baby. She seems truthful to me

Charts have been posted in our BRIEFINGS Thread for Daisja Weaver
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