Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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I gave up on Witte early on. I am sure that he is an excellent resource, but I have my hands full with just the basics and midpoints.

I really like Don McBroom's "Midpoints", and highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about this method. There are several reasons I think this is a good investment for someone interested in learning more about astrology.

First, he writes clearly! I particularly like the way he encourages people to integrate, using keywords. I also appreciate his approach to astrology, in that he is honest about what can and what cannot be done with charts.

His focus on free will is very good, as well.

Here is a link to Amazon, in case anyone is interested.
Please offer up anything you can, Neptunian. Your knowledge of Witte could add so much to the discussion!

I think it is important to say again to people reading here, that we are looking at these charts with an emphasis on the "forensic" possibilities. It is easy to forget that many people will have similar aspects and midpoints, and use them in very positive ways.
Lol:) I don't have much knowledge of Witte - just a reference book! Thanks for the link for McBroom, I will check it out.

Aries Point (0 degrees Aries in the horoscope or zodiac circle, the beginning) for Casey:

Mercury/Neptune -- Mercury is for thinking, communicating, phones/letters, walking, movement. Neptune is for fantasy, hidden things, confusion, deceptions, water, drugs/alcohol, magic, compassion. A positive way to interpret this would be someone is known for a great imagination or perhaps an enchanting or graceful way of walking. Could also be a person who is confused, or maybe a speech impediment, hard to understand. A different way to look at it is someone who is deceptive and/or lies. I wonder to myself if Casey had (has!) a difficult time in learning the difference between real and make believe. With her natal Mercury in Pisces, this could possibly be the case - they tend to dream and wish things were so. (Nice outlet for this is writing fiction.) Probably started out innocently enough and as a child, perhaps she was known for having imaginary friends or telling stories.

A few of Witte's keywords for this combo are uncertianity, lies and intuition.

Next there is Mars/Neptune -- Mars is action, speed, sexuality, competition, sometimes hate. Combine with Neptune.

And then Uranus/Neptune -- Uranus is surprises, independence, rebellion, modern things like computers, peculiarity. Combine with Neptune.

You covered the last two, Housemouse so I won't go into describing. I wanted to emphasize your point about how these energies can play out in a more normal or positive way with Mercury/Neptune. Lol, we all have these points in our own maps - some are emphasized more and some less. Much depends on how we choose to use the energy, and in what environment we find ourselves in.

Sigh, I've gone on and on. It isn't so hard to combine keywords, is it?

Witte writes for Mars + Neptune = Aries Pt: destruction, dissolution
For Uranus + Neptune = Aries Pt: metaphysics, funerals, cemetaries

Well, does anyone know what time the hearing is on the 21st?
I was told that it is supposed to start at 8:45 AM, and here is the chart for that time:

And, here are the midpoints for that time... Now, it may not start on time, so these may have to be re-visited....

There are some very interesting midpoints here. Check the Sun, and also check Saturn. Heading off to study these. Also find the Grand Trine interesting.

Was a hard day today, so may not get around to posting comments on these until tomorrow.

Interesting Aries point, isn't it! So descriptive with Pluto and Mars hanging out there...
Before tomorrow's comments, here I have marked up the midpoints that are particularly interesting to me. I have circled in "maroon" the midpoints that are within orb of planets.

Housemouse, I have no way to print these charts. Please tell us what these mean? It's really helpful when you give a short description. Is there a good chance that she will get released? TIA!
Oh, man - I forgot to mention Casey's Sun as it is connected to the Aries point. (I told you my concentration is off these days.) In my opinion it could be an indicator of fame if there are supporting conditions. Famous for what? All of what has been described with Merc/Nep, Mars/Nep and Uranus/Nep. Adding Sun to this combination brings the world's perception or Casey's "public projection" into a more personal realm. In other words, these energies are not only what we the observers perceive, they are part of her being as well.

If the 8:45 chart is valid, there may be a surprise, or something sudden occuring at that arraignment. Uranus is tied into the MC (moment) and the AC (place). See the T square? But, Housemouse, you pointed out that these things don't always start on time:)

Transitting Saturn has a tight grip on Casey. Meaning to me that the authorities are loathe to let her go. Jupiter involved, too - the judge will tend to want to restrict. But that is clear even without the astrology.

I have a memorial to attend today so I'll be away.
Housemouse, I have no way to print these charts. Please tell us what these mean? It's really helpful when you give a short description. Is there a good chance that she will get released? TIA!

I can send these to you via email, if you wish. Or, I can send you to the photobucket link. Let me know.

Will be adding comments later today, but Neptunian is doing an excellent job!!! It is wonderful to have her input!
Three of the midpoints are particularly interesting, and describe the arraignment perfectly. There are so many more that could be included, but I just do not have enough time to type them all in.

The first one is particularly important, as it is very close in orb

Saturn = Sun/Uranus
sudden separation, sudden loss, separation from another carried out in haste

Pluto = Sun/Moon
critical phases in life, separation from others

Uranus = Ascendant/Midheaven,
sudden experiences, quick determination, spoiling of one's plans
Uranus = Mars/ Saturn
sudden accident, separation, case of death
Hello Housemouse, Neptunian and Others,

This is my first post having just got approved. I've been following this thread all along, as I am another astrologer with high interest in forensic astrology. I have some comments about the Arraignment chart. I will try not to get too jargon-y:

First, I give 1st House (Virgo) and its Ruler MERCURY to Casey. After studying this chart I give VENUS to Caylee. Notice they are both in 12th House, partile conjunct. That means they are in the same degree (18). Also note this is the same degree as the North and South Nodes (18 Aquarius/Leo). Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson said **any planet or angle in the same degree as the Nodes points to a catastrophe, casualty, fatality or tragedy in a horary or natal chart, the more far-reaching when a malefic is involved.** (Simplified Horary Astrology, page 52).

1. The angles are mutable: the situation changes. This is especially suggested with URANUS (sudden changes) on the Descendant.

2. Look at the Lights (Sun and Moon). They tell us something. SUN in 12th House of Imprisonment, trine MOON in 8th House of Death, trine PLUTO (death) in 4th House of the Grave. (not forgetting transit Pluto is squaring Casey's natal 28 Pisces Sun....)

3. SUN, ruler of 12th House of Imprisonment, in late degree of Leo, about to lose dignity (will be going into Virgo).

4. MOON in 8th House of Death in the exaltation and triplicity of SUN (ruler of the 12th House of Imprisonment), in the detriment of VENUS (Caylee) forming trine with PLUTO (Death) and SUN (prison). MOON is besieged (trapped) between URANUS and the malefic South Node.

5. MERCURY (Casey) is in the 12th House of Imprisonment (jail) partile conjunct (in the same degree) VENUS (Caylee). Casey is in prison at the time of the arraignment and that's where she'll stay because they will pin murder of Caylee on her.

MERCURY (Casey) in fated degree (18, same as Nodes)
VENUS (Caylee) in fated degree (18, same as Nodes)
URANUS exactly on 7th House cusp, exactly opposite the Ascendant: sudden change in status of case (mutable angles
BLACK MOON LILITH* partile conjunct (in same degree) as the IC (20 Sag), exactly opposite the Midheaven. (*Not shown on chart. In mythology, LILITH is the demon mother who kills children.)

MARS = violence, murder in 1st House on the Aries point (01 Libra). The antiscion of MARS is 28 Pisces ---- CASEY'S NATAL SUN!!! (Antiscion shows a hidden influence. This is what is hidden: Casey responsible for violence/?murder of Caylee.

This chart strongly suggests Casey will not get out on bond before her Arraignment tomorrow morning. It also suggests new charges being slapped on her. Whether murder or not, that remains to be seen.

Housemouse, thank you so much for starting this thread. I have been wanting to discuss astrologically and now it is possible!!

Wow..thank you astrologers for this info. It fits into the case and feels right on the mark.
Thank you all for this insightful work.
Welcome and thank you, Soulscape.
BLACK MOON LILITH* partile conjunct (in same degree) as the IC (20 Sag), exactly opposite the Midheaven. (*Not shown on chart. In mythology, LILITH is the demon mother who kills children.)

MARS = violence, murder in 1st House on the Aries point (01 Libra). The antiscion of MARS is 28 Pisces ---- CASEY'S NATAL SUN!!! (Antiscion shows a hidden influence. This is what is hidden: Casey responsible for violence/?murder of Caylee.

This chart strongly suggests Casey will not get out on bond before her Arraignment tomorrow morning. It also suggests new charges being slapped on her. Whether murder or not, that remains to be seen.

Housemouse, thank you so much for starting this thread. I have been wanting to discuss astrologically and now it is possible!!


WOW! WOW! WOW! That's really all I can say. WOW! :eek:
I am dancing a li'l mousie-jig here!

Soulscape, you have added so much, and I am so happy to have another astrologer here. I am reading, and re-reading your comments, and learning from you as well!

I am also in WNY, so might PM you to see how close we are, distance-wise...
This post is for those of you just beginning to learn more about astrology.

It is a computer-generated forecast, done by my software (Time Cycles Research, Io Forecast). It is interesting to read, and then try to adapt to Casey's particular situation.

As you can see, it is written very generally, but you can interpret on your own how this might apply to Casey's particular situation. Doing this can "definitely, absolutely" lead to some dark humor!

Transit MERCURY square natal Uranus
Aug 23 through Aug 24, exact on Aug 23

Since your ideas about what’s different or unique may be at odds with other people’s notions, a certain amount of discussion and clarification becomes necessary. During this period you may find yourself a little out of synch with those who are trying to communicate with you, either because you are not in your usual location or following your normal schedule, or because they aren’t. Under this influence you either understand or approach most things in a nonpersonal, societal way and thus misinterpret what others want you to understand on a personal level, or, others take what you say in a personal way when your only intention was to discuss the broader societal implications of some issue.

Transit VENUS square natal Uranus
Aug 23 through Aug 25, exact on Aug 24

Interactions of all kinds; romantic, social, business, friendships and even fleeting encounters with such people as salesclerks or bank tellers-- can have a way of putting you in touch with the values and social mores of your own generation rather than what is currently fashionable. It can work in many different ways and on many different levels. You may, for instance, be wearing a certain style of clothing and find yourself among those dressed in fashions that differ strikingly from your own. Your interactions with others may also differ strikingly enough to make social events somewhat awkward. Any of these potential circumstances can end up being pleasant experiences, even if they are initially uncomfortable. Others are apt to eventually come around to finding you attractive and interesting, and you are able to succeed at something because of your uniqueness not in spite of it. Coordinating group activities is apt to be frustrating but if you rise to the challenge, your efforts may produce viable results.

Transit MERCURY opposed natal Mercury
Aug 23 through Aug 25, exact on Aug 24

Attempts to mesh people and ideas together in some sort of meaningful way are useless for the time being. You may become very discouraged coping with diverse opinions and people running off in opposite directions. You may hear or read about various ideas on a certain subject but these ideas may not agree with each other or answer your questions. What is worse, they may be in total conflict with your own thinking. There is no mechanism for the easy flow or exchange of communications. People keep changing their minds, or you do. No one agrees on a price, a time to meet, or the best way to reach a destination. Trying to teach or trying to learn is difficult at best.

Transit VENUS opposed natal Mercury
Aug 24 through Aug 25, exact on Aug 25

Rudeness or total lack of communication is a viable potential during this period. Presenting your thoughts and ideas to others is not a good idea. You are likely to encounter vigorous opposition, and at the very least you will waste your time. Conciliatory gestures are meaningless and perhaps even insulting, or least taken as insults. Do not expect to find others agreeable or willing to compromise. Commercial transactions are difficult. Failure to agree on a mutually satisfactory price or to resolve other conflicting opinions is apt to stymie progress. This is a time when the words don’t go with the music. Concentration and learning are likely to suffer from too many distractions, mental laziness, or both. Not an auspicious time for success in art and design projects, or to purchase books, luxury items and subscription concert or theater tickets. Traveling is not apt to put you in the company of congenial companions. If it should happen that situations proceed more smoothly than the potential indicates, count yourself fortunate. The best advice is to realize what the negative potentials are and sidestep them whenever and wherever you can.

Transit MERCURY square natal Mars
Aug 25 through Aug 26, exact on Aug 26

Trying to physically get things done during this period is apt to be frustrating. Incorrect information or directions may cause you to be too early or too late to accomplish a certain goal. The car may break down or public transportation delays throw off your travel schedule. Purchase of a car or other equipment may develop snags. Others may say things or use methods that provoke you to anger. Under this influence it is to your ultimate advantage to avoid rash behavior, and to make sure you understand the information you receive. No matter what headaches turn up, literally and figuratively, you are still liable to make measurable progress. You are likely to be more competitive or aggressive, which, in itself, can help you accomplish more. Protect yourself against airborne colds and fever, and take extra precautions when handling electrical equipment and volatile materials.

Transit VENUS square natal Mars
Aug 26 through Aug 27, exact on Aug 27

Competitive spirits are aroused in your current circumstances. As long as you don’t become overly aggressive, or allow others to assume that manner in dealing with you, the potential for excitement and stimulation of a physical nature can lead to some great adventures. You can use the added energy for many things, not the least of which is to burn off calories, accomplish the tasks at hand, and enjoy the stimulation of challenging interactions with the opposite sex. Don’t overreact physically to insult and allow the pursuit of pleasure or revenge to rob you of what might have been just the right prod you needed to get moving. Maturity is needed.

Transit MERCURY opposed natal Sun
Aug 27 through Aug 28, exact on Aug 28

Your ego is apt to be bruised by opposing forces that you encounter during this period. Ideas and opinions that surround you are not likely to be compatible with your own. Neither are they apt to agree with the type of image you like to project or the personal influence you want to exert. Now what? “What” is that you should not waste your efforts trying to get others to change their minds or dismiss their opinions as worthless. No one is going to listen to you. You might try to make some productive use of this unfavorable influence by learning what you can. If you are unable to find an agreeable or productive way of working within a situation or with certain people, be content to work quietly on your own.

Transit MARS square natal Neptune
Aug 26 through Aug 29, exact on Aug 28

Your actions during this period may very well be inspired, but they are not apt to be organized, well-planned or carefully executed. The shortest distance between two points is not likely to be the expected straight line. The present atmosphere is not conducive to logical actions, though you may find plenty of rationalizations for the actions you do take. You will have to make a determined effort if you wish to avoid wasting time and energy. Methods used to accomplish something must depend on intuition and instinct, since there may be little else to go on. Under this influence there is a certain amount of danger due to inattention, or because you may simply be unaware of potentially perilous situations. Laziness is another potential obstacle you may have to overcome.

Transit SUN trine natal Neptune
Aug 27 through Aug 29, exact on Aug 28

A time when others, especially superiors, may be impressed with your imagination, spirituality, and sensitivity. They may also be impressed with your charitable acts or your skills in such particular areas as those that involve photography, swimming, sailing, water sports or therapy, or dancing. With or without the presence of superiors or other people around all the same things may nevertheless be enhanced for you in some way. Activities especially favored now also include covert activities and handling highly confidential matters. Others may be attracted to you, or you to them, by something that seems unattainable or mysterious. This is a time to follow hunches, pay attention to dreams, and allow yourself to become truly inspired spiritually and artistically in whatever way presents itself.

Transit SUN opposed natal Jupiter
Aug 28 through Aug 30, exact on Aug 29

Others will not be inclined to recognize your intellectual efforts or projects. It may be for reasons of their own pride or jealousy; whatever the cause, you are likely to be wasting your time if you try to arouse their interest or admiration. Situations and people you encounter under this influence may be pompous, all show and no substance. There is no productive way to expand your mental horizons or increase your personal status in this atmosphere. An unfavorable time for publishing, religious or political activities, advertising, long-distance travel, and court decisions. The most constructive thing to do is to stay put in your own sphere of influence and attend to routine business.

Transit VENUS opposed natal Sun
Aug 28 through Aug 30, exact on Aug 29

A need to establish your own identity may tempt you to show off. Social events can become nothing more than exercises in name dropping, ostentatious displays of luxury, and similar ego-tripping types of behavior. It is also possible that other people will make determined efforts to impress you in the same manner. Beauty in all forms does not fare well. Refinement and elegance may be smothered by crudeness and gaudiness. Romantic encounters tend to be more a matter of ego satisfaction than emotional commitment. It is not a good time to put yourself in a situation that depends for its success on your popularity and acceptance by others. If you hold any position of leadership you may expect that it will not be generally favored and may even be openly opposed. This influence can pose a threat to the sincerity of values, integrity, principles, relations and interactions with others. However, it does not have to leave a negative mark. You can, for instance, reduce the number of interactions you encounter by working alone or remaining quietly in the background.

Transit SUN sextile natal Pluto
Aug 28 through Aug 30, exact on Aug 29

This period brings opportunity to use the past in some positive way. You may, for example, come across valuable information by reviewing old magazines or doing research. You may get the chance to either collect or repay an old debt or favor. Superiors or those with influence in your life may suggest opportunities that result in better use of your special skills as well as your monetary and other material resources. Under this influence it is advantageous to get rid of what you no longer need or want. If you are not certain of how to recycle or sell your things, it is an opportune period to seek such advice. Take advantage of any chance to renovate your environment and to gain greater control over it. A good time to deal with self-control, psychological analysis, and to get to the bottom of things.

Transit SUN square natal Saturn
Aug 31 through Sep 2, exact on Sep 1

This is a time when hard work, organization, and planning will stand you in good stead. If you have not previously conducted your affairs in this manner, you may now wish that you had. You may not initiate or be in control of the events and circumstances that occur under this influence, but you will nevertheless be called upon to measure up, to take a responsible position in some way. Life may be, or seem to be, more somber than usual. Your timing is off and you are more easily discouraged by problems you may usually regard as minor annoyances. The answer is to forge ahead. Forget instant gratification. Wait for the rewards or real enjoyment to come later.
I am dancing a li'l mousie-jig here!

Soulscape, you have added so much, and I am so happy to have another astrologer here. I am reading, and re-reading your comments, and learning from you as well!

I am also in WNY, so might PM you to see how close we are, distance-wise...

House mouse I am so happy for you to have fellow astrologer's to converse with.. Please don't forget us tho. the ones who don't know how to read the charts.. But love to read the work you all do on them.. its so fasinating..

Thanks to all of you.. great work.. hope to see alot more.. :blowkiss:
Soulscape, Welcome:) Nice to see you here, thanks for your comments. Both you and Housemouse have given me much to think about. That BML placement is dreadful.

I just got back from my daughter's Dr. appt - I don't see any news abt. the arraignment. Does anyone know what is going on? I checked the chart again and see that Neptune is in quincunx aspect to the arraignment Ascendent, do you think this might cloak the procedings? Lol, I have Neptune prevalant in my own chart, so am used to the energy -- but I sometimes hate to see it pop up when I am looking for answers!

Has there been discussion on the synastry between little Caylee and Casey? At first glance I notice that the relationship could be disharmonious, and would like to know what you all think of it.

Well, I am going to look around for any news. I can hardly sit still! So nice to be here with every one of you.
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