Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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if it isn't large enough, try my photobucket page, I have tried to title stuff so you can find the chart you want.

and, to save you some time, here is the Synastry with orbs and aspects... it shows the aspects between Caylee's chart and Cindy's call chart


All charts and reports generated by Time Cycles Research software (for the Mac).
Hi all,

Here is a website that gives a brief explanation of midpoints, also on the page there is a link to "midpoint picture interpretation" which may help you with keywords.

Since I am posting some educational stuff, this is one of my very favorite astrology websites:

Look around there, you can learn basic astrology and even calculate charts with basic interpretation for free:)

Good links, Neptunian! They explain midpoints much better than I did! And, a reminder to those of you interested in astrology... do not pay someone over the internet for computer generated charts. It takes me less than 10 seconds to generate a 25 page report!

The software to generate these is expensive, of course. But there are so many free resources online, and computer generated charts do not do the job of integrating a chart.

Only you, the owner, can really do that job, and it is your life's work.
I see there is a thread started that discusses why this case, and not others, have gathered so much attention.

I do not want to post to that thread because I am not sure it would be welcome, but I will put it here.

It is because the "Aries point" is so involved with this case. And, I am hoping that Netpunian or Soulscape will come along and explain why better than I can.

There are certain events that just get greater attention than others, and there is usually an astrological reason. The Aries point is one, archetypes are another.

This event hits both, in my humble opinion. It also holds up a mirror of what we have become as a culture, and what we will excuse or tolerate in the name of personal freedom to choose.

HM, I just wanted to say that your subject matter can be intimidating to the novice like myself, but I intend to keep at it because I very much DO think you bring important information and insight into your opinions. They belong anywhere, on any thread, and I would encourage you to post accordingly. Working on getting you the info referenced above :blowkiss:
Housemouse, Thank you for the work you have done on this. I have always had an interest in astrology and now see how much I want to learn. I also appreciate your explanation of why it is not in conflict with Christianity. Thanks again.
Housemoues, I too want to thank you for your time and energy spent on these charts. I have to admit I find them impossible to read since I do not know anything about Astrology, well past my horoscope in the paper.... (does that really even count?)

But I do like your explanation as well, I think a fear of going against my religious beliefs has always stopped me from looking into this more. And you did a great job as Wine sleuth said.

I find this thread discussion very interesting and I am glad you started it.
Good Morning to all here

I have been looking at Caylee's chart in relation to the time of her last known sighting - June 15/16. I will try to write in plain english to make myself understood to all.

At this general time, I feel like she was nervous, and worried much of the time. (Moon in hard aspect to Mercury in progression.) Mercury is for movement, and Moon is for her emotions/nurturing - so she probably didn't feel like she was very secure, did not feel a stable home base. We know that she spent time going from place to place with her mother, she was taken from the security of her grandparents home, and this did not sit well with her. I would imagine she probably wasn't eating as well as she should, due to being nervous and constantly on the go. You know the nervous feeling you get in your stomach when stressed? Moon also in hard aspect to Sun in progressions, this underlines the general tension and poss. health/diet problems. Moon progressed into third house (Mercury ruled) of day to day movement and thought patterns. Prog. Moon within the last ten months or so entered the sign of Scorpio, which can be a period of crisis and upheaval. Things were changing in Caylee's life, and this was difficult for her, being so young, to understand and to properly deal with. She felt insecure and could do nothing to stop it. There is other stuff pointing to her nervousness also with strained/broken relationships all around. This is devastating to a Libra Moon baby, as harmonious relatioships are necessary for the well-being.

Now, on the days when she was last seen, there were several indicators of an accident. Transitting Mars was conjunct her Asc. Transitting Mars was also conjunct her progressed Sun. If I saw this in the chart of one of my own children, I would try to maintain a safe environment for them. Keep them safe from cuts, burns, scalds, physical fights. I would also watch for a child to assert themselves, as Mars energy will lend self assertion and sometimes anger. Under this influence, a child might tend to speak out - or act out (as little ones at this age will do). Remember she is under alot of stress at the time. I am wondering if there was a accident that day that may have stemmed from cross words being exchanged? Other things I see indicating a sudden, sharp event is transitting Uranus in hard aspect to both Caylee's natal Mars and Pluto. This is triggering her natal configuration of Venus - Mars - Pluto, which Housemouse has gone over, I don't have to repeat. Trans. Uranus is quincunx and Transitting Neptune is opposite the progressed Ascendent along with several other aspects point to a sudden tramatic occurance/separation that may be hidden. (Neptune's influence)

It makes me very sad to type this. I get the feeling that there may have been an accident or fight covered up. Hidden, also because there is so much 12 house emphasis in her natal chart, and due to the fact that there is the Sun Neptune opposition.

There is alot of activity with Caylee's chart and it is difficult for me to sort through. Upsetting. Maybe the other astrologers can better explain.
Oh, I forgot to add that Progressed Moon in the chart of a child so young could be indicative of the mother. With the stress to the Moon in Caylee's progressed chart, we can probably assume Casey was edgey at the time as well, and their relationship could have been turbulant. The prog. Moon is also trine to Uranus, this is freedom-seeking energy.
Neptunian, I have just read your analysis above and am stunned at how perfectly it seems to fit in with what I saw in the #3 Phone Call to LE chart I just finished copying and pasting below!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this!!!


(Now my analysis...)

First, although they probably don’t realize how helpful they’ve been to forensic astrologers, thanks so much to OC Sheriff’s Dept. for posting onto their website the log pinpointing the exact time of Grandma Cindy’s #3 phone call to Police --- 9:41 pm on 7/15/08, Orlando, FL.

This is a critical chart. It is one of the very few timed charts that we have. It is especially important because it is the very first time LE was informed Caylee was missing. The exact words of Grandma Cindy were posted: **I found out my granddaughter has been taken, she has been missing. My daughter finally admitted that’s she’s been missing. My daughter finally admitted that the babysitter stole her. I need to find her … There’s something wrong. I found my daughter’s car today and it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car.**

I’m going to start with this #3 Phone Call to LE chart. I think it will be easier to follow my thought process if you print out the charts and refer to them as I make my comments.

Preliminary Observations:

1. The Nodes are across the horizon (the funny little horseshoe shaped symbols at 18 Aquarius/Leo. This shows a fated quality to the chart.
2. Chiron (looks like a K) and Neptune rising suggests an emotionally painful, mysterious situation. The ASC (ascendant), North Node, Chiron and Neptune are all conjunct (next to each other) in the 1st house. This is a very close mirror of Cindy making that phone call. If you listened to the recorded call you know she was emotionally distraught/ in a high amount of emotional pain, and she obviously didn’t have a clue (Neptune) where her granddaughter was.
3. The Sabian Symbol for the ASC degree is: 17º Aquarius (317): A WATCHDOG STANDING GUARD, PROTECTING HIS MASTER AND HIS POSSESSIONS. Whoa!! All she cares about at that moment is finding her little granddaughter. She is that child’s protector, that child is her prized possession…

So which planet represents missing Caylee in this chart? In horary astrology, we give the 1st House and its Ruler to the Querent (the person asking the question). Reading from a forensic perspective isn’t always that simple. I know of some astrologers who use the 1st House & its Ruler as the Missing Person. I have found in my experience that sometimes that works --- and sometimes it doesn’t. Usually, but not always, I find the 7th House & its Ruler describes the Missing Person.

In this chart, I am certain that the 7th House & its Ruler describes Caylee Marie Anthony. Look at her natal chart: Caylee’s natal Sun is at 16:58 Leo – exactly conjunct within 8 minutes of Arc the #3 Phone Call to LE Descendant, 16:52 Leo.

What do I see next? The malefic South Node smack on the Descendant, which would be Caylee’s 1st House. That in itself is chillingly ominous.

*Note: in horary astrology, we turn the chart. Since I’ve assigned Caylee to the 7th House, it becomes Caylee’s 1st House. Virgo (with Libra intercepted) becomes her 2nd House, Scorpio her 3rd House, Sagittarius her 4th House, etc.

So where is Caylee (symbolically)??

The turned 1st is Leo, Ruler is the Sun. In this chart, the Sun is posited (located) in the radix 6th House – the turned 12th House. The 12th House is considered a very bad place in horary astrology – it is the House of Sorrow, Misfortune & Woe. Also notice the Sun is below the horizon (the horizontal access ASC/DES). This is not a good place for Caylee’s ruler to be found. Having one or both of the Lights (Sun and Moon) below the horizon in a horary chart can be a testimony for death. The Sun (Caylee) is trine Uranus, the planet of (among other things) sudden changes, accidents, shocking occurrences.

The Sun (Caylee) is opposite Jupiter, traditional ruler of the turned 8th House of Death. (In traditional astrology, Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, not Neptune.)

The Sun (Caylee) is partile (in the same degree) inconjunct (150 degrees) Neptune --- the modern ruler of the turned 8th House of Death. Uranus is conjunct the turned 8th House of Death. The Fixed Star Scheat (not on chart) is just inside the turned 8th House of Death, at 29:29 Pisces and it is square the Moon/Pluto conjunction (28 – 29 Sagittarius) in the radix chart’s 11th House of Death in the Family.

As if all this weren’t enough, sickeningly, there’s more…

I will continue in another post in a little while.

If anyone has questions or comments, please post.

Neptunian and Soulscape!

You both are awesome! I have to take husband to doctor today, so won't be able to post until later.

I thank both of you so much for your contributions.
This is a shout out for Nep and Soul. Thank you so much for your analysis. I have been interested in astrology for a little while now and housem suggested a beginners book for me to read. I feel that all of you seem to be emotional after interpreting the charts. Is it because of the sadness of the situation or is this just normal. Again, many thanks to all of you
I can only speak for myself. I am one of those mothers who loved every minute of my little ones, even the tantrums and spaghetti leg stages.

(Spaghetti leg is what they do when you are in a hurry, trying to get them out the door in the winter. Suddenly they make their little legs limp as wet spaghetti, making it very tough to get those boots on!)

That said, we keep searching the charts for something favorable to Caylee's survival. When we can't find much to be optimistic about, we keep looking, hoping to find something we have overlooked.

What bothers me the most is that people have choices, and they have free will. Casey could have used her energy in other ways, sports for example (roller-blading comes to mind for some odd reason)....

But, it looks like she didn't. And a lovely little toddler is gone.
I understand that. I have 3 boys, one is 3 and the twins are 2. I LOVE my messy, loud, busy, exhausting life. And yes, I do get burned out-but I do know that this stage will pass. As much as I want to believe sweet Caylee is alive, everything I read on news, blogs suggests she has passed. then every once in awhile, I come across people who think she is alive. It is exhausting for me to try and find posts/news that suggest she is alive. That being said, all I have to do is turn on my computer, TV and radio. You have to study charts and symbols and the like. So again, I appreciate what you are doing so much.:blowkiss:

I can only speak for myself. I am one of those mothers who loved every minute of my little ones, even the tantrums and spaghetti leg stages.

(Spaghetti leg is what they do when you are in a hurry, trying to get them out the door in the winter. Suddenly they make their little legs limp as wet spaghetti, making it very tough to get those boots on!)

That said, we keep searching the charts for something favorable to Caylee's survival. When we can't find much to be optimistic about, we keep looking, hoping to find something we have overlooked.

What bothers me the most is that people have choices, and they have free will. Casey could have used her energy in other ways, sports for example (roller-blading comes to mind for some odd reason)....

But, it looks like she didn't. And a lovely little toddler is gone.
Hi Housemouse, Soulscape, Lovejac and all,

*LOL, spaghetti legs! HM, I love how you put it:)*

First of all - I went back and reread my messages and want to say this: I used past tense in describing Caylee because the disappearance was more than two months ago. (I am trying my best to cling to hope that she is alive.) There are very powerful forces at play in her life right now. Whenever the slow moving outer planets are contacting personal points in the horoscope, there are major events. She is touched by Uranus (sudden separation), Neptune (mystery) and Pluto (force) at this time. If I knew nothing of Caylee's case and was not emotionally attached to it, I would say that there must have been a terrible accident. I think that faster moving Mars was a trigger for an accident - there is a window of several days wherein Mars was active. (If we can trust what we have heard about when she was last seen.) Without transitting Mars in play, it could be a sudden separation (Uranus). Still with mysterious Neptune.. Transitting Pluto to her natal Venus could be symbolic of a sudden (Uranus) kidnapping (Pluto) of a maiden (Venus). Mars in this natal picture could mean she is cut (Mars) off from her life above ground. Transitting Mars during mid June is the thing that really bothers me.

Also, the chart behind the last 911 phonecall is chilling. This is when the cry of "Where is Caylee?" came into consciousness. Soulscape, I've never turned a chart like you've shown - the concept is intriguing. Thanks for adding your analysis, I hope you add the rest of it soon. It seems we three have indeed come to many of the same things with the different methods we use.

This is a sweet, sunny Leo child who is confused and uneasy about the rapid changes going on in her life that she has no control over. A sparkling little soul who should be the center of her family's attention in a way that does not involve this sort of tragedy. So much promise and potential here:) She has touched me deeply - I'm sure all here feel the same way. And HM, I will keep searching for something favorable!
I was just watching Fox/Geraldo interviewing Leonard Padilla, who is insisting that Caylee is alive, and it dawned on me.

Can we find his birthdate to see what might be going on in his chart?

Ditto the lawyer, Baez?

Might not add anything, but it is always interesting to look at the cross aspects between their charts, and Casey's.

I am so delighted to have the three of us researchers here! What other charts might we look at? What about that court hearing? I think it was around July 21st/22nd, but we might have to go to court records to find the time it started and ended...
Maybe we should take a look at the timeline thread, and decide which date or dates we might look at to see how this will end?

Obviously it is extremely time consuming to check all of them, so how do we decide which might be the most significant or helpful.

I am wondering about the date the dogs visited the Anthony property? How do we ascertain which planets represents the dogs? :confused:
I was just watching Fox/Geraldo interviewing Leonard Padilla, who is insisting that Caylee is alive, and it dawned on me.

Can we find his birthdate to see what might be going on in his chart?

Ditto the lawyer, Baez?

Might not add anything, but it is always interesting to look at the cross aspects between their charts, and Casey's.

I am so delighted to have the three of us researchers here! What other charts might we look at? What about that court hearing? I think it was around July 21st/22nd, but we might have to go to court records to find the time it started and ended...

hi house mouse.. I admire you and the other too chartresses .. I have been reading about this and so would love to start reading also. I will be making a trip to chattanooga this weekend ( if hubby doesnt have to work ) to see if I can pick up some books. I live about 65 miles from a mall or book store .. lol not much on top of this mountain but the stars are beautiful at night.. and when a meteor hower is visiable oh my gosh just beautiful..

so any good suggestion for a beginner (best bet are the dummies book for me ) lol i have a pc and would like to get software also.. i know you have a mac but maybe soul or nep has a pc and could give me help on this.

I searched on line but i am type to have to visually see and hold stuff and read package.

I think that covers it.. oh by the way if you ever have time would love my chart done.. will pm with info .. don't bother tho if you have no time . just would love to see what long future holds . somethings are happening and just would love to see the stars look on it. thanks for any help..

oh yes and also have some info for you and the ladies..

casey's pre-trial conference date and time 11-5-08 9am
trial 11-17-08 9 30 am

hope this helps everyone in the quest to find Caylee and bring the baby home .. God Bless to all..
I hope that Neptunian and Soulscape will offer their opinions on the best beginner books. I suggest staying away from the "pop astrology" bokks that tell you nonsense, like "what's your love sign", and stuff like that.

I like "Aspects in Astrology" by Sue Tompkins. Sub-title is "A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope".

I would be happy to email you your chart, and there is no charge, for my software does it in about 2 seconds. But! AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

You must have an accurate birth time and location, otherwise you will not be able to get the most personal information. I got mine from the birth records in the city where I was born, and boy, am I glad I didn't take my mother's word for it.

She said I was born right after dinner. Come to find out that I was born at 10:30 PM, recorded on the "extra" section of my certificate.

But, I also must tell you that astrology cannot tell you what will happen in your future. This is why the Bible warns us against "fortune-telling".

What astrology can tell you is the kinds of energy you will feel or be dealing with at certain points in time. These can manifest in such a variety of ways that no astrologer can accurately predict anything specific.

Also, how you respond to these energies is what makes you a unique individual. Your personal growth over the years, past experiences of a similar nature, the knowledge and wisdom you have gained from these, and the personal choices you make are much more important than the aspects themselves.

The natal aspects, and the transiting aspects are more like a "language", and you can use this language, once you learn it, to be accepting of all of life's ups and downs.

I hope this helps. And, once you get your chart, I can send you computer generated text, both for your natal aspects, and for transiting aspects, but you must remember that these are very general, and not specific to you, personally. They also do not integrate all the information in your chart, either, so you must do a bit of work yourself.
And, another bit of advice for people just starting to study astrology, do not spend much time looking ahead in your chart.

Instead list the major events in your past life, then check to see what aspects in your natal chart were being touched by "transits". Then think about how you handled them, and what you learned... this will tell you a lot about yourself, and what resources you have developed. So when similar transits occur again, you will be able to refer back...
I was just watching Fox/Geraldo interviewing Leonard Padilla, who is insisting that Caylee is alive, and it dawned on me.

Can we find his birthdate to see what might be going on in his chart?

Ditto the lawyer, Baez?

Might not add anything, but it is always interesting to look at the cross aspects between their charts, and Casey's.

I am so delighted to have the three of us researchers here! What other charts might we look at? What about that court hearing? I think it was around July 21st/22nd, but we might have to go to court records to find the time it started and ended...

Whether Caylee is still alive or not will not be seen in Padilla's chart, nor Baez's .... but I wouldn't be at all surprised to find one or both of them in the middle of a big fat Neptune transit (delusion)!

I would so like to get my hands on Casey's exact birth information, and Cindy's, too. I believe those two timed charts would spill BUCKETS of info....

It's too bad LE across the country is basically skeptical about astrology. All they would have to do is supply WS with credible, full birth data on key players & the astrologers could have a go at it. What does LE have to lose? A few minutes of time pulling up a record on a database? What if those few minutes of effort on their part resulted in info/clues that could help them crack a case, sooner rather than later?

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