Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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My sense and astrology tell me that today is the Prosecution's. Every which way tilting as in way over in an arcing side bend. Prisoner is having a middling day, oddly. Far from her past & future worst.

Just an angry word about the cotton threads missing from the Henkel tape & speaking aslaundress of many years, like most of us. If you leave a tablecloth twisting in the wind on one of those fondly remembered clothes lines, thro sun and rain and blow, the tablecloth rots. Soon, holes form, big as a dinner plate. I happen by chance to have in my custody a tee shirt sz. lg. for boys, abandoned in my side yard. The weather has already performed its alterations upon the cotton thread of which it's sewn. The threads have become brittle and will break, if pressed. I do not understand why the expert failed to consider this explanation for the missing tape cotton threads in her testimony yesterday. As an expert, perhaps she has never washed cloth or even a cloth.
My sense and astrology tell me that today is the Prosecution's. Every which way tilting as in way over in an arcing side bend.

Thank you Tuba and welcome back! It is good to read your quote above. A good day for the prosecution is a good day for justice. This case wears on you and I often find myself pulling away and being drawn back in. I find I am often in need of a break but always like to hear some positive information regarding the prosecution. Thank you.
I have defended George & Cindy before but mainly in the Main Forum, not here. However, reminder: Cynthia always did say she wanted only to KNOW the Truth. I believed her long ago when she said it, and I believe her now. But some may remember that it was written her progressed Sun would conjoin Caylee's Saturn at this period and the depression at what her grand daughter suffered would be nigh unbearable. It has truly come to pass. Undoubtedly, she and Geo. did everything to provide an avenue for the awful truth NOT to be what it is.

Tuba....I'm so glad you're back. We've really missed you. I remember what you are referencing above and I could see this hitting Cindy really hard when she was on the witness stand and completely broke down. I posted somewhere up thread that I thought at that time that she had to sit there and listen to her words as well as KC's on those 911 calls. And no doubt all of the testimony about precious Caylee and how she was found really hit home with her and George both. I really felt for her and I still do.

I'm glad to see they have publicly annouced that they no longer belive KC is innocent. IMO, this is a HUGE step for them.
My sense and astrology tell me that today is the Prosecution's. Every which way tilting as in way over in an arcing side bend. Prisoner is having a middling day, oddly. Far from her past & future worst.

Just an angry word about the cotton threads missing from the Henkel tape & speaking aslaundress of many years, like most of us. If you leave a tablecloth twisting in the wind on one of those fondly remembered clothes lines, thro sun and rain and blow, the tablecloth rots. Soon, holes form, big as a dinner plate. I happen by chance to have in my custody a tee shirt sz. lg. for boys, abandoned in my side yard. The weather has already performed its alterations upon the cotton thread of which it's sewn. The threads have become brittle and will break, if pressed. I do not understand why the expert failed to consider this explanation for the missing tape cotton threads in her testimony yesterday. As an expert, perhaps she has never washed cloth or even a cloth.

This is true, Tuba. Cotton fields in NC have cotton balls left behind after the November harvest and they are pretty much gone by now, recycled back into the environment. Cotton is a natural fabric and as such breaks down just like food. It takes longer than food but it does break down and in less time than a "Twinkie".

Welcome back.
Tuba....I'm so glad you're back. We've really missed you. I remember what you are referencing above and I could see this hitting Cindy really hard when she was on the witness stand and completely broke down. I posted somewhere up thread that I thought at that time that she had to sit there and listen to her words as well as KC's on those 911 calls. And no doubt all of the testimony about precious Caylee and how she was found really hit home with her and George both. I really felt for her and I still do.

I'm glad to see they have publicly annouced that they no longer belive KC is innocent. IMO, this is a HUGE step for them.

well, it occurs to me that at least no one can call them consistent as a married couple or parent.

Mercury rules both of their natal charts.....and becomes prominent in the entire saga. The inconsistent natures as well.
Mutable signs, both parents as for the Sun signs.

George has Mercury (rx) at birth 3Virgo and it happens to be semi-square to Neptune (using the default set orbs at charts)

Cindy has her Mercury 29th deg.of Taurus - direct - and square to Pluto
I would like to comment on ICA's rising sign. Cindy Anthony has a Gemini Sun. I have read that sometimes a child will have the ascendent in the same sign as one of the parents' sun. They are likely to be told that they are so much like that parent, but are actually nothing like them - they only appear that way (Asc). This often makes the child a disappointment to the parent as they can never live up to what they seem to be. This reminds me of Cindy Anthony on the stand talking about how much alike she and ICA are, and how she sees herself in her daughter - when in reality, they aren't very much alike at all. Gemini Rising seems appropriate for ICA as it may give her a proclivity to lie.

This hypothetically places chart ruler, Mercury, afflicted by her Mars/Uranus conjunction in the 9th or 10th House. More appropriate in the 9th as there are bits of truth to her lies.

The Complete Book of Astrology By Ada Aubin, June Rifkin says this about Gemini Rising :

"Gemini Rising has a dual nature, and on the rising sign, that Mercurial quality is going to show up immediately. Gemini Rising is fickle. He(or She) is doing a balancing act and can't afford to deal with everything as though it were going to be a career, so he touches and gathers here, picks a brain over there, and so on...he accumulates enough information to keep on going without staying in one place for too long.

If afflicted, Gemini Rising can be nothing more that a gossip. He can play games, the most common of which is that, when you are intellectual with him, he is emotional, and vice versa. Worst of all, once he makes you lose your equilibrium or temper, he'll get very cold-blooded.

Everything you say makes great sense. My only other thought is that often the Rising Sign describes the appearance of the individual. I think that Casey has what might be called a "horse shaped" face--very long and thin and with big front teeth. Also she is fairly long and slender in build although not as tall as some Sag's I've known. However, because of her facial features I often wonder if her Rising Sign isn't Sagittarius.
Jose Baez may not have a Leo Moon if he was born on or after 1 p.m. At 1 p.m. the Moon is 0:01 Virgo. IMO, what carries the day for him is Venus & Neptune sextile Jupiter. And of course his Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra.

A very apt and good observation to make, Paulette. Thank you for doing so. My Mercury is conjunct (Cazmi actually) my Libra Sun. It makes me very focused on the idea of "fairness" but unfortunately it also confers a good measure of indecision which often makes it appear as though I don't know what I want to say when the truth is I'm still juggling different views in my head. Who knows...perhaps some of the Baez's seemingly bumbling or rambling questions are do to thought patterns similar to mine. The one thing I've learned about astrology and aspects in particular is that there is always some good to take with the bad and vice versa.
well, it occurs to me that at least no one can call them consistent as a married couple or parent.

Mercury rules both of their natal charts.....and becomes prominent in the entire saga. The inconsistent natures as well.
Mutable signs, both parents as for the Sun signs.

George has Mercury (rx) at birth 3Virgo and it happens to be semi-square to Neptune (using the default set orbs at charts)

Cindy has her Mercury 29th deg.of Taurus - direct - and square to Pluto

Mercury Rx has its own set of issues (I know being the owner of one) and in a sign it rules like Virgo it probably packs a little bigger punch from time to time.

But it is Cindy's Mercury that really caught my attention here. First off, any planet at the 29th degree of any sign is in a critical degree and takes on greater importance in the chart.

Also, the 29th degree of Taurus is where the Pleiades (a fixed star constellation) is located. One of the things that the Pleiades have been called is the Weeping Sisters and another is The Saddest Stars in the Heavens. In Cindy's case this seems apparent. Also, Mercury, generally speaking rules youth and young people according to Rex Bills.
Leomoon80, I do agree that there are certain "watch-outs" attendant upon a semi-sq. but it is far from as strong or in any measure equatable to the square. I have a tight semi-sq. to Mars from my Venus; prone to lovers' quarrels, I'm not nor do I experience any other of the problems Carter attributes to the square. KWIM? I don't think George is inherently a daydreamer nor deceptive. Au contraire. He is by nature blunt, direct and honest, to my lights, at least.
The Sabian symbol for George's Mercury is "Two guardian angels. Invisible help & protection in times of crisis." Sabian is the combined effort of Elsie Wheeler, clairvoyant and Pastor Marc Edmond Jones.
I have recently been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis ,which is an auto-immune disease. I have considered that my obsession ,my anger,my self-righteous attitude about the players in this case,may be a contributor.
I think if it was not this case,though, I'd just find something else.
In other words,yes it has impacted me,but it stems from me.Does that make sense?

I had a similar experience, but different physical problem. Our feelings affect our health - negative produces negative. And I was dealing with a lot of pain and fatigue. Slept for two weekend day, added positive affirmations, eating veggies three or four times a day - and check in on this case every other day, but not reading all of the mud and muck. It sticks to us. What kind of person am I to wish horrible things for someone else because of my hatred for her. Justice is different. It does not involve hate. I cannot get caught up in that. I cannot afford the anger.
I can't speak for Tuba, but allow me to say this much:
No crystal balls here. Astrology offers different 'possibilities' and in this case as we've all experienced, there are too many factors to consider at this time. With the analysis of both Opening Statement charts promising many twists and turns along w/the more recent Defense Rebuttal phase chart, the Indictment chart, Jury Swearing-in chart and of course KC's transits and so on, THAT's a MAJOR PUZZLE to sort through and piece together. We don't have a date & time the jury will begin the deliberation. THAT date is equally as important.
We're just going to have to be a little bit more patient and let the Trial process happen.
Perhaps when it's deliberation time, in addition to all of the above considerations along with KC's transits at that time, maybe then, we'll have a better idea.

Let's everyone take a deep breath.

Thank you, Fifth Essence. Did I tell you "Impatient" is my middle name? Will eagerly read and follow along.
I do think it is important for us to all realize that what Carl Jung speaks of may apply in this case, that of projection. We do have the tendency as human beings to project onto the other, what we ourselves contain deep within that often has no way of coming out other then through another, as a "mirror" of sorts.

I'm not suggesting any of us would actually kill our child, that's not at all what Jung was speaking about, rather that in projecting the internal portions that have not been adequately integrated to the personality structure, we heap loads of anger, turmoil, upset etc. upon the collective at large and occassionally, such as in this case, there is an easier "outlet" that is easily collectively agreed upon for all to squash with our otherwise, unused Black Moon Lilith "stuff" or shadow self.

I have my BML conjunct the Galactic Center, and believe me, it's not funny ! When some of the worse times in my life occurred, it so happened that the BML would be hit by a serious enough transit (Pluto, is the more recent one to have done so)

Next comes Pluto over my 6th,.....and it's never fun times. So check the transit of Pluto to your natal charts to see if this has something or other to do with transforming energies, it may not be the case at all, but rather Pluto and time itself. Knocking on our doors.

A friend of mine tells me there is a massive Black Hole there, (where my BML is located) at the GC; that consumes everything in the universe over time.


Black Hole Astrology is a whole nother' ballgame. Masers, Tasers, Quasars, (oh my) and some are very proficient at it.
Maybe Alex Mangione will do a Black-Hole Analogy on the Casey Anthony case before long.
I'll ask my friend if he has yet and if so, let you know. She writes to him off and on and perhaps she has done a chart (Black Hole, Quasers, etc) on Casey A.

Here are a few of his archived articles, I didn't see one on Casey however when I glanced through them.

Alex says about himself with some funny self-deprecating wit about him:

My BML is here (26SAG), so everyone's got something I'd say: :(

Leomoon, I love your posts! And I think there is much truth here...... off to check my natal chart.
A very apt and good observation to make, Paulette. Thank you for doing so. My Mercury is conjunct (Cazmi actually) my Libra Sun. It makes me very focused on the idea of "fairness" but unfortunately it also confers a good measure of indecision which often makes it appear as though I don't know what I want to say when the truth is I'm still juggling different views in my head. Who knows...perhaps some of the Baez's seemingly bumbling or rambling questions are do to thought patterns similar to mine. The one thing I've learned about astrology and aspects in particular is that there is always some good to take with the bad and vice versa.

I must acquiesce to Tuba on the Moon location. If she attributes JB's Moon qualities to Leo, then I can't argue.
TeaBird, you may remember the indictment chart. It is on our 2008 Astro Calendar for October 14. The hold out is Pluto in the jury. Could this be juror #4? There is no indication, however, that the disinclination to punish to the full extent of the law is proof against all persuasion. In the end, an amicus curiae may deliver a searing cap to the prosecution and defenses cases, this swaying the hold-out juror. The Pluto in H. 11 is not! direly aspected; however, stand out it does, simply by 29 deg. position and the House it tenants.
Hi there,
They were all born in Ohio, and moved here in 1989. We have been using Warren Ohio in casting Natals.
I love looking at your work Leomoon
TeaBird, you may remember the indictment chart. It is on our 2008 Astro Calendar for October 14. The hold out is Pluto in the jury. Could this be juror #4? There is no indication, however, that the disinclination to punish to the full extent of the law is proof against all persuasion. In the end, an amicus curiae may deliver a searing cap to the prosecution and defenses cases, this swaying the hold-out juror. The Pluto in H. 11 is not! direly aspected; however, stand out it does, simply by 29 deg. position and the House it tenants.

How very kind of you you to respond and so succinctly as well! I thank you and admire your skills greatly!
well, it occurs to me that at least no one can call them consistent as a married couple or parent.

Mercury rules both of their natal charts.....and becomes prominent in the entire saga. The inconsistent natures as well.
Mutable signs, both parents as for the Sun signs.

George has Mercury (rx) at birth 3Virgo and it happens to be semi-square to Neptune (using the default set orbs at charts)

Cindy has her Mercury 29th deg.of Taurus - direct - and square to Pluto


Thanks Leomoon. Is this the reason for the change in Cindy's testimony yesterday? It appears she may be willing to go to jail for perjuring (sp) herself. JMO


Thanks Leomoon. Is this the reason for the change in Cindy's testimony yesterday? It appears she may be willing to go to jail for perjuring (sp) herself. JMO

I believe as most Astrologers do in the Western venue, that there is free will and Cindy A. exercises her free will from moment to moment.

There is not a fixed state of affairs for any aspects in a natal chart, there is only the probability quotient of what or what may not occur with a human being. The more critical degrees and/or harsher aspects, the harder not to stumble. Sometimes we also have to remember that the more trines, sextiles and other harmonious aspects, the more "lazy" one gets about their lives and takes the easy way out.
There is no set science to how a human being will behave., and that is what sets them apart from the rest of the world.

Animals are more predictable I think as "bred" or taught to behave or genetically pre-disposed to behave , then human beings might be.
Humans perhaps less frequently "overcome" their birth natal charts, but certainly they can and do often enough too.
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