Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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That Moon Conjuncting Mars on a Mars day is very interesting. [@2:22 pm] Prior acts will be revealed. However the Mars being in Gemini mutes a lot of the force of the Mars energy.
From Banzhaf/Haebler:
Mars/Moon in Gemini = DISTRACTION, the tendency to go off on many tangents, much ado about nothing. Fire turns ice cold.

Now when I first looked at that description I wondered if it could play to ICA's advantage, and give the jury a reasonable set of doubts. Distracting from the evidence is what the DT sets out to do,by giving the jury an alternate path to follow. In some ways Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini is a perfect description of ' various optional reasonable doubts.'

But it warms my heart to see just how that Mars/Moon fits into the defendant's natal chart. It forms a T-square of conflict with the natal Jupiter/Saturn square. To me that implies unrequited hopes and dreams, unfulfilled expectations. This Moon/Mars is like a kick in the gut. The Saturn/Jupiter is the unexpressed hope that she can get herself out of this supreme mess. That Mars represents her desire to do so with the tangent and distraction they offer the jury after lunch tomorrow. But it will fall short and be much ado about nothing, imo. They are looking for fireworks and they will get sparklers, imo.

From Ebertin:Jupiter = Mars/Saturn [ this is the transit Casey has starting tomorrow]

The ability to destroy or eliminate something thoroughly.A very pleasant and easy death.
:crazy:Speaking again of prosecuting crime, Mars in II is verbal attack, mightier than the sword. Considering the intent and well formed direction from our prosecutors, there is more than doubt they will be shooting off in all directions. Their case in chief is also loaded w. documentation (ORIGINAL quote being the pen is mightier than the sword.)

As to The Team. It is not Jose Baez who will struggle w. multi-directional shots in the dark but rebels on his crew of lawyers. Baez has favorable trines to Uranus in Libra from said Mars & we've seen just how powerful that is and was in re: Andrea Lyon whose Sun his Uranian planet sits hard upon. Mason of course has that II collection opposing his own Sag planets, therefore check sources for dissension in the ranks. But, he does not stand alone in this curvature from aim at goals.
The discussion of Prisoner's possible ASC is of great interest to all who read and post here and thanks for raising this issue. Have not forgotten dear Housemouse's early speculation that Prisoner may well have Aries rising. Good thought and w. Venus in H. 12, not rising, I would opine.

Then, there's Prisoner's own Facebook (or some such note) that she bears II rising. Many facets of her body language and speech habits support that.

I agree, 3:10 p.m. in Warren, Ohio is somehow suspect. If the rising Sign does not fit, you must NOT acquit.
Sorry to all that have correctly fixed my error. I entered it into and ascendant calculator and that is what they gave me. I'll check a few of them next time to make sure the info is accurate.
:crazy:Speaking again of prosecuting crime, Mars in II is verbal attack, mightier than the sword. Considering the intent and well formed direction from our prosecutors, there is more than doubt they will be shooting off in all directions. Their case in chief is also loaded w. documentation (ORIGINAL quote being the pen is mightier than the sword.)

As to The Team. It is not Jose Baez who will struggle w. multi-directional shots in the dark but rebels on his crew of lawyers. Baez has favorable trines to Uranus in Libra from said Mars & we've seen just how powerful that is and was in re: Andrea Lyon whose Sun his Uranian planet sits hard upon. Mason of course has that II collection opposing his own Sag planets, therefore check sources for dissension in the ranks. But, he does not stand alone in this curvature from aim at goals.

His Gemini/Sag opposition was showing today, imo. He was pretty passive/aggressive in his tone and speech and he made a big deal out of small details, and tried to make mountains out of molehills, pretending to make great strides when nothing was gained at all. I thought Kronk, Sun in Aquarius I believe, held his own.
I don't think any of Baez's team made any important gains today, imo.
I have no idea if this question is appropiate for astrology review, but I will ask anyway.

Over the past 3 years, WE -- here at WS have been privy to LOTS of things going on within this case; and because the TESTIMONY that the jurors are hearing is so 'back and forth' (not knowing what some of it relates too) could this have a 'negative' effect in their ability to deliberate the case? Or what effect would it have, if any?
I have no idea if this question is appropiate for astrology review, but I will ask anyway.

Over the past 3 years, WE -- here at WS have been privy to LOTS of things going on within this case; and because the TESTIMONY that the jurors are hearing is so 'back and forth' (not knowing what some of it relates too) could this have a 'negative' effect in their ability to deliberate the case? Or what effect would it have, if any?

TakingALook, I think your question seems very appropriate. And, several of our astrologers here have commented on just what you are asking about! As for the effect it will have on the jury...sadly, I believe we must wait for further analysis to be done for the date/time the jury begins deliberations. Until then...

Here are just a few snippets I have found helpful...
(Snipped by Me)

By Soulscape: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16[/ame]"...Mutable = changeable, flexible, able to go this way or that.
That gives me the impression Defense will surely twist & turn and fine-tune (refine, adjust) their 'story' to their advantage all the way to closing argument ... a fast & furious start (cardinal) and many, many changes, twists & turns before coming to conclusion.
There is no doubt Defense will do anything and everything in its power as this trial continues to get at least one of those Jurors to drink the kool-aid."

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16[/ame][/COLOR]"...State's biggest challenge throughout this trial will be exactly that, to 'burn' (SUN) through (square) Defense's 'smoke & mirrors' (NEPTUNE). They knew this prior to Opening Statement because the SUN sq NEPTUNE aspect is separating (in the past).
State must provide consistently solid, factual, incontrovertible, black & white proof regarding Casey's guilt -- anything less could result in one or more jurors drinking the Dream Team kool-aid (NEPTUNE), thus ending this action in a mistrial."

By Tuba: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4[/ame]
"Prosecutor's Filing re: Death Penalty Prosecutor LDB filed the State's position on seeking the death penalty against the accused for the first degree murder of her daughter. The Part of Retribution falls on the ASC precisely but the future jury who will try the facts is H. 11. Sorrowful jury members are unsympathetic to the defendant, Mars 14:07 Sagittarius, however they are disposited by Neptune. Neptune opposes the Part of Fortune and squares this ASC. Neptune of chaos is on a critical degree in a Fixed Sign so emotions are running high and there is hysteria in some quarters as the Full Moon exaggerates distress..." *chart for DP:

And one last fabulous post for our enjoyment by Soulscape...
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4[/ame](SBM)

Tisiphone Has Spoken
"I was giving the chart another look today and was surprised to notice the asteroid Tisiphone (22:09 Capricorn) also rises.

According to Roman mythology, Tisiphone is one of the Three Furies. The Romans considered the Furies to be deities of vengeance, or supernatural personifications of the anger of the dead.

Tisiphone was the Fury specifically known for avenging murder --- particularly against those who broke the ties of kinship by murdering family members --- never stopping until the perpetrator got what they deserved..."

I very much enjoy going back and re-reading some of the previous charts and interpretations! Link to the Astro Crime Calendar...

:rollercoaster: Hang tight...The TRIAL ride is almost over! Justice is coming for Caylee!

Marlame, hitting the 'thanks' button isn't enough to express my graditude for your pointing out these posts.... some of which were posted before I found the astrology thread here at WS. I so appreciate your kindness in pointing these out and continue to be in AWE of all the hard work the astrologers commit to this case so that we have the best insight to what is happening. TYVM Everyone!!!
New moon July 1, 2011 02:53:55 AM
This powerful New Moon in Cancer at 9 degrees on July 1st, 2011, and with it comes a Solar Eclipse.
The Solar Eclipse in Cancer is brimming with active expressive energy and may very likely be a major turning point or gateway for this year.
There is a major “Grand Square /Cardinal Cross” configuration happening at this time combining these planets: Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and of course the Sun and Moon within the first 10 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries). Thunderbolt from the Cosmos to light up the daytime sky.
New moon July 1, 2011 02:53:55 AM
This powerful New Moon in Cancer at 9 degrees on July 1st, 2011, and with it comes a Solar Eclipse.
The Solar Eclipse in Cancer is brimming with active expressive energy and may very likely be a major turning point or gateway for this year.
There is a major “Grand Square /Cardinal Cross” configuration happening at this time combining these planets: Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and of course the Sun and Moon within the first 10 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries). Thunderbolt from the Cosmos to light up the daytime sky.

And that Cardinal GRAND SQUARE sits firmly upon Casey's problematic and dynamic T-square in the same Cardinal degrees. Her T-square involves her 'odd or perverse inclinations' according to Ebertin. It is her Moon/Neptune opposition squaring her Venus which will be all tied up in this forceful grand square. I see it as the key turning in the lock for the final time. imoo

This date will be very close to the rebuttal phase of the state. And imo they have plenty of bombshell evidence to combat the few gains the DT might have thought they made in their CIC. Transiting Saturn opposing Uranus describes a struggle over the limitation of one's freedom. This struggle sets itself right upon her Venus, her own emotional well being. She will feel this violent and forceful struggle quite deeply. Cuts to the bone is one image that comes to mind for Saturn/Uranus/Pluto.

This grand square is not good news for ICA. It may very well describe a large cage and might signify her future quite accurately. All of us are experiencing this Cardinal Grand Square so we all have our 'crosses' to bear right now. But thankfully most of us are not seeing them so literally as she might be. This grand square may signify difficult circumstances which limit our choices and our abilities to easily move forward. Let's all buckle up and get through this together.
By Tuba:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4
"Prosecutor's Filing re: Death Penalty Prosecutor LDB filed the State's position on seeking the death penalty against the accused for the first degree murder of her daughter. The Part of Retribution falls on the ASC precisely but the future jury who will try the facts is H. 11. Sorrowful jury members are unsympathetic to the defendant, Mars 14:07 Sagittarius, however they are disposited by Neptune. Neptune opposes the Part of Fortune and squares this ASC. Neptune of chaos is on a critical degree in a Fixed Sign so emotions are running high and there is hysteria in some quarters as the Full Moon exaggerates distress..." *chart for DP:

Hence the dilemma when souls who are innately good and merciful try to understand and explain those actions by souls (who by their own free will) have chosen to go dark and turn away from the light.

Many good people can’t comprehend why any soul would make this choice. So they must see the subject as a victim themselves of some awful circumstance.

We atros know better. We know their hearts and souls had turned BEFORE anyone on this plane influenced their behavior.
And that Cardinal GRAND SQUARE sits firmly upon Casey's problematic and dynamic T-square in the same Cardinal degrees. Her T-square involves her 'odd or perverse inclinations' according to Ebertin. It is her Moon/Neptune opposition squaring her Venus which will be all tied up in this forceful grand square. I see it as the key turning in the lock for the final time. imoo

This date will be very close to the rebuttal phase of the state. And imo they have plenty of bombshell evidence to combat the few gains the DT might have thought they made in their CIC. Transiting Saturn opposing Uranus describes a struggle over the limitation of one's freedom. This struggle sets itself right upon her Venus, her own emotional well being. She will feel this violent and forceful struggle quite deeply. Cuts to the bone is one image that comes to mind for Saturn/Uranus/Pluto.

This grand square is not good news for ICA. It may very well describe a large cage and might signify her future quite accurately. All of us are experiencing this Cardinal Grand Square so we all have our 'crosses' to bear right now. But thankfully most of us are not seeing them so literally as she might be. This grand square may signify difficult circumstances which limit our choices and our abilities to easily move forward. Let's all buckle up and get through this together.

Is this an indication that perhaps Casey herself will testify on July 1?
Am I correct in thinking that with a Cardinal Grand Square, it's best to determine what you can control and what is beyond your control? Not something the prisoner finds easy to do if I'm correct.
Is this an indication that perhaps Casey herself will testify on July 1?

Personally, I would have to have her verified time of birth before I would try and answer that. I am a natal astrologer more than a horary expert. I wish I could venture a guess. But I do not know from the information I have.
Here are just a few snippets I have found helpful...
(Snipped by Me)

And one last fabulous post for our enjoyment by Soulscape...
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4(SBM)

Tisiphone Has Spoken
"I was giving the chart another look today and was surprised to notice the asteroid Tisiphone (22:09 Capricorn) also rises.

According to Roman mythology, Tisiphone is one of the Three Furies. The Romans considered the Furies to be deities of vengeance, or supernatural personifications of the anger of the dead.

Tisiphone was the Fury specifically known for avenging murder --- particularly against those who broke the ties of kinship by murdering family members --- never stopping until the perpetrator got what they deserved..."

I very much enjoy going back and re-reading some of the previous charts and interpretations! Link to the Astro Crime Calendar...

:rollercoaster: Hang tight...The TRIAL ride is almost over! Justice is coming for Caylee!


Very respectfully sniped.

After seeing George testify today, he reminded me of this post I read this morning. He is like Tisiphone on the stand. He is standing up for Caylee and telling the truth no matter what. He is seeking justice for "the joy of his life". It's like HE is the fury that's going to avenge the murder of his beloved granddaughter.

Am I correct in thinking that with a Cardinal Grand Square, it's best to determine what you can control and what is beyond your control? Not something the prisoner finds easy to do if I'm correct.

If we take it step by step or layer by layer we can see how it might be described.

A Grand Square is often seen as being 'locked into' a situation. On the chart it is drawn like a big square, a grand cross, in which one must endure a complicated, interwoven situation.

A Mutable Grand Square is often seen as being locked into a situation with shifting alliances and unknown variables, while a Fixed Grand Square is more like being locked into a situation with no movement, no leeway or flexibility.

A Cardinal Grand Square implies being locked into a situation in which things are moving forward quickly, forcefully, in spite of one's personal input or desires. Change is coming and it is out of one's personal control.

One looks at the planets involved to decipher the how's and why's and who's the situation. In this case the Saturn , Uranus and Pluto describe what she is locked into.
Saturn in Libra= Justice, Legal Decisions, Government
Uranus in Aries= Revolution, Sudden Rebellion, Quick Change,Revolt
Pluto in Capricorn = The Dictator, Power, Invisible Forces, Fate


This describes the upcoming planetary pattern which ICA finds herself locked into. imoo
Seek the answers to some of your questions, on the Astro Calendar The varied styles of our astrologers are all THERE and located, with titles, for the convenience of all
Tuba, I hold you in such high regard.

I hold all of our talented astrologers here in high regard and am grateful for the insights, teachings and input from each and everyone of you.

Soulscape, if ever there was a time that I didn't thank you properly, I am regretful for that, as your charts and interpretations hold the very foundation for my sincere interest here. You take great pains to explain and guide us through your interpretations and conclusions and I understand so much more because of the time and attention you give to us here. I want to gratefully thank you now and let you know how much your time and attention here has meant to me, personally- Thank you so much.

~ Frigga
Tuba, I hold you in such high regard.

I hold all of our talented astrologers here in high regard and am grateful for the insights, teachings and input from each and everyone of you.

Soulscape, if ever there was a time that I didn't thank you properly, I am regretful for that, as your charts and interpretations hold the very foundation for my sincere interest here. You take great pains to explain and guide us through your interpretations and conclusions and I understand so much more because of the time and attention you give to us here. I want to gratefully thank you now and let you know how much your time and attention here has meant to me, personally- Thank you so much.

~ Frigga

I have to "ditto" everything said in this post. I can look at the charts all day, but I can't read them. I rely on the talents of those who can to tell what they say. I have ordered a couple of books to read about beginning astrology, but in the meantime, I'm astrology "dumb".

I'm very grateful for everyone who contributes here.
The prisoner has asteroid "George" 10:43 Sagitarius. Today "Humptydumpty" (a fall that is impossible to recover from, shattered) transited Aries 10:43 conjunct BML. Funny how fate works. On the day he testified, his name in her chart trined these 2 exactly!

My take is she will not recover from the testimony of George and especially the view the jury had of her stony face while he was overcome with emotion on the witness stand.
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