Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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The discussion of Prisoner's possible ASC is of great interest to all who read and post here and thanks for raising this issue. Have not forgotten dear Housemouse's early speculation that Prisoner may well have Aries rising. Good thought and w. Venus in H. 12, not rising, I would opine.

Then, there's Prisoner's own Facebook (or some such note) that she bears II rising. Many facets of her body language and speech habits support that.

I agree, 3:10 p.m. in Warren, Ohio is somehow suspect. If the rising Sign does not fit, you must NOT acquit.

When I posted the 3:10 pm birth time assumed by others, it was just for speculation, nothing more, because it is unconfirmed. Unlike those in other locations, I'm not willing to accept it as fact for several reasons:

Casey doesn't strike me as "Leo". At least not any Leos (Sun or Ascendant) I know.

Casey doesn't have a thick luxurious mane (her hair is rather thin, and while it is long at this time, there's nothing luxurious about it).

She has a vivid, active imagination (creativity).

She writes constantly (in court, in jail, probably even when she was growing up). It keeps her hands occupied, as well as her mind.

There's that hand thing she does. Lots and lots of hand gestures (Gemini), clawlike motions (Cancer), and when she gets upset, she focuses on her hands and claims they hurt.

My guess is her ascendant falls closer to the Gemini/Cancer cusp than to Leo. Although somewhere near the Taurus/Gemini cusp could work, too. She is stubborn, isn't she?

Just sayin'.

I'm sorry I missed an entire week of posting in the log thread. I just couldn't do it. I have my notes if they are still needed. I wasn't able to post this past week due to extreme motion sickness from too much computer watching of the trial. After each day's long, long session, I had to go to bed, only to wake up in time for the next day's court session. I'm hoping now that the jury is deliberating, my head can get back to normal and I can lay off the Dramamine while the Sea-Band does its job. :crazy:
originally posted by katydid23

OMG. Those Angles @ 23 Degrees Mutable just skewer her Mercury retro@23 Pisces. She is drawn and quartered by her OWN WORDS.

She is revealed and I do not think she can hide her dark side from the jury.

This is a very powerful statement made in this chart to begin jury deliberations. They will easily see the dark ugly parts, imo.

I do have to say this sounds good to me, too.
When I posted the 3:10 pm birth time assumed by others, it was just for speculation, nothing more, because it is unconfirmed. Unlike those in other locations, I'm not willing to accept it as fact for several reasons:

Casey doesn't strike me as "Leo". At least not any Leos (Sun or Ascendant) I know.

I'm Leo rising Zoe and I don't have thick hair at all. It's thin & fine. When reading Lilly's books & the others I've gotten I've read that several times & it's made me scratch :waitasec: my head. Wish I did tho. Finally pulling myself away from the PC & TV now & going to cook out & shoot some fireworks with my kiddos & hubby. I look forward to seeing more interps later from the astros here. Happy Fourth!!!
A big thanks to Zoe Bogart for keeping track of the time. Good Lord, that must have been exhausting. 3 cheers for Zoe!
Not only that. DC conj her Sun (mercury) and Sun conj her Moon. Her Moon is very strong with Sirius, not only she got bailed out by friends (Ruler 12 in 11!), but her mother is now obviously supportive (I read today, that she wanted to give her daughter away, but her mother Cindy did not want it) and the public obviously feels sympathies, because of her support. The sun here is Ruler 12 in 10, Also Sun Ruler from Moon, in nearly the 12th house. I can image the secret which will be revealed will "burn" (be a burner). Do not know how much can be said with this chart, is it possible to say the outcome? ..DC is on the Venusexaltation, VEnus is ruler 9 and 2, in cancer in a critical (good) degree.

*SMN on MC, what is there to say, Also Mercury AC Ruler posited in 11th House ruled by MOON (the people). It seems that they are not really confident, I would say also influenced by mother figure, there is a huge pressure (Mercury inconjunct Pluto).

sorry messed up the mercury.. with pressure I meant Pluto in 4

Leo AC gives a "shining" skin.
ETA: going out on a limb to say this. I think the jury will come to a final decision during Exact Mars Trine Saturn, on Wednesday, but will make the formal announcement On Thursday morning after the Moon enters Libra.

snipped to comment on this specifically:

In my area, in high profile cases, no matter when the verdict comes down, there's no overnight delay before it's read in court. For instance, we've seen many times where the jury tells the judge, "We're close, just gives us a few more hours", then around 10PM, everyone is called into court and the verdict is read. Yes, even late at night! Don't know if Judge Perry would go for that considering this case is much more high profile than most of ours, with national media keeping vigil as well as local.

BBM - I'm interested to see if the bolded transits come into play. Also looking carefully at the 23° = 23 hours possibility. This is a learning experience for all of us. Everyone be sure to take notes.

I didn't watch the court session this morning before the jury went back to their deliberation but WFTV video from this morning shows an animated, chatty, chipper Casey. On a side note, Juror # 3 (female) wore a suit today for the first time. I don't have times for this morning. Just thought the astrologers might like to have notation of these points whether or not they mean anything significant.

Let me just say I'm thrilled to see "new" astrologers in these threads and I'm inspired by what you've all been saying.

Thanks also to our wonderful "oldies" who've shared with us so much of their time and knowledge. Your fantastic work has kept the astrology forum strong and thriving for almost three years. To the others who stop by to read, ask questions, and help with research, we couldn't have done it without you. Fifth, what can I say, you know how to crack your whip and keep us on point. Hats off to all. :takeabow: :blowkiss:
I have read a lot about degree frequencies, a lot of the time they are very accurate. (I took this from another source: (

Taking the 23 degrees in the chart and rounded up to 24. Here is the degree frequency description for 24 degrees (regardless of sign):

This is easily the most complex degree frequency, except for the 12. The 24 frequency is not interested in the outer world. It is the least interested in ordinary reality. It is interested in the deep-inside world, entering it, becoming it, going where it takes them. You have to give yourself over to your destiny.l It can be the most painful, destructive and difficult of the frequencies. It is the opposite of easy and flowing. Your journey takes you on countless turns and twists.

The 24 frequency is at war constantly and the war rages within. I have to go back to wherever I'm stuck or impeded and get rid of what is stopping me. I sometimes feel that I can't make sense out of my life. I can't be a regular person. I end up outlasting evil ways and karmic patterns. I'm the bearer of what's missing.

Bob Dylan's Mercury is here. So is Robert DeNiro's Sun in Leo. The 24 is a troublemaker. Whatever is obvious isn't something of interest to it. It can help others to have the guts and vision to carrying things through. You've been sent on a great mission. So much depends on your taking it all the way. The 24 is Frodo -- the quest. You have to go to all places you's least want to go.

Your one indispensable ingredient: ruthless, relentless energy
Just got a text from the Orlando Sentinel, jury has reached a verdict!

Looks like Juror # 3 in her suit knew what was coming down!

Katydid, I think your "23 hours" thought is right on. Not that they deliberated for a solid 23 hours, but that they reached the verdict about 23 to 24 hours after they were assigned their duty!
snipped to comment on this specifically:

In my area, in high profile cases, no matter when the verdict comes down, there's no overnight delay before it's read in court. For instance, we've seen many times where the jury tells the judge, "We're close, just gives us a few more hours", then around 10PM, everyone is called into court and the verdict is read. Yes, even late at night! Don't know if Judge Perry would go for that considering this case is much more high profile than most of ours, with national media keeping vigil as well as local.

BBM - I'm interested to see if the bolded transits come into play. Also looking carefully at the 23° = 23 hours possibility. This is a learning experience for all of us. Everyone be sure to take notes.

I didn't watch the court session this morning before the jury went back to their deliberation but WFTV video from this morning shows an animated, chatty, chipper Casey. On a side note, Juror # 3 (female) wore a suit today for the first time. I don't have times for this morning. Just thought the astrologers might like to have notation of these points whether or not they mean anything significant.

Let me just say I'm thrilled to see "new" astrologers in these threads and I'm inspired by what you've all been saying.

Thanks also to our wonderful "oldies" who've shared with us so much of their time and knowledge. Your fantastic work has kept the astrology forum strong and thriving for almost three years. To the others who stop by to read, ask questions, and help with research, we couldn't have done it without you. Fifth, what can I say, you know how to crack your whip and keep us on point. Hats off to all. :takeabow: :blowkiss:

OOPS. Looks like my 23 hours prediction is wrong. Verdict is in.
ETA: OH RIGHT. It was 23 hours total. So maybe that was on track?

only found guilty of 4 counts of lying to law enforcement.

she will be free in less than a year.

I have to go, i'm crying to hard to type any more.
Just for the learning experience, I will take an educated guess here. I will give my astrological reasoning so hopefully others will chime in and agree/disagree and we can see how it turns out.

Mercury, the ruler of the Virgo asc, is @ 4 Leo in the 11th house. The task at hand is going to be how to tame the individual egos to come to a group decision. Mercury in Leo resists that impulse, and likes to hold on to it's individuality and personal beliefs. This pattern would be reenforced by the Mercury being squared by Jupiter in Taurus from the 8th, [The Judiciary makes it's own demands upon the individual and forces some to conform but not withpit some tension and willful acting out.] So I am going to guess that at least 3 or 4 individuals will be on a different page to begin with. For whatever reason they may want to do their own thing, and may be in tune with the defense theory that the state did not prove their burden. [Mercury exactly trine Uranus in the 7th in Aries.]
But the 4th house, which describes the end of the matter, holds the Fateful Decision, the Dictator, Destiny. And we see Pluto, burrowed deep, @ 6 Capricorn, quincunx the rebellious few. So I believe that in the end,in two full days, the depths of the evil nature of the crime, will grow to outweigh the individual reticence to commit to a verdict. And the group will come to an agreement, that is less than some wanted, but still quite serious. IMOO

I do not think the jury will hang, but I do think there is some resistance and discord that needs to be overcome initially. Thankfully the Virgo asc. works to keep each individual on track by agreeing to look at the evidence, strand by strand, bit by bit, and that helps them reach an accord in the end by assimilating the details for themselves, and reaching a tragic conclusion.

So it looks like this part of the chart was more powerful than I first believed it to be. That Mercury in Leo trine Uranus in Aries, which I said "

"So I am going to guess that at least 3 or 4 individuals will be on a different page to begin with. For whatever reason they may want to do their own thing, and may be in tune with the defense theory that the state did not prove their burden."

And now we hear that NONE of the jurors want to answer any questions at all.

only found guilty of 4 counts of lying to law enforcement.

she will be free in less than a year.

I have to go, i'm crying to hard to type any more.

The attorneys are saying she will be given time served and will walk out Thursday. :banghead::maddening:
Thank you to all our astrologers who worked so hard on this case.

Poor little Caylee. :cry:
Thank you to all of the Astrologers for the untiring and relentless work you have all shared with us.

You have been beacons of light where there was only darkness.

Will KC murder again? Will she be quiet and crime free? We can only pray so.
Thank you to all our astrologers who worked so hard on this case.

Poor little Caylee. :cry:

If we go back through some of the recent posts we can see some of the red flags we pointed out. In the DT OS chart they had the PART of FORTUNE exactly conjunct the MidHeaven. It was pointed out that it was kind of scary and that it might give them a tremendous amount of luck. There are other things like that but I feel too sick to look quite yet.

But it was also scary seeing the Mercury in Leo in the 11th house Trining Uranus in Aries in the 7th. That signifies individual sense of rebelliousness and freedom and did not seem to represent conforming to judicial concerns or rules.
from post # 178;

Defense Opening Statement Chart;

As we saw the Prosecution being signified by Cancer rising, the Defense Team is represented by Virgo rising, and Mercury becomes the ruler of the chart. Virgo is the Virgin Maiden, the Damsel in Distress. And that is who Baez is making the defendant out to be. The DT is speaking for a young woman in need of their services.

Mercury, the ruler of the chart, is elevated in the 9th house, and @ 13 Taurus. It is neither in detriment nor exaltation, but Mercury does not always exhibit it's mental quickness in Taurus. It is kind of slow and plodding and does not catch on really fast. But Mercury in Taurus does stay with it's theme, and it does stay focussed and dedicated. It is very hard to throw a Mercury in Taurus off track. And Mercury in Taurus is often underestimated. The Mercury is sitting alongside Venus, the ruler of Taurus, and thus it's dispositor. So the Venus, may very well signify the young maiden, and she may be the boss behind the Mercury mouthpiece.

The Defense is represented by the Virgo rising and it's opponent is represented by it's opposing point, 2 Degrees of Pisces. And there we see the Moon @ 2 Pisces, verification of our earlier chart of the state's opening statement, where the Moon was again the significator. In this chart it shows the Moon / Neptune conjunct the Descendant as their opponent. Thus the public's compassion and sympathy for the states case is a big hurdle for the Defense. It is overwhelming and nebulous and makes the defense very worried.

However that Moon/Neptune, which represents the state, is in an applying square to the MC/Sun/Part of Fortune in Gemini. So the state will have it's own hands full with technical rulings and judgments coming from the bench. They will be thrown off balance by the sudden stroke of luck that seems to appear for the defense team too often. [ Part of Fortune exactly conjunct the MC]

Mercury, as chart ruler, does have some problems with it's planetary aspects however. Because it is @ 13 degrees, and almost all of the other planets are earlier degrees, most of it's aspects are separating, and not applying. So they are forced to be reactive and not proactive most all of the time. Mercury in Taurus is not at home being reactive, as it is fixed and not flexible or mutable in nature. And the Taurus stellium of personal planets are already separating from the powerful trine to Pluto in Capricorn. So their powerful last ditch effort may be weakening as opposed to strengthening. And the Venus/Mars conjunction, the strength behind the throne, is in an exact inconjunction with Saturn in Libra, which also is in mutual reception with the Venus. That strengthens the confusion somewhat.

I see that Saturn quincunx [inconjunction] as an anchor around the defense teams neck. Saturn In Libra represents THE FACTS. It is REALITY. And that quincunx says that it will be harder and harder to sell the defense story as reality as the trial unfolds. That Saturn is in a strong T-Square with the Uranus and the Pluto. They will battle it out. The Judge will send out various rulings which will help and hinder both sides. But the truth will eventually will out.

I do have a weird feeling about the 4th house in this chart, the 'end of the matters.'
There is a North Node in Sag in the 4th. Normally I would see that as Freedom in the future. I really hope that is not the literal interpretation though.
Perhaps it is 'freedom' from this earth. The Jupiter in the 8th is the dispositor, so it may be that the defendant is incarcerated, but feels free at last because of other factors which burdened her. She may do well in 8th house matters, which include end of life and prisons. It remains to be seen.

I bolded the parts of the DT's Opening Statement chart that I underestimated.
Originally Posted by katydid23
Just for the learning experience, I will take an educated guess here. I will give my astrological reasoning so hopefully others will chime in and agree/disagree and we can see how it turns out.

Mercury, the ruler of the Virgo asc, is @ 4 Leo in the 11th house.

Katy, I posted just this part of your post, because that is the same chart I was studying yesterday, when I wrote the following, and find that the chart certainly did reflect well, the deliberations going on. I'm questioning now the short period of time in the deliberations, we should be able to see as well?

(I used 11:26AM July 4 2011 Orlando ):

Mercury ruler found in 11th conj. Medea (killed her child) the 11th of the Masses of people.
Mars in house 9 (the judgment ) at 9Gemini conj. Aldebaren (exercising much intelligence) at the MC (public place)
Cayley (the dead child) ruled by house 5 lord Saturn found in 1st house of juror’s instructions the focus of the chart.

They are being asked to consider the Death Penalty case, (Pluto in hs. 4 quincunx to Mercury/conj. Medea in house 11)
With Moon in the 12th (co-ruler of the chart) semi-sq. Saturn (Cayley), there will be a guilty verdict?
With Moon opposing Neptune some will see Casey as mentally ill, or some pathetic type of lack of clarity, (the abundance of her lies)
For instance, will be part of their decision.
The NN conj. Casey’s Uranus/Mars combo .

IF Venus ruler of house 9 is the jury pool, the legal Collective, it is found at 0Cancer a critical degree
In house 10 (a public authority house) and conj. to Veritas (Truth) with the Sun in this house.

The Moon in the 12th is probably showing us the jury is sequestered in a house which speaks of
The Moon also opposes Neptune and Chiron in house 6 of service also found
Restricted by it’s position here being without ability to act for the planets here are encumbered as it were, being Intercepted.

The 6th house lord is Saturn found in hs. 2 – Part of a “T” Square involving Pluto (death of the child) and Uranus (wedged between Ceres (Casey) and the Black Moon Lilith in the 7th.

I’ve inserted both Melpomene (a great Tragedy) which conjuncts Juno (revenge and jealousy) in House 1
While Vesta appears on the cusp of House 6 (the sacrifice of the child) in Aquarius (separation) or separating herself from the child.
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