Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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Originally Posted by smolea
ICA - (she covers her mouth)...she's protecting the man that hurt me. she's gonna sit here and protect him. she's never protected me, she's not even trying now."
DS - well she has to be given a chance, Casey...
ICA - she's been given the chance for three years, and she's done nothing!
DS - i know.
ICA - i mean, how can you say she hasn't been given the chance, she has a chance every single night.
DS - you're right, i was're right, i was wrong.
(camera pans - cant read. DS covers her mouth)
ICA - enough to be aquitted, so i can get away from them

This seems very accurate as well. And as someone noted, Casey gave herself away by saying ' three years.' If she was talking about needing protection from George she would have said her mom had 20 years to protect her.
But here she is complaining about her not protecting her for THREE YEARS. So she means she wants 'protection' now by having her lie. imoo

[ame=""]2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies - Page 12 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
See post 276
Katydid23, I have a question for you or any other Astro. TIA

From this portion of looking at the charts, you say: 'That square to the Sun in Gemini in the 11th may be something with the jury as the 11th signifies community minds and the Uranus in the 10th may signify the judge.

Would this chart show or reflect the jurors -- Ability in absorbing, retaining, sorting, attaching importance to, forgetting or struggling with the mass amount of info they are hearing?

What I am concerned with is, at this point in the trial, if the jurors are finding the rapid stream of witnesses, lots of testimony with sidebar interruptions to be "over whelming" – will they be able to process the testimony?

And from your studies, do you see anything else relating directly to/with the jurors? TYVM.
Katydid23, I have a question for you or any other Astro. TIA

From this portion of looking at the charts, you say: 'That square to the Sun in Gemini in the 11th may be something with the jury as the 11th signifies community minds and the Uranus in the 10th may signify the judge.

Would this chart show or reflect the jurors -- Ability in absorbing, retaining, sorting, attaching importance to, forgetting or struggling with the mass amount of info they are hearing?

What I am concerned with is, at this point in the trial, if the jurors are finding the rapid stream of witnesses, lots of testimony with sidebar interruptions to be "over whelming" – will they be able to process the testimony?

And from your studies, do you see anything else relating directly to/with the jurors? TYVM.

YES, good call. A square to Gemini Sun does sometimes indicate problems in the areas you noted.[ absorbing, retaining, sorting etc.]

HOWEVER, Gemini energy and intuition is based upon good old fashioned common sense. Nothing will convince them more than the basic set of facts, like the not reporting the child missing, and the 31 days of partying. Plain old facts and common sense will show this jury the way, imo.
Katydid23, you rock. As much as I admire Soulscape and Leomoon, I understand very little of what they are saying. Thank you again for translating for those of us who do not understand.
I rarely post here on this thread, mostly because I marvel at it (out of my realm of expertise)...but does anyone here know where Casey was born?
Finally Cindy's out of denial. She specifically said that she stopped looking for the famous Zanny only SIX WEEKS AGO! I guess she finally came to terms.
OT, But Astro's might find some valuable info via this radio show;

Sometime ago when we did the charts for the family, it was discovered they were from Niles, Ohio, and at least Lee was born in Warren. These towns are in Trumbull County. Austintown is in Mahoning County. These places are a stone's throw from each other, as the crow flies, so I guess it's close enough to say, yeah, they're from Austintown.

George worked for the Trumbull County Sheriff's Office located in Warren, I believe. He lived in both Warren and Niles, and was twice married in Trumbull County, as well as divorced there. (This information was posted somewhere on WS early in the case.)

Cindy's family lived in Warren and Niles, and decades ago they were in Cleveland and very early in the last century, long before Cindy was born, they were in Austinburg, Ashtabula County, which is much further north than Warren, near Lake Erie. I hope this helps and is allowed since it's ancient information and available in public records. It only took me minutes to find.

By some bizarre twist of fate, George once lived on Old Cheney Hwy (Florida). I'll bet the stars are winking at us.
thought i would post this here as well...

ICA - (she covers her mouth)...she's protecting the man that hurt me. she's gonna sit here and protect him. she's never protected me, she's not even trying now."
DS - well she has to be given a chance, Casey...
ICA - she's been given the chance for three years, and she's done nothing!
DS - i know.
ICA - i mean, how can you say she hasn't been given the chance, she has a chance every single night.
DS - you're right, i was're right, i was wrong.
(camera pans - cant read. DS covers her mouth)
ICA - enough to be aquitted, so i can get away from them.

a little iffy on the first line...

ICA - i've wanted for them to help me but i cant get out when she's with my dad. and that hurts so bad. she hasn't looked at me once the entire time she was making her cry. (looks at LDB)
ICA (to CM) - yeah, she did the other day. she was looking at him, she hasn't done any of that for me. i really think she's just doing it to do it for her, sh'e not doing it for Caylee - she's doing it wrong.

hard to read the last part since she's wiping her face.

ETA: just a reference to my own chart - i have moon in gemini trine pluto in libra conjunct the midheaven :]
Finally Cindy's out of denial. She specifically said that she stopped looking for the famous Zanny only SIX WEEKS AGO! I guess she finally came to terms with what really happened from something she was told. I have to say I was heart broken watching her duress today.

If I remember correctly their atty has been doing interviews since this trial started. He has stated a few times that his clients found out what the DT was going to do 6 weeks ago. Remember he said they'd sue for slandering GA... No more Zanny now...

I'll be attempting to post my interps on some charts later today when I get to my home PC. I do a lot of charts but never post them cause I'm a bit shy and afraid I'm doing them wrong BUT I'm never gonna learn if I don't.
If I remember correctly their atty has been doing interviews since this trial started. He has stated a few times that his clients found out what the DT was going to do 6 weeks ago. Remember he said they'd sue for slandering GA... No more Zanny now...

I'll be attempting to post my interps on some charts later today when I get to my home PC. I do a lot of charts but never post them cause I'm a bit shy and afraid I'm doing them wrong BUT I'm never gonna learn if I don't.

It is absolutely a great way to learn. Astrology relies upon the 'art' of interpretation. It is not black and white, it is way too complicated to be seen or explained in a linear fashion. Study the charts.Things may not unfold exactly as you expect but some of it might, and that is how you and everyone else here learns.
Thanks to all of the wonderful interpretations! I have missed too much with work taking me away from watching the trial and computer out for repair so I could not catch up until now.
HouseMouse, I hope you are still reading here so you see this: You were the one who pulled me into WebSleuths three years ago (almost) and I have so appreciated all of the insight into this case that you have provided. Please take care of yourself while you are caring for Mr. HouseMouse.
No LINKS up yet and we won't see the Motion until Tuesday, at the earliest, when the Courts re-open

It was reported on the local news last night (no links up yet) that Lee Anthony's attorney(don't know who that is yet) will be filing a motion to have the rule of sequestration waived so he can sit in the court room also.
TY! :) But not Austintown? Just checking...

Article in the Examiner about GA's sister and brother-in-law who disbelieve and are upset about the sex abuse allegations.

They are from Austintown (see end of article). (Dun dun DUNNNN!)

(article link to Examiner in Astro CayleeTime-Stamped thread)
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Astrology-CASEY and CAYLEE TimeStamped Media,Doc Links*NO DISCUSSIONS*#3[/ame]
VOC Moon on Tuesday, May 31st, from 11:37 AM EDT, with the Moon's last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Mercury), until the Moon enters Gemini ( Cindy's sun sign) at 7:57 PM EDT on Wednesday. Communications, daily interactions...This eclipse is about new beginnings regarding all of these matters. Something ends in order for something else to start anew. We may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives. Although the "new" may be unrecognizable, it is important to allow the necessary surrender to the unknown. let's see what happens next.....

Thanks Smolea for posting this I was trying to understand what she was openly saying.
she's never protected me, she's not even trying now."
What she is really saying: Why isn't she lying for me now that the trial is here...

she's been given the chance for three years, and she's done nothing!
What she is really saying: It's been three years that she has been protecting me and now she's not! (what about her whole only matters for the last THREE YEARS!)

i mean, how can you say she hasn't been given the chance, she has a chance every single night.

What she is really saying: I could have convinced him otherwise if I was able to get my hands on him on a daily basis

i've wanted for them to help me but i cant get out when she's with my dad
What she is really saying: I could have suckered her (Cindy bought every excuse KC fed her) if dad would stop influencing her (dad has the control, I do not)

Poor KC...counted on her mother to turn on her usual (GA said he would get divorced over this in regards to the bringing the car home and telling Cindy he would discuss it with KC) Counted on her mother begging for her forgiveness because she refused her visits and turned her away Counted on her mothers' support and denial believing she had her mother in her control Counted on GA's fear of Cindy....that is really why she went crazy when her mother got off the stand. IMO

Cindy and have finally truly found God...bless you
Casey's 2011 Solar Return had "Cayley" Rx 12:27 Libra sextile "Dike" (Goddess of justice) 12:27 Leo. The position of "Cayley" is 12:21 Libra in her natal chart. Now what do you think the odds are on "Cayley" retrograding back to her mom's natal postion in the year she's going to trial for her murder? 1/360 = 2.78 to the negative third, times I-don't-know-what (life expectancy maybe). I can see a return to natal position, like a Venus return, but to retrograde to the exact spot gives me chills.

"Cayley" in the Indictment chart is 27:47 SAG, in the Proseution Opening Statement chart Jupiter 27:40 Aries is trine the Indictment position.

"Cayley" continued retrograding until May 23 10:26 pm, and settled at 2:12 Libra.
Casey's 2011 Solar Return had "Cayley" Rx 12:27 Libra sextile "Dike" (Goddess of justice) 12:27 Leo. The position of "Cayley" is 12:21 Libra in her natal chart. Now what do you think the odds are on "Cayley" retrograding back to her mom's natal postion in the year she's going to trial for her murder? 1/360 = 2.78 to the negative third, times I-don't-know-what (life expectancy maybe). I can see a return to natal position, like a Venus return, but to retrograde to the exact spot gives me chills.

"Cayley" in the Indictment chart is 27:47 SAG, in the Proseution Opening Statement chart Jupiter 27:40 Aries is trine the Indictment position.

"Cayley" continued retrograding until May 23 10:26 pm, and settled at 2:12 Libra.

I am new at Astrology, and still learning. I am confused regarding the retrograding back. What does that mean?
Thank you in advance
What does that mean?
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