Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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Forgive me if I'm wrong but I thought the outcome of this case was determined from the Grand Jury chart to which it all began.

It is not that easy, imo. Things are constantly changing. It is an everchanging universe. So the Grand Jury chart is very very important as it is the first 'event' chart leading up to the trial. But things proceed and there are twists and turns. And we are always faced with the free will of the humanoids involved. It is really complicated and astrologers have conferences in which they debate this exact subject/question endlessly, for years, and it is never fully resolved. imoo

[Horary vs. Humanistic Astrology, fatalism vs free will, if you want to delve deeper into the ongoing debate.] [ interesting article on the debate]

Ancient astrologers believed every answer was there, in exact fashion in the seed chart or natal or horary chart. As society progressed, individuals wanted to break free from that fatalistic view of things. We now believe that it is wrong to chain individuals to class distinctions and we feel anyone can attain anything they aspire to, no matter what their family/financial/religious status was at birth. We also believe that people can overcome their flaws and rise above them. So 'humanistic' astrologers like Dane Rudyhar wanted to teach that charts are not absolute or predetermined scripts. If we hold to that philosophy, then we cannot accept that one chart, at the very beginning of a 4 year event, could hold ALL of the answers. If so, then why would the individuals strive to do better, be better and make positive changes? Sorry for the rambling but I have spent 40 years trying to answer and understand that question, behind your post. lol
I saw a 2AM chart online that I liked (rectification attempt) Has SAG Rising with a 9th house cusp of Virgo (her mother's Sun sign is ruled by Mercury)
and her father is a Sun Virgo . Mother is a nurse .

Her face itself IMO, is a bit "horsey" indicative of SAG Rising. A long face
Sag Rising is the symbol of the horse and man / centaur

However the way I look at natal charts is a tad bit (pun intended, Tad Mann)
different perhaps. That plus I do like the Cayce readings on the soul's entrance into the body (metaphysical stuff)......which suggests the soul may enter hours before or after the 1st Breath chart.

My forte is not Rectifications.
(some links of interest regarding this subject are over in the Library)

I could easily see a very late Sag rising chart with Neptune in her first house. How perfect would that be? lol [ Leading with her lies? Visibly deceptive?] That would put the opposition to Moon in Cancer in her 7th, which is very apt, imo. [ emotionally dependent upon intimate relationships and may get lost in one's own personal wants or needs. Needy, clingy emotional behavior?]

Anyway I agree, I hate to deliniate charts that are not verified but I do agree that Sag rising could be very accurate. Imo she does have a Sag-like face and having that afflicted Mars/Uranus rising is very apt. That would signify the ultimate in poor impulse control.
Does anyone know when Tuba is coming back? This place just isn't the same without her and I think I speak for many of us who miss her so terribly.

We love you, Tuba!! Come home soon!
Forgive me if I'm wrong but I thought the outcome of this case was determined from the Grand Jury chart to which it all began.


Each Astrologer participates here from his or her own viewpoint/ background/ skill set. I practice forensic horary astrology and view the charts from that perspective.

Below are some of my observations on the Grand Jury Indictment chart as it relates to this trial:


Interestingly, the Grand Jury Chart shows Fixed signs across the ASCENDANT/ DESCENDANT indicating a long, hard haul, and --- like the Opening Charts of this Trial --- Mutable signs across the MIDHEAVEN/IC axis.

So right from the 'beginning' we were 'told' the matter would continue for a long, long time (Fixed ASC/DSC) and there would be many changes, twists & turns before its conclusion (Mutable MC/IC).

Now... what kind of 'ending' does the Grand Jury Indictment chart 'predict'?

1. Notice 02 Gemini on the 4th House of Endings cusp in the Grand Jury Indictment chart, and note Gemini on the 5th House of the Child as well, connecting the two. With HADES conjunct the 5th House cusp, we have a dead child. With the 4th House of Endings cusp conjunct ALCYONE (Pleiades, Weeping Sisters), the 'ending' will be 'something to cry about.'

2. Lord 4 of Endings MERCURY is retrograde at 07 Libra (the law) in the radix 8th House of Death / Turned Near Future 2nd of the 7th House Defendant (ICA). The SUN, Lord 7 the Defendant ICA, is also posited in the 8th House of Death.

Moreover, Lord 4 of Endings MERCURY 07 Libra Rx partile squares Casey Anthony's natal MOON 07 Cancer (sunrise position). These positions 'suggest' that ICA will find the 'ending' 'challenging' (square) and not to her liking, at best...

3. MOON 21 Aries in the Grand Jury Indictment chart rules ICA's 12th House of Imprisonment (radix 6th), and applies partile opposed her ruler, SUN (Lord 7 the Defendant/Turned 1st) and partile quindecile (165 degrees) MERCURY Lord 4 End of the Matter. This suggests an outcome of imprisonment. (SUN opposite MOON in this chart also afflicts ICA's secondary progressed SUN 20 Aries.)

4. SATURN 16 Virgo rules the radix 12th House of Imprisonment and is intercepted (hidden) within the Turned 1st/ Radix 7th House the Defendant (ICA) and is conjunct VERTEX (Fate). This also suggests an outcome of imprisonment.

5. Point of Death 21 Leo conjunct the 7th House/ Turned 1st cusp shows the seriousness of the charges (i.e., the death penalty) and Part of DEATH 27:45 Cancer within the Turned 12th House of Imprisonment/ radix 6th widely T-squaring the SUN-MOON exact opposition (which afflicts ICA's natal secondary progressed SUN) suggests "dying in prison" / life term.

This is what I see in the charts. Whether my interpretation is correct remains to be seen.

bringing this forward from post #2 SOULSCAPE:
Thus, these subsequent charts must be examined in light of the GRAND JURY INDICTMENT chart, as they are in fact transits to that initiating chart. We are obligated to study progressions to that chart and to the charts of key players (Casey Anthony, Lead Attorneys, Judge) as well, as the case progresses

This 'consideration' would include the PROSECUTION OPENING STMT chart and the DEFENSE OPENING STMT chart.
Thank you sooo much Soulscape...right to the point. Just curious, if possible..the charts indicate death in prison, I've always sensed she wouldn't last long in there and even though she won't get the death penalty, she would die or be killed within months of going to Real prison. Can you take a quick look?

Thank you sooo much Soulscape...right to the point. Just curious, if possible..the charts indicate death in prison, I've always sensed she wouldn't last long in there and even though she won't get the death penalty, she would die or be killed within months of going to Real prison. Can you take a quick look?


Interesting question, Oldsoul, and while there are testimonies in the Grand Jury Indictment chart that what you suggest is possible, I am loathe to speculate further, particularly since (a) the Jury Verdict and subsequent Penalty are not yet known --- and despite the chart's testimony, there is always the possibility of an alternate outcome --- and (b) we do not have in our possession a true timed birth chart which would give indications of cause and manner of death.

Thank you for your participation,


I also agree with you Oldsoul2.... maybe she's only going to make it in prison for 31 months....or days?????
I went back to thread #1 and read forward. Housemouse's work is there and now after having read her charts and her interpretations and seeing all that she saw in the stars unfold---there isn't a doubt in my mind what happened to Caylee and the State is on target with a charge of murder. Just sharing. Those threads are amazing and reading all of the astrologers input is astounding as well as housemouse's input.
I have a question for the Astrologers, I am wondering if ICA is convicted (of either LWOP or Death Penalty) if she will then go after Mr Baez and attack or attempt to destroy him?

Thank you if this is something you can answer, and even if it isn't something you can answer!
Thank you sooo much Soulscape...right to the point. Just curious, if possible..the charts indicate death in prison, I've always sensed she wouldn't last long in there and even though she won't get the death penalty, she would die or be killed within months of going to Real prison. Can you take a quick look?


The reason that is really difficult is because there is no accurately timed chart yet. And the birth time and place is what sets Casey Marie Anthony apart from the thousands and thousands of others born on the same day she was. Not ALL of those souls are going to die or grow old in prison. In essence it is the minute details that we see from her particular chart that can answer your question. But without knowing her exact time of birth it is not really possible to speculate. One needs to know what her angles are and what signs rule her houses, and the exact degree of her Moon to successfully answer those nagging questions.
So we've had the pictures of Caylee's remains, three people testifying to the smell of decomp in the car, a bug expert testifying to specific flies that feed off of decomp in the car, 72-82 searches of how to make chloroform on the computer, traces of it on the trunk carpet, in the bottle near the remains and an air expert testifying to it being in the air in the trunk. If I knew nothing about this case, I would say 2 and 2 =4. I believe Soulscapes conclusion will be correct...Justice for Caylee and Casey!
I think the prosecution has done a great job laying out their case so far and I bet they will end very strong. However, we need to fasten our seat belts, imo. The defense starts their case right at the Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer, and Mars enters Gemini.

That tells me they are going to be very aggressive and forceful. The emphasis upon Gemini/Cancer says they may be focussing a lot upon Casey's childhood and the family dynamics within the home. George is far from perfect, and his shortcomings are going to be highlighted, spotlighted and dissected. [Tr Pluto in Capricorn is conjunct Casey's Neptune in Capricorn]

I am concerned that one or two of the jurors might be convinced that George had some involvement.
So far the state has done a great job proving that the child was decomposing in the trunk of the Pontiac. But now they need to show who exactly placed her there.

I think that this is where the MUTABLE signs on the MC / IC axis come in. Things are nebulous, twofold, and there are conflicting 'realities' for a time. We will need to steel ourselves through the defense case because they are going to be brutal and may do some real damage to George, Cindy and Lee. And Casey will look on approvingly, imo.

In her natal chart Casey has Neptune in Capricorn,[ illusions concerning father] which is squaring her Sun/Venus midpoint. According to Ebertin= An untrue feeling in love,love torment, disappointment in love, wrong ideas about true love.

This Sun/Venus= Neptune is being afflicted by transits of Uranus and Pluto, the most brutal of transits, and Venus is being opposed by Saturn. So I do not see her walking free, but I do see her doing some mighty damage to those she once loved, although her concept of true love may leave something to be desired.
I went back and checked...but didn't see anything about this, any idea what the "xtra long" total lunar eclipse on June 15 will bring??
The SA had said they should finish up June 17 or "sooner", DT should be up at bat June 18 or "sooner"....
Something "hidden" will be "revealed"....??
Thank you sooo much Soulscape...right to the point. Just curious, if possible..the charts indicate death in prison, I've always sensed she wouldn't last long in there and even though she won't get the death penalty, she would die or be killed within months of going to Real prison. Can you take a quick look?


suicide or murder/ just wondering to myself..........
I think the prosecution has done a great job laying out their case so far and I bet they will end very strong. However, we need to fasten our seat belts, imo. The defense starts their case right at the Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer, and Mars enters Gemini.

If what I've read correctly the 2011 Summer Solstice begins June 21, 2011

Would it make a difference if the Defense starts their case one, two or more days AFTER???? or even BEFORE that date??

PS: Hi, Tuba. I miss you. :seeya:
I think the prosecution has done a great job laying out their case so far and I bet they will end very strong. However, we need to fasten our seat belts, imo. The defense starts their case right at the Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer, and Mars enters Gemini.

That tells me they are going to be very aggressive and forceful. The emphasis upon Gemini/Cancer says they may be focussing a lot upon Casey's childhood and the family dynamics within the home. George is far from perfect, and his shortcomings are going to be highlighted, spotlighted and dissected. [Tr Pluto in Capricorn is conjunct Casey's Neptune in Capricorn]

I am concerned that one or two of the jurors might be convinced that George had some involvement.
So far the state has done a great job proving that the child was decomposing in the trunk of the Pontiac. But now they need to show who exactly placed her there.

I think that this is where the MUTABLE signs on the MC / IC axis come in. Things are nebulous, twofold, and there are conflicting 'realities' for a time. We will need to steel ourselves through the defense case because they are going to be brutal and may do some real damage to George, Cindy and Lee. And Casey will look on approvingly, imo.

In her natal chart Casey has Neptune in Capricorn,[ illusions concerning father] which is squaring her Sun/Venus midpoint. According to Ebertin= An untrue feeling in love,love torment, disappointment in love, wrong ideas about true love.

This Sun/Venus= Neptune is being afflicted by transits of Uranus and Pluto, the most brutal of transits, and Venus is being opposed by Saturn. So I do not see her walking free, but I do see her doing some mighty damage to those she once loved, although her concept of true love may leave something to be desired.

Have you looked any at George A.'s natal since he will be coming up to scrutiny soon if the defense has it's way? The defense of course insisting that G.A. (Casey's father) is the one who was the mastermind and behind the act and largely,the cause of his daughter's mental or emotional state.

I am completely shocked that G.A. and CA did not take the 5th Amendment in this case.

Have you studied their charts in any depth or relation to this seemingly, "turn around" on their behalf ? i.e. Ebertin and aspects in the parents charts?

What about unconditional love a parent shows for their child (i.e. adult children) ? Do we see in the charts that this is somehow missing? Perhaps the answer lies with CERES the thread that seems to be the ongoing link between all of these people in this family.
suicide or murder/ just wondering to myself..........

Either she will get the death penalty OR my first guess would be that lots of women don't like baby killers in prison.....someone is going to do her in and that will be the REAL person to teach her the lesson, not her imaginary baby sitter.
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