Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

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Feeling like TiredofThis today but not at all a spent egg when thinking about this plaintiff. I put great store in the counterclaim chart, which is on our calendar. I HOPE the grandparent co-defendants sit for depo on 22 December because the Sun will be squaring the defendant of this chart (Moon in Leo disposited by Sun at 2:07 Libra.)

I hope everyone understands why I object to the continuing imputation of criminal responsibility to Z.F.-G. The strands cannot be separated. The concoction was made up of material from this woman's identity and from her life and *advertiser censored*'ns. To cry nanny is to cry Z.F.-G.! In the name of God, bring this to a halt!

Agree also Tuba. ZFG has suffered irreparable harm from these accusations. Also A's continued mention of "the nanny" in news media, albeit with the comment "she is not the right ZFG nanny", compounds injury. LE stated they did exhaustive search for all ZFG' no avail. JM formidable adversary for her, and nemesis for defense.
Soulscape, I didn't actually mean incest although the thought occurred to me previously when not thinking astrologically. Looking at the charts I'm more concerned with and uncomfortable with what I see as their collusion with one another. Their Suns trine exactly for starters and in Water signs...emotional, secretive and so on. Also, Lee's Mercury is cazimi his Sun and his also involved in the synastry trine. There is nothing as secretive as Scorpio IMO and I say that having a Scorpio rising myself.

<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

Yes, Asker, I agree with your collusion angle between the two, no doubt. Secretive & protective to the max. It is possible Lee may know who the baby's father is, as KC may have confided in him. If she were going to confide in anyone it would be Lee.

That said, I don't think she confided in him regarding what happened to Caylee. You would think with their "psychic bond," he would have figured it out by now...

I totally agree with you the astrology supports that Lee will never willingly cooperate with the authorities.

we have all heard the rumors of possible other bones being found @ site...and people are questioning the call where Cindy says not another one....can the stars tell us with out a DOB....Did Casy have another baby prior to Caylee and is that baby there in the same area???

That's just what it is - a rumor. LE has simply found more bones from the same body - not from another body. Animals have gotten to the body there and scattered them. This is normal in this kind of situation.
I believe it was in one of the 911 calls ..its bugged me for awhile I swear Cindy said not another one....I will have to wait till I'm home to go back thru everything and find where we discussed it....Its just they keep saying more bones...trail of bones...makes me wonder are they all our beatiful angel Caylee or is there another body in the woods???
Agree also Tuba. ZFG has suffered irreparable harm from these accusations. Also A's continued mention of "the nanny" in news media, albeit with the comment "she is not the right ZFG nanny", compounds injury. LE stated they did exhaustive search for all ZFG' no avail. JM formidable adversary for her, and nemesis for defense.

I agree with you both! It is time for ZFG to get her day in court. It will only get crazier from here on out. Best if ZFG gets the opportunity to show all doubters that KC lied and her parents perpetuated the lie!

Soulscape, I didn't actually mean incest although the thought occurred to me previously when not thinking astrologically. Looking at the charts I'm more concerned with and uncomfortable with what I see as their collusion with one another. Their Suns trine exactly for starters and in Water signs...emotional, secretive and so on. Also, Lee's Mercury is cazimi his Sun and his also involved in the synastry trine. There is nothing as secretive as Scorpio IMO and I say that having a Scorpio rising myself.

<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

Yes, Asker, I agree with your collusion angle between the two, no doubt. Secretive & protective to the max. It is possible Lee may know who the baby's father is, as KC may have confided in him. If she were going to confide in anyone it would be Lee.

That said, I don't think she confided in him regarding what happened to Caylee. You would think with their "psychic bond," he would have figured it out by now...

I totally agree with you the astrology supports that Lee will never willingly cooperate with the authorities.


IMO - if LA believed that he was KC's closest confidant and she did not share with him regarding Caylee - he could very well feel betrayed by his sister.

It could also explain part of the reason for his absence.
I believe it was in one of the 911 calls ..its bugged me for awhile I swear Cindy said not another one....I will have to wait till I'm home to go back thru everything and find where we discussed it....Its just they keep saying more bones...trail of bones...makes me wonder are they all our beatiful angel Caylee or is there another body in the woods???

I will help look also -LA commented 'Is this like before?'-I remember reading it, now to see where it was I read it. Because when I read that, it dawned on me that she may have been 'practicing' by either saying she forgot her or thought the A's or someone else had picked her up or had told someone else to get her, which ever lie of hers you would want to choose.
thanks by and by....I'm @ work so cant go digging right now...just wondered if our wonderful tuba or housemouse could question if this is Casey's only baby with out DOB ext.
I did not hear that remark, mas, can you describe what you heard?

The post above is the chart for the legal action filed on behalf of Z.F.-G. It is underlined in blue as usual but I should have titled it in the post. The chart itself bears a title. Thank you, Fifth. I immediately recognised the time. It is the hour when the courthouse time stamps all the day's legal actions, so you don't get variance from one suit to the next as far as clock time. Nevertheless, that is the time at which it became official.

In one of my dreams where Caylee was talking to me, I asked her what she was doing, she told me she was playing with her LITTLE sister. So I took this as if KC had a miscarriage or abortion.
I have felt uncomfortable with LA's behavior for sometime now, especially after removing Caylee's memorial from front of house along with angry response to tv crew (as opposed to taking an opportunity to thank supportive people for remembering Caylee, even if by miracle it turns out not to be her remains....). I am sure he had attorney advice to refuse DNA sample until compelled by court order, and then again with finger prints. But, I am certain that if one of my little relatives were ever missing, I would not hesitate to supply ANY item/info/sample to help. He arouses suspicion. Even if he's worried about finger prints on duct tape that could be his or parents b/c they touched it while in the house - those prints would only be on the EXTERIOR surface of first few inches of the tape roll (where you would pick up the roll). KC's prints are likely to be all over the tape, front side and side, and all along the length that she pulled off the roll.

On the other hand, Scorpio is inherently fearful and suspicious and private. He has a lot to protect now. Does anyone know for certain if Mallory is pregnant (would be reflected by Jupiter transit to his moon & mars).

Also what is ZFG correct b-day that we are using?

What do you ya'll think about posting a list of all known (and confirmed) birthdates on the calendar? Maybe we could put them on, say, Jan 1 '08 spot to use as a quick reference link?

I'll start with the last. I think it would be a great idea to post all known birth dates on the calendar because I looked at the entire year before asking for ZFG's and LA's birth dates. Had they been there, I wouldn't have bothered others by asking for them again after they'd already been posted.

As for Scorpio being fearful, I respectfully disagree. Scorpio is one of the fixed signs and I don't think of any of them as being fearful by nature. Scorpio is suspicious of everything and everyone but not necessarily fearful of them. Scorpio can be suspicious to the point of paranoia and their secretiveness often plays into that sort of thing to their own detriment.

Also Scorpio being one of the fixed signs is very stubborn. Caylee being both a Leo Sun and Leo rising was very fixed in nature as well and I've often wondered how that affected her relationship with Casey. Fixed sign natures are not easily manipulated into doing anything they don't want to do and on top of that Caylee was into her "terrible two's" a time when toddlers are very rebellious and stubborn. Her mother OTOH was very used to manipulating to get her way so Caylee may have often frustrated Casey which would have also led to this outcome. Caylee's Sun/Asc conjunction trines Casey's Mars/Uranus in Sag conjunction which as I said before can be highly volatile and result in Casey doing (Mars) crazy (Uranus) spontaneous (Uranus) things. Both Leo and Sag are fire signs...Caylee just by being herself often added fuel to Casey's own volatile nature.

I don't understand why LA would have an attorney telling him NOT to cooperate in supplying fingerprint and DNA samples to authorities when his parents did so, presumably at the advice of their new attorney. I do worry in part that LA's reluctance to do so was because of what the DNA might tell authorities (incest) but at the same time I can easily view this as his stubborn Scorpio nature. Scorpio (think of the claws on the scorpion) tends to hang onto everything for as long as possible. Then too, their is the privacy issue for LA with providing his DNA. Scorpio's don't like anyone invading their privacy even though they often enjoy investigating and digging into other people's business.
I believe it was in one of the 911 calls ..its bugged me for awhile I swear Cindy said not another one....I will have to wait till I'm home to go back thru everything and find where we discussed it....Its just they keep saying more bones...trail of bones...makes me wonder are they all our beatiful angel Caylee or is there another body in the woods???

This statement about "losing another one" was made after LA was chased by media. It had nothing to do with KC. LA was on his way back from visiting KC and the media was chasing him down. He purportedly almost had an accident. This was one of those times when CA went off on the media.

I'm sorry I don't have a link for you but I am sure it is in the news release thread somewhere. You may be able to search the words "lose another one" and see what happens.


I am trying to understand as well, and just want to make sure I got this right (as this case has gotten me back into wanting to learn this stuff again). So the planetary day starts at local sunrise, but the astrological day begins at midnight, and therefore based on Jupiter for that day?

tia, elizabeth

Hi Elizabeth,

This is the link to a planetary hours calculator which might be of some help:

Also, if you search on "planetary hours" on Wikipedia they have a page that gives some useful information.

I hope everyone understands why I object to the continuing imputation of criminal responsibility to Z.F.-G. The strands cannot be separated. The concoction was made up of material from this woman's identity and from her life and *advertiser censored*'ns. To cry nanny is to cry Z.F.-G.! In the name of God, bring this to a halt!

Respectfully snipped.

Yes, I agree it is terrible what has happened to this innocent woman, ZFG. However, against her will and beyond her control this very real woman has been dragged into this terrible event and has now become a player in it much as she wishes she wasn't. Her actions now play a significant role in what is coming up in the future and I don't think we can safely just ignore this while looking at other situations and charts. JMO.
<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

Yes, Asker, I agree with your collusion angle between the two, no doubt. Secretive & protective to the max. It is possible Lee may know who the baby's father is, as KC may have confided in him. If she were going to confide in anyone it would be Lee.

That said, I don't think she confided in him regarding what happened to Caylee. You would think with their "psychic bond," he would have figured it out by now...

I totally agree with you the astrology supports that Lee will never willingly cooperate with the authorities.


Soulscape, based on what I've seen of their jailhouse conversations, it seems to me that Casey and Lee were often talking in code. Close as they are, they may well have been doing this for many years to keep their parents in the dark on a variety of issues and so they may be quite accomplished at doing this. It seems to me that Lee was asking questions designed to get coded answers from Casey, in particular as to where Caylee was. Casey told him "very close to home." I have to ask why she said that...was that code telling Lee where the body was so he could move it for her if need be? This is one of the things I am uncomfortable about when looking at the synastry between their charts. Lee knows everything IMO and Casey felt very safe in confiding with him...sure he'd stick by her side through thick and thin. JMO here.
From another thread:

Update on case ZG against KC:
Reported on WESH news today GA & CA are to be deposed on Monday Dec. 22, 2008 by J. Morgan. If they don't show J. Morgan will file a contempt charges.
Hooray! The deposition is set in stone. WESH reporting John M. will file contempt charges against CA and GA if they fail to appear.
I am unsure if I should bother you with this I don&#8216;t won&#8216;t to bother you but it BOTHERS me alot....First let me give you a little preamble...When bad things happen such as 9/11 or the bombing in India...I have a very bad foreboding feeling before they occur and this feeling haunts me until the fruition of the event occurs..However I do not Know what the event will be or exactly when&#8230;.The morning that little Caylee was found I was taking a shower and I felt extremely SICK I thought I was going to passout...It was the WORST "feeling" before something that I have EVER had....I just knew that something had happened in this case and sure enough ......She had been found...I went to bed that night and dreamed of Caylee and a clearbag with something that looked like grass seeds the (fertilized) kind.....I saw her standing in back of this bag looking down &#8230;. and the bag was a large bag at least a 20lb one and her saying &#8230;&#8220;How could &#8230;&#8230; to me ?&#8221; that is all I can remember&#8230;. I am unsure what this could mean&#8230;.but I think you might&#8230;Sorry to bother do not think I am a nut...take care

I orginally sent this as a pm to was suggested that I post it here it goes...
Well, tc, you must have been as bent on this as I. We posted simultaneously. I have this sizzling instinct that John M. is fed to the back teeth with these incriminations against the name of his client.
I too had that sick feeling that morning...many of us did ....the air was strange for a few days last week....beekaroonie was posting some pictures and a manhole cover literally made me ill...i was over came with nausea and the hair on my neck stood up...
I'm glad you shared this with us....
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