Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

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One lonely little observation, which you can take or leave, as you see fit.

The news media will show up in the transits, and we will probably be able to predict when "blockbuster" news will hit the tube!

But it isn't always a good idea to believe everything you hear them say. Sometimes, Neptune and Uranus get together, and newsfolk who are under pressure to "shock and awe" (Uranus), will just toss up a whole bunch of gorilla dust (Neptune), to get us to watch the commercials, and sell us more novelties (Uranus) that never measure up to the promises made (Neptune).

Most of TV is a combination of the two.
I totally agree. If 12/11 - 12/13 was devastating for KC, 12/19 looks to be catastrophic.

I suspect both that the remains will be identified as Caylee's as well as announcement of direct linkage of evidence to the murderer, sending the perp off the deep end.

Tisiphone, indeed!

Discussion to follow.


First, let me say I am new to your thread(s) and I find them fascinating.
I have some very serious concerns about GA, could it be him you see going off the deep end on 12/19? Sorry in advance if not the right question.. trying to learn :blowkiss:
Wiki says 9/14/56, but her fan website says 9/11/56. Just want to let you know...not sure which is correct. I also found that she was born in a small town in West Texas...don't know the exact town.

Free Birthdate Database has 9-14-56 for Dr. G. but they have her middle initial wrong. They have a J but her middle name is Carla.
We've got a lot of variance in her birth years and what you see puts her into Virgo. We will have to wait until this sorts out.
Free Birthdate Database has 9-14-56 for Dr. G. but they have her middle initial wrong. They have a J but her middle name is Carla.

Maybe her maiden name?
hmmm LBK (LKB) Shrewsbery NJ - on that free database shows a DOB of that the same as we had? Ugh.
Maybe her maiden name?

No, her maiden name is Garavaglia I believe. Her first husband's last name was Kowaleski. I know this because her son, Eric is listed in the Texas Birth database. Her current husband is Mark Wallace per Wikipedia.
hmmm LBK (LKB) Shrewsbery NJ - on that free database shows a DOB of that the same as we had? Ugh.

Yes, October 21, 1953 is the birth date I eventually arrived at from the Free Birthdate Database after comparing it to several other sources. I believe the October 21, 1953 date is the right one.
We've got a lot of variance in her birth years and what you see puts her into Virgo. We will have to wait until this sorts out.

Are you referring to Linda Kenney-Baden or Dr. G.?
Yes, October 21, 1953 is the birth date I eventually arrived at from the Free Birthdate Database after comparing it to several other sources. I believe the October 21, 1953 date is the right one.

UPDATE -- NEVERMIND - IT'S THE SAME! LOL whew -- good job Asker, you've been a great help.
Asker and Beckaroozie, thanks for taking over and finding her date of birth!!

My eyes are still crossed!!!
I am fairly new here and read Eveyone's post
You all are amazing. What a gift you have
I totally agree. If 12/11 - 12/13 was devastating for KC, 12/19 looks to be catastrophic.

I suspect both that the remains will be identified as Caylee's as well as announcement of direct linkage of evidence to the murderer, sending the perp off the deep end.

Tisiphone, indeed!

Discussion to follow.


(Quoting myself)

OK, here's the discussion, the chart is in the quote:

The Chart is cast for Friday, December 19, 2008, 6:50 am, which is the very last hour of the day before, making this a JUPITER day, SUN hour. 21:49 Sagittarius, ruled by JUPITER rises, and SUN is posited in the 1st House. This chart appears radical.

Event Chart Ascendant exactly conjuncts Caylee’s PLUTO, ruler of her 4th House End of Life, and 04:58 Libra is on the Midheaven, exactly conjunct Caylee’s natal MOON. Event chart MARS, ruler of the 12th House of Secrets and placed in the 1st House, has just passed conjunction with Caylee’s natal VERTEX . This suggests that as Fate would have it (VX), a secret comes to light (MARS, L12 of Secrets in 1st House). This testimony is repeated because we see that the previous Solar Eclipse at 09:31 Leo contraparallels PLUTO, conjuncts/opposes the Event Chart South & North Nodes and conjuncts Event Chart VERTEX.

Asteroid NEMESIS at 28:11 Aquarius conjuncts Event Chart 3rd House Cusp and contraparallels CERES, suggesting both the entrapment (NEMESIS) Caylee felt at the hands of her mother (CERES) as well as Casey as the mother (CERES) watching her worst nightmare come true (NEMESIS) as the secret (L12 in the 1st) is revealed (3rd House of news/communication) and there isn’t a d*mn thing she can do about it.

Asteroid PANDORA at 28:11 Sagittarius conjuncts Event Chart SUN and opposes HADES. Here we see a can of worms (PANDORA) about death (HADES) come to light (conjunction SUN). This configuration sets off KC's natal SUN, 28 Pisces,


Asteroid PHOTOGRAPHICA at 27:39 Sagittarius also conjuncts Event Chart SUN and opposes HADES. The evidence (PHOTOGRAPHICA) of death (HADES) comes to light (conjunction SUN). This configuration sets off KC's natal SUN, 28 Pisces,


Asteroid PSYCHE at 27:00 Sagittarius also conjuncts Event Chart SUN and opposes HADES and parallels JUPITER, Chart ruler and significator of Caylee. PSYCHE is the point of damage, the wound from which one never recovers. So death (HADES) of Caylee (JUPITER), the wound from which she will never recover (PSYCHE), is exposed the the light (conjunction SUN). This configuration sets off KC's natal SUN.

The Part of Death at 15:13 Libra closely conjuncts Caylee’s natal JUPITER 14:35 Libra, the traditional ruler of Caylee’s 8th House of Death.

The Part of Treachery at 15:57 Aquarius closely opposes Caylee’s natal SUN at 16 Leo.

The Part of Bad Luck 23:10 Gemini opposes MARS Lord 12 of Secrets so this revelation (MARS Lord of Secrets in the 1st House) is a huge stroke of “bad luck” for KC (notice that degree is smack square KC’s natal MERCURY 23 Pisces…).

The Part of Self-Undoing at 28:56 Virgo partile opposes KC’s natal SUN at 28 Pisces, so she brought this all upon herself (DUH!!!!!).


Notice MOON at 28:37 Virgo closely squares the SUN/HADES partile opposition across the 1/7 axis at 27 Sagittarius-Gemini. And where is the empty leg? Exactly on KC’s natal SUN, 28 Pisces, of course. A mutable Grand Cross of the most vexing degree.

George and Cindy's attorney, Brad Conway, born September 10, 1965 in Washington D.C

OMG, he's only 42!
My goodness...sure sounds like the asteroids are all forming up to make sure KC crashes and burns on the 19th. She better put on her seatbelt, and request a few sedatives ahead of time, because she's gonna need them.
Wow, Soulscape. "the wound from which she will never recover", this just made me cry!

I am scared to know what Caylee endured.
I agree Lovejac..... with the way everything is lining up and the tizzy KC will be in, it can not be good. Ohhhh ((((hugs to all)))).

Soulscape - I don't quite understand this part: The Chart is cast for Friday, December 19, 2008, 6:50 am, which is the very last hour of the day before - does this mean what will happen on the 18th or it all begins at the start of the 19th?


Dr. Jan Garavaglia - Dr. G Orlando Medical Examiner
September 14th 1956 - can't find a city for her

Kathleen Joan "Kathy" Reichs born in Chicago - the bone lady - can't find a birthday for her (defense)
this thread is so amazing. thank you all for sharing your exceptional knowledge. i look forward to every update :)

and congrats on the article!
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