Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Popping in for a minute to say that the Moon is presently applying square the Saturn/Uranus opposition!

Interesting day today!
Suprise visit to court by the prisoner. Judge Strickland insisted. After about 35 minutes, the door opened at exactly 2:55 pm (I looked at my computer clock) and in walked the murderer, shackled and handcuffed. And there she still sits, looking defiant, bothered and bored as lawyers and judges talk about remains of her daughter, Caylee, hair, duct tape, pictures of the crime scene. Interesting to say the least.

Two things positively confirmed while watching the hearing. There was duct tape and two (2) bags. (but all on this forum already knew that ;-)

Interesting also to find out that LE has already spoken with Dominic C
In response to KAITLAND's Post #741-just a few above this:

Kaitland, Are you serious???? More then enough clues...plenty of clarity in your analysis. EXCELLENT...picture perfect! Am feeling the Daisy Chain was awful short.

My turn to take a shot:1st place-SIBLING
Great work Kait! An awesome insight into the PI rock!
In response to KAITLAND's Post #741-just a few above this:

Kaitland, Are you serious???? More then enough clues...plenty of clarity in your analysis. EXCELLENT...picture perfect! Am feeling the Daisy Chain was awful short.
My turn to take a shot:1st place-SIBLING

Bolded by me...How short do you feel the Daisy Chain will be? What about the meter reader, do you think he is connected? TIA :blowkiss:
There has been talk on the news, Kaitland, that LE is seeking the phone records for the whole period, November 14 thro 16. Eventually the documentation will be released but we can't wait, can we! If we even knew the time of their person to person meeting, described by Jim H. but he only said it was in the morning.
Sorry I haven't updated you all about info on the birthdates needed. So far I haven't heard back from my niece yet. I'm not sure of her schedule with working at the law office and going to law school. I will be seeing her Saturday night for a family gathering & will talk to her if I don't get an e-mail back by Saturday. If she dosen't have any luck I will talk to my cousin who is a lawyer who might be at the gathering. In the mean time I'll just keep sleuthing with the others for the dates.

Did you see the full raw video with the P.I. JH & DC was interviewed by WFTV too!
Here's the links in case you missed it with so much that has happened today:

*NEW RELEASE TODAY! RAW INTERVIEW: P.I Jim Hoover Speaks Out (aprox. 15 mins. long) VIDEO:

P.I. Denies He Knew Where Caylee's Remains Were
Thursday, January 8, 2009 – updated: 5:27 pm EST January 8, 2009

VIDEO REPORT: P.I. Denies Fellow P.I.'s Allegations


I'll check my e-mail later & off and on tomorrow to see if she e-mails me back.
All of your readings today are very insightful & about the sibling I've been thinking the same all along.
Have a wonderful evening everyone! :blowkiss:
Angel, a poster on the main Caylee thread opines that obviously, one of these men is lying (JH and DC).


Were you (or will you be) able to track down their birth data incl. place of birth? Even without the time of birth we may be able to see which of the two is more likely to be dishonest...

I have to correct a mistake in my above analysis:

Neptune (photography) in aquarius is in 2nd house (money) in mutual reception with uranus in Pisces (photography) also in the 2nd house (money). So, follow the money. LP states that JH was looking to sell video/pix to an NBC representative who was down in "Or-lawn-do" at the time. Saturn (DC) in yod (fate) formation with neptune & uranus taking a dim view of money making.

I think I wrote this late at night and I must have been blinded by fatigue! It should read as follows: Saturn inconjunct Neptune and Saturn opposite Uranus. Also Moon is inconjunct Mars, but neither of these form a yod. As it is, there is more than enough "fate" to go around this case ad infinitum.
Angel - I watched both of those videos. Yes, obviously someone is lying. I think LE's remarks on camera today caling the meeting with JH & viewing his video "very helpful" was quite telling. JH appeared to be "reliable" before the camera (sitting next to his capable attorney). The last interview of DC showed him as "angry appearing" and defensive. We already know for certain that DC lied at least once when he said JH "snuck up on him"....and phone records will tell the tale if DC called JH on 11/14; and we know they were both at the scene on at least two days together 11/15 and 11/16. So, why would DC invite someone who "snuck up on him" back to the scene of the crime?
Angel, a poster on the main Caylee thread opines that obviously, one of these men is lying (JH and DC).


Were you (or will you be) able to track down their birth data incl. place of birth? Even without the time of birth we may be able to see which of the two is more likely to be dishonest...


Working on it with all my hopes to do so. Spitfire hasn't given up yet either. As soon as one of us do we'll let you know A.S.A.P. We have not and will not give up Soulscape! Praying we find out at least the birth data's & place of birth's.

I had an apt. today so I haven't had too much time to work on it. I've e-mailed everything we all have gathered to my niece-in-law but am still sleuthing to our best of abilites to find the info needed.
It's my #1 priority!

P.S. I will be working on it all day tomorrow. It's going to be an early night for me tonight going on only 3 hrs. sleep. LOL
I will be closing this thread in the next few minutes.

Please understand the procedure is new to me and I ask for your patience. I'd hate to press the wrong command and loose the may take a few minutes.

Thank you wonderful Sleuths.
Angel - I watched both of those videos. Yes, obviously someone is lying. I think LE's remarks on camera today caling the meeting with JH & viewing his video "very helpful" was quite telling. JH appeared to be "reliable" before the camera (sitting next to his capable attorney). The last interview of DC showed him as "angry appearing" and defensive. We already know for certain that DC lied at least once when he said JH "snuck up on him"....and phone records will tell the tale if DC called JH on 11/14; and we know they were both at the scene on at least two days together 11/15 and 11/16. So, why would DC invite someone who "snuck up on him" back to the scene of the crime?

I just watched the raw video of the TV station interview with JH and his attorney (full length) and they stated at one point that DC had 'several cell phones available to use'. I hope LE is able to get ALL of the cell phone records for DC.

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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7
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