Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8

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This is the earlist time-stamp from the released articles. It's not time-stamped on the motion. 12:24 PM EST


In the article from WFTV they interviewed the Dean of the school! Here is his comment about Baez teaching:

"How's it going so far?" WFTV reporter Sean Lavin asked FAMU College of Law Dean Leroy Pernell.
"I don't know yet. We've only been in session since here for a couple weeks at best," he said.
When WFTV asked what he thought about Baez being investigated he said:
"Well, I think with any teacher or instructor, if there are matters that occur that would interfere with experience of students in course, we'll monitor that and take appropriate steps," he said.
Pernell said he will take no action until the investigation is over. That means Baez will keep teaching at FAMU and will earn $4,500 per semester.

JMHO: Baez is indeed teaching a class at the college! How can he be fully prepared for both the civil & criminal trials? I worry that if & I believe it is true KC could use this as an excuse for an appeal in the future! :eek:
The Florida Bar is going to make Baez take a class in proper advertising etiqutes! Just reported on FOX Orlando live. That he lied on his website how many cases he has won & lost were false. That many of those on his website he claimed were his cases were really done when he was only an intern! He must remove these from his website & is not allowed to do any further advertising until he takes the course in proper advertising!!
(Gee I wonder if he'll teach this lesson in his class! Sorry had to add that!)

That the State filed a motion to strike Baez's Motion to remove them from the case!

They also said Cindy will NOT be attending tomorrows hearing.
No link on these updates from FOX yet released!
Hi Astro's

I am amazed by your hard work, knowledge, and what the planets can offer if we pay attention and study them.

I noticed that KC received a visit on 1/9/2009 from Dept. of Children and Families investigators D.Murray 16:38:43-17:04:23 and W.Procknow 16:41:22-17:04:27.
They are both on the revised witness list. I am wondering what this was about? maybe, something to do with ZFG case? Would there be a chart to help with this question.

If you do not feel this would obtain any helpful information, please ignore, as i see how much you are already doing, and don't want to add needlessly. :)
Hi Astro's

I am amazed by your hard work, knowledge, and what the planets can offer if we pay attention and study them.

I noticed that KC received a visit on 1/9/2009 from Dept. of Children and Families investigators D.Murray 16:38:43-17:04:23 and W.Procknow 16:41:22-17:04:27.
They are both on the revised witness list. I am wondering what this was about? maybe, something to do with ZFG case? Would there be a chart to help with this question.

If you do not feel this would obtain any helpful information, please ignore, as i see how much you are already doing, and don't want to add needlessly. :)

Two great minds thinking alike ROBYLN! LOL I was just looking over the same thing as you & was wondering myself about these visits too!
Thanks for asking about them I was just going to do the same. :blowkiss:
GRRRRRRRRR my post about the prision princess got lost

The link you gave is only an email address. The contents seem to be RUMOR and my guess is another Moderator removed your first post you had said got 'lost'.

RUMORS belong in the forum called: THE PARKING LOT
Sorry about that,i shall go back to just reading all the wonderful astrology info that you all give and i so enjoy
(Big Loooooong Whistle) Man - that motion by MN and the one by the SA are AMAZING. I about laughed myself outta my chair!! The all but called JB a totally incompetent boob in such a professional way. LOL I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. It looks like JB may have bitten off more than he can eschew. hahaha
Hello KageyKaren, You are always welcome here!:)
Until we see a confirmation as to Baez 'trading' his teaching skills in exchange for law student assistants (currently a rumor), we would not be discussing that here, and if that is verified I am sure there will be a thread for that on the Main Forum.

Perhaps when Tuba returns later today, she'll comment on the person in the Prosecutors office.

FYI: KageyKaren & for anyone else interested there is a thread on the main forum thread so it must be true:

Law School Hires Jose Baez To Teach Students
Sorry about that,i shall go back to just reading all the wonderful astrology info that you all give and i so enjoy

DIHAN, know you are most welcome to participate here.:blowkiss:
I just noticed you are a 'newbie' to Websleuths and probably were not aware of the rules concerning rumors.

This is the horoscope for the jail visit Roblyn inquired about. Cancer is on H. 1 and H. 2, so there will be a future visit from this agency too. Money is also an issue but we are not privy to those details between the prisoner and welfare. There are two situations regarding H. 5 Caylee, the department's legal inquiry but also the fact of the homicide, intercepted there as Scorpio. That is latent here and pregnant with a great deal of hidden information and denotes deception and the hiding or masking of the real truth of the matter.

On a Venus day, Friday, and during a Jupiter hour, this probe is maintained on polite terms, at least on the part of the agents who are visiting and on shifting foundations. The Moon mother is another issue altogether as she and Mars are two out of bounds planets on this day. See interpretation under the chart.
John Morgan was so ready with questions that were calculated to reveal the absurdities and contradictions in Prisoner's allegations regarding his client Z.F.-G. Since Casey built the nanny out of personal information belonging to Zenaida, there was going to be nothing but bumbling and fumbling in her attempt to separate John's client from the bogus baby sitter throughout the deposition answers.

I believe that the written questions will be just as clever in their ability to expose Casey's lies if only the defense will read them aloud and wait for her response before declaring them incriminating questions she must not answer. Please, please use this opportunity to look into the character and mind of the prisoner. It is knowledge that can only serve you well in your attempt to defend her.

While Mars has traveled with Mercury aspecting Prisoner's own Mercury, the lies have been coming thick and fast. By now, they're all wrapped around her neck. Will the defense politely ignore that? Will they even see that? Baez knows (the lies directly afflict him) but will he acknowledge this to the prisoner?
I don't expect Defense to walk out of this hearing tomorrow morning with much to brag about.

As Tuba mentioned in previous post, MOON at 28 Pisces is exact conjunct KC's natal SUN. The late degree makes MOON void of course --- except, as master horary astrologer Wm. Lilly teaches, the MOON may perform in the sign of Pisces. In 3 degrees 16 minutes, MOON will exactly square PLUTO. Could this be one of the *splats* of which Tuba spoke?

See chart here:

SUN, which always gives good insight in forensic charts, is intercepted in the 12th House of Imprisonment, sesquisquaring (135 degrees) HADES in the 4th House End of the Matter. More telling, SUN's antiscion degree is SERPENTIS --- 19 Scorpio --- the cursed degree of the accursed sign. Oh dear. This doesn't look good for the perp.

Also notice MARS 26 Capricorn in critical degree (26 Cardinal), here ruling 2nd House of Near Future and 9th House of the Law/ Judicial Proceedings. Add that to antiscion of SUN = SERPENTIS and MOON square PLUTO, I would speculate there will definitely be a splat --- or two or three...

I'm sure we'll all know the outcome later tomorrow morning.

Regarding a trial date, with MOON 3 degrees 16 minutes from PLUTO, I'm thinking 3 months 8 days --- first or second week of May.

The Astro Crime Calendar has the horoscope for tomorrow's hearing, which was on the board weeks ago. You will notice the Moon in the First House, right on Casey's natal Sun. Venus and Uranus rise as well.
First post on Websleuths but I have been reading this particular thread of “Forensic Astrology Forum” even before it was called that and honored with its dedicated link on the front page of Websleuths and believe me, housemouse, you began a wonderful thing. I especially appreciate how you brought God into it and put things into proper perspective about Him and the inner workings of His Work in Astrology. After all, it was Astrology that led the wise men to their destination and we’re all on a journey Home to Him, let’s enjoy it along the way.

I so love the love that I read in this forum, from Kaitland, FifthEssence, Lovejac, Soulscape, Tuba, Beckarooz, MissJames, Angel Who Cares, and so many more that I desire to become more acquainted to and of course the one who started it all on Websleuths, our housemouse.

You have brought insight, enlightenment, wisdom, knowledge, truth to a whole new level of understanding it and like the screen name I have chosen for myself, TruthMatters and so do you all of you to me.

God bless our little Caylee as her light does shine upon us to reveal the truth that she already knows. God bless all of you, whom I have grown to love by reading the love that each of you have expressed in this wonderful blessed forum of truth and justice and most important, love.
Now, I want to offer this link below for insight into the trouble that brewed within the Anthony household even before Caylee was first reported ‘missing’ and even before she is born. It is a “Calls for Service to 4937 Hopespring Drive” official report. There are eight calls to 4937 Hopespring Drive before the infamous 07/15/2008 call and two of those we are familiar with in this case and the other prior six have nothing to do with Caylee because her birth date predates these six calls.

It hasn’t been looked at in this forum, as of yet that I know of, so I thought you all would find it interesting to look at and maybe do some charts on but once you are there click on “Full Screen” for easier viewing of the document below. Make sure you scroll up to the top of the document after clicking “Full Screen” because it may take you midway instead of to the top of the document. The first date you will see is 11/1/2003 “Criminal Mischief” to indicate you are at the top of the report and not midway through it.
Not trying to be repetitious, Soulscape. I was busy with old posts and writing mine at #35 at the same time you were writing yours. No damage.
NG just aired here and mention was made of the prisoner's past refusal to attend hearings. She was quoted on the program as saying, " I don't care if I'm in contempt of court!" After Judge Strickland made his first order on this subject post-hearing on 8 January, it was suprising to see her written objection, seeking one more time to waive appearance. It spoke of deep seated dread, fear and defiance. Earlier descriptions of guards dragging her from her cell apparently were not just colored semantics.

In the horoscope for tomorrow, 30 January, not only is her rebellion conspicuous in rising Uranus which Mercury sextiles from a Mars conjunction but that same Mercury squares the Part of Fortune. Her written objection offended the judge who had so recently ruled that she MUST attend all hearings and he will be taking an even darker view of her tomorrow.

Of course, I am hoping that Defense has challenged her at their jail legal table when she repeats her hummers about the nanny and, if the attorneys have called her on the inconsistencies, she will be fully edged. Baez: "Full disclosure is the best defense!" That means you, Casey.
Oh! That's gotta hurt! For someone who has always been able to set the rules and make everyone else abide by hers - now has to follow someone elses.

Thanks for the update, Tuba.
TruthMatters Welcome to WS's & Thank You So much for your very kind words about little ole me.

I'm honored & am sure everyone else is honored, that you have made your first post in my favorite thread here at WS's. The super astro posters have the biggest heart of everyone here. They devote their time posting the charts so we can learn from them & have given everyone a wonderful gift of their knowledge in helping to teach us.

They are everything you said in your post & I hold a special place for Caylee forever in my heart too! Hope to see you post more & your help is appreiciated. It takes team work in order for the astro's to do the charts for everyone!! :clap: :clap:

Hugs and Love Sent To You! :blowkiss:
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