Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #9

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Looking ahead to October, I noticed that Saturn will oppose Casey's Sun on October the 16th. Close enough, as it will be within orb. (Saturn moves very slowly, compared to the inner planets)

Will check the midpoints as we get closer to trial.

Yes indeed it does. Saturn brings us to task. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

Don't care how many ducks the defense has lined up.....the shooting gallery didn't drink the koolaid!
It would yield much better information to have the date and time the motion is filed...that becomes the "action" for the Judge S. to rule on.

I am just coming out of othe "fuzzies" - was the suicide note released????
I was surpised to hear Prosecution will not pursue DP (at least not at this point). Are they spoiling for battle with no desire to entertain any kind of plea?

Tuba drew up a chart quite a while back, saying LE had the advantage and that it was a mistake to take DP off the table. If I'm not mistaken was before Caylee was found. Seems they are going to stay this course. Why?
My theory of why they took the death penalty off is because, it is harder for a jury to convict in a DP trial, especially in the case of a young 22 year old. I know its not fair but considering the fact they do not have a cause of death, I think they would be more willing to convict on a life in prison, punishment than a death penalty punishment...JMO!!!
I was surpised to hear Prosecution will not pursue DP (at least not at this point). Are they spoiling for battle with no desire to entertain any kind of plea?

Tuba drew up a chart quite a while back, saying LE had the advantage and that it was a mistake to take DP off the table. If I'm not mistaken was before Caylee was found. Seems they are going to stay this course. Why?

Could it be that they are offering to keep DP off table in exchange for "truthful" testimony from CA & GA?
Yes indeed it does. Saturn brings us to task. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

Don't care how many ducks the defense has lined up.....the shooting gallery didn't drink the koolaid!

Glad you are feeling better Kaitland!

I PRAY that the natural law will rule her, and even as she has sown, so too shall she reap! THAT will be the only justice for baby Caylee-robbed of her life much too soon.

Hey everybody! I am reading all the threads and staying caught up but unable to post as frequently lately...but I was wondering about the ray of sunshine that was supposed to shine for Casey last Tuesday (I think it was Tuba who posted about it?) but it only was to APPEAR to be a ray of sunshine and her hopes would be quickly dashed... I wonder if that could have been about the "bad" pictures, and Jose assuring her that they would fight for them NOT to be released and so she felt relief, but then, alas, Judge Strickland ruled RELEASE them! so her seeming ray of sunshine would have been dashed in the downpour from the storm of the realization that they WERE going to be released and the whole world was going to see what she REALLY is-up close and personal!???:waitasec:
It would yield much better information to have the date and time the motion is filed...that becomes the "action" for the Judge S. to rule on.

I am just coming out of othe "fuzzies" - was the suicide note released????

no - they havent released it...but supposedly they (SA) planned on releasing it with the next doc dump.

i havent seen the actual motion but will post as soon as i find it.
The camera angle made it hard to see the prisoner during the hearing but when she rose to leave her mouth was turned like an upside down U. Very, very glum. Mercury became critical that day, 21° Aquarius, after its conjunction to Mars. The Moon went weepy in the evening. The mental crisis was over isolation and frustration, as obstructive as ever as that is the nature of critical degrees. Egoism is the key to 21° crises. Critical degrees mark unstable areas where there is high stress. In terms of circumstances, Aquarius, that we do not see, there is a question & a problem. Aquarius is House 12 for Pisceans. Not only what goes on out of sight but also the prisoner's past. (For one thing, her cherished and protected LIE, Mercury conj. Mars!)
Repeating a natal affliction in the prisoner's horoscope, Venus stations on Venus Day (Friday) March 6 to turn retrograde at lunch time. That is 12:17 in Orlando and the Moon will be square from Cancer that morning, just as in Prisoner's own chart.

Venus moving backward challenges her with a sense of lack: a lack of love, personal worth, self-esteem, cash in her jail account. When you say Casey, you say jealousy so she is also troubled by the Moon relating so well to the Sun that day and leaving her out. It is also a breach of strategy as Sun is square Pallas Athena. Mars conjoins Neptune and that means she feels betrayed.

"Trust no one." "I'm starting to trust Jose, because I have to for my case."

I thought I had better move this forward to the current week since it was written in advance. The Sun will be on a degree of separation, 16°.
Even the strange brood that supports the accused must admit it is just one double thumper after another with her. Lee had to grant that. Sawgrass and everything that went with it became Blanchard Park and a daylight snatch, accepted passively. Through bi-location, CMA was in Jacksonville while she was in downtown Orlando. Her supporters have to grind their teeth and deal with it but can you imagine what it is like for L.K.-B., who was born with Mars exactly opposite, to the degree, Prisoner's Mercury of Deception? Is that not insulting or does blood not run!
You know, it is really mean of me and I hate to be mean, but I really enjoy reading posts about KC's unhappiness. Also the little ups and downs in her caged life.

Thanks guys!

Salem: try to look at it as a study in forensic astrology. It makes it go down a lot easier when we see how on target the information is and that KC has always had a choice and choose the darker side.
Any insight as to whether or not George's suicide note will be released? Also, Brad Conway filed a motion to stop the release will Casey be required to attend this hearing?

If scheduling is followed, the murder trial begins with this horoscope. Mars in exile has just left the south node of the Moon and a critical degree. Mercury has just squared Pluto, also at a critical degree. Moon rules the day and Mars the hour, so those happenings are ever present in mind on trial day, a Monday. Moon was last over Mars, so there was coercion leading up to this commencement of trial. The Ascendant is also coming off a crisis when 21° Scorpio. You may remember that the asteroid Toro: brutality, rage, violence and aggression is 22° in Prisoner's natal chart; here it rises.

A powerful Fixed Star holds the midheaven with two others in Leonis. Regulus, Adhafera and Al Jabhah. Culminating or atop the chart the star gives honor and preferment, good fortune and high office under government. The Sun requires such support as ruler of the judge because Sun is found in the fiery Via Combusta and has not yet reached Fixed Star Spica.

On this very day, for commencement of trial, Mars is occulted in the heavens. A planet behaves in wayward fashion when occulted.
I'm sure Angel has posted this with the Astro media links, thought i would post it here as well..KC answers to ZFG case. I know you guys are very overworked right now, if you get a chance sometime, would it be posible to determine if these answers(ya know giving her Name) will help/hurt ZFG and J.Morgan in their suit...The questions were answered and sworn to by her on February 25th, 2009.Thank you for any insights:blowkiss:also, notice the response to question #17.

The documents and article were posted on at 12:35pm EST March 4th, 2009 and updated 12:51pm EST March 4th, 2009.

Docs: Article:

ETA: OT/ No handwriting expert, but her signiture sure has changed since practicing Mrs.KC L...
Have any of you amazing Astro Sleuths ever done a chart for Nicole Ganguzza? She was the jogger who was murdered in Blanchard park June 9 or 10th. LE is doing search warrants today and had previously announced they had some DNA that could tie someone to her murder.

The coincidences are too uncanny that KC was at Blanchard Park around the days Nicole was murdered.
A ZG's office was broken into at the university where Nicole worked.
Nicole was a counselor( possibly Cindy's?)
There are so many odd connections, my question is-
Can you do charts to see if Nicole and KC's paths crossed at some point?

Thanks....I just always have had a strong feeling about this mystery!
Thanks for posting the defamation questions & answers together. That was convenient. You're right! The signature is spidery: hesitant, lacking in vitality and unwilling to be tied down if it means solitude. Of course, I would like to know what time Kasen's office sent the papers on to Morgan & Morgan but Wednesday, February 25, was a very favorable day for her. Moon in her Sun Sign and Sun on her Jupiter. Let's face it, she gave plaintiff precisely nothing. We'll see how her refusal to respond weighs with Judge Rodriquez. This set of answers is not what he had in mind when he laid out a compromise from oral deposition.

There is no reason why the prisoner should be hailed into court for Brad Conway's motion. We know generally what is in the note. George supported his daughter & his family as he bade farewell. What could be more private than suicide? But I think, legally, that it will come into evidence. I have not looked at it astrologically. Mercury, for the note, was at that time 26° Capricorn. Crisis again. It was traveling backward, soon to join Mars when Mars went under occultation.

We are now in the solar period opposite to George's birth. He cannot advance under these rays~one step forward and three steps back. It is an optimal time for pitching out all the non-productive accumulations of the past and for leaving places full of bad associations behind. He should not go out into the public spotlight now as he will not appear to advantage. Lady Luck is not in his corner.
twomany, Fifth Essence & I have wondered the same thing. We do not have enough information about Nicole to pursue this now. I think some chloroform was found near the victim also.
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