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Attorneys acquainted with high-profile cases
March 22, 2010 at 8:57 p.m., updated March 22, 2010 at 11:22 p.m.
Defense lawyers Michael Popkins and Mel Epley, both of the county Public Defender&#8217;s Office, requested the order that bars all parties in the case from commenting publicly about Gardner.

Deputy District Attorney Kristen Spieler, the prosecutor, did not object. Most recently, she prosecuted Richard Saldivar, 40, who was arrested in the October stabbing death of his 28-year-old neighbor, Jennifer Lee Jones, in Rancho Bernardo. Saldivar pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and is scheduled to be sentenced next month.

Spieler worked as a deputy city attorney in San Diego before then-District Attorney Paul Pfingst hired her in 1998. She was named prosecutor of the year in 2008 by the Deputy District Attorneys Association of San Diego County.

Popkins, 59, is Gardner&#8217;s lead attorney. He has more than 30 years&#8217; experience and has been an adjunct faculty member at California Western School of Law. In 1992, Popkins defended Hai Van Nguyen, an Orange County man accused of killing an El Cajon liquor store owner. Nguyen, then 19, avoided the death penalty by pleading guilty to felony charges days after another man, Robert Alton Harris, became the first inmate in 25 years to be executed after California reinstated the death penalty.

Six years later, Popkins represented Veronica Gonzales of Chula Vista, who &#8212; along with her husband, Ivan &#8212; was convicted of torturing and murdering her 4-year-old niece in 1995. Authorities said the couple burned the child with scalding water and waited hours before seeking assistance. They became the first couple in California history to be sent to death row together.

Epley has more than 20 years of experience defending people accused of offenses ranging from theft to murder. Most recently, Epley, 45, handled the case of Dragon Jones, whom authorities dubbed &#8220;The Backroom Bandit.&#8221; Jones was accused of robbing 20 small businesses in a month last year. At each location, Jones ordered a female employee into a backroom and warned her not to call police. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Steigerwalt said Epley is a skilled researcher and legal writer, which &#8212; coupled with Popkins&#8217; experience in high-profile cases &#8212; makes them well-suited to handle the Gardner case. &#8220;It&#8217;s a good combination,&#8221; Steigerwalt said. &#8220;Between those two lawyers, everything that needs to be covered will be.&#8221;

*Much More At Link!

**Kristen Spieler
*Position: Deputy district attorney
*Age: 44
*Education:Bachelor&#8217;s degree, University of California San Diego; law degree, California Western School of Law
*Passed the bar: 1994
*Home: Point Loma

**Michael Popkins
*Position: Deputy public defender
*Age: 59
*Education:Bachelor&#8217;s degree, Villanova University; law degree, University of San Diego School of Law
*Passed the bar: 1976
*Home: Tierrasanta

**Mel Epley
*Position: Deputy public defender
*Age: 45
*Education: Bachelor&#8217;s degree, San Diego State University; law degree, University of San Diego School of Law
*Passed the bar: 1989
*Home: Chula Vista

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Sailors honor Chelsea King during Lake Hodges cleanup
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 10:53 a.m.
A group of about 40 sailors from the USS Makin Island picked up trash around Lake Hodges Tuesday morning and held a moment of silence in honor of Chelsea King, the slain Poway teenager whose body was found in the area earlier this month.

Starting in the parking lot at Rancho Bernardo Community Park, the sailors &#8211; and at least one Marine &#8211; picked up a few scraps of litter as they walked toward the spot where 17-year-old Chelsea King&#8217;s body was discovered March 2.

They paused to look at notes, flowers and other mementos left to honor Chelsea&#8217;s memory. Then, after a brief prayer from Horn, they bowed their heads in silence.

Crew members from the USS Makin Island lower their heads in a moment of reflection at the location of where Chelsea King's body was found at Lake Hodges. They came to the lake to clean up trash as part of a beautification project in Chelsea's name, March 23, 2010.

Michael Cullinan, an airman on the USS Makin Island, was among the ship's crew members to clean up trash in the area where Chelsea King's body was found as part of beautification project in her name, March 23, 2010.

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Chelsea&#8217;s Law could create one-strike provision for sex offenders
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A law that could create a one-strike provision and reform parole and monitoring for registered sex offenders will be introduced into legislation in April, a state lawmaker said Tuesday.

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher and Chelsea&#8217;s parents, Brent and Kelly King, gathered Tuesday to announce the legislative effort and a timeline for the Assembly Public Safety Committee to consider it. &#8220;The primary responsibility of government is public safety; the protection of the innocent, the vulnerable, our children,&#8221; Fletcher said. &#8220;This has to be our highest priority.&#8221;

Fletcher and the Chelsea&#8217;s Light Foundation &#8212; an organization formed in the wake of King&#8217;s death &#8212; will host a Chelsea&#8217;s Law forum March 30 at 6:30 p.m. at Maranatha Chapel in Rancho Bernardo. Fletcher said he and Brent and Kelly King want to provide information about existing sex offender laws, and allow the community to give input on Chelsea&#8217;s Law.

Authorities are also investigating whether Gardner is involved with the disappearance and death of 14-year-old Amber Dubois, whose remains were found March 6 in Pala.

*More at link!

Kelly King speaks about Chelsea's Law on Tuesday.

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REGION: King family joins assemblyman to announce sex predator bill
Nathan Fletcher says changes needed to 'one-strike' law, parole system and tracking

March 23, 2010 7:51 pm
The parents of Chelsea King asked Thursday for public support in their efforts with a state lawmaker to review and tighten restrictions governing sex offenders in California.

"If our laws were smarter and bolder, Chelsea might still be here," said her father, Brent King. "If there was greater accountability for enforcement of existing laws, Chelsea might still be here." "I beg everyone to be relentless and to join a new group of warriors," said Chelsea's mother, Kelly King. "Warriors for change and for Chelsea's Light."

The grieving parents joined with Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego, at a press conference as the lawmaker formally announced his intent to introduce legislation next month bearing Chelsea's name. Fletcher said his proposed "Chelsea's Law" will address three areas: changes to the "one-strike" provision that governs certain sex offense cases; parole reform; and better electronic tracking of sex offenders.

Fletcher and the Kings also announced a public forum set for next week to explain sex offender laws and seek community input and suggestions for change. The forum will be at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Maranatha Chapel in Rancho Bernardo.

*Much More At Link!

Brent King's statement:
Twenty-seven days ago, on a beautiful day, a lot like today, in the middle of the afternoon, our daughter Chelsea went for a run in a public park. Other kids were playing baseball, softball, shooting baskets, just enjoying life. During her run, our daughter's life was brutally, tragically taken away from her, and our family's world was shattered.

If our laws were smarter and bolder, Chelsea might still be here. If there was greater accountability for enforcement of existing laws, Chelsea might still be here. If our elected officials, Republicans, Democrats, assemblymen and congressmen, judges and governors made decisions based on how that decision would affect their own daughter or their own son, there would be swift and decisive reform for all of our children now. This is why we're here today. Not just to change how we protect our children from predators, but to revolutionize how we as a society keep them safe ---- in Chelsea's name.

Some might argue that we shouldn't move so swiftly, but Chelsea never moved slowly. And neither will we. Each day is a new day of danger for our children under our current laws. Please, I'm asking everybody, please, as a parent who is living with this pain every minute of every day, I'm asking that you help us seize this moment and help us make these changes now. Thank you.

Kelly King's statement
On the day that Chelsea was born, I was given the most precious gift that anyone could imagine. It is the same gift that every parent is given on the day their child is born. A new life to cherish and to love and protect. With this gift also comes the greatest responsibility anyone could ever imagine. And we welcomed it with a strong and eager heart.

From that day forward, I promised my precious baby girl I would love her and care for her all the days of her life and my life. I would love her with all my being, my heart and all my energy. One month ago, the life I envisioned 17 years ago and was so blissfully fulfilling was horribly and irreparably changed forever. What didn't change was my promise to Chelsea. I continue to love and care for her and protect her spirit and the legacy she created during her time here on earth. But I will also make a new promise. I promise to do all I can to protect other daughters and other mothers from this incomprehensible nightmare I am walking through.

I can't do this alone. Above all else, I am and always will be a mother to Tyler (Chelsea's younger brother) and a wife to Brent. I need every parent, every lawmaker, every citizen to stand with me. I am strong, but the weight of this task ahead will take every single one of us doing the right thing to ensure that this promise can never be broken. I beg everyone to be relentless and to join a new group of warriors, warriors for change and for Chelsea's Light. Thank you.

Brent King asked supporters to visit the two Web sites the family has set up in pursuit of their efforts to change laws.
The first is the official site of their foundation:

Brent King asked supporters to visit the two Web sites the family has set up in pursuit of their efforts to change laws.
The second site is a Facebook page:

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Push to add self-defense curriculum to schools
Posted: Mar 23, 2010 4:44 PM EDT
Updated: Mar 23, 2010 4:56 PM EDT
A San Diego lawmaker is taking action after the murders of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois. She's pushing to have self-defense taught in public schools. State Senator Christine Kehoe is planning to introduce legislation to create self-defense programs starting in seventh grade.

Wilson has received a lot of positive feedback about her suggestion. "One woman called me and said it could be called 'Chelsea's Course', Wilson said.

FORM: You can make your voice heard by calling your local assemblymen and senators. Senator Kehoe has a form on her web site where you can show your support.

Video: Push to add self-defense curriculum to schools 2:33

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Sailors Remember Chelsea King During Park Cleanup
POSTED: 4:23 pm PDT March 23, 2010
UPDATED: 6:21 pm PDT March 23, 2010
What was supposed to be a park cleanup in honor of Chelsea King Tuesday turned out to be much more for dozens of local sailors.

There are reminders of Chelsea around the park near Lake Hodges, including ribbons found all along trails, but sailors who were out said their goal was to bring people back to the park.

About 50 sailors from the USS Makin Island gathered at Lake Hodges to pick up trash along the trails where the Poway teen once ran. Many said visiting the place where she was found was overwhelming. "I had to calm myself, but you know it could have been me, it could have been anybody I know. It could have been anybody close to home," said volunteer Della Smith.

Video: Sailors Remember Chelsea King During Park Cleanup 1:37

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ESCONDIDO: Filmmakers complete mini-documentary on "Finish Chelsea's Run"
Four-minute story posted on YouTube

March 23, 2010 9:36 pm
Sun & Moon Vision Productions completed a 4-minute documentary on the "Finish Chelsea's Run" event and posted it on YouTube earlier this week.

"It shows how the community came together and made something positive out of this tragedy," said Kathy Sangha, whose company most recently produced a series of documentaries on women around the world involved in peacemaking efforts. The mini-documentary was distilled from two hours of video Sun & Moon shot.


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ESCONDIDO: Local leaders pledge to tighten control on sex offenders
Hundreds attend informational panel on predator laws

March 23, 2010 10:52 pm
About 500 people attended a forum Tuesday night in Escondido on how to tighten the state's sexual-predator laws. State legislators, city leaders, law enforcement officers and educators participated in the two-hour meeting at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido to discuss how to better protect the community against violent sexual predators and what measures are being taken to address gaps in the laws.

The informational panel was held in response to the recent slayings of local teens Amber Dubois and Chelsea King. John Albert Gardner III, a registered sex offender, was charged earlier this month with raping and murdering Chelsea and is a focus in the investigation of Amber's death.

Tuesday night's panel also included presentations from state Sen. Mark Wyland, R-Carlsbad, Escondido Mayor Lori Holt Pfeiler, Escondido police Chief Jim Maher, Escondido Union Elementary District Superintendent Jennifer Walters and Escondido Union High School District Superintendent Ed Nelson.

Amber's remains were found in Pala on March 6, more than a year after the 14-year-old disappeared while walking to Escondido High School. At Tuesday's forum, three Escondido high school students gave Fletcher a petition signed by about 2,000 students asking for better protection from sex predators. "Stricter regulation and monitoring of sexual offenders is urgently needed for the protection of our community," one of the students said reading from the petition. "Public officials must realize that those who need protection now are our future political, business and social leaders of our community. Protecting them is protecting San Diego's future."

*More at link!

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Living with their loss
Slain teen&#8217;s parents try to cope, move forward

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 5:16 p.m.
The college acceptance letters keep coming, two this week. &#8220;Every time I get one I cry,&#8221; said Kelly King, whose daughter Chelsea, a senior at Poway High School, had applied to 11 schools and was awaiting word when she was killed. &#8220;They are tears of profound sorrow, but also tears of profound joy,&#8221; Kelly King said. &#8220;She spent basically her whole life working toward these moments. These are all the culmination of all that hard work and everything she wanted. I&#8217;m so proud of her.&#8221;

College acceptance letters from the University of Washington, Colorado, Denver, Emerson College, UC-Davis and others have been received. A couple of admission counselors later followed up with letters of condolences, Kelly King said. Brent King said Chelsea had planned on visiting every school she was accepted to before making a decision. &#8220;I told her: &#8216;Chels, every one of these schools will accept you if they really know who you are.&#8217; &#8221;

The Kings did not want to discuss aspects of the case against John Albert Gardner III, a convicted sex offender charged with murder and rape in connection to the case. Brent King did say from what they have been told &#8212; and they haven&#8217;t been told a great deal **&#8212; the case is &#8220;air tight&#8221; against Gardner, who was arrested on DNA evidence two days after Chelsea disappeared. He pleaded not guilty to felony charges March 3 in what could become a death-penalty case.

The Kings said family, friends, and &#8220;angels sent to us by Chelsea&#8221; have helped get them through everything. Who are the angels? &#8220;When they read the article they&#8217;ll know who they are,&#8221; Brent King said.

A week after Gardner&#8217;s arrest, Amber&#8217;s remains were found in a remote location north of the community of Pala. The Escondido High School freshman had been missing for more than a year. Authorities have not said how they were led to Amber, saying only that Gardner is a focus of the investigation. The Kings will attend Amber&#8217;s memorial service on Saturday at the high school. &#8220;We will participate as much as they ask us to,&#8221; Brent King said.

*Much more at link!

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Megan&#8217;s Law is focus of Escondido public forum
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 12:05 a.
About 300 people attended a community forum yesterday to learn the facts about Megan&#8217;s Law, which allows public access to information about registered sex offenders living in the community. The two-hour meeting, held at the California Center for the Arts, was sponsored by the city and the Escondido Chamber of Commerce and featured presentations from several local and state officials, including state Sen. Mark Wyland, R-Solana Beach, and Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher.

Megan&#8217;s Law is named after 7-year-old Megan Kanka of New Jersey, who was raped and murdered in 1994 by a convicted child molester who lived across the street from the girl&#8217;s family. The law allows public access to information about registered sex offenders. In 1996, Congress required all states to release information to the public about convicted sex offenders, usually through CD-ROMs and databases that could be accessed at police stations.

California expanded its version of Megan&#8217;s Law in 2004, allowing sex offenders&#8217; addresses and photos to be placed on a public Web site. However, there are some limits. Under state law, information about some sex offenders is not subject to disclosure and therefore is not included on the Web site.

Mike Woods of San Marcos, who is retired from the Los Angeles County Sheriff&#8217;s Department, said he attended last night&#8217;s meeting because he has an interest in the implementation of sex offender laws. He said he believed we have enough laws to address the problem, but parole and law enforcement officials are &#8220;handicapped&#8221; when it comes to enforcing them, without the proper resources, technology and support from government.

*More at link!

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Questions on Gardner case for state panel
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 12:05 a.m.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday demanded answers to four questions about the state&#8217;s handling of convicted sex offender John Albert Gardner III, charged in the death of Poway teenager Chelsea King.

In a letter to his advisory Sex Offender Management Board, Schwarzenegger called on members to determine:
&#8226;Why was Gardner not labeled as a sexually violent predator or high-risk sexual offender before his release?
&#8226;Were his parole residency rules appropriate and properly enforced?
&#8226;Were parole violations handled according to state policies and law?
&#8226;What other steps should have been taken?

Schwarzenegger&#8217;s letter clarified his earlier directives to the sex offender board charged with investigating whether the state&#8217;s prison and parole systems failed Chelsea. The letter was released a day before two of the governor&#8217;s top prison chiefs are scheduled to testify before an Assembly committee investigating the history and reasoning behind state policy &#8212; since rescinded &#8212; to destroy field files kept by agents a year after discharging a parolee.

*More at link!

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How do we make Megan's Law really work?
Posted: Mar 23, 2010 10:07 PM EDT
Updated: Mar 24, 2010 11:44 AM EDT
Megan's Law may have been a start, but many parents are upset that it does not go far enough to protect kids from predators. A public forum in Escondido was underway Tuesday to talk about Megan's Law's problems and how to fix them.

A News 8 Investigation found the state's Megan's Law web site mapping out sex offenders' reported addresses to be a confusing sea of blue dots, showing hundreds of sex offenders with the same vague charge as Gardner's -- "committed a lewd act against a child" -- without explaining the circumstances or flagging the most violent offenders.

For that a courthouse records search is needed, but News 8's Jeff Zevely demonstrated that often yields no additional information. So what needs to be done? "The number one thing that would help protect our children in this county is if the police could direct their attention like a laser beam on the highest risk offenders and not spend their time working on the medium- and low-risk offenders. That would be more productive," former district attorney Paul Pfingst said.

Video: Critics and parents discuss ways to fix Megan's Law 2:16

Video: How do we make Megan's Law really work? 2:24

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Video: Chelsea's Parents Push For New Sex Offender Law 2:19

Video: Update on Chelsea's Law 2:40

Video: Run for Chelsea 6:17
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Parents, lawmaker announce goals for Chelsea's Law
Posted: Mar 23, 2010 3:18 PM EDT
Updated: Mar 23, 2010 9:18 PM EDT
Brent and Kelly King said in an interview they will begin their effort in Sacramento by backing a state bill being called Chelsea's Law in honor of their daughter. The bill is expected to be introduced next month in the state Legislature.

The Kings also want to see changes in federal law. If that fails, they intend to work state-by-state for heightened electronic monitoring and other measures targeting sex offenders such as the one charged with the murder of their daughter.

The Kings said they were educating themselves about the legal system while staying focused on their priority of raising Tyler King, Chelsea's younger brother. "We're still in the very infancy of trying to even breathe in the morning," Brent King said. They have met for hours with Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, a San Diego Republican who intends to introduce Chelsea's Law.

Fletcher appeared Tuesday with the Kings at a news conference and spoke only in broad outlines about the proposed legislation. He said it would include "an effective one-strike provision" to send predators to jail, changes to the parole system and closer monitoring of sex offenders. Fletcher said he was also considering the possibility of lifetime parole with GPS monitoring for sex offenders and having parole violators go before the Board of Parole instead of lower-level corrections officials.

*Much more at link!

Chelsea's Law

Video: Chelsea's parents unveil law in her honor 2:36

Video: Parents, lawmaker announce goals for Chelsea's Law 2:15

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Amid budget crisis, California makes parole easier
Posted: Mar 24, 2010 11:52 AM EDT
Updated: Mar 24, 2010 12:25 PM EDT
California's budget crisis and overcrowded prisons have led to a new reality for thousands of convicted felons: Parole is getting a lot easier - no more random drug tests, travel rules or requirements to check in with an officer.

Restrictions have been relaxed for nonviolent criminals like burglars, drug offenders and swindlers under a new law that aims to shrink the prison population by reducing the number of minor parole violations that send ex-cons back to prison.

About 24,000 nonviolent ex-cons are expected to qualify for less supervision. The number includes many people already on parole and those expected to be paroled over the next year.

Nonviolent offenders leaving prison will still be required to register their addresses with the prisons agency, but a state parole officer won't check up on them. Unannounced home visits and searches will be left to local law enforcement, if anyone at all.

*Much more at link!

Video: Amid budget crisis, California makes parole easier 0:30

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Kings Back Assemblyman's 'Chelsea's Law' Plan
POSTED: 12:00 pm PDT March 23, 2010
UPDATED: 7:05 pm PDT March 23, 2010
"If our laws were smarter and bolder, Chelsea might still be here," said her father, Brent King. "If there was greater accountability for enforcement of existing laws, Chelsea might still be here. "If our elected officials ... Republicans, Democrats, assemblymen and congressmen, judges and governors ... made decisions based on how that decision would affect their own daughter or their own son, there'd be swift and decisive reform for all of our children now," he said.

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, whose 75th District includes Rancho Bernardo and Poway, said a proposed new law designed to better protect children against sexual predators -- called Chelsea's Law -- will be introduced early next month.

Brent and Kelly King have established the Chelsea's Light Foundation, designed to support legislative, educational and other viable remedies to support sexual predators from harming children. The "Chelsea's Law Forum" will be held March 30 at Maranatha Chapel in Rancho Bernardo to offer the community a chance to learn about the existing sex offender laws and to give input into what can be done to better protect children, Fletcher said.

Raw Video: Assemblyman, King Family Speak On 'Chelsea's Law' 27:24

Video: King Family Calls For Sex Predator Law Changes 2:32

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Kings call for swift changes to sexual predator laws
Updated: Mar 24, 2010 at 10:16 AM PDT
The parents of slain Poway High senior Chelsea King called today for swift changes in the law to strengthen protections for children against violent sexual predators. The 17-year-old honors student disappeared Feb. 25 during a run in Rancho Bernardo Community Park. Her body was discovered five days later in a tributary of Lake Hodges. Convicted sex offender John Albert Gardner III is charged with her rape and murder.

Video: Kings call for swift changes to sexual predator laws 4:41
The parents of slain Poway High senior Chelsea King called today for swift changes in the law to strengthen protections for children against violent sexual predators.

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Video: Sailors honor Chelsea King at clean-up near Lake Hodges 3/24/10 9:25pm 2:21
Sailors from the U.S.S. Makin Island spent some of their morning on the trail in Rancho Bernardo where Chelsea King was murdered. They helped clean up the area and stopped for a moment of silent prayer in honor of the Poway teen.
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Video: Chelsea's Law 3/23/10 2:50
Hundreds came out for information about sex offenders in their area on the same day Chelsea King's parents unveiled new details of a possible Chelsea's Law.

Video: Chelsea's Law 3/22/10 0:28
The parents of Chelsea King are moving forward with their efforts to increase sentences and monitoring for sex offenders
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AUDIO: Chelsea King 6PM (3/23) 37:17
John & Ken Podcast~Parents Of Chelsea King Support New Law
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Calif parole policy slammed after records dumped
Posted: 03/24/2010 12:12:53 PM PDT
Updated: 03/24/2010 01:44:34 PM PDT
California lawmakers on Wednesday criticized a corrections department policy of destroying parole agents' field notes a year after ex-convicts were released from supervision.

Scott Kernan, undersecretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, said key portions of Gardner's field file had been transferred to his central file, which is kept indefinitely.
He apologized repeatedly to lawmakers because other top corrections officials had told lawmakers and media, including The Associated Press, that no records on Gardner's parole remained. Several days passed before it was revealed that portions still existed.

Kernan said the department soon will begin a several-year process of scanning its voluminous paper records into an electronic database and will one day be able to keep all records on all inmates indefinitely. That wasn't enough to satisfy members of the committee.

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Parole official defends destruction of files
Undersecretary says destroyed field notes had no bearing on Gardner case

March 24, 2010 at 12:26 p.m.
State prison authorities said Wednesday that destroying parole agent field notes on convicted sex offender John Albert Gardner III from a 2000 molestation case had no bearing on preventing the murder of Poway teenager Chelsea King.

Scott Kernan, an undersecretary with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, also told an Assembly committee that Gardner remained on parole -- rather than being sent back to prison on a 2007 violation -- based on the recommendation of the field agent supervising him. But a critic of state parole policy, former Assemblyman Todd Spitzer, later said Kernan&#8217;s testimony is not credible because he did not have the field files to know.

For example, Spitzer believes it was a supervisor -- and not the field agent -- who allowed Gardner to continue living close to a school in violation of his parole conditions, said Spitzer, now an Orange County prosecutor.

Kernan appeared before the committee for about an hour, defending the prison agency&#8217;s policy of destroying field files kept on parolees a year after being discharged. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has since rescinded that policy for sex offenders.

*More at link!

After taking testimony, the committee voted to ask the prison agency to:
*Establish an ongoing review of document-retention polices to determine appropriate periods before any records are destroyed.
*Explain when sex offender records will be computerized as part of a broader prison effort to digitize documents of prisoners and parolees.
*Explain how and why prison officials determined that they only need to keep notes from the field for one year after discharge before destroying some, but moving other records into a separate central file.
*Clarify whose records are covered under the new permanent retention policy for field files kept on sex offenders.

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PDF: Part 1 of the John Gardner prison file (6.0MB)

PDF: Part 2 of the John Gardner prison file (6.1MB)

PDF: Read the John Gardner criminal complaint (1.6MB)

Community reacts to violent death of Poway jogger
Published: Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Updated: Wednesday, March 24, 2010
This past weekend, more than three thousand San Diegans walked, jogged or ran the three-mile route that King never finished. The group grieved together, saying it was what King would have wanted. Kelly King, Chelsea&#8217;s mother, cheered everyone on as they finished their run in Rancho Bernardo Community Park, &#8220;taking back the park as their own.&#8221;

During the symbolic run, organizers collected over $5,100 in donations for the Chelsea&#8217;s Light Foundation, the non-profit organization created by her parents, which is working to strengthen laws pertaining to sex offenders.

The story is starting to look and sound painfully familiar. Amber Dubois, 14 years old at the time, disappeared on her way to school just over a year ago. school just over a year ago. Her body was discovered shortly after King&#8217;s. Both King and Dubois were 5&#8217;5&#8217;&#8217;, young, blue-eyed and beautiful with strikingly similar facial features. When Amber&#8217;s father heard about the arrest he &#8220;strongly suspected&#8221; that Gardner was also responsible for his daughter&#8217;s abduction. Gardner remains a suspect in the Dubois case.

If convicted for the murder of King, Gardner could face the death penalty. A preliminary hearing will occur on Aug. 4.
As new information continues to be uncovered and laws against sex predators are re-examined, the public continues to remember and support these two young women and their families. As their Facebook fan page says, &#8220;You will never be forgotten, you have inspired us all over the nation.&#8221;

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Bill proposes banning sex offenders from parks
Posted: Mar 24, 2010 6:08 PM EDT
Updated: Mar 24, 2010 6:08 PM EDT
South Carolina legislators want to ban sex offenders from entering state parks after a jogger in California was killed as she ran alone.

State Rep. Chip Limehouse said on Wednesday the measure is a response to the rape and murder of 17-year-old Chelsea King in a park north of San Diego last month

The bill has 38 of 124 House members as co-sponsors and goes to the House Judiciary Committee.

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Bill proposes banning sex offenders from SC parks
Published: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 6:04 p.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 6:04 p.m.
South Carolina legislators want to ban sex offenders from entering state parks after a California jogger who went for a run in a park was killed. Registered sex offenders who break that ban would pay up to $200 in fines or be sent to prison for 30 days. The legislation also would require the state's parks agency to post warnings to the public after an attack that remains unsolved.

A California legislator plans to introduce a similar bill.

Last year, the Hammond, La., city council banned registered sex offenders from entering city parks and recreation facilities amid concerns about the number of sex offenders living nearby.

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Chelsea's Parents Speak
Updated 5:30 PM PDT, Wed, Mar 24, 2010
Chelsea King's parents said thank you on Wednesday for the love and support from thousands of San Diegans.

The Kings said Wednesday that they get strength and energy from the cards and letters that have filled their mailbox everyday since their daughter was slain. "It's stuffed every day," Kelly said. "We have people -- they don't know our address or the P.O. Box. They're sending it to 'Care of Chelsea's Light in Poway, CA,' and it's all reaching us."

In their first local interview since thousands of people honored Chelsea at a memorial service in Poway, her parents said the days since Chelsea's murder are a nonstop journey of pain that is softened only by gestures of love and support from friends and strangers.

The Kings have gotten cards and e-mails from across the country, and from Australia, England and Guam, and from U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

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King Family: Case Against Gardner 'Air Tight'
POSTED: 6:06 pm PDT March 24, 2010
UPDATED: 7:33 pm PDT March 24, 2010
It's been almost a month and the Kings' pain has not eased. The Kings wanted to share their thoughts and chose a park in Rancho Bernardo, away from the place where Chelsea disappeared.

Chelsea's death devastated the family, and convicted sex offender John Gardner was charged with her death. Several sources told 10News that DNA found on Chelsea's discarded clothing linked Gardner to the crime.

"I would tell you that, in my opinion, it's an air-tight case. They haven't shared those words with me. It's my trust of law enforcement that makes me feel they have an air-tight case. That's my hope," said Brent King.

"What do you think is the right punishment?" asked Fiorina. "Death penalty," said Kelly King. Brent King added, "Yep, absolutely." Brent King said, "I've said it before and I'll say it again: the death penalty isn't enough. I can't wait for the death penalty &#8230; so he can have his pain.

"I can't go back to the spot where she was found. I don't know how I'll ever be able to do that. But the run last week, it was one of the most uplifting things I've encountered since this whole thing began. It was overwhelming and exactly what Chelsea would have loved," said Kelly King.

Video: King Family: Death Penalty 'Not Enough' For Gardner 2:45

Video: King Family Shares Chelsea's Special Moments 2:02
The King family shared several stories about their daughter with 10News' Steve Fiorina.

Video: Fletcher Questions Prison Officials About Parole Records 2:30

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Prison officials grilled over Gardner, records
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
California's corrections department was in the hot seat Wednesday about dumping parole records too quickly. A hearing was held Wednesday just weeks after convicted sex offender John Gardner was charged with the murder of Chelsea King. Gardner's parole records were destroyed not long after his release.

Destroying field parole records has been the state's practice for decades because there's not enough space to store all that paper.

"What do you need? Do you need a scanner? Do you need a hard drive?" said Fletcher.

"We do not have the ability to have our systems automated," said Kernan. "The fact that we have an agency in 2010 that doesn't have the ability to scan and retain documents electronically is kind of shocking," said Fletcher.

"The Legislature approved the funding for that. And it's a multi-year project," said Kernan. "When will that be done?" said Fletcher. "Well, it's going to take several years," said Kernan

Video: Prison officials grilled over Gardner, records 2:31

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POWAY: Parents of slain teen living 'moment by moment'
March 24, 2010 7:38 pm
Thursday marks four weeks to the day since Chelsea King went for a run and reportedly met what her father would later describe as a "pure coward." But for her family, her father said, there is no marking the painful passage of time.

"I will never know if it has been a day or a month or five years," Brent King said Wednesday. "We just know our daughter is not here."

"We are getting through it moment by moment," said Kelly King. "We are doing the best we can to help our son get through this and do what Chelsea would want us to do, to move forward and try and make something good come out of this horrible, horrible thing."

As for their own grief, the Kings said, counseling will come. Maybe down the road a bit, though. Their grief is so raw.

"I have to say there are times when I kind of go, 'I don't think I can do this,'" Kelly King said. "But that's when I feel her the most, and I go forward."



I have browsed and read threads on this forum for several months now but this is my first post.

I do not do charts like the fine forensic astrologers on this forum but use a method which has been very accurate in rectifying birth times and describing mundane events and experiences for people.

Using a technique I developed more than 35 years ago and have used thousands of times with good success I have come up with very probable birth times for Chelsea and her accused murderer.

I also believe the same man did kill Amber Dubois.

Below are the charts I have obtained using this method.

Gardner CC.gif


Other samples of my work with this technique as well as instructions on how it is done may be seen at this link:

Thanks for your input, unique astrology Bob. Your uncluttered charts are a pleasure to look at.
Here is the full size natal for Gardner followed by his progressed demi-anlunar returns for the March 2000 attack, the disappearance of Amber Dubois, and the attack on Heather King, all shown with his progressed natal for each event with annotations for angular placements. Make interpretations using your keywords and/or phrases for each planet or midpoint combination.

I have Chelsea King's progressed lunar return for the attack on her but have not had time to annotate it yet.

I also think that in the attack on Chelsea Gardner went insane or was particularly evil and vicious in the attack, judgement made from looking at his progressed natal and transits at the time. Will post those charts when I complete them but plan to be gone for a few days.


Gardner Natal


Attack on March 16, 2000


Disappearance of Amber Dubois


Attack on Chelsea King

I see that I mistakenly titled the last image as "Attack on Heather King" rather than "Attack on Chelsea King":blushing::banghead:. As it is too late to edit the post please accept my apologies.

Below is Chelsea's progressed anlunar (solar or demi-solar lunar return) with her progressed natal around it with annotations. Along with this there other links between various charts for Gardner and Chelsea.


Chelsea's progressed anlunar with her progressed natal

Sex offender vs. sexually violent predator: An important distinction
Monday, March 29, 2010
The suspect in the death of 17-year-old Chelsea King is a registered sex offender, but the 30-year-old Lake Elsinore man was never classified a &#8220;sexually violent predator&#8221; &#8211; a key, legal distinction when looking at laws regarding sex offenses.

The legal classification that differentiates between sex offenders and sexually violent predators can be further confused by lawmakers, like Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, who has referred to sex offenders as &#8220;violent sexual predators&#8221; &#8211; a term with no legal classification.

According to the California Department of Mental Health, there are a little more than 88,000 registered sex offenders in the state &#8211; but only 1,703 are legally classified as SVPs.

The California Welfare & Institutions Code defines a sexually violent predator as &#8220;a person who has been convicted of a sexually violent offense against one or more victims and who has a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the person a danger to the health and safety of others in that it is likely that he or she will engage in sexually violent criminal behavior.&#8221;

&#8220;Since Jessica&#8217;s Law passed, nearly everyone confuses the term sex offender with sexually violent predator,&#8221; said spokeswoman for the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Nancy Kincaid.

In 1995, the Sexually Violent Predator Act was signed into law to differentiate between offenders guilty of a sex crime and those with a mental disorder who are likely to re-offend. It requires anyone convicted of two sexually violent offenses to undergo a psychological evaluation to determine if a mental disorder makes it likely they will re-offend. If they are classified a SVP, the district attorney can file a petition to commit. If a court or jury finds evidence is strong, the person may be committed to a secure state hospital for an indeterminate amount of time.

California Welfare & Institutions Code

CA 88,000 registered sex offenders

PDF: Sexually Violent Predator Act

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Crime victims sue governor over early prisoner release
Posted: Mar 29, 2010 3:11 PM EDT
Updated: Mar 29, 2010 8:25 PM EDT
A coalition of crime victims is suing the governor and California's Department of Corrections over the early release program. A California group says a program authorizing the release of approximately 6,500 prison inmates in California is unconstitutional.

Assemblyman Jim Nielsen can't believe after the early prison release of John Gardner and the suspected murder of Chelsea King, the state still wants to release thousands of prisoners. "Why do we have to wait and react to tragedy?" Nielsen said.

Senate Bill 18 would release 6,500 inmates this year and could save the state $100 million. Nina Salarno with Crime Victims United of California says the state's classification of a low-risk offender would shock you. "Domestic abuse is considered non-violent, child, elder abuse, manslaughter is considered non-violent in the state of California," Salarno said.

Video: Crime victims group sues Calif. Over early inmate release. 3:08 victims group sues Calif. Over early inmate release.&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

Video: Crime victims sue governor over early prisoner release 2:16 victims sue governor over early prisoner release&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

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Chelsea's Light forum Tuesday in 4S Ranch
Monday, March 29, 2010 at 4:57 p.m.
The Chelsea&#8217;s Light Foundation and its founders, Kelly and Brent King, will hold an educational forum Tuesday to begin the process of reforming state laws to protect children.

The forum, which will be co-hosted by Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego, will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last two hours. The first hour will be an educational forum followed by an open question/answer forum.

&#8220;Kelly and I would like to personally invite all of you who live within driving distance to attend our Chelsea&#8217;s Law Forum tomorrow night,&#8221; Brent King wrote on the Chelsea&#8217;s Light Facebook page yesterday.

&#8220;We draw strength from your support. We need your hands-on participation to reform our laws for the better in Chelsea&#8217;s name.&#8221;

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Sex-offender issues often go to voters
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 12:04 a.m.
The effort to pass &#8220;Chelsea&#8217;s Law&#8221; to restrain sex offenders has so far been the purview of lawmakers, but it could wind up ultimately decided by voters. That has been the pattern with some strict public-safety proposals by Republicans that the Democratic-controlled Legislature has been reluctant to pass.

&#8220;The legislative leaders put extreme liberals on the committee to make sure they kill this type of good public policy before it even gets to the floor,&#8221; said Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth, who represents a swath of northern San Diego County.

At times, frustrated Republicans have gathered signatures to force ballot measures such as Jessica&#8217;s Law, which targeted sex offenders by increasing penalties, restricting their movements and barring them from living near schools and parks. The 2006 initiative grew out of several measures that failed in the Legislature, and it passed with more than 70 percent of the vote.

Voters adopted another initiative two years later by 53.8 percent, designed to extend broad new rights to victims and keep offenders in prison for much longer. It is known as Marsy&#8217;s Law after Marsy Nicholas, who was killed by an ex-boyfriend in 1983. &#8220;Almost every one of these, whether it&#8217;s Jessica&#8217;s Law or Marsy&#8217;s Law, were on the ballot because we can&#8217;t get them out of the Legislature,&#8221; Wyland said.

An advocate for prisoners also calls for restraint. Rebekah Evenson, staff attorney for the nonprofit Prison Law Office, suggested that part of the problem is that the crackdown on sex offenders &#8212; particularly regarding reporting and residency requirements regardless of the magnitude of their crime &#8212; has overwhelmed the system.

*Much more at link!

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Some victims sue over prison release law
Victims-rights group challenging new rules

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 12:04 a.m.
A new law to thin packed prisons has drawn political scrutiny and legal challenges over Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger&#8217;s goal to save $500 million by releasing up to 6,500 inmates before they finish their original sentences this year. The legislation, signed by the governor as part of a series of budget-balancing measures last fall, will reward some felons with reduced terms if they attend vocational classes or earn a high school equivalency diploma.

The law went into effect Jan. 25 and is being attacked by the state&#8217;s leading advocacy groups for victims as violating constitutional protections against early release of prisoners. They filed a lawsuit yesterday in San Diego Superior Court.

Nina Salarno Ashford, a Crime Victims United board member, said going to court was the organization&#8217;s only recourse.

&#8220;Our cries out to the governor and to CDCR have fallen on deaf ears and have been ignored,&#8221; she said during a news conference outside the Hall of Justice in downtown San Diego. &#8220;And now because it has been ignored, the governor and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation see fit to jeopardize every citizen in the state of California by implementing early-release programs.&#8221;

Salarno Ashford was joined at the news conference by several politicians and members of the local chapter of the National Association of Parents of Murdered Children. A few speakers cited the case of John Albert Gardner III, a convicted sex offender now accused of raping and killing Chelsea King, 17, of Poway. He is also a focus of the investigation into the death of 14-year-old Amber Dubois of Escondido.

Crime Victims United also made a point in its filing to note that the litigation targets only state prisons; it does not apply to local or county jails.

*Much more at link!

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Medical parole for a select few could serve as key compromise in California prison reform debate
Tue, Mar 30th 2010
As noted in CAIVN's Public Safety and Prison Reform forum, "the per-prisoner cost of California prisons is in the range of $50,000 per year, significantly higher than in other states," and the main reasons are, "Extraordinarily high medical costs driven by an aging inmate population, the remote locations of most facilities, and the relatively high cost of health care in California."

One potential solution offered by prison reform advocates is medical parole, the early release of prisoners suffering from medical conditions that require their frequent and costly transportation- under armed escort- between California's usually remote, rural prison facilities and its well-equipped urban hospitals. While this solution cuts fiscal expenses, critics ask "at what human cost?"

By restricting medical parole to only severely incapacitated inmates, the state would ensure that any health-related early release policy would not produce another John Gardner-type outrage.

So, what do you think? Is it wasteful for California to spend millions guarding inmates in a vegetative state as they lie in a hospital? Or is leaving them unguarded too risky a gamble for our safety?

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Chelsea King's parents hold community forum for stricter sex offender law
Posted: Mar 30, 2010 10:09 AM EDT
Updated: Mar 30, 2010 8:02 PM EDT
Chelsea King's parents are holding a community forum Tuesday night as part of their campaign to push for tougher laws against sex offenders.

Video: Community forum for stricter sex offender law 2:50

Video: Chelsea's law forum will be held tonight 0:22

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Governor fills two spots on offender board
The group is reviewing the state's handling of John Gardner's case

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 12:42 p.m.
With a crucial meeting approaching, a state advisory panel charged with reviewing whether the prison system failed Poway teenager Chelsea King is almost at full strength.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who directed the Sex Offender Management Board to probe how the state handled her accused killer&#8217;s sentencing and parole, on Tuesday appointed two Democrats to the panel. One is a district attorney, the other a former police detective.

The board will meet April 8 to launch its inquiry. Recommendations are expected about May 1.


Chelsea King&#8217;s parents to host community forum on stricter sex offender laws
Fletcher, R-San Diego, and the King family want to enact &#8220;Chelsea&#8217;s Law,&#8221; which would mandate stricter sentencing for violent sex offenders and more intensive monitoring of those who are released from prison.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Fletcher, R-San Diego, and the King family want to enact &#8220;Chelsea&#8217;s Law,&#8221; which would mandate stricter sentencing for violent sex offenders and more intensive monitoring of those who are released from prison.

Sex offender vs. sexually violent predator

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King Family Campaigns For Tougher Sex Offender Laws
POSTED: 9:59 pm PDT March 30, 2010
UPDATED: 10:56 pm PDT March 30, 2010
The meeting at Maranatha Chapel in 4S Ranch began with a prayer, then a 10-minute video presentation that showed Chelsea growing from a baby into a piano- and French horn-playing youngster to a pretty teenager having lighthearted fun with friends, mugging for the camera and enjoying family outings.

Following the video, Chelsea's parents, Brent and Kelly King, took the stage, and the father explained the purpose of the nonprofit Chelsea's' Light Foundation, which they created following their daughter's murder.

"Everyone of us in this audience has a voice," Brent King said. "Moms have a voice; dads have a voice; grandparents have a voice; men have a voice; women have a voice. A voice gives us power. The only ones who don't have this power are children. That's what Chelsea's Light is about. We will bring a voice to our children."

Fletcher, R-San Diego, and the King family want to enact "Chelsea's Law," which would mandate stricter sentencing for violent sex offenders and more intensive monitoring of those who are released from prison.

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RANCHO BERNARDO: Hundreds gather to shape Chelsea's Law
Attendees offer opinions to lawmakers ahead of proposed sex-offender legislation

March 30, 2010
Hundreds of people gathered at a Tuesday evening forum in Rancho Bernardo to help shape "Chelsea's Law," a proposed state law that would review and tighten restrictions on sex offenders in California.

"We have the right to alter the (U.S.) Constitution to say that the minute he touched a child he had no rights," Sabre Springs resident Tom Meyers said to a standing ovation and thunderous applause. "He sacrificed that right. We have to change our Constitution to say if you touch a child, you have lost every right in that Constitution."

The state Assembly's Select Committee on Prisons and Rehabilitation Reform announced Tuesday that it will hold a hearing at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Poway City Council Chambers to look for ways to strengthen California's parole system in the wake of the deaths of Chelsea and Amber Dubois, whose remains were found in Pala on March 6, more than a year after the 14-year-old disappeared while walking to Escondido High School.

Kelly King addressed the audience at the close of the meeting. "My heart is not broken, it's shattered," she said. "The system is not broken, it's shattered.

"When something is shattered, it has to be recreated, it has to be built from the ground up. We thank you for helping us do that."

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School's newspaper deals with Chelsea
March 31, 2010
You might expect high school newspapers to go hard after the cafeteria, writing tough pieces about tough meatloaf. Cover the sports, plays, dances, dress codes.

But a killing?

Of one of their own?

This Friday&#8217;s issue of The Iliad, Poway High School&#8217;s newspaper, will be the second to tackle what a high school newspaper, in a perfect world, shouldn&#8217;t.

A couple of stories will be on Chelsea King.

In the previous issue, a big, front-page picture of a smiling Chelsea was featured, along with a grim photo of volunteers involved in her search. Inside, two full pages were devoted to her life.

Students wrote it all. They wrote as they mourned. They wrote as they watched fellow students and teachers struggle daily. They wrote while almost disbelieving the story that had to be told.

*More at link!


See the two-page tribute to Chelsea King in The Iliad, the Poway High School student newspaper.

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Violent sex offenders deserve life without parole, official says
March 31, 2010
Hundreds of people heard a call for action last night at a public forum hosted by the parents of slain Poway teen Chelsea King and a local lawmaker who plans to soon introduce a bill in Sacramento designed to strengthen laws against sex offenders.

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego, said Chelsea&#8217;s Law will have as its starting point the simple premise that &#8220;a sexual offender that targets a child is not someone who can be rehabilitated.&#8221;

Fletcher and others said the sorrow, grief and anger that has followed the death of Chelsea must be channeled into something positive. What the bill will call for exactly is still being developed, but Fletcher said &#8220;gaps&#8221; in current laws and the way they are enforced have been identified.

He said a cornerstone of the law should be life sentences without the possibility of parole for violent sexual predators as well as lifetime parole for those who do manage to get out of prison.

He also said &#8220;safe zones&#8221; should be created which convicted sex offenders will be forbidden to enter. Fletcher said laws now forbid offenders from living within a certain distance of a park, for instance, but there is nothing preventing them from sitting in that park all day.

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More mentally ill sex offenders freed on parole
Lawmakers seek audit of mental health agency

March 31, 2010
The system that decides whether mentally ill sex offenders are too dangerous to be freed when their prison terms end has seen a tenfold increase in cases since the passage of Jessica&#8217;s Law in California three years ago.

But the number of inmates who get committed to an institution has barely budged, according to an analysis of state data by The San Diego Union-Tribune.

One reason is the volume of prison referrals rejected by the California Department of Mental Health. In 2005, the agency approved 45 percent of cases on initial review. That number has fallen steadily, to 17 percent last year.

That trend is one of the reasons a state lawmaker on Tuesday asked for an audit of the government agency responsible for screening offenders.

Trula LaCalle, executive director of the California office of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, said she could not speak to Fletcher&#8217;s concerns because she has no firsthand knowledge of interactions between prison and mental-health officials.

But &#8220;the Department of Mental Health is overwhelmed in all areas,&#8221; LaCalle said. &#8220;Mental Health has been underfunded in this state for decades. The laws themselves may not be the problem. The problem is implementation.&#8221;

*More at link!


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2 join panel that will probe Gardner parole
March 31, 2010
With a crucial meeting approaching, a state advisory panel charged with reviewing whether the prison system failed Poway teenager Chelsea King is almost at full strength.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who directed the Sex Offender Management Board to review how the state handled her accused killer&#8217;s sentencing and parole for a previous crime, appointed two Democrats yesterday 3/30to the panel. One is a district attorney, the other a former police detective.

The appointments came the day after The San Diego Union-Tribune reported on how the board is plagued by poor attendance, noting that two seats sat empty because of the lack of gubernatorial appointments.

The board will meet April 8 to launch its inquiry. Recommendations are expected about May 1.

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Assembly members seek answers from parole
Official says any reform won't "stop monsters from preying on our children completely"

March 31, 2010
An Assembly committee came to Chelsea King's home town today to review potential parole failings in the case of John Albert Gardner III, accused of raping and killing the teenager.

Two of the 10 members of the Assembly Select Committee on Prisons and Rehabilitation Reform questioned three officials from the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Scott Kernan, undersecretary of operations for the department, noted that there are 2,200 parole agents in California monitoring 110,000 active parolees, about 7,400 of whom are sex offenders. The state's budget just to oversee sex offenders on parole is $60 million, he said. It would cost $1 billion for the state to supervise all 70,000 sex offenders, he said.

"Parole supervision, GPS, treatment, reduced caseloads, reform itself, will not stop monsters from preying on our children completely," Kernan said. "The fact is that when an offender is released from prison and he's completed his sentence, the contact with the agents is relatively small."

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In high-profile criminal cases, how much information to release is a key issue
In Hemet, Lt. Duane Wisehart said he tried to provide information about the attacks without sensationalizing it.

March 31, 2010
When providing information about the string of attacks against a Hemet-based gang task force, Lt. Duane Wisehart said he tried to provide just the facts. But the story then grew and the number of reporters calling for information and interviews kept climbing. The story was becoming a national, the subject of segments on CNN and Fox News, and politicians &#8211; some who are running for higher office &#8212; were adding their sometimes fiery rhetoric to the discussion.

The issue brings up a question Wisehart and other law enforcement agencies face when they provide information on high-profile criminal cases: How much information should be released and can you cause a panic or create an unfair view of a community or organization by releasing too much?

It is the same issue authorities in San Diego County, where a Lake Elsinore man has been arrested in connection with the killing of Poway teenager Chelsea King. John Albert Gardner III, a convicted sex offender, is also suspected in the killing of Escondido teenager Amber Dubois, although he has not been charged with anything in connection with her killing.

San Diego County officials have said very little information about their respective investigations, but news media outlets have been able to piece together information about Gardner and his criminal past. The killings have made national headlines and led to debate about how the criminal justice system deals with sex offenders.

enny Peterson, president of the California Association of Public Information Officials, said information officers are often faced with releasing information about their agency or municipality that is not flattering. Peterson, communications officer for San Marcos in San Diego County, said the association advocates transparency when it comes to information. &#8220;No matter what, it&#8217;s better to get the information out there,&#8221; she said.

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Gardner had MySpace page despite parole rule
Accused killer's terms of release banned use of the Internet

March 31, 2010 at 6:18 p.m., updated March 31, 2010 at 8:44 p.m
His screen name was Jason the Stud, and he called himself the Energizer Bunny. He used sexually charged language when describing his interests. He listed his hometown as the Playboy Mansion and he called love &#8220;one big ugly compromise of two people pretending not to know what the other is doing.&#8221;

John Albert Gardner III, the convicted sex offender now accused of raping and killing Poway teenager Chelsea King, opened a MySpace page in December 2007 &#8212; even though according to terms of his parole he was not allowed anywhere near a computer.

Gardner&#8217;s MySpace account was discovered by Robert Scott, a Los Angeles private investigator who operates an online data-retrieval service called Skip Smasher. It was taken down tonight after this story was first posted online. Scott said he was demonstrating his service to potential clients at a workshop last week and plugged Gardner&#8217;s name into one of his search engines. An e-mail account registered to the suspect popped up.

The Los Angeles investigator was quickly able to link the e-mail address to the MySpace account. Just as quickly, he was able to confirm that it belonged to the accused killer by matching Gardner&#8217;s date of birth, Escondido address and postings from a girlfriend. &#8220;If we were able to find his MySpace page, then (parole agents) should have been able to find his MySpace page,&#8221; Scott said. &#8220;That&#8217;s what they&#8217;re getting paid to do. That&#8217;s what their job is.&#8221;

In addition to Skip Smasher, two other online data services confirmed Gardner&#8217;s connection to the Yahoo e-mail account used to open the social-networking account, according to documents obtained by The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Executives from social-networking sites are well aware that their products are used by sex offenders. In 2007, MySpace announced it was purging almost 30,000 accounts created by registered sex offenders. But with more than 600,000 registered sex offenders across the nation, and the population growing every day, it is difficult to exclude them completely.

States are beginning to regulate computer use by convicted sex offenders too. In December, Facebook and MySpace closed accounts for more than 3,500 sex offenders in New York State, according to Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. The action was taken under a state law known as e-STOP, the Electronic Securing and Targeting of Online Predators Act, which bans sex offenders from using social-networking sites and requires them to register all e-mail addresses with the state.

Gardner&#8217;s MySpace page lists &#8220;CSI&#8221; and &#8220;Bones&#8221; as two of his favorite television shows. His last posting illustrates one criticism of residency restrictions for sex offenders that lead to instability when they are released into society. &#8220;I&#8217;m poor, homeless and living in my truck,&#8221; it says.

Gardner last logged in on Feb. 24, the day before Chelsea went missing.

*Much more at link!


In a 2007 addendum to the release conditions for John Albert Gardner III related to computer use, Gardner initialed both conditions. He opened a MySpace account three months later.

Gardner's MySpace page

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POWAY: State officials discuss reforms, parole supervision of Gardner
March 31, 2010
The mechanics and realities of California's parole system, particularly regarding its handling of the man accused of killing Chelsea King, fell under a microscope Wednesday in Poway during a hearing before two state legislators.

Among the facts state Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego, said he was shocked to learn: An assessment test given to accused killer John Albert Gardner III showed he was at low risk to commit new sex crimes. On a 1-to-10 scale, with 10 as the highest risk to commit another offense, Gardner scored a 2. "We need to take a look at this system," Fletcher said. "Somehow they filtered his crime, and him as a person, and came out with a 2 on the scale of 1 to 10? That's shocking."

The number of parolees that agents monitor is changing. Until recent months, the state monitored nearly every person fresh from prison, with most staying on parole for three years. Under that system, the average parole agent monitored 70 parolees.

But budget cuts and state legislation now mean that lower risk ex-cons can skip formal parole ---- which means no routine checking in with parole agents, who will concentrate on watching the higher risk parolees. The average caseload will be 48 parolees per agent.

Torrico said he was surprised to learn that the assessment the state uses to gauge the recidivism risk of sex offenders does not give greater consideration as to whether the victim was a child. It is the same assessment that assessed Gardner as a level 2 risk.

"They are going to need to come up with a new assessment tool. This tool to determine sexual predators is wholly inadequate," Torrico said after the hearing. "If you don't have an immediate red flag for someone who has committed a sexual offense against someone that is a child, then that assessment is garbage."

*Much more at link!

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Panel grilled on form used for Gardner
April 1, 2010
When convicted sex offender John Albert Gardner III was on parole in 2007, he was evaluated with a new state form for measuring recidivism risk. He got a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most dangerous.

Now that he stands accused of raping and killing Poway teenager Chelsea King, the state&#8217;s scoring system has drawn criticism as one of many issues in Gardner&#8217;s case that could have been handled more aggressively.

Karen Franklin, an El Cerrito psychologist who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of criminal defendants, called it &#8220;just a little better than a coin flip.&#8221; Yet Jack Wallace, one member of a three-person panel regulating the state&#8217;s sex-offender-risk-assessment tools, called the technique &#8220;the best thing out there.&#8221;

Scott Kernan, undersecretary of operations for the department, noted that there are 2,200 parole agents in California monitoring 110,000 active parolees, about 7,400 of whom are sex offenders. Kernan said the state&#8217;s budget to oversee sexual offenders on parole is $60 million, and that it would cost $1 billion for the state to supervise all 70,000 sex offenders.

The corrections officials at the hearing said the Static-99 tool is the most widely used government way of predicting sexual recidivism, but they couldn&#8217;t say which other states use it. Wallace said the system&#8217;s objective risk measurements make it &#8220;considerably better than clinical opinion.&#8221;

He said the state began using the Static-99 assessment system before the law mandated its use starting in 2008, but that the panel he serves on would be open to replacing it with anything better that came along. &#8220;We have no investment in what tool it is,&#8221; Wallace said. &#8220;We just would like the best tool for California, period.&#8221;

*More at link!

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News 8 Investigation: Gardner's MySpace page adds to list of parole violations
Posted: Apr 01, 2010 4:25 AM EDT
Updated: Apr 01, 2010 2:12 PM EDT
Postings on John Gardner's MySpace page indicate his social networking page was online while he was on parole.

A News 8 investigation shined a spotlight on Gardner's MySpace page, which was originally made public on March 11th by crime case enthusiasts posting links on the web site:

On his MySpace page, Gardner uses the aliases "Energizer Bunny" and "Jason the Stud." "I'm poor, homeless and living in my truck," Gardner posted in May 2008 while on parole. The page includes graphic descriptions sex acts and sodomy, as well as comments from his ex-girlfriend, also posted in 2008. "He's not allowed to have access to a computer that has a modem," former parole agent Graham McGruer told News 8.

McGruer was not involved in supervising Gardner, but he said the MySpace web site is an obvious parole violation that somebody missed. "On the MySpace page there were sexually explicit comments," McGruer said. "This is a huge violation, a huge red flag for a sex offender." Corrections officials do admit they completely missed Gardner's MySpace page. "I have no documentation in the (prison) central file or the parole file that we had any knowledge of him having a MySpace account," Kernan said. "This is something that certainly causes a red flag but it's something we didn't know about."

McGruer, the former parole agent, described Gardner's case a different way. "This guy was a pinball going through a pinball machine that missed every one of the breakers," he said. "There were so many things that should have been done and nothing was done."

(A PDF copy of Gardner's MySpace page, which has since be taken down, is posted as a link on this web page).

Gardner MySpace page - PDF (Warning graphic content)

Video: Gardner's MySpace page adds to list of parole violations 2:52 17&h1=Gardner's MySpace page adds to list of parole violations&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

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Chelsea King Murder Suspect Had MySpace Page Despite Parole Rule Barring Him From Web
Thursday, 01 April 2010
The social networking site MySpace said Thursday that it removed the profile of a registered sex offender who is charged with murdering a 17-year-old girl. The company said it worked with the FBI and the San Diego County Sheriff's Department to confirm the profile belonged to John Albert Gardner III, who used a false name, birthday and hometown to register for the account. It removed the profile Wednesday night.

A copy of the profile obtained by The Associated Press uses the names Jason Stud and Energizer Bunny. It uses sexually explicit language to describe his interests, names Playboy Mansion as his hometown and lists "CSI" and "Bones" among his favorite television shows.

MySpace said the account was set up on Dec. 22, 2007, more than nine months before Gardner ended parole on a conviction in 2000 for molesting a 13-year-old neighbor. The account would violate terms of his parole, which prohibited him from using a computer to connect to the Internet or communicate with others.

My Space said it was alerted to the account by law enforcement officials. "MySpace has a zero tolerance policy against registered sex offenders and uses cutting edge technology to identify and delete such profiles from our site," said Hemanshu Nigam, chief security officer of MySpace and parent company News Corp. "For the past several years, MySpace has advocated and testified in favor of federal and state legislation that would empower Web sites to block sex offenders who utilize false identities, like John Gardner, from their communities."

MySpace said Gardner was an infrequent user who had two friends. A posting on the profile in May 2008 read: "I'm poor, homeless and living in my truck." Another posting said "love is just one big ugly compromise of two people pretending not to know what the other is doing."


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Chelsea's Law to propose tougher legislation for sexual predators
Fri, Apr 02nd 2010
Parents of Chelsea King are backing Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher's (R-75th District) proposal for a new bill that will impose stricter mandates on convicted sex offenders. They are also calling for greater oversight and accountability of the state's parole system which many believe is failing to crack down on violators.

Last Friday, Chelsea's father told two morning TV news shows that he wants to see laws that restrict registered sex offenders from being around children. "Everything is on the table: longer prison sentences, a better system of probation, a strengthened one-strike provision, changes in our parole system, online reporting, GPS monitoring," Fletcher said at a news conference last week. The assemblyman was unable to be reached at his district office (the Assembly is now in Spring Recess), but his press secretary reiterated to CAIVN that the legislator is exploring all angles, adding, &#8220;the direction we are looking to go is definitely in regards to sentence reform and parole reform as well as lifetime GPS monitoring for the most serious sex offenders who are released from prison.&#8221;

In 1994, Congress passed the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, placing a mandate on states to adopt sex offender registration laws. Two years later, President Clinton signed Megan's Law, requiring those convicted of sexual crimes against children to register with local authorities. The law also compels each state to make private and personal information on registered sex offenders available to the public. States have the discretion to establish the exact criteria for disclosure.

Robert Ambroselli, Director of Parole Operations recently told San Diego 6 news that monitoring sex offenders was a &#8220;community problem&#8221; the scope of which reached far beyond his office. &#8220;We are a 10% answer in a 100% issue,&#8221; he claimed, pointing to the fact that of the estimated 70,000 sex offenders residing in California, only about 7,400 are on parole under his supervision. He also reminded reporters that Gardner was not on parole when he allegedly killed King.&#8232;&#8232; The Undersecretary of Operations for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Scott Kernan told the news channel, "The reality is if an offender has been a monster, like Gardner -- is bent on hurting our children -- nothing that probation, parole, or law enforcement -- as long as he is free -- is going to stop it."

Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act

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School symphony pays tribute to Chelsea King
Friday, April 2, 2010
Poway High School&#8217;s wind symphony dedicated its performance last night to Chelsea King, a senior French horn player who disappeared Feb. 25 after going for a run near Lake Hodges. The symphony played at an annual Band and Orchestra Invitational Festival at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. A chair was left empty for Chelsea, 17, whose contribution was covered by French horn coach Mike McCoy.

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Video: Parents Held Chelsea's Law Forum 2:12

Video: Pepperball Defense May Increase Protection 1:35
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GPS ankle bracelet designed for real-time sex offender tracking
Posted: Apr 02, 2010 3:11 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 02, 2010 3:25 PM EDT
The murder of 17-year-old Chelsea King, allegedly by a registered sex offender, has generated calls for tougher laws dealing with convicted criminals. One change being discussed is real-time GPS monitoring for sex offenders. A company called GPS Monitoring Solutions says it's come up with a device.

In this News 8 CrimeFighters video story, Jeff Zevely shows us how it works.

Video: GPS ankle bracelet designed for real-time sex offender tracking 3:41

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Report: Gardner Had MySpace Page Despite Rules
POSTED: 12:02 pm PDT April 1, 2010
UPDATED: 6:50 pm PDT April 1, 2010
Registered sex offender John Albert Gardner III, the man charged in the death of Poway teen Chelsea King, allegedly hid a MySpace page from state prison officials while under their supervision, it was reported Thursday. The page was opened in December 2007 when the terms of Gardner's parole forbade him from being anywhere near a computer, 10News' media partner The San Diego Union-Tribune reported. According to the newspaper, an e-mail address links the page to an Escondido address where Gardner was living at the time.

10News learned Gardner used MySpace to communicate with his girlfriend, Jariah Baker, and others. Six months before his release from parole, Gardner posted: "Energizer bunny &#8230; I'm poor, homeless and living in my truck." Another post by Gardner state: "I used to know love and [now] I have a new look on that situation. Love is just one big ugly compromise of two people pretending to not know what the other is doing. I [realize] this may come as a shock to some but [that's] how I see it [until] proven otherwise."

A preliminary hearing is set for Aug. 4.

Video: Investigator Discovers Gardner's MySpace Page

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MySpace Removes Link to Gardner's Profile
My Space said it was alerted to the account by law enforcement officials

Updated 8:31 AM PDT, Fri, Apr 2, 2010
The social networking site MySpace said Thursday that it removed the profile of a registered sex offender who is charged with murdering a 17-year-old girl. The company said it worked with the FBI and the San Diego County Sheriff's Department to confirm the profile belonged to John Albert Gardner III, who used a false name, birthday and hometown to register for the account. It removed the profile Wednesday night. A copy of the profile obtained by The Associated Press uses the names Jason Stud and Energizer Bunny. It uses sexually explicit language to describe his interests, names Playboy Mansion as his hometown and lists "CSI" and "Bones" among his favorite television shows.

MySpace said the account was set up on Dec. 22, 2007, more than nine months before Gardner ended parole on a conviction in 2000 for molesting a 13-year-old neighbor. The account would violate terms of his parole, which prohibited him from using a computer to connect to the Internet or communicate with others. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has not independently confirmed that the MySpace profile was created or used by Gardner, or that he used the site while on parole, said spokesman Oscar Hidalgo. He said the California Sex Offender Management Board, a panel made up law enforcement, victims and treatment experts, would investigate.

The San Diego Union-Tribune first reported on Gardner's MySpace profile late Wednesday. It said the link was discovered by Robert Scott, a Los Angeles private investigator who operates an online data retrieval service called Skip Smasher. Scott said he plugged Gardner's name into his search engines to get an e-mail account registered to the suspect. "It was remarkably simple," he said Thursday.

Video: Gardner Was on "Downward Spiral": Roommate

Video: Gardner's Girlfriend

Video: Chelsea King Murder Suspect Broke Parole

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Self-defense in demand
Mar 29, 2010
The tragic deaths of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois have produced an unprecedented demand for self-defense instruction. Teenage girls and young women are lining up to learn how to defend themselves in the event of an attack or attempted abduction.

Video: Self-defense in demand 3:05

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Sex offender GPS demonstration presented in court
Mar 31, 2010
The Chelsea King case has raised a number of issues about tracking sex offenders, and in particular using GPS to monitor them. A San Diego courtroom Tuesday was the site of a "GPS demonstration." It took place before a single judge rather than a panel of judges, and no legislators were present. But advocates say the demonstration is a needed first step.

Video: Sex offender GPS demonstration presented in court 3:50

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Call for tightened laws on child sex predators
Mar 31, 2010
Speakers outlined plans for a proposed Chelsea's Law in memory of Chelsea King, whose body was found earlier this month, five days after she disappeared on an afternoon run. The man charged in her death was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old neighbor in 2000.

Republican Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher said Chelsea's Law would require life prison sentences for sexually violent child predators and lifetime parole for less serious offenders. The law would bar parolees from schools, parks and bus stops.

Video: Call for tightened laws on child sex predators 3:38

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Chelsea's Law
April 1, 2010
State assemblyman Nathan Fletcher was here to talk about Tuesday night's forum on Chelsea's Law.

Video: Chelsea's Law 5:09


State lawmakers review California's parole system
Apr 1, 2010
A state assembly committee was in Chelsea King's hometown of Poway Wednesday for a hearing on California's parole system.

Video: State lawmakers review California's parole system 3:52

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Local radio host puts on fundraiser for Chelsea King and Amber DuBois families
March 22, 2010
The out-pour of community support for Chelsea King and Amber DuBois families have shown just how caring and connected our community is. Rick Amato of The Rick Amato Show on KCBQ AM 1170 in San Diego, was in studio today to talk about a special fundraiser to raise money and show support for the King and DuBois families.

Video: Local radio host puts on fundraiser for Chelsea King and Amber DuBois families 4:50

Remembering Amber & Chelsea
Bring Amber Home

Chelsea's Light!/chelseaslight?ref=ts

Chelsea's Light Foundation

Finish Chelsea's Run

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California Parole System Criticized
April 2, 2010
GLORIA PENNER (Host): There's renewed interest in the accused killer of teenager Chelsea King. Reports of John Gardner violating the terms of his parole after a sex-offense conviction, are stirring criticism of the parole, and sex offender monitoring agencies. Ricky Young, government editor for the San Diego Union-Tribune is with me to explain. So Ricky what have we learned about Garner's activites after he was paroled as a convicted sex offender, that has stirred this concern?

RICKY YOUNG (Editor, San Diego Union-Tribune): Well, he got on parole in 2005 after a 2000 incident where he molested and beat a 13-year-old Rancho Bernardo girl. And, the provisions of his parole called for a number of things. It didn't allow for him to live in certain places, it didn't allow for him to be on the Internet, didn't allow all sorts of things and its turned out that in at least seven cases, and we uncovered an eighth this week, regarding him having a Myspace page, that he violated his parole.

PENNER: But he was never sent back to prison.

YOUNG: Never sent back to prison.

PENNER: So how does the parole board explain this?

YOUNG: Well one thing they say is that uh the prisons are full and if they sent someone back to prison every time they violated one of these provisions, some of which are fairly minor, that they just wouldn't have room for them.

Video: California Parole System Criticized 6:10
The case of John Albert Gardner III, the convicted sex offender accused of raping and killing local teenager Chelsea King, has raised many questions about the state's parole system and how Gardner was monitored following his release from prison. We speak to Ricky Young, from the San Diego Union-Tribune, about the latest.
*Download MP4 or View At Article Link!

View transcript:

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State Parole Officials Investigate John Gardner Release
Last Update: 4/01 1:35 pm
State lawmakers question high ranking officials with the California Department of Corrections about improving the Parole System. "I think it's time for corrections to turn the corner and be part of the solution. Stop defending a broken system and tell us what they need," says State Assembly Member Nathan Fletcher.

The Undersecretary of Operations for the Department of Corrections says the rating system used to gage Gardner's threat level while on parole ranked him as a two out of a possible ten, even though the mental health report spelled out serious concerns that he would offend again. Officials confirm that report was not considered when ranking Gardner.

"What do you have to do to get a ten if what Gardner did gets you a two," says Fletcher.

The Director of Parole Operations says keeping an eye on sex offenders goes way beyond his office. "Sex offenders are a community problem. They are a a community issue. They are not a department of corrections issue. I don't mean that in a sense of trying to cut myself from the problem but we are a 10% answer in a 100% issue," says Robert Ambroselli. "The reality is if an offender has been a monster, like Gardner -- is bent on hurting our children -- nothing that probation, parole, or law enforcement -- as long as he is free -- is going to stop it," says Scott Kernan the Undersecretary of Operations for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

According to state officials, there are an estimated 70,000 sex offenders living in California with about 7400 of them on parole. Taxpayers pay $60-million a year for them to be monitored.

*Much More At Link! (6-page article!)

Video: Parole Questions 3/31/10 3:29
While convicted sex offender John Gardner was on parole, he was considered to be a very low threat to the public. Now lawmakers want to know why.

Related video...added for reference!
Video: Tracking Sex Offenders 2:14
A law giving stronger punishments and restrictions for sex offenders was overwhelmingly approved by voters in California. 11/3/07

Read part 1 of the John Gardner prison file (6.0MB)

Read part 2 of the John Gardner prison file (6.1MB)

Read the John Gardner criminal complaint (1.6MB)

Megan's Law Website

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Video: CA CHELSEA&#8217;S LAW REAX CNN 0:14

Video: CA CHELSEA&#8217;S LAW REAX CNN 0:45


The reason I think Gardner went insane at the time he was attacking Chelsea King is the presence of the following points on or aspecting the MC of his secondary progressed chart (Q2, Mean Quotidian Angles).

The MC is at 124°07'. His progressed Jupiter is conjunct at 124°33', square to his progressed Moon (215°52') on the East Point (214°07'), indicators of his happiness at the moment. His progressed Mercury is on the Dsc at 125°05' possibly indicating the involvement of his rational thought process as opposed to the Moon on the East Point which would be more indicative of his emotional processes.

These personal indicators were combining with the incongruous presence of transiting Mars at 124°32' on the MC opposite the midpoint of transiting Neptune and Pluto at 302°06'.

Besides these conflicting indicators transit Moon was conjunct his natal Jupiter while transit Saturn was opposite his natal Mars and transiting Sun and Jupiter were opposite his natal and progressed Saturn.

Transit Mars was also opposite his progressed Sun/Pluto and Venus/Uranus midpoints at 304°52' and 303°35' respectively, perhaps not so much an indicator of conflicting involvements but rather indicative of rage involved in the moment.

Just my thoughts on this picture.

Part 2:

John Albert Gardner pleads guilty
April 16, 5:50 PM
John Albert Gardner admitted to murdering Chelsea King and Amber Dubois, and raping another woman, in San Diego County, today. Gardner offered to plead guilty to both murders if prosecutors did not seek the death penalty.

"Accepting this plea has been an extremely difficult decision. We have the evidence to pursue a murder charge against the defendant for Chelsea's murder, but not for Amber's murder," said District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.

The Escondido crime lab tried to find evidence linking Gardner to Dubois murder, but were not successful.
Two days after he was charged with the murder of King, Gardner had led authorities to the skeletal remains of Dubois on the condition that prosecutors not go public with the information or use it against him in court.

"To end the anguish of the unknown for the Dubois family and to bring Amber home, we agreed," said Dumanis.

Slideshow: John Gardner pleads guilty


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REGION: State's death penalty lacks urgency
Chances of dying from old age, sickness or suicide are greater than lethal injection

April 17, 2010 5:42 pm
The father of slain teen Chelsea King was right Friday when he complained that in California the death penalty "has become an empty promise."

The 701 death row inmates in California stand a better chance of dying from old age or disease than an executioner's needle. Appeals that can be filed at virtually every level of state and federal courts generally prevent the death penalty from being exercised in anything close to a speedy fashion in California.

In fact, the 684 men and 17 women sentenced to death in the Golden State spend, on average, more than 17 years on death row at San Quentin State Prison.

Since the state reinstituted the death penalty in 1978, only 14 convicted murderers from California's death row have been executed ---- and one of them was actually executed in Missouri for crimes committed in that state.

More than five times that number ---- 72 condemned inmates ---- have died from natural causes, suicide or other reasons, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

The state's last two executions took place more than four years ago, with one in December 2005 and another in January 2006. Since February 2006, one month after the last execution, the state has had a de facto moratorium following a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals order that it must find a licensed technician to administer the injection ---- a condition which state officials at the time said they could not meet. The eleventh-hour ruling came hours before a scheduled execution.

Family wishes to play role
Former San Diego County District Attorney Paul Pfingst summed up one of the reasons his successor agreed to spare Gardner from death. "As a practical matter, there is no death penalty in this state," said Pfingst.

Pfingst said prosecutors face a host of issues when deciding whether the death penalty should be sought. The wishes of the victims' families often are the deciding factor, he said. In Gardner's case, Pfingst said the facts of his crimes as described in court Friday seem to merit the death penalty.

Gardner admitted kidnapping Amber on Feb. 13, 2009, as she walked to Escondido High School. He admitted raping and stabbing her to death within 90 minutes of coming across her. He buried her in a shallow grave.

The 31-year-old convicted sex offender also admitted snatching Chelsea from a running trail at Rancho Bernardo Community Park on Feb. 25, and raping and strangling her within an hour. He also buried her in a shallow grave.

"If this case doesn't merit the death penalty, what case does?" Pfingst said. "I know not seeking it is very unsatisfying for a lot of people." The danger in not seeking the death penalty is the precedent it can set, he said.

'Defendant will die in prison'
If nothing else, squeezing guilty pleas out of Gardner without having to put Amber's and Chelsea's families through the pain of a trial and post-conviction sentencing phase spares them a lot of pain and suffering, Dumanis said Friday. Gardner agreed to waive his right to appeal.

"We do know that a sentence of life without parole means this defendant will die in prison," she said. But state prosecutors do frequently seek and get death penalty sentences. Last year, 29 people were sentenced to death in California. San Diego County sent 11 people to death row between 2000 and 2009.

The last time a North County jury voted to recommend execution was in December, in the case of Derlyn Threats, who was convicted of murder and torture in the slaying of Carolyn Neville after she interrupted a burglary in her Vista home on Sept. 1, 2005. Threats, who is in the Vista jail awaiting formal sentencing, is seeking a new trial.

The last North County defendant actually sent to death row was Adrian Camacho. He was moved to San Quentin in 2006, after his conviction in the ambush shooting death of Oceanside police Officer Tony Zeppetella on June 13, 2003. It takes years for death penalty cases to get to trial. All death sentences are automatically appealed to the California Supreme Court. The appeals, too, take years.

Take the case of David Westerfield, sent to death row in 2003 for the rape and murder of Danielle van Dam, 7, who he had snatched from her Sabre Springs bedroom. It took the state nearly five years to appoint an attorney to represent Westerfield in the automatic appeal. Now, two years later, the attorney still has not filed the opening brief in his appeal; the state's high court has repeatedly agreed to delay the due date for the paperwork.

The delays are a story that play out in death penalty cases across the state. The opening brief of the mandatory appeal has still not been filed in the case of drifter Brandon Wilson, who was convicted in the 1998 slaying of Matthew Cecchi in an Oceanside Harbor public restroom. Wilson, who asked the jury to "execute me," has been on death row since 1999. His court-appointed attorney has won the court's OK to delay the filing 24 times.

*Much more at link!

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California sex offender pleads guilty to killing 2 teens
April 17, 2010 10:16 p.m. EDT
Calling capital punishment in California an "empty promise," the father of murdered teen Chelsea King said he supported a deal to take death off the table for his daughter's killer in order to bring closure to the community.

"We stand here because of a despicable evil act committed against our beautiful daughter, Chelsea, committed against our family and committed against our community," Brent King said in a news conference Friday. "While our unequivocal first choice is the death penalty, we acknowledge that in California that penalty has become an empty promise."

Prosecutors revealed in court Friday that Gardner led authorities to Dubois' body in exchange for assurances that it would not be used against him in court. In exchange for his guilty pleas, Gardner is to be sentenced to two consecutive terms of life without the possibility of parole. He also waived his right to appeals, ensuring that he will die in prison, Dumanis said at the news conference.

Superior Court Judge David Danielsen accepted the plea and scheduled sentencing for June 1. A gag order is in place until then.

The surprise change of plea came during a hearing Friday, after prosecutors charged him with murder with a special circumstance of rape for Dubois's death. Gardner was facing the death penalty on one charge of murder with a special circumstance of rape for King's death.

A resolution for the Dubois family also figured into the King family's decision to support the plea, Brent King said. "We find ourselves in a position to help give another grieving family a measure of closure. The Dubois family has been through unthinkable hell the past 14 months. We couldn't imagine the confession to Amber's murder never seeing the light of day, leaving an eternal question mark," he said.

"There's nothing, nothing satisfying about this moment. It's only one more unbearably painful day that we'll have to carry in our memory as long as we live."

*More at link!

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San Diego Residents Support Chelsea's Light Foundation
Apr 17, 2010 at 11:35 PM PDT
Fifteen local Golden Spoon frozen yogurt stores devoted Saturday to help raise money for Chelsea's Light Foundation.

The stores gave out free frozen yogurt and arranged to have places for customers to donate money in various bins with Chelsea King's picture on them.

San Diego residents told KUSI news that after the April 16 confession by John Albert Gardner III to both the murders of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois, they were committed to helping make things tougher for violent sexual predators.

The Hillcrest Golden Spoon gave away close to $2,000 worth of yogurt and raised about $550 for Chelsea's Light Foundation.

Video: San Diego Residents Support Chelsea's Light Foundation 1:44

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The Kings push for Chelsea's Law in Sacramento
Apr 13, 2010 at 10:51 AM PDT
Chelsea's Law would mandate stricter sentencing guidelines for violent sex offenders and institute more intensive monitoring of parolees. The bill calls for mandatory life sentences for certain violent attacks and life-long GPS tracking.

The measure would fill gaps in existing law, San Diego County Sheriff William Gore said at the news conference. "It allows us to hopefully deter these people from making further crimes, but if they do it helps us make a quick apprehension."

The bill introduced by Fletcher calls for life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for any forcible sex crime against minors that include one or more aggravating factors, including the age of the victim, whether a kidnapping substantially increased the risk of harm, the perpetrator has a previous forcible sex crime conviction, and whether he tied, bound or drugged the child.

The measure would also double the maximum penalty for a forcible sex crime to 16 years in prison, prohibit a convicted sex offender from entering a public park where children regularly congregate without prior approval of a parole agent, double the period of parole to 10 years for all forcible sex crimes, and establish lifetime parole and GPS monitoring for offenders who commit such crimes against children under 14 years old.

*More at link!

Video: The Kings push for Chelsea's Law in Sacramento
The parents of slain Poway High teenager Chelsea King and a state assemblyman unveiled a proposed law in Sacramento Monday to strengthen penalties for forcible sex crimes and tighten monitoring of offenders.

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San Diego Impact Walk for Chelsea's Law
Apr 12, 2010 at 8:39 AM PDT
The push for Chelsea's Law received help Sunday from some very devoted women and residents of San Diego.

This walk was measured at five-and-a-half miles. The trail was throughout Poway, where Chelsea King lived. Amber Dubois was also honored by the participants.

The legislation is being pushed forward in Sacramento this week by local State Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher.

Video: San Diego Impact Walk for Chelsea's Law 2:39
The push for Chelsea's Law received help Sunday from some very devoted women and residents of San Diego.


John Gardner pleads guilty to murdering Chelsea King and Amber Dubois
Apr 16, 2010 at 6:50 PM PDT
A convicted sex offender pleaded guilty today to killing a 17-year-old Poway High School senior and a 14-year-old Escondido High School freshman, and he was expected to be sentenced to two consecutive life prison terms without the possibility of parole. John Albert Gardner III, 31, also faces an additional 33 years to life in prison for assaulting a woman Dec. 27.

Gardner, whose plea spares him from a possible death sentence, is scheduled to be sentenced June 1. His plea also bars him from filing an appeal of his conviction and sentence. Gardner admitted attacking, raping and killing 17-year-old Chelsea King, who disappeared after going for a run Feb. 25 at Rancho Bernardo Community Park. The avid runner and straight-A student's body was discovered five days later in a shallow grave near a tributary of nearby Lake Hodges -- not far from Gardner's mother's home. The defendant admitted attacking King while she was jogging, taking her to a remote area where he raped and strangled her and buried her in a shallow grave. Gardner admitted that he killed King within an hour of attacking her. He also admitted killing 14-year-old Amber Dubois, who vanished while walking to Escondido High School in February 2009. Her skeletal remains were found last month in Pala.

Gardner entered his guilty pleas moments after prosecutors charged him with Dubois' murder and rape. Before the defendant entered his pleas, Superior Court Judge David Danielsen informed Gardner that he would be spending the rest of his life in prison. Gardner will also be deemed a sexually violent predator. the judge told him.

Defense attorneys Michael Popkins and Mel Epley refused comment after the court hearing, but District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis briefed reporters on the reason Gardner was allowed to plead guilty. "The murders of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois have shaken the collective soul of our community and beyond," she said.

Dumanis said that on March 5, three days after Gardner was arraigned on charges he murdered King, the defendant led authorities to Dubois' body. She said the death penalty was still on the table in the King case, but recently Gardner offered to plead guilty to both murders and admitted killing both girls and assaulting the woman in Rancho Bernardo Park. "By accepting this guilty plea, we are obtaining a conviction for the murder of Amber that we would not otherwise have been able to obtain," Dumanis said.

Both the King and Dubois families agreed that accepting the defendant's offer to plead guilty was the best solution that could be attained, the district attorney said. "We do know that a sentence of life without the possibility of parole means the defendant will die in prison," Dumanis said.

Video: John Gardner pleads guilty to murdering Chelsea King and Amber Dubois 4:06

Video: Chelsea's Law supporters make presence felt in Sacramento 2:18

Video: Chelsea and Amber's parents react to Gardner's change of plea 3:21

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Guilty plea a degree of closure for so many
Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 12:04 a.m
The prom is coming up. So is the senior picnic. But, thankfully, no preliminary hearing. No long, taxing murder trial. And so a community just might be able to heal.

Scott Fisher was worried for the students at Poway High School, where he&#8217;s principal. They&#8217;ve been through so much. A trial would have been brutal. Details would have emerged. Details of a rape and murder of one of their own, Chelsea King, 17. Fisher didn&#8217;t want them to be subjected to that. He wanted to protect them. But in this day and age, the way information moves, how could he? How could anyone? It&#8217;s over, in some ways. The TV cameras won&#8217;t be coming back. If there had been a trial, they would have. Day after day after day.

The students are remembering Chelsea in a positive light, Fisher said. Much of the mourning has passed. &#8220;A trial would have been a horrible distraction.&#8221; It&#8217;s been hard on so many here. &#8220;I still break down,&#8221; said Dan Schaitel, Chelsea&#8217;s high school cross country coach.

Schaitel coached Chelsea for two seasons. She was a special young person. The decision made by the Kings had to be tough, he said. They lost so much losing this child. &#8220;They did what they had to do for the best of everyone,&#8221; Schaitel said. &#8220;They&#8217;re some of the strongest people I&#8217;ve had the chance to be with.&#8221; Like many, he was shocked by Friday&#8217;s news. Everybody was gearing up for a long slog.

A death-penalty trial can last months. Appeals can make the process last years. The death penalty hasn&#8217;t been carried out in California for years, Schaitel noted, so it&#8217;s more of a life sentence anyway. He didn&#8217;t think Gardner would come clean for the killing of Amber. He didn&#8217;t think he had the guts.

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Psychologist Analyzes John Gardner's Behaviors
POSTED: 11:46 pm PDT April 17, 2010
UPDATED: 12:02 am PDT April 18, 2010
10 News looked inside the mind of admitted killer John Gardner through the eyes of Doctor Micheal Mantell, a former clinical psychologist with the San Diego Police Department.

Many who watched Friday&#8217;s court proceedings described Gardner as emotionless, but when Mantell watched the video for the first time Saturday, he found some of Gardner&#8217;s behaviors to be offensive. &#8220;He&#8217;s reacting, showing signs of anxiety and discomfort,&#8221; said Mantell as he analyzed Gardner&#8217;s every move on the courtroom floor.

Mantell was quick to point out the behaviors he said are characteristic of an anti-social, psychopathic individual. &#8220;He is a classic serial, sexual murderer, a lust murderer who murdered for his sexual gratification,&#8221; Mantell said.

Mantell said Gardner did not view Chelsea King or Amber Dubois as human beings, but instead simply objects of his deviant sexual fantasies. &#8220;When he's looking down my guess is, he's replaying this stuff in his mind. That's how sick and twisted and void of humanity this guy is,&#8221; Mantell said.

Mantell added that all the behaviors Gardner displayed are the physiological reactions to his internal psychological state, some of which Mantell found to be repulsive. &#8220;Some of it is simply offensive. He doesn&#8217;t look at the judge in the eye. His hands start to move, almost in a fist like way.&#8221;

Mantell said he noticed the most physical reaction out of Gardner when he heard the judge read aloud his sentence of three consecutive life terms in prison. &#8220;A guy like this, could he possibly be sorry for what he's done at all? No. This is a man who can't spell the word remorse, shell of a human being.&#8221;

Mantell also analyzed Gardner's signature on his change of plea form. He said it is as if there is not a person owning the signature. He said it is a mess and completely diffuse and without form.

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Chelsea's Law: One day state will get it right
04/18/2010 01:50:47 AM PDT
California hasn't yet figured out how to deal justly with sex offenders in a way that protects the public but doesn't break the bank. Unfortunately, Chelsea's Law, proposed this week, takes another step in the wrong direction.

Backed by legislators from San Diego County, where a convicted sex offender has been accused of the February rape and killing of 17-year-old student Chelsea King, the proposed law would send some first-time child molesters to prison for life and require others to wear tracking systems forever.

"These offenders cannot be rehabilitated. They do not deserve a second chance," Chelsea's father, Brent, declared during a Capitol press conference to support the bill by Assembly-man Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego.

The thing is, rehabilitation can and does work. As the Sex Offender Management Board pointed out in January, "Research is consistently showing that the lowest recidivism is occurring when both treatment and surveillance are more evenly balanced in an individually developed case plan."

Besides, lifetime monitoring is already required for some offenders, but it isn't done because cities and counties can't afford it. Chelsea's Law would make the state pay, but Assemblyman Fletcher acknowledges that he doesn't know what that would cost.

Here's a preview: The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation recently reported that it's costing about $55 million a year to monitor the 7,100 parolees who have GPS bracelets. It is also costing more than $40,000 a year to keep an inmate locked up. How much California afford to spend on this?

Chelsea's Law still has a long way to go before it becomes California law. As it makes its way through legislative hearings, scheduled to begin this month, lawmakers must rework it to include more of the cool-headed recommendations from the advisory board and remove the emotionally charged pieces that will do little or nothing to ensure public safety.

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Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher on Chelsea's Law in his own words
Sunday, 18 April 2010 09:12
On Monday, Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher (R-San Diego) introduced Chelsea&#8217;s Law in Sacramento, in partnership with Brent and Kelly King, parents of the slain 17-year-old Poway girl. Chelsea&#8217;s Law is a set of measures targeting the worst sexual predators in an effort to prevent future tragedies like those that befell the King, Dubois, and many other families. I caught up with Assemblyman Fletcher during his whirlwind week to inquire about the new proposed legislation.

PDF: Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher on Chelsea's Law in his own words

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Campaigning for 'Chelsea's Law'
Supporters plan to lobby lawmakers this week to advance a bipartisan bill

Updated 10:45 AM PDT, Sun, Apr 18, 2010
California would send some child molesters to prison for life for a first offense under a bill named after 17-year-old Chelsea King.

Chelsea&#8217;s parents, Brent and Kelly King, are campaigning for "Chelsea's Law" in California, which would send some child molesters to prison for life after a first conviction, monitor others with tracking technology until they die and make it illegal for sex offenders to visit parks.

Supporters plan to lobby the Assembly Public Safety Committee on Tuesday to advance the bipartisan bill by Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego.

Video: Today We Start Our Race: The Kings

Video: The Kings Travel to State Capitol

Video: Parents Launch Push for Chelsea's Law

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Gardner admits killing Chelsea King, Amber Dubois
4:43 PM PDT, April 16, 2010
Gardner admitted attacking, raping and killing Chelsea King, who disappeared after going for a run Feb. 25 at Rancho Bernardo Community Park. The body of the avid runner and straight-A at Poway High School was discovered five days later in a shallow grave near a tributary of nearby Lake Hodges -- not far from Gardner's mother's home.

The defendant admitted attacking King while she was jogging, taking her to a remote area where he raped and strangled her and buried her in a shallow grave. He admitted that he killed King within an hour of attacking her.

Gardner also admitted killing Amber Dubois, who vanished while walking to Escondido High School in February 2009. Her skeletal remains were found last month in Pala. He admitted taking Dubois to Pala, where he raped and stabbed her before burying her in a shallow grave. The defendant said he killed Dubois with 90 minutes of his initial contact with her.

Gardner also pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting another woman on Dec. 27 in the same park where he raped and killed King.

Friday's hearing in San Diego Superior Court was hastily arranged, with prosecutors and defense counsel refusing to give a reason. Gardner's arrest has sparked widespread public criticism over allegedly lax supervision of sex offenders.

The judge set a sentencing date for June 1.

Video: Community Speaks On Gardners Guilty Plea 2:25

Video: John Gardner Pleads Guilty 3:15

Video: Timeline Of Chelsea King And Amber Dubois Murders 2:43

Video: Amber And Chelsea's Parents Speak On Gardner's Guilty Plea 2:29

Video: Gardner Pleads Guilty 2:44

Video: Why Did Gardner Change His Plea- 4:08

Raw Video: Gardner Admits Killing Chelsea King Amber Dubois 1:53

Video: New John Gardner Documents 2:40

Video: Chelsea's Law Introduced To Assembly 2:22

Video: Chelsea's Law Supporters Head To Sacramento 2:11

Video: Chelsea's Law Details Released 3:26

Video: Chelsea's Law Buses To Capitol 1:49

Video: Chelsea's Parents Off to Sacramento 2:41

Video: Parents Held Chelsea's Law Forum 2:12

Video: Chelsea-s-Parents-Push-For-New-Sex-Offender-Law 2:19

Video: Update on Chelsea's Law 2:40

Video: Gardner's Prison Files Released 1:56

Video: Previewing Run for Chelsea King 1:55

Video: Jogger Allegedly Attacked By Gardner Speaks Out 1:07

Related links
PHOTOS: Chelsea King Photos,0,3800972.photogallery

PHOTOS: Amber Dubois,0,5247380.photogallery

PHOTOS: First a jog, then a disappearance Photos,0,7410594.photogallery

DOCUMENT: John Gardner Guilty Plea,0,18354.acrobat

DOCUMENT: Charges Against John Gardner,0,2138640.acrobat

Complete State Correction Dept. Prison and Probation File On John Gardner,0,5424979.acrobat

John Gardner's 2000 Probation Report,0,3818733.acrobat

PDF: Gag Order In Chelsea King Murder Case,0,6019109.acrobat

AUDIO: Relative describes John Gardner during radio interview,0,294841.hyperlink

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Parents of murdered Chelsea King OK'd plea deal
Posted: Apr 17, 2010 8:59 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 18, 2010 4:54 PM EDT
Chelsea's parents said they agreed to the deal because they wanted to spare their son the strife of continuing litigation as well as provide Amber's grieving family a measure of peace.

"The Dubois family has been through unthinkable hell the past 14 months," Brent King said at the news conference, reading a joint statement with his wife, Kelly. "We couldn't imagine the confession to Amber's murder never seeing the light of day, leaving an eternal question mark."

Prosecutors said they were confident they could win a conviction against Gardner in Chelsea's death but conceded Friday that they didn't have enough evidence in Amber's killing.

At the news conference after Friday's hearing, San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said investigators tried to connect Gardner to Amber's death independently of his confession but were unable to. "Accepting this plea has been an extremely difficult decision," she told reporters. "We have the evidence to pursue a murder charge against the defendant for Chelsea's murder but not for Amber's murder."

Even if prosecutors rejected the deal, the King family would have had to endure decades of appeals if he was convicted and sentenced to die, Dumanis said.

Video: Gardner faces two life terms after pleading guilty 0:35

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Gardner admits killing both Chelsea and Amber
Posted: Apr 16, 2010 5:34 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 18, 2010 4:56 PM EDT
With two teary-eyed mothers looking on, sex offender John Albert Gardner pleaded guilty Friday to murdering their teenage daughters after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty.

Gardner, 31, faces life in prison without parole for killing 14-year-old Amber Dubois and 17-year-old Chelsea King in San Diego County.

He also pleaded guilty to attempting to rape another woman who was jogging in San Diego and waived his right to an appeal.

Gardner, wearing a dark blue jail jumpsuit with his shackled arms hanging at his sides, said nothing but "yes" repeatedly as the judge asked him for his pleas.

Parents Brent and Kelly King, and Maurice Dubois and Carrie McGonigle were in the courtroom to hear the admissions. Kelly King and McGonigle were teary-eyed throughout the proceeding. Sobbing could be heard when Gardner entered his pleas.

Live Stream Video: John Gardner's court hearing 28:03

Video: Gardner admits killing both Chelsea and Amber 3:45

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Reaction from Escondido to Gardner's surprise plea
Posted: Apr 16, 2010 9:12 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 18, 2010 4:56 PM EDT
The stunning turn in the Gardner case is also the talk at Escondido High School, where Amber Dubois went to school.

News 8's Jeff Zevely spoke with parents, teachers and classmates about Gardner's surprise plea. He files this video report from Escondido High School with their reaction.

Video: Reaction from Escondido to Gardner's surprise plea 2:14


Kings Want Case Details Kept Secret
Updated 10:43 PM PDT, Tue, Apr 20, 2010
The parents of 17-year-old Chelsea King who was raped and killed by a sex offender have hired an attorney to help keep certain case documents secret.

NBC San Diego and other media outlets have asked the San Diego County Superior Court to lift a gag order barring authorities from discussing the evidence and release records related to search warrants.

Chelsea's parents say they want the records sealed to preserve her dignity. They've hired attorney Pat Swan to argue for suppression of certain documents under victims' rights statutes.

"This action has become necessary in response to efforts by some media outlets to obtain the release of all records related to Chelsea’s death, which runs counter to the King family's wishes to honor their daughter's memory, and to allow the community to heal," said family spokesperson Sara Muller Fraunces.

Video: Kings Want Case Details Kept Secret

Video: Details Revealed During Gardner's Plea

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King family wants case details kept secret
Posted: Apr 20, 2010 6:57 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 21, 2010 10:32 AM EDT
The parents of 17-year-old Chelsea King who was raped and killed by a sex offender say they have hired an attorney to help keep certain case documents secret.

Family spokeswoman Sara Muller said Tuesday the action was in response to efforts by the media to obtain records.

The Associated Press and other media have asked the San Diego County Superior Court to lift a gag order barring authorities from discussing the evidence and release records related to search warrants. Chelsea's parents say they want the records sealed to preserve her dignity.

Video: Chelsea's parents want autopsy details kept private 0:28's parents want autopsy details kept private&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

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King Family Hires Attorney To Keep Case Details Secret
POSTED: 4:24 pm PDT April 20, 2010
UPDATED: 4:41 pm PDT April 20, 2010
The parents of a 17-year-old Poway teen who was raped and killed by a sex offender said they have hired an attorney to help keep certain case documents secret.

Sara Muller, a spokeswoman for the family of murdered high school student Chelsea King, said Tuesday the action was in response to efforts by the media to obtain records.

The Kings hired Pat Swan, a former federal criminal prosecutor. Swan met with Judge David Danielsen and several other attorneys in private Tuesday to ask for an emergency order that would keep the details surrounding the Poway teen's death a secret.

The following statement was released Tuesday on behalf of the King family:
"Attorney Swan will advocate for suppression of certain documents under victims' rights statutes. This action has become necessary in response to efforts by some media outlets to obtain the release of all records related to Chelsea's death, which runs counter to the King family's wishes to honor their daughter's memory, and to allow the community to heal."

Video: Kings' Lawyer Asks For Case To Remain Sealed

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Chelsea's Law proposal moves through public safety commitee
Apr 21, 2010 at 9:18 AM PDT
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Tuesday endorsed a proposed state law named after slain Poway teenager Chelsea King that would strengthen penalties for sex offenders and those convicted of sex crimes against children.
"Chelsea's Law," calls for mandatory life sentences for forcible violent sex crimes against children, tightens sex offense parole guidelines and requires the life-long tracking of certain sex offenders.

Assembly Bill 1844 was passed by the Assembly Public Safety Committee this morning. It was authored by Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego.

Video: Chelsea's Law proposal moves through public safety commitee 1:59
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Tuesday endorsed a proposed state law named after slain Poway teenager Chelsea King that would strengthen penalties for sex offenders and those convicted of sex crimes against children.

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Bill to toughen sex-crime penalties moves ahead
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A bill aimed at protecting children from sexually violent predators cleared its first legislative hurdle Tuesday, winning approval by an Assembly committee with bipartisan support.

Chelsea's Law, named for the San Diego County teenager who was raped and slain two months ago by a registered sex offender, also got a boost when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his support Tuesday.

The measure, AB1844, would put some people who sexually assault children behind bars for life and increase the penalties for others. It also would increase the time a convicted child molester remains on parole, allowing officials to monitor some violent sex offenders for life. And it would bar registered sex offenders from visiting parks where children gather.

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‘Containment’ shown to work on offenders
But proven program not in Chelsea’s Law

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 2:43 a.m
A state board reviewing ways to better manage sex offenders when they get out of jail calls the “containment model” the most important thing California can do to reduce recidivism.

The program augments traditional supervision — house searches, job-site visits, surveillance — with lie-detector tests and targeted behavior-modification treatment.

But there’s no mention of it in Chelsea’s Law, the offender crackdown named for slain Poway teenager Chelsea King that cleared its first legislative hurdle Tuesday in Sacramento.

*Much more at link!

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King family seeking expanded gag order
April 21, 2010 at 12:41 a.m
Lawyers representing the family of slain Poway teenager Chelsea King have asked a judge to expand a gag order barring authorities from making public comments or disseminating documents and photographs related to the murder investigation.

San Diego Superior Court Judge David Danielsen met with the lawyers in chambers Tuesday, but did not sign the proposed order. Instead, all parties in the case involving John Albert Gardner III, who pleaded guilty Friday to killing Chelsea and 14-year-old Amber Dubois of Escondido, were asked to return to court Thursday to discuss the matter further.

On Tuesday, attorneys Edward Patrick Swan Jr. and Michael Fell, who represent the King family, submitted the proposed expansion of an existing gag order, to restrict anyone from the District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Medical Examiner’s Office or law enforcement agencies associated with the case from making any public statements.

The order would ban the release of any photographs, reports, documents, information or opinion regarding Chelsea King. It cites Marsy’s Law, also known as the victim’s bill of rights, which was passed by voters in 2008.

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Finding Words to Say to a 'Monster': Kings
Chelsea King's parents will share their rage with their daughter’s killer on June 1

Updated 3:28 PM PDT, Thu, Apr 22, 2010
Chelsea King’s parents have three main focuses ahead of them -- raising their 13-year-old son, Chelsea’s Law and finding the right words to say to the “monster” who killed their daughter. “I go over in my head, thousands of times. What do you say? What do you say to something like this? He’ll know exactly how I feel and I think I’ll be speaking on behalf of many, many people,” Chelsea’ s mother Kelly King said.

John Albert Gardner III will be sentenced for the murders of 17-year-old Chelsea King and 14-year-old Amber Dubois on June 1 -- giving the victim’s families the opportunity to talk to him directly. “Every night when I lay down to go to sleep, my mind is writing what I’m going to say,” Brent King said. “I’ll share that June 1. I will be controlled and I will be dignified, but my words will be harsh.”

In their first interview since the day he pleaded guilty, the Kings called Gardner a coward who feels no remorse. “He’s not sorry,” Kelly said. “I think for one to be able to feel remorse, you have to be human. I don’t consider this monster to be human.” They say they knew in their hearts that Gardner was guilty and that there was no satisfaction in hearing his plea. “It was just another painful day in a life that we’re now going to carry full of pain. Just another day,” Brent said. His wife agreed. “Every day is so unbelievably difficult and as strong as we are, nothing prepares you for another punch in the gut,” Kelly said.

Video: Finding Words to Say to a 'Monster': Kings

Brent and Kelly King talk about Chelsea's Law
Posted: Apr 21, 2010 8:35 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 22, 2010 11:16 AM EDT
Chelsea's mother Kelly told News 8 that things are not getting any easier for her and her family. Every day is filled with grief over the death of her daughter, which makes fighting for Chelsea's Law even more important.

Chelsea's Law passed through the Assembly's public safety committee Tuesday with Brent King front and center, and those who know how this system works say that's exactly where Chelsea's parents must remain every step of the way.

It's the first time we've heard from Kelly King since John Gardner pleaded guilty last Friday to killing her daughter. He is clearly a topic she no longer wishes to discuss. "I don't have the time or the energy to go back. I'm going forward," she said.

Forward is the direction Chelsea's Law continues to head, moving next to the Assembly's appropriations committee, where the question is sure to be: how will we pay for this? "It's always fair to say what does this cost, but at the same time you have to say what's the money appropriately being used for?" Brent King said.

While the Kings would like to forget about Gardner, they do have to face him one more time at his sentencing in June. Both Brent and Kelly King plan to speak.

Video: Brent and Kelly King talk about Chelsea's Law 2:45

Kings Defend Request To Keep Case Records Sealed
POSTED: 6:14 pm PDT April 21, 2010
UPDATED: 6:35 pm PDT April 21, 2010
Brent and Kelly King will never stop grieving for their daughter, Chelsea. The Kings continue to go on, trying to make the best life they can for their son and each other. "We're here, walking, talking, breathing … Chelsea gives us a reason to keep going, and so does Tyler. At night we look at each other and say, 'Good deal, another day,'" said

They didn't want to talk about John Gardner, the man who admitted to killing Chelsea and Escondido teen Amber Dubois. They also did not want information revealed about their daughter's death -- something that's the focus of a court hearing Thursday.

Kelly King told 10News' Steve Fiorina, "Why are those details of our daughter's last moments necessary? If you want to know, truly want to know, look in my eyes … They'll tell you everything. You don't need more than that."

"There's not a minute goes by Kelly and I don't replay those moments. We're not aware of what happened, other than the end. We don't want to become aware, don't want our son to become aware. We don't want the community to become aware. It serves no purpose. It takes away my daughter's dignity and it brings us more pain," said Brent King.

Video: Kings Defend Request To Keep Case Records Sealed

Lifetime GPS under Chelsea's Law mainly targets lewd acts
Posted: Apr 22, 2010 12:55 AM EDT
Updated: Apr 22, 2010 1:41 AM EDT
A News 8 investigation discovered -- when it comes to the costs of lifetime parole and GPS monitoring requirements in the bill – most of the money would be spent on sex offenders with lewd act convictions. It will take at least a month before a full cost analysis will be completed on the entirety of Chelsea's Law, a bill named after murdered Poway teenager Chelsea King.

In addition to the lifetime parole and GPS provisions, Chelsea's Law would also mandate one-strike, life without parole sentences for the most violent sex offenders, and prohibit sex offenders from visiting parks where children gather.

The lifetime GPS and parole requirements apply to offenders with less serious sex crime convictions. "Chelsea's Law – AB 1844 – provides for lifetime parole for sex offenses against children under the age of 14," the bill's sponsor Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher said in Sacramento this week. Chelsea's Law passed the Assembly's public safety committee Tuesday.

The exact costs of lifetime GPS for sex offenders are difficult to estimate because Chelsea's Law would not be retroactive. Added costs only kick in years later, after inmates serve their prison terms and complete at least three years of parole, which is already funded under current law.

However, using last year's numbers, if Chelsea's Law had been in full force, 1,977 sex offenders would have qualified for lifetime GPS and parole at an estimated cost of $14.4 million, according to the CDCR data.

The costs would continue to grow in subsequent years. Using the same numbers, the second year would include 3,954 sex offenders on lifetime GPS at a cost of $28.9 million; the third year would include 5,931 offenders at a cost of $43.3 million; and so on. The costs go up year after year in similar fashion until the paroled sex offenders finally get older and start do die off. The estimated figures include the costs of parole agents.

For now, Assemblyman Fletcher says the specific lifetime GPS and parole requirements are not set in stone and continue to be a work in progress. "This is an area we're looking at. So, it's open for further refinement as we go forward," Fletcher said.

News 8's estimates do not include added prison costs, which will accumulate as more and more offenders are sentenced to life terms under the "one strike" provisions of Chelsea's Law. A total cost estimate is expected from the state Assembly appropriations committee by the end of May.

*Much more at link!

Video: Lifetime GPS under Chelsea's Law mainly targets lewd acts 2:47 12&h1=Lifetime GPS under Chelsea's Law mainly targets lewd acts&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

PDF: Chelsea's Law - AB1844 Bill - April 13, 2010

PDF: Chelsea's Law - News Release - April 12, 2010


*FYI: More articles & videos to post yet! I'm behind on media for Chelsea & Amber's case!

REGION: Kings turn focus from John Gardner to legislation
Parents of slain teen discuss their plans

April 21, 2010 9:51 pm
The criminal case for their daughter's killer may be nearly over, but for Chelsea King's mom and dad, the ordeal is unending. "It's no easier than it was from day one," her mother, Kelly King, said Wednesday. "You think you are OK, and then out of the blue, you are brought to your knees again." "It's waves of pain separated by moments of joy of her memory," her father, Brent King, added.

On Wednesday, the grieving couple sat down for their first interviews since registered sex offender John Albert Gardner III pleaded guilty on Friday to raping and killing Chelsea, 17, two months ago, and Escondido resident Amber Dubois, 14, in February 2009.

On Saturday night, the foundation will host a public gathering at Lake Poway to rally support for Chelsea's Law. The event, called "Go the Distance," will also feature live music, including a song specifically written about Chelsea. And because the teenager was a runner, the King family is encouraging all attendees to wear running shoes. (No actual running is planned for the event, however.)

"We're being led by what we know in our heart is the right thing to do, and we&#8217;re being led by Chelsea," Kelly King said. "What&#8217;s next is to see this law through to completion. We're working very hard to get the Chelsea's Light Foundation up and running full speed. And that&#8217;s a big job. "We have a multitude of things that can and should be done. We'll listen to Chelsea as to how those priorities will fall into place."

"Go the Distance"
What: Chelsea's Light Foundation is hosting a public gathering to rally support for Chelsea's Law
When: 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday
Where: Lake Poway, 14644 Lake Poway Road
To learn more:

*Much more at link!

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Probe urged of state mental health agency
Fletcher calls screening of sex offenders failure

April 22, 2010 at 12:27 a.m.
Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher called for a formal probe of the state Department of Mental Health on Wednesday, contending that its screening procedures fail to protect the public from violent sex offenders.

The San Diego Republican wants to learn more about how state mental health experts determine which predators are too dangerous to release on parole and whether time and budget constraints force specialists to evaluate cases based on old records rather than in fresh, face-to-face interviews.

Fletcher has filed a formal request for the state auditor to conduct the review. A special legislative panel, which has authority to order the investigation, is expected to review his request May 5. &#8220;We have serious concerns that Department of Mental Health is not fully executing its duty to protect the public from sex offenders,&#8221; Fletcher said in his letter to the legislative committee.

The letter was also signed by Assemblyman Jim Nielsen, R-Woodland, a former member of the state board that rules on parole requests. &#8220;We welcome an audit and the opportunity to explain to lawmakers and the people of California that the Department of Mental Health is not only doing its duty according to the law, but we exceed the statutory requirements for the appropriate clinical screening and evaluation of sex offenders,&#8221; said Nancy Kincaid, a spokeswoman for the agency.

Online: Read Fletcher&#8217;s letter under the reform section at:

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Judge Lifts Gardner Case Gag Order
Updated 5:55 PM PDT, Thu, Apr 22, 2010
The double-murder case involving Chelsea King and Amber Dubois took another dramatic twist on Thursday.

San Diego County Superior Court Judge David Danielson set aside a gag order that has, with one notable exception, muzzled law enforcement agencies in connection with the case. He also refused the family's request to prohibit any public agency from distributing any photos or reports about Chelsea's death.

In court for the hearing Thursday were Maurice "Moe" Dubois and Brent and Kelly King. Gardner, who admitted in court last week that he murdered and raped two teens, was not at the hearing but was defended by his attorneys. In fact, there were six attorneys in the downtown court. Danielson said he had reservations about continuing the protective order and efforts by the families to seal the documents. In an unusual turn of events, the King family supported the defense's efforts to keep the documents involved in the case sealed.

Danielson also said on Thursday that while he felt for the teens' parents very much and would like to help them, he had concerns about what he could legally do. He told the court that he was unable to find anything in case law that addressed the issue but added that statutes do prohibit some of the information from being released. In the end, he did not authorize the release of any information, arguing that common decency would stop the release and that it was up to the responsible law enforcement agencies to determine whether to release any documents related to the case.

*Much more at link!

Video: DA Discusses Gardner Case

Raw Video: Deputy DA Discusses Gardner Court Hearing

Gag order lifted in Gardner murder case
April 22, 2010 at 1:27 p.m., updated April 22, 2010 at 5:04 p.m.
Calling it overly broad and unconstitutional, a Superior Court judge denied a request Thursday from the family of Chelsea King to bar officials from talking or releasing information about the case against John Albert Gardner III. Yet details of how Gardner was tied to the murder of 17-year-old Chelsea and how he abducted another murder victim &#8212; 14-year-old Amber Dubois of Escondido &#8212; may remain unanswered until after Gardner&#8217;s June 1 sentencing, if not longer.

Deputy District Attorney Kristen Spieler said outside the courtroom that her office would honor a request from both families to keep silent about the case &#8212; and ask other law enforcement officials to do the same. Moments after San Diego Judge David Danielsen lifted the gag order Thursday, San Diego County Sheriff&#8217;s Department spokesman Jan Caldwell said Sheriff Bill Gore would stay silent about the case. &#8220;At the request of the district attorney, we are not going to be making any comment until after sentencing,&#8221; Caldwell said. &#8220;For the integrity of the case, we&#8217;re just not going to be making any statement.&#8221;

Gardner&#8217;s attorneys declined comment after the hour-long hearing.

Danielsen heard from lawyers for both Gardner and the King family that the gag order should be extended. Instead he lifted it, saying it &#8220;unnecessarily chills the freedom of the press.&#8221;

*More at link!

Judge Denies King/Dubois Family Request
Last Update: 4/23 9:00 am
Concerned about graphic images and content related to the murders of their daughters, the King and Dubois families asked a superior court judge to extend a media gag order.

Superior Court judge David Danielsen says, "the request for protected order is denied." Deliberate and delicate. Judge Danielsen denied a request from the King and Dubois families to keep sensitive and possibly graphic information about their daughter's murders from being released to the media. Danielsen said, "the advocates for the Dubois family and the King family over read the authorization of Marsy's law."

Deputy District Attorney Kristen Speiler said, "the people fully support the constitutional rights of the victims in this case." She continued, "based upon their request the district attorney is going to honor their wishes and not speak about this case publicly and in addition we have requested that the law enforcement agencies also honor their request."

John Gardner will be sentenced June 1st for the murders of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois.

Video: Murder Cases Details 4/23/10 2:49
The parents of two teen murder victims fear graphic details or photos from the investigation could be made public.

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Transcript Of Audio Interview & Audio: Chelsea King&#8217;s Parents React To Gag Order Being Lifted
April 23, 2010
PAMELA DAVIS (Anchor): A judge has lifted a gag order on the investigations into the murders of local teens Amber Dubois and Chelsea King. KPBS reporter Amita Sharma spoke to Chelsea&#8217;s parents, Brent and Kelly King, this week about their grief. They described their daughter as a girl with big hopes and big dreams.

BRENT KING: She was always full of positive energy, wanting to change the world. She couldn&#8217;t wait to go to college. She couldn&#8217;t wait for the next test, believe it or not. She couldn&#8217;t wait for the next morning.

AMITA SHARMA (Reporter): How are you coping on a day-to-day basis with your loss?

KELLY KING: This is the most horrific thing that can happen to you as a parent. So we get up in the morning. We remember what we have to be thankful for. We know what Chelsea would want us to do. And that&#8217;s to move forward and try and do everything in our power to prevent this kind of horrible thing to happen again to other kids and to raise our son Ty.

*Continued at link!

AUDIO INTERVIEW: Chelsea King&#8217;s Parents React To Gag Order Being Lifted
A judge has lifted a gag order on the investigations into the murders of local teens Amber Dubois and Chelsea King. K-P-B-S Reporter Amita Sharma spoke to Chelsea's parents, Brent and Kelly King, this week about their grief. They described their daughter as a girl with big hopes and big dreams.

Parents of Chelsea King Speak
April 23, 2010
GLORIA PENNER (Host): Yesterday a San Diego Superior Court judge lifted a gag order in the case of convicted sex offender John Gardner, who pleaded guilty to the murders of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois. KPBS reported Amita Sharma spoke with the parents of Chelsea King earlier this week. She joins me now with more on the story. So what does it actually mean, lifting the gag order?

AMITA SHARMA (KPBS Reporter): Well he lifted the gag order on the information connected to the investigations of the murders of Amber Dubois and Chelsea King. But at the same time, he did not authorize anyone to release that information. In a separate decision yesterday another judge actually continued the seal of the warrants into these investigations; there were four search warrants. And so right now we stand by and wait to see whether the media asks for this information.

PENNER: And if the media does ask for the information, what is it that would be released?

*More at link!

*Video Interview Included In Article: Parents of Chelsea King Speak
KPBS reporter Amita Sharma brings us her interview with the parents of slain Poway teenager Chelsea King.

Transcript of Video Interview: Parents of Chelsea King Speak

Victim's Parents: Death Penalty 'Empty Promise'
Apr 25, 2010 3:40 pm US/Pacific
The Kings join a growing list of victims' families, law enforcement officials and other capital punishment proponents who have grown disillusioned with California's death penalty. The decision to forego capital punishment for registered sex offender John Gardner, who this month admitted killing Chelsea King and another teen girl, has once again thrust the gridlocked system into the spotlight.

Five more inmates joined California's death row this year, pushing the population past a record 700 inmates, by far the nation's largest.

Florida is second with 394 inmates on death row, and Texas is third with 333, but both of those states regularly carry out executions.

Legal challenges over how lethal injections are administered to condemned prisoners in California have halted executions in the state since Clarence Ray Allen was put to death Jan. 17, 2006. The lawsuits are far from being resolved, and most observers believe it could be years before another execution takes place at San Quentin Prison.

Even before the suspension, only 13 condemned inmates have been executed from the time capital punishment resumed in the state in 1977 until February 2006, when U.S. District Court Jeremy Fogel halted executions until prison officials revamped their lethal injection process.

After a lengthy regulatory review, the Department of Corrections is expected to issue the long-awaited new protocols this week.

Still, state and federal judges must approve the new regulations before executions can resume -- and lawyers challenging the death penalty promise to vigorously attack the new protocols as inadequate

*Much More At Link!!

Search Warrants: DNA Evidence Linked Gardner To King Death
Search Warrants Issued In Chelsea King Investigation

POSTED: 10:33 am PDT April 26, 2010
UPDATED: 8:19 pm PDT April 26, 2010
Search warrants in the investigation into John Gardner released Monday reveal what only 10News reported weeks ago: DNA evidence found on an undergarment worn by Chelsea King was matched to Gardner, according to search warrants unsealed by an El Cajon judge.

The 17-year-old Poway High School senior's blood was also found on the same undergarment, and documents also revealed Gardner may have followed a pre-teen girl home from school.

According to the documents, Gardner was arrested less than five hours after being identified as a suspect through the DNA link. According to a declaration in support of one of the search warrants, prepared by sheriff's Detective Patrick O'Brien, the undergarment was discovered near running trails leading from Rancho Bernardo Community Park on Feb. 26, the day after Chelsea was reported missing.

Criminalists with the sheriff's Crime Laboratory developed a DNA profile for the teen, and two days later matched DNA taken from a sample of the blood, O'Brien wrote.

According to the detective, he was informed before noon the same day that Gardner's DNA matched the DNA profile in the state Department of Justice D.A. database. Police then staked out his mother's house in Rancho Bernardo and his grandmother's home in Lake Elsinore and arrested him around 4:15 p.m.

"Upon Gardner's arrest, law enforcement made entry into the residences to determine if Chelsea King was being held captive in the residences," O'Brien wrote. "Officers searched in areas where King could be held, but she was not found."

According to search warrant affidavits from the Department of Justice released Monday afternoon by El Cajon Judge Herbert Exarhos, two utility workers learned sheriff's deputies were searching Pala for Amber's body last month and reported seeing a male and female together in the area around 8 a.m. the morning she disappeared in 2009.

The warrants released by Deddeh revealed that an 11-year-old girl was followed by a large man -- believed to be Gardner -- driving a black compact car as she walked home from Bernardo Heights Middle School on Feb. 24.

O'Brien wrote that the man stayed in the car and made no attempt to contact the child. But a woman in another vehicle believed he "seemed very suspicious" and decided to follow the girl to make sure she got home safely, then told her parents and called police. She later identified a photograph of Gardner, who had access to a black Nissan Sentra owned by a girlfriend, according to the detective.

The afternoon Chelsea disappeared, the defendant also had contact with two women along the jogging trail. One said she saw him drinking beer and watching a rattlesnake -- and she chatted with him as she passed him back and forth on her run. Another saw him running and believed she later saw Chelsea jogging.

Read: Gardner Affidavit Part 1

Read: Gardner Affidavit Part 2

Read: Gardner Search Warrant Inventory

Read: Home Searches, Electronic Records

Read: Dubois/Gardner Witness Sighting

Read: Gardner Guilty Plea

Read: Charges Against Gardner

Read: King Family Statement

Video: Search Warrants: DNA Evidence Linked Gardner To King Death

Video: Psychologist Analyzes Gardner Search Warrants


*More new videos, documents & updates will be added asap! :wink:

OT: I've had A LOT of DR apts. & haven't been feeling very well!! Waiting for blood work to come back from my Onocology/Hematolgy'll be be another wk or so before I have any answers, as to what is going on!
I apologize for the delay in posting many media updates for everyone for many threads!!

Video: Gardner's sadness an act? 1:20

Video: Inside a parent's worst nightmare 4:20

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