Forensic Astrology - CORRIE L. ANDERSON

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Ya know, she WAS fresh as a daisy today too. How do you do it? We searched our hearts out again today, and it was NO picnic. It was REALLY hard work in places and I am sooooo proud of our team, which was mostly members from Saturday. We had a couple newbies though.
I think it's safe to tell you that we did NOT find Corrie. I'm so sad about that. Thinking positively, we found areas that Corrie is not in. And there were lots of findings that may be forensically important in the future.
It was great to get to know Live2Ride pretty well LOLOLOLOL. Yeah. She's totally got the story on me. And to see KarenNY. Our team put together an email list (and one phone number...guy didn't have a computer:eek:) and we're going to be hitting the woods together.
Corrie WILL be located.
There are three really sad WSers tonight, though.
(Live2Ride if you tell em about me getting all b*tchy I'll be mad LOL)
:clap: for our team the bearsh*tters
GREAT funny story to tell ya tomorrow. I'm going to bed! I'll copy and paste this to the other thread.

Well, I must admit, sad is a perfect word to describe tonight's feeling. Perhaps "helpless" would be another word. The worst feeling I've ever had was hugging Vicki at the end of the search today, looking into her eyes, and telling her how sorry I was that we could not find Corrie. *sigh*

On a lighter note... Torsade managed to stay mud-free and quite dry today. She stayed upright during most of the search. The only times we found her close to the ground today was, not only to pull prickers out of her boots, but whenever she found a new pile of "you know what" on the ground and, for some reason needed to identify which type of animal "deposited" it. The search would stop temporarily, and we would all gather around to see the new found pile. Yes my friends, todays lesson was " the analysis of Poop... 101. " Thus... this gave our team the name... The BearSh*tters.

As for her post referring to herself as being b*tchy....I think we were all a bit tired today and frustrated because we all wanted so badly to find Corrie. Torsade was a great team leader and when she started to get a little crabby, all we did was find her a new pile of " to analyze, and she was, once again, the "happy little team leader" we all grew to love!! Thanks for an awesome job Torsade!! Goodnight all! xo
John 11:25-26
Live2Ride, your post made me laugh out loud. I could just picture everyone bending down to take a look..........:waitasec:

I'm so sorry Corrie is still out there. Thanks to all of our WSs for going out there. I do wish we could get something more concrete from the charts.

Bless you.
I know this is old news now, but just in case anyone missed this:

Texas group pulls out of search for Jamestown woman


JAMESTOWN, N.Y. -- The search for Corrie Anderson will continue without the help of Texas EquuSearch.

The nonprofit search-and-rescue group, based in Texas, told Anderson's family this week it would not participate in this weekend's search for Anderson, 36. The mother of three has been missing since Oct. 29.

"We can't afford to pay for this search," said Carolyn Todd, who does administrative work for Texas EquuSearch. "We had to say no because we can't afford to do it."

The family has decided to go ahead with the effort regardless, said Laurie Keefe, Anderson's cousin.

"They said they had to pull out unless we paid for the entire search," Keefe said. "We just couldn't do that."

But Todd says Texas EquuSearch never told the family it had to pay for the search, which they estimated in a budget sent to Anderson's mother would cost about $10,000.

"We would never tell a family they had to pay," she said.

Todd said the organization was upfront with Anderson's family from the beginning that it did not have much funding.

She said the family indicated it would donate money to Texas EquuSearch through fundraisers, but has not done so.

Anderson's mother, Vicki Acquisto, said Thursday she planned to present Texas EquuSearch with a check at a dinner planned after the weekend search had ended.

She would not say how much the family planned to donate, but said it was more than several thousand dollars.

"They told us they were a nonprofit and they don't charge the family," Acquisto said. "There was never anything about, 'Can you give us this amount, or that amount?'"

Todd said she did inquire with the family about how much the organization could expect to receive in donations but never received a response.

She said the organization has already spent more than $3,000 in preparation for the search, including a three-day visit to the Jamestown area in March.

She also said the maps of areas they planned to search, and information developed about the case during their involvement with the Anderson case has been passed along to investigators and the family.

"Our intent was good. We just can't afford it now," Todd said.

Acquisto said she wants to put the rift between the family and Texas EquuSearch behind her and instead concentrate on this weekend's search.

"The point is trying to find Corrie," she said. "That is our goal. To find Corrie."

Volunteers can meet Saturday and Sunday at the Ashville, N.Y., Fire Department training grounds, 2118 Magnolia Ave. Searches will start at 7 a.m. and continue throughout the daylight hours.

For more information, visit

ps. I'm glad I made you laugh asksleuth! We all need to laugh at times!
Big story about Corrie tonight on Channel 2 News at 11:00 PM. For non-local WSs, its Its going to be INTERESTING for sure!!

On a lighter note... Torsade managed to stay mud-free and quite dry today. She stayed upright during most of the search. The only times we found her close to the ground today was, not only to pull prickers out of her boots, but whenever she found a new pile of "you know what" on the ground and, for some reason needed to identify which type of animal "deposited" it. The search would stop temporarily, and we would all gather around to see the new found pile. Yes my friends, todays lesson was " the analysis of Poop... 101. " Thus... this gave our team the name... The BearSh*tters.

As for her post referring to herself as being b*tchy....I think we were all a bit tired today and frustrated because we all wanted so badly to find Corrie. Torsade was a great team leader and when she started to get a little crabby, all we did was find her a new pile of " to analyze, and she was, once again, the "happy little team leader" we all grew to love!!

(respectfully snipped/bolded/underlined)


The bolded,underlined parts are the parts that had me clutching my stomach from laughter, as I told you tonight on the phone! I re-read it as I was snipping,bolding and underlining and started laughing all over again! Poor Torsade :blowkiss:- what a way to become famous! :crazy:

For our Forensic Astrologers- is there any way to use the charts for Corrie and analysis if there is truly something to the police saying they will have some answers for Corrie's family, very soon? (this was from the news cast tonight, that Live2Ride mentioned in the above post)

I'm praying the police aren't toying with anyone, least of all Corrie's family.

Here's hoping we receive some truly helpful news on this case!


OT- Live2Ride, your laugh and word for the day is :laugh: "dis-attached" & Lhasa Opso! (psst, it IS Apso! :whistle:..Ms Smartypants!:winko:)
************************************************** ****

OT- Live2Ride, your laugh and word for the day is "dis-attached" & Lhasa Opso! (psst, it IS Apso! ..Ms Smartypants!)


I miss the chatter. Corrie is in my thoughts and prayers.... always.
Karen in NY just posted in the Missing Persons Thread that a body was washed up on shore & found by a fisherman. Police do not know the identity as of yet but say the body appears to have been there for quite some time.

Can any of this be determined from the charts cast for Corrie?

Thanks to all!

-Mish :)
Karen in NY just posted in the Missing Persons Thread that a body was washed up on shore & found by a fisherman. Police do not know the identity as of yet but say the body appears to have been there for quite some time.

Can any of this be determined from the charts cast for Corrie?

Thanks to all!

-Mish :)

If we were to do a chart for this 'find', we'd need the exact time it was reported and the time the police arrived at the scene as well, similar to the information we obtained when a suitcase was discovered in water and later confirmed to be that of missing Sandra Cantu.
Thanks 5th Essence, and understood. I will e-mail Karen & see if she can located that info, and I can also try Live2Ride if Karen isn't able to garner the needed info.

Regardless, I feel a certain sense of peace that some family will have the chance to bury their dearly loved family member in a proper manner.

Again, many thanks to you FifthEssence, not only for your prompt reply but also for ALL you do in helping SO many people! May God's wisdom, love and guidance forever shine upon you and your family!

Love, Mish :)
I have been looking for info on this and I can't find any. Either online or locally! Will keep looking when I get the time....
Thanks 5th Essence, and understood. I will e-mail Karen & see if she can located that info, and I can also try Live2Ride if Karen isn't able to garner the needed info.

Regardless, I feel a certain sense of peace that some family will have the chance to bury their dearly loved family member in a proper manner.

Again, many thanks to you FifthEssence, not only for your prompt reply but also for ALL you do in helping SO many people! May God's wisdom, love and guidance forever shine upon you and your family!

Love, Mish :)

Thank you for your kind words.
Throughout our forum threads, you will see that all the hard work is perfomed and generously provided by our Core Astro's, TUBA, SOULSCAPE, HOUSEMOUSE, NEPTUNIAN and KAITLAND.
In terms of knowledge, wisdom, skill & background, I'm really 'small change' next to them.

Silly goose :) You have never been "small change" and I'd be challenged to believe ANYONE that assists (Astro or Info seekers) in this amazing Forum, has ever viewed you as such! As is often times the case, we all "judge" ourselves with a far more critical eye than those around us would ever dream of thinking.

None the less, please allow me to "officially" state that YOU are an amazing, kind, considerate, caring, compassionate, selfless, and blessed gift of God for all of us here in the Astro Forum (the same goes for any other forum threads as well)!!!

One could say "small change" (small pebble) defeated Goliath in the Bible; one selfless contribution carries the same value as a thousand contributions!!

I will now step down from my little soapbox :) 'nough said :)

Love, Mish :)
The Cattaraugus County Sheriff's office claims that the body was found at 4. This is somewhat estimated because the fisherman had to walk and find a phone to call it in. LE showed up 25 minutes later. But the body wasn't removed until Sunday. I am trying to find more times and such but no real details yet.
WGRZ.COM; WIVB.COM; WKBW.COM are the Buffalo stations covering this event.
I'll try to keep you posted.
If there are dental records - the ID match could be made in a few days. If DNA is needed and can be found, then it may take weeks. If this is part of a homicide investigation - it maybe awhile before anything is released. So, it is being reported.
The remains are at ECMC in Buffalo.
There was a suicide drowning by a Franciscan priest in the reservoir summer of 2008, and early this summer, a man drowned after falling and hitting his head on his boat.
Some of the land around the reservoir is owned by the Seneca Nation of Indians - and on that land, people rarely go. The other areas are open and can be accessed by walking or boating when the water level is high (April - Aug). We had flooding this summer in our streams that fed the reservior and a tornado and torrential rains ran down all the hills to the reservior.
Some people are speculating, that this could be a suicide or other wictim ... Seneca Nation.
Off to work. I will try to follow-up on my phone calls for details while at work.
Hope I am doing this right....

Investigators: Remains could be anyone
Authorities search for answers about remains
Updated: Monday, 28 Sep 2009, 1:30 PM EDT
Published : Monday, 28 Sep 2009, 12:46 PM EDT

Jericka Duncan
Posted by: Emily Lenihan
ONOVILLE, N.Y. (WIVB) - Southern tier authorities continue to look for answers after Sunday's discovery of human remains near the Allegheny Reservoir.

Body Turns Up In Onoville
Authorities Still Investigating Human Remains Found Saturday

ETA: I really see no good "times" in these articles...... unless you can work with, "around 4 O'clock.".....
Thanks Khaki for locating that info; you've uncovered more info than I could last night! Way to GO!!

I searched the web last night and all I could pull up are Topix sites that included the original "story" when the fisherman found the skeletal remains washed ashore. Very few people replied to the Topix story download, mostly to say what we did... -that at least one family would be allowed some closure once they identify the remains.

While my heart and prayers go out to Corrie's Family, I must admit at this point I have another "wish" on my list. HOW MANY MORE WOMEN NEED TO DISAPPEAR OR BE MURDERED, BEFORE THE POLICE REALIZE A PROBLEM EXISTS in Upstate NY???? The list is WAY too long, IMO.

There are several guys on the police force that I attended High School alongside and if IIRC, two of them were very bright, moral individuals. None of this makes sense to me.

Which brings me to my Astrology question(s)...which I'll ask in the next post.

-Mish :)
Let me first begin by admitting my fault of frustration...

Forensic Astrology is beyond amazing and frankly I'm at a loss for words to accurately describe my awe with what can be learned thru this planetary application. And thus, I often want our Astrologers to "solve" every tiny nuance in any/every case. :blushing: I realize this isn't possible, but our Astrologers here ALWAYS seem to have more and better info/details on the cases than the police appear to know. :waitasec:

While I admit to this child-like "wishing", I also realize I'm being unrealistic. So with that in mind, please take this question as it is intended & coming from a person who can't grasp the scope of our Astrologers' gifts. :blushing:

Is there any way to "find out" WHY or WHAT could be the cause for all these missing/murdered women saturated in such a small area?? Can ANYTHING come to light on this ongoing situation? Is it possible to cast a chart for a land mass area? My terribly frustrated guess would be, "No" as there are no specific times/dates. However I do recall Tuba or Soulscape having done a chart on the USA? (IIRC, y'all used the date of discovery?) Can something like that be done for this area of Upstate NY? What about each town, individually? (It would be too much to ask, but what about one or two towns?)

A gazillion thanks again, to everyone that assists in this specialized Forum; I'm in continued amazement at every one's dedication to circumstances much larger than all of us!

May God shine His blessings and wisdom on these cases and this forum! :woohoo:

-Mish :)
Let me first begin by admitting my fault of frustration...

Forensic Astrology is beyond amazing and frankly I'm at a loss for words to accurately describe my awe with what can be learned thru this planetary application. And thus, I often want our Astrologers to "solve" every tiny nuance in any/every case. :blushing: I realize this isn't possible, but our Astrologers here ALWAYS seem to have more and better info/details on the cases than the police appear to know. :waitasec:

While I admit to this child-like "wishing", I also realize I'm being unrealistic. So with that in mind, please take this question as it is intended & coming from a person who can't grasp the scope of our Astrologers' gifts. :blushing:

Is there any way to "find out" WHY or WHAT could be the cause for all these missing/murdered women saturated in such a small area?? Can ANYTHING come to light on this ongoing situation? Is it possible to cast a chart for a land mass area? My terribly frustrated guess would be, "No" as there are no specific times/dates. However I do recall Tuba or Soulscape having done a chart on the USA? (IIRC, y'all used the date of discovery?) Can something like that be done for this area of Upstate NY? What about each town, individually? (It would be too much to ask, but what about one or two towns?)

A gazillion thanks again, to everyone that assists in this specialized Forum; I'm in continued amazement at every one's dedication to circumstances much larger than all of us!

May God shine His blessings and wisdom on these cases and this forum! :woohoo:

-Mish :)

It does seem that certain areas on the planet have more than their fair share of murders or child abductions or rapes. I'd dearly love to know too if there's some latitude/longitudinal areas that are infected with misanthropes.
Paulette- Now THAT sounds like a great question!!

BRB- have to grab my two munchkins from school!

-Mish :)
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