Forensic Astrology - GABRIEL JOHNSON last seen San Antonio, TX

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Mentally Ill young woman (Neptune Quincunx her Sun) all those harsh emotional moon squares..Uranus squares Black Moon episodes – (in Gemini) air and crazed
Drugged Gabriel with his baby bottle, and let him die then disposed of the body.? This is exactly what I'm inclined to believe.

Elizabeth has a “mean streak” according to her grandfather.
She was born to a drug addicted father and an alcoholic mom, who put her into 5 different Foster care homes.
She simply has no clue how to bond with anyone and I think it’s very apparent in her natal chart, even without her time of birth when we study her Moon.
The Moon square Saturn and the Moon (archetype of a mother figure) squares Uranus.
The Moon squares the Black Moon, the more interesting location in the chart, in Gemini.

It is said too, she has a “dual personality” the hallmark of Gemini .,the twins.

Her natal Mercury is Rx when born, a sign of going back into time, seldom ever in the moment, or living for the day, rather harkening back to the prior hurts and upsets.
At 29 degrees Cancer,critical in the Anaretic last degree of the sign; a prime position for replaying all the hurts of her childhood in her own head.

She has been compared to Casey Anthony in the article I’m posting, but I don’t see the comparison really, not with the chart, not with the life. Casey was given a fairly "stable" home life, by people who truly did love her, even though they themselves may not have been perfect, who is? There are no perfect "Wally & Beaver Cleavers" that's a fantasy. But this girl, Elizabeth didn't even have a less then perfect family, she had a horror story to live.

Regardless of her “condition” being rendered as competent to stand trial. This means she knows right from wrong, and I don’t think there is any question of this, but there is an old saying, that “there is a thin line between insanity and genius”

Elizabeth, imo, walks that thin line precariously.

Let’s not forget either that her Sun and Mercury are combust (with that retrograde Mercury) which is further damaged by the Quincunx to Neptune.
The Sun quincunx to Neptune means that there is a mental problem at least with what most of us deem reality and reality based events, and what she thinks she can live with and others should as well.

I reread the beginning of this thread, the first page and I also concur that the baby is no longer here.
I think Elizabeth gave the child drugs (a Neptune theme) in that baby bottle, and poor little tyke, drifted off to sleep forever.

Her Jupiter opposition to Venus is an example of a spiritual planet gone horribly bad, probably due to many lifetimes of neglect, probably her own to spiritual needs. Overboard is often the theme of Jupiter when it's afflicted in some manner.
After all, her Jupiter is in Pisces, the original ruler of this sign, so in it’s own Ruler is very strong. But strong for what purpose?

The opposition to Venus in critical cool minded Virgo – the way she perceived love and nurturing from her parents, perhaps the many foster care homes she was put into, the “system” so to speak, (of which she is the product churned out)
All added up to disaster to create a kind of “automan” rather then a human living breathing caring, loving mother and granddaughter.
Elizabeth IMO, is “striking out” at life and everyone in it who ever cared for and about her.

It’s a truly sad thing to see unfold before us.

Her Pluto (again very strong in Scorpio ) the ruler of this sign, is striking out harshly and mostly at her own self, for she will not see the outside of a prison cell in this life, or I doubt sincerely if she will.
As Pluto in Scorpio tries to lash out in vengeance against the world that hurt her, she is doing her own self much damage, in the end.

Having her Pluto square the Sun (her own essence as an ego), square to that Retrograde Mercury (vengeful for vengance sake) Pluto semi-square Uranus (destructive in a very unpredicatable way)

With her retrograde Uranus (repeating again), square to so many personal planets, (her Venus, her Moon) a harsh aspect to her Sun then the opposition to Chiron, the semi-square to Pluto (some maintian, it's worse then the square itself as to it's effect) and on and on……..I truly feel badly for this young woman.
“There but for the grace of God go I”……to have been so uncared for as a child and this, then the product of that past life.(and probably according to this chart, more past then we know about)

Let’s not neglect to mention that this seriously in trouble Uranus (retrograde) is also
Conjunct to “Medea” the asteroid the Greeks assigned as “killing her children”

So sad…..Like the Casey Anthony case, we can only shake our heads and cry for all of them.

I think this excerpt from this article I found about her past, pretty much sums up what I tried to say about that Pluto in Scorpio and the very afflicted Uranus Rx:

Elizabeth Johnson's grandfather says she grew up with a drug-addicted father and an alcoholic mother and then bounced around five different foster homes.
She has always been impulsive, secretive and prone to fits of rage. A relative says that as a child, she would break windows in her home and chased her father with a plunger.
Yet she carried a 4.0 GPA through high school, and she was determined to not let her son suffer the same kind of childhood she had.

Read more:


Medea, Asteroid No. 212, was discovered in 1880. Medea is similar to the archetypes of Pluto and Scorpio, as she understands the process of metamorphosis. Planets in the Eighth House or in aspect to Pluto may conjure up the potent magic of Medea.
note: Medea is also Rx. She may have done this before in another lifetime.


I found the reference to "Medea" as an Asteroid which refers to Killing one's children, as the Greek myth goes...from reading the reference in the google book preview of Forensic Astrology rather fascinating as it ironically fits this chart and Gabriel's mother's chart as I mentioned previously.

In Gabriel's natal, unlike his mother who had Medea conjunct "Uranus" the planet of the extremes, and retrograde, for Gabriel the asteroid was Direct in motion as well in Pisces conjunct "Fomalhaut"....the Royal star known for "An Immortal Name" The conjunction to Medea is noteworthy although I haven't yet checked his Parans Stars as we do not know his time of birth yet.

This star you may recall was also part of baby Sylar Orion's natal chart when he went missing recently in the Campsite in Sedona Az.

Back to Gabriel, I see that Medea is between his natal Juno the marriage or couple asteroid, while the other conjunction is to his natal Neptune, the planet of his mother's quincunx to her Sun.
Neptune is also about delusions and mental issues.

Thus we see that Gabriel with Medea conjunct both Juno and Neptune and very possibly opposing his natal Moon again, with Fomalhaut in the mix, seems to show us the preordained nature of this event or rather the high probability of it occuring.

I do think the stage was set upon his conception, because I also follow the Tad Mann method of seeing natal charts as conception charts, however Elizabeth even IF the inclinations were such as to kill her child of course as we all have, has free Will to not give in to these compulsions.

But as we all know, the "path of least resistance" is often too hard to not give into even for the best of us. This is why Edgar Cayce said, most charts can be read ( I think he said approx. 75% of them as natal charts go) approximately the same as the Greeks believed, in Plato's time.

That would be 3 out of every 4 people, will give in to their impulses, their inclinations and the path of least resistance I suppose.

Then the other 25% (it is said), are either working on themselves in a diligent and conscious manner OR have already overcome their charts (a very minor percentage of course ) would fall into this realm.

Anyway, since reading about Medea a little bit, I thought I'd share this finding here in Gabriel's natal chart with you here:

Thus we see that Gabriel with Medea conjunct both Juno and Neptune and very possibly opposing his natal Moon again, with Fomalhaut in the mix 3Pisces-4Pisces , seems to show us the preordained nature of this event or rather the high probability of it occuring.

The sign of Pisces has long been known as the sign of Sacrifice because of it's association with Neptune.
All too often, the Sacrifice is of their own souls as we've seen over and over especially since this sign if often seen in Serial Killer charts too.
Casey A. is Pisces Sun,Mercury, Jupiter and Atropos.

Becoming a "Sacrifice" in this world, a world that straddles other worlds perhaps, is really a relative term but often we see the end result of this sacrifice in this one, here.

Astrology is after all, a study of the relation or relative associations between planets, asteroids and the like. Also, a study of probabilities of events and natal promises as they are called.
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