Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

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This is awesome guys! How exciting!

I'm hoping to have lots of questions for all of you, just have to gather the data :)

You know what would be really cool.

You may not like the idea, but here goes.

Each astrologer follows their own journey. I would love some insight (nice way of saying I'm nosy, huh) about the type of astrology each one follows. Vedic, western, etc, how long you've been studying, stuff like that. Nothing personal, just generalities. I love how everybody adds their own flavor, and I find myself wondering about the different flavors.

You are asking a very good question, technicalconfusion.

There are so many different approaches, and the astrological arguments about these go on and on. I find them all interesting. You know that old saw about a bunch of blindfolded people trying to describe an elephant by whatever part they are feeling?

I have studied for over 35 years. After exploring many different techniques, I happened upon the Ebertin method, and it seemed to suit my temperament. He was a German astrologer who paid more attention to the hard aspects, and midpoints to these. He didn't pay as much attention to signs and houses in his work, but he respected them.

He seemed more interested in "event" astrology, and that is better described by the hard aspects. He emphasized that we could understand the effects of events on individuals, but could not pinpoint/define the specific event. That appealed to my Christian beliefs that predictions were a mistake, pointed out by the Bible.

I am also interested in mundane astrology, and political astrology, and will frequently look at houses and signs when looking back at events in the world, to see how closely these events fit the "theory".

My interest in Forensic Astrology comes from the Ebertin method. This is why you will see me commenting on the "event" charts as these relate to the individual natal charts, but losing interest quickly when it comes to analyzing the "after-shock" charts for people related to the main event.

Therefore, I feel blessed that we have been joined by Soulscape, Tuba, Kaitland, and so many others who focus on horary, natal, and psychological astrology, for they pick up when my "short attention span" moves on to some other astrological puzzle, for I am too impatient for all these details, and want to wait for Casey's trial.

But, when it comes, I will be right on it, eager to see how the Ebertin method works, for I am always checking my methods against reality.
Oh! Oh! Oh! This is such a wonderful idea! I'm loving this section already. A special forum for astrologers and astrology. :woohoo:

Thanks so much for putting this here. I'm so excited to find it, I can barely breathe. :woohoo:

Thank you, thank you.
Saturday night special: Biggest full moon of '09
This evening, the Moon will look SPECTACULAR in all it's glory.

good article here

"It will appear about 14 percent bigger in our sky and 30 percent brighter than some other full moons during 2009, according to NASA."
Saturday night special: Biggest full moon of '09
This evening, the Moon will look SPECTACULAR in all it's glory.

good article here

"It will appear about 14 percent bigger in our sky and 30 percent brighter than some other full moons during 2009, according to NASA."

This MOON will be at 21 Cancer. Those who have planets at 19-24 Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) may notice this/ be impacted more than others. If you have your natal chart, look to see in which houses these cardinal points fall. That's where *the action* may likely take place.

I have a question for any of you astrologers. What does it mean when a planet is "afflicted" and also "exalted"?
I have a question for any of you astrologers. What does it mean when a planet is "afflicted" and also "exalted"?

Hi Deborah,

Affliction is a state of being harmed or damaged. Generally, a planet (or point, e.g., ASCENDANT) is afflicted or harmed/damaged by being in hard aspect (square, opposition, sesquisquare, etc.) to a malefic (MARS/ SATURN/ PLUTO/ URANUS/ NEPTUNE). A planet can also be afflicted by being in a sign it cannot easily function in, such as MARS in Cancer (its Fall) or VENUS in Aries (its Detriment). Also, a planet or point can be afflicted by being in conjunction/ opposition to a malefic Fixed Star such as CAPUT ALGOL.

Exaltation is one of the Essential Dignities:


VENUS in Pisces is Exalted. So is MARS in Capricorn, SATURN in Libra and JUPITER in Cancer. Exaltation gives the planet extra power/strength. See a Table of Essential Dignities here:

Have any other Geminis been severely affected by the recent Mercury retrograde that just ended yesterday? The last three weeks have been torturous with anything to do with communications on every level. Or is it just me??

Welcome Valley Sailor!:)
Many experienced some problems w/Mercury going Retrograde. Even here at WS, they had multiple problems w/servers, many of our members were complaining about their computers not performing properly even crashing; many played phone tag for days, the jet landing in the Hudson, verbal misunderstandings, Google having world wide glitches, problems executing contracts and agreements.....

There are some who do well during this period IF Merc is Rx in their own birth chart w/ good aspects. Evidently you aren't one of those and neither was I.
Hello to all and congrats on launching the FAF!

Now ... a question .... will I be able to post a rather lengthy article I've written on Casey Anthony? I've done a good deal of work on it, and would love to post it here and now. As it is so long, I can post it in 3 different portions.

Please let me know ...

Love and Light to all,
Jazzy - I have no answer to your question. Sorry. I'm sure someone will be along with an answer for you.

I just came to here to remind everyone to step outside tonight and take a look at the moon. It really is quite beautiful. Where I am, about 8:00 p.m. tonight, the moon (which is almost full) was directly opposite Venus in the sky.

The stars have been absolutely beautiful this year!

This MOON will be at 21 Cancer. Those who have planets at 19-24 Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) may notice this/ be impacted more than others. If you have your natal chart, look to see in which houses these cardinal points fall. That's where *the action* may likely take place.


Soulscape - you posted this for the Jan. 10th full moon. Can you tell us about tomorrow night's moon (3/10/09)? Also, is this something I could check somewhere for myself?

Thank you!

Soulscape - you posted this for the Jan. 10th full moon. Can you tell us about tomorrow night's moon (3/10/09)? Also, is this something I could check somewhere for myself?

Thank you!


Hi Salem,

Tonight's Full Moon falls at 21 Virgo opposite the Pisces Sun. Additionally, MOON conjuncts SATURN which opposes URANUS conjunct SUN, so the energy is extremely push & pull.

If you have your natal chart, you'll want to look to see into which houses Virgo and Pisces fall as that could give you more insight into what areas of life may be impacted.

For example, with Virgo on the 10th House of Career vs Pisces on the 4th House of Home & Family, you might find yourself becoming more aware (Full Moons illuminate) of conflicts regarding job & home life. MOON conj. SATURN might impulse you to take more responsibility for resolving any issues you perceive, while SUN conj. URANUS may impulse you to want to break free and apply creative new solutions.

MOON in Virgo is critical, discerning and when conj. SATURN, could manifest as depression or negativity. SUN in Pisces is intuitive, creative and conj. URANUS may want to try new things, new approaches, and even have sudden flashes of insight regarding a depressing, stuck-in-the-mud situation (MOON conj. SATURN in Virgo, an Earth sign).

If your SUN, MOON, MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, ASCENDANT or MIDHEAVEN is within 18 - 24 degrees Mutable (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius) you may feel this Full Moon more noticeably than someone who doesn't have personal planets and/or sensitive points in this degree range.

You can learn more about tonight's Full Moon in Virgo and how it may impact you at Cafeastrology. You can also get a free natal chart there, just click on the link in the "Where Do I Begin?" paragraph.


Thanks Soulscape! When I look at the moon at night, I can't help but wonder how it all impacts ME :) I appreciate this and I will check out your links.


Has anyone did a chart for 12-25 for her?

Hello 5stars,
If you have a question regarding a specific case that has a dedicated thread inside the Forensic Astro Forum, go ahead and post your question there.
I did'nt find a astro chart for JBRamsey.Can you direct me for that day?
I am not sure how to move an entire thread into another forum, so mods, if I should have done that, sorry.
I am bringing my question from the jury room over here:

I am not sure where to post this. If this is the wrong place, please move this post to a better place.
I am looking for some information about the phases of the moon relative to criminal activity. Specifically abductions and murder.
I've read crime increases on a full moon, but is there any other material out there regarding this topic? If this is true, does crime increase only on the day/night of full moon or is there a building up, and releasing (say 2 days prior and 2 days after a full moon)
Has anyone here tried to chart cases (especially unsolved cases) according to moon phases to see if there is a pattern which possibly could reveal a common perpetrator?
Any info someone may have regarding this topic is greatly appreciated.

I've been over in the Lyon sisters forum spinning wheels on this very old case with relatively no evidence or leads. The only thing that this case has going for it is the benefit of 34 years passing (the sisters were abducted 3-25-75).
With this much time passing if one were to look back to try to find something to link this case to other cases maybe we can find the perp. Certainly this perp has committed other crimes since 3-25-75. We've looked at similar abductions, but haven't come up with much, so I am going to try moon phases, but don't have a whole lot of info on moon phases and crime. I know there could be a connection between the two and it beats spinning wheels.
Everyone here is so helpful, and there is a wealth of knowledge here hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
Share, I think there has been some research done on crime rates and the phases of the moon. A google search might help you check these out.

My opinion? Perpetrators of violent crime will have transits to their natal charts, triggering stress aspects that have not found positive expression in their lives.

The moon is the fastest moving trigger in the natal chart, so if the longer transiting planets are putting pressure on the natal aspects, the moon could be a timer, but I don't think it would be full or new in the transiting sky, but the particular aspect it makes to the other transiting planet.

Hope that makes sense, and is helpful.
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