Forensic Astrology - HOLLY BOBO abducted 4/13/11 Darden TN

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Aug 20, 2008
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This 20 y.o. college student was abducted from her home Wednesday morning 4/13/2011 at approx. 7:30 am by a male wearing camouflage who allegedly grabbed and dragged her across her carport and pulled her into nearby woods.


Holly was most assuredly taken against her will, shown by Lord 1 VENUS intercepted (interfered with) in Pisces (victimhood) in the 11th House of Circumstances Beyond One's control.

MOON as the Action applies inconjunct VENUS (Holly), is exact quindecile CHIRON (wounding, harm), square ASCENDANT (Holly, her body/health) and applies trine SUN, and acts under conferred authority from the SUN, taking great chances and disclaiming responsibility.

SUN rules the 5th House of Boyfriends/ Love Affairs/ Romance and is posited in the 12th House of Secret Enemies. Notice JUNO the marriage asteroid intercepted in Virgo within the 5th house. VENUS (Holly) separates from JUNO (relationship in the past) and partile inconjuncts VERTEX (fate, and not a good one as the inconjunct is often a death aspect).

MARS and PLUTO co-rule the Perp (House 7). MARS in Aries is violent, unpredictable (conjunct URANUS) and likely criminally inclined (square PLUTO). Note also MARS opposes and PLUTO squares SATURN, a fast-acting, impulsive, selfish (cardinal signs) T-square which suggests extreme viciousness, cruelty and brutality, particularly with SATURN in critical degree (13 Cardinal) and partile (exactly) conjunct the Arabic Part of MURDER and the transneptunian ZEUS (force).

The sense I am getting from the chart is that Holly was taken by either (1) an angry ex-boyfriend hellbent on revenge, or (2) someone from her past (or someone she has known a while but is not particularly close to) who was obsessed with her/ wanted her/ believed he actually had a relationship with her (JUNO), etc.

The likelihood Holly knew her abductor is shown by the receptions between VENUS (Holly) and MARS (Lord 7 as the Perp). MARS is in the Term of VENUS; VENUS is in the Term and Face of MARS. These are somewhat weak receptions.

If the Perp turns out to be an ex-boyfriend, such receptions could indicate she had clearly 'cooled down' about him, i.e., did not desire to resurrect the relationship. Such receptions also could indicate a person she's known for awhile, someone she considered to be a casual acquaintance, not someone with whom she'd be likely to have a romantic relationship.

If anyone could track down Holly's date of birth, I would be most appreciative.

HAven't been able to find her DOB yet, but 48 hours site has lots of pics of her. Camo must be pretty common in TN, She's pictured here with a guy , both of them in camo:
Paulette, Capri and Anyone Else who looked,

Thank you all so much for tracking down Holly's birth data.

I will examine the charts and post later today.

There are disturbing interconnections between the Event Chart and Holly's natal (cast with SUN on ASCENDANT at Event location) that do not bode well for her safe return:


1. As a Child of Libra, the planet VENUS is highly important as it is dispositor of her natal SUN.

Holly was born with VENUS in Libra in critical degree (13 Cardinal). From a forensic astrological standpoint, this suggests that persons/places/things/circumstances associated with VENUS could be or become critical and/or capable of generating crisis in Holly's life.

Her natal SATURN 19 Capricorn squares natal VENUS and inconjuncts natal MARS, which is trine to natal VENUS, tying all three energies together. In the chart of a victim, this could suggest the manifestation of restriction/brutality/cruelty (SATURN) of some type during some point in her life.

Note that Holly's natal VENUS 13 Libra is partile conjunct Event SATURN 13 Libra and that Event SATURN opposes Event MARS with both squared by Event PLUTO (pink call-outs).

As noted previously, Event MARS is conjunct URANUS, pulling it into the T-square and making the action of the Perp unpredictable (URANUS) as well as probably violent/criminal (PLUTO).

2. Event JUPITER 18 Aries is Event Lord 8 of Death, here posited in the 12th House of Kidnapping and partile (exactly) opposed Holly Bobo's natal SUN 18 Libra. This is an indication that Death (Event Lord 8) comes to her, particularly with Event VERTEX 20 Libra (Fate) involved in the aspect pattern (yellow call-outs).

3. Event ASCENDANT 15 Taurus is close opposed Holly's natal PLUTO 16 Scorpio. Natal PLUTO inconjuncts natal MARS which trines natal VENUS and with Event ASCENDANT highlighting this aspect pattern, it is another indicator of --- at best --- sexual violence, and at worst, murder (green call-outs).

4. Event CHIRON 04 Pisces (wounding, harm) is partile inconjunct Holly Bobo's natal SOUTH NODE 04 Leo. The SOUTH NODE is often highlighted in a death chart. The inconjunct is often a Death aspect and CHIRON is often associated with death in charts of this type (green call-outs).

Not shown, Event ASCENDANT 15 Taurus is partile square Holly's Tertiary Progressed MOON 15 Leo (based on sunrise natal) and TP MARS/HADES midpoint (violent abduction/rape, possibly death) 19 Cancer conjuncts TP SUN 20 Cancer and squares natal SUN 18 Libra. These are further astrological indications of violent harm at best, death at worst.

Based on the above, I fear for Holly's safety. While there certainly can be a chance she is still alive, chart observations point to the probability that she isn't.

Those who pray should.

There are disturbing interconnections between the Event Chart and Holly's natal (cast with SUN on ASCENDANT at Event location) that do not bode well for her safe return:


1. As a Child of Libra, the planet VENUS is highly important as it is dispositor of her natal SUN.

Holly was born with VENUS in Libra in critical degree (13 Cardinal). From a forensic astrological standpoint, this suggests that persons/places/things/circumstances associated with VENUS could be or become critical and/or capable of generating crisis in Holly's life.

Her natal SATURN 19 Capricorn squares natal VENUS and inconjuncts natal MARS, which is trine to natal VENUS, tying all three energies together. In the chart of a victim, this could suggest the manifestation of restriction/brutality/cruelty (SATURN) of some type during some point in her life.

Note that Holly's natal VENUS 13 Libra is partile conjunct Event SATURN 13 Libra and that Event SATURN opposes Event MARS with both squared by Event PLUTO (pink call-outs).

As noted previously, Event MARS is conjunct URANUS, pulling it into the T-square and making the action of the Perp unpredictable (URANUS) as well as probably violent/criminal (PLUTO).

2. Event JUPITER 18 Aries is Event Lord 8 of Death, here posited in the 12th House of Kidnapping and partile (exactly) opposed Holly Bobo's natal SUN 18 Libra. This is an indication that Death (Event Lord 8) comes to her, particularly with Event VERTEX 20 Libra (Fate) involved in the aspect pattern (yellow call-outs).

3. Event ASCENDANT 15 Taurus is close opposed Holly's natal PLUTO 16 Scorpio. Natal PLUTO inconjuncts natal MARS which trines natal VENUS and with Event ASCENDANT highlighting this aspect pattern, it is another indicator of --- at best --- sexual violence, and at worst, murder (green call-outs).

4. Event CHIRON 04 Pisces (wounding, harm) is partile inconjunct Holly Bobo's natal SOUTH NODE 04 Leo. The SOUTH NODE is often highlighted in a death chart. The inconjunct is often a Death aspect and CHIRON is often associated with death in charts of this type (green call-outs).

Not shown, Event ASCENDANT 15 Taurus is partile square Holly's Tertiary Progressed MOON 15 Leo (based on sunrise natal) and TP MARS/HADES midpoint (violent abduction/rape, possibly death) 19 Cancer conjuncts TP SUN 20 Cancer and squares natal SUN 18 Libra. These are further astrological indications of violent harm at best, death at worst.

Based on the above, I fear for Holly's safety. While there certainly can be a chance she is still alive, chart observations point to the probability that she isn't.

Those who pray should.


This is one of these cases that really touches me. THANK YOU Soulscape, Fifth, Tuba, Leo and ALL for everything that you do here. Was not much on Astrology other than a passing fancy until coming here. You guys are absolutely correct about 99.9% which is far more than science can. Am really starting to believe. I am praying for Holly. Just a shout out for those who give SO much with little thanks. I regard you highly...not just the charts, but you know more than basically all on these cases yet remain behind the scene. There are those of us who look to you, and appreciate. ♥
Sadly, I think you are right; she's been missing for 4 days now and her chances of survival are at this point increasingly slim.

once you are taken from one location to the next, that's it.

they say that if you are abducted your best bet is to try and fight to get away.
Per holly bobo case:

Paulette, are you seeing any interesting asteroids? How about any dealing with trees, etc?
Per holly bobo case:

Paulette, are you seeing any interesting asteroids? How about any dealing with trees, etc?

The most interesting is "Cava" (hole, cellar in spanish) transiting 26 Scorpio, Rx, trines her natal Pholus (the wound that doesn't heal) 26 Cancer.

Cava and Saturn are conjunct 19 Capricorn in her natal chart. There is a yod involving Venus 20 Pisces, sextile her natal Cava & Saturn 19 Capricorn, with the Moon as the pointer 19 Leo. Does this point to her being in a cave? (Caves were spoken of by a local that knew the area in the missing forum.)

In her natal, her name "Holly" 12:14 Leo is conjunct "Orcus" 12:31 Leo (a death asteroid) sextiles transiting Toro (brutality) 12:16 Gemini.

I just wonder if this isn't an older man (compared to her age of 20) since Saturn is transiting her Venus.
Sadly, I have very bad feelings about this one. JMHO, of course but I feel the deed is already done. I hope I am wrong
Could Holly have known the abductor?

Holly's natal Mars is 14 Gemini - "Amicita" (friend, lover) 16:19 Gemini sextile Mercury 16:46 Rx. on day of abduction. Amicita was last over her Mars on April 10th. Mercury (19 Aries) was conjunct the Sun (20 Aries) on the 10th also - with a 8 degree Cancer moon. (Cancer represents home, roots and the Moon rules Cancer)

April 13th the Moon is 19 Leo. The perp acts with this moon that trines the April 10th Sun and Mercury conjunction.

I must add, that I'm not insinuating it was a family member in the house. It could have simply been someone watching the house, a friend invited over to the house, a friend of a friend, etc.
Could Holly have known the abductor?

Holly's natal Mars is 14 Gemini - "Amicita" (friend, lover) 16:19 Gemini sextile Mercury 16:46 Rx. on day of abduction. Amicita was last over her Mars on April 10th. Mercury (19 Aries) was conjunct the Sun (20 Aries) on the 10th also - with a 8 degree Cancer moon. (Cancer represents home, roots and the Moon rules Cancer)

April 13th the Moon is 19 Leo. The perp acts with this moon that trines the April 10th Sun and Mercury conjunction.

I must add, that I'm not insinuating it was a family member in the house. It could have simply been someone watching the house, a friend invited over to the house, a friend of a friend, etc.

The receptions between Lord 1 VENUS (Holly) and Lord 7 MARS (the Perp) in the Abduction Chart posted above clearly show the two knew each other.

The Asteroid analysis provided by Paulette confirms.

Thank you, Paulette, for your fine contributions to our Forum.

here is the latest release from the TBI

take notice of anyone who’s whereabouts were unaccounted for Wednesday morning when Holly went missing and changes in behavior since the incident. Holly disappeared from her home located on Swan Johnson Road between 7:40am and 8:00am on April 13th, 2011.
It’s possible the suspect missed work or appointments last Wednesday, Thursday or Friday unexpectedly. He may also have excessively cleaned a car or ATV, suddenly sold a vehicle or reported it stolen. The suspect may be showing signs of anxiety or stress in the last few days.

snip from the pdf/official release found here:
here is the latest release from the TBI

take notice of anyone who’s whereabouts were unaccounted for Wednesday morning when Holly went missing and changes in behavior since the incident. Holly disappeared from her home located on Swan Johnson Road between 7:40am and 8:00am on April 13th, 2011.
It’s possible the suspect missed work or appointments last Wednesday, Thursday or Friday unexpectedly. He may also have excessively cleaned a car or ATV, suddenly sold a vehicle or reported it stolen. The suspect may be showing signs of anxiety or stress in the last few days.

snip from the pdf/official release found here:

At 7:53 am, MARS (Lord 7 the Perp) drops from the 11th House of (among other things) Friends to the 12th House (kidnap, abduction, secrets, assassination, etc.).

22 Taurus rises. You may recall this is considered the 'kill or be killed' degree according to the degree theory of the noted Serbian astrologer, Nikola Stojanovic.

With this ASCENDANT degree, ALGOL 26 Taurus also rises. Known as the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, ALGOL is associated with 'losing one's head,' either literally or figuratively.

It is difficult to expect a good outcome with ALGOL rising in a Last Seen chart.

Thanks, Nursebeeme, for the alert to this new information.

she's been missing for 4 days now and her chances of survival are at this point increasingly slim. once you are taken from one location to the next, that's it.

...Statistically, yes, but not always, as in the cases of Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard. So I would encourage holding out hope for the young lady, because we simply do not know her true circumstances.
Soulscape- Could ALGOL be associated with losing hair of one's head? Rather than losing one's head? Unconconfirmed reports of duct tape with blond hair have been reported.
Soulscape- Could ALGOL be associated with losing hair of one's head? Rather than losing one's head? Unconconfirmed reports of duct tape with blond hair have been reported.

Hello Capri,

The connotation is more along the lines of decapitation. Unfortunately, ALGOL is a most violent Fixed Star. Now this does not mean Holly was actually decapitated, although it could. In my own experience working with forensic charts, ALGOL prominent often but not always symbolizes some type of body damage/cutting, particularly to the neck & head areas.

HAven't been able to find her DOB yet, but 48 hours site has lots of pics of her. Camo must be pretty common in TN, She's pictured here with a guy , both of them in camo:

It's everyday clothing here, for some.
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