Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #3

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Dear Leomoon,

I’m slowly mulling over all the info you have been so kind to chart out, explain, interpret and predict on Kyron’s behalf.

I can’t thank you enough for your work on this… so much to consider, especially as I only have a basic knowledge of astrology…

Which leads to my first question… -- I’m afraid I need a definition of TNP, among others, (Ital & BBM, below) -- please, after you’ve recovered from all the energy you’ve exerted here!

I am heartbroken, though not surprised, to read this regarding Kyron's fate. Thank you for your courage in discussing it with us.


Over his natal Saturn we see Hades the TNP not a good omen for anyone to have here and in the critical 0 degree of a Cardinal Sign (Cancer) We see S/R Juno (jealousy and revenge are keywords too) conjunct his natal Atropos (the shears which cuts the link to life)

Next in the outer rim chart, (the Solar Return positions we can see Hopi, an asteroid associated with ambush conjunct Vesta (a sacrifice)

Proceeding in the anti-clockwise direction we can see over his natal 4th house (marked IC in the natal inner rim) and over his natal Mars both S/R Mercury and Moira (part of the theme for fated ends)

Actually, if we were honest here, we’d have to say the Birth Chart’s 5th house was less then stellar (vibration wise) hence, set up for such an event (through someone’s free will) to actually take place.
How sad for me to see his Natal Chiron being TR by S/R Pluto – and the S/R North Node conj. a fixed star FACIES known for “Ruthless behaviors”…..and over his 7th house of “Committed Relationships” putting his Solar Return S/N in the 1st of his very self.[/B]

Solar Return POF this day, on his last birthday is close enough to Algol to make me believe he is not among the living.]

Uploaded with[/QUOTE]

this chart, but it does make us aware of the Star of David formation) Not sure of what value or temperment the Star suggests ....

Wow, this is amazing to note/see pictured. Thanks for pointing this out, Leomoon!
Dear Leomoon,

I’m slowly mulling over all the info you have been so kind to chart out, explain, interpret and predict on Kyron’s behalf.

I can’t thank you enough for your work on this… so much to consider, especially as I only have a basic knowledge of astrology…

Which leads to my first question… -- I’m afraid I need a definition of TNP, among others, (Ital & BBM, below) -- please, after you’ve recovered from all the energy you’ve exerted here!

I am heartbroken, though not surprised, to read this regarding Kyron's fate. Thank you for your courage in discussing it with us.


looks like you've bolded the I/C (it's the 4th house cusp area, an angle like the other 3 ) and of crucial importance to any chart.
The Immum Coeli is the I/C and

the Angle marked AC is the Ascendant of a Chart or where the baby takes it's 1st breath.
The MC (Midheaven) is the very top of the chart and really is South and the I/C is at the bottom of the chart and it's North.

The I/C = 4th house cusp indicates the beginning or foundation of our lives, the home life some say mother or father (I say mother) usually, but it may be different depending upon whether it's a day or night birth whether the 4th is considered mother and the opposite polarity (the 10th house Father)

from this link you can see the chart and the various Angles more clearly:

The Imum Coeli or Nadir is opposite the Medium Coeli. This is the lowest point on the horoscope and the point furthermost north in the zodiac.

The MC - 10th house cusp at the top of the chart - (I say father) rules this house as it's a very public house the one with authority . People who have a strong 10th house without a lot of affliction here, often are public type of people with their careers for the 10th house also rules Careers.
Of course in this day and age (modern era) mothers too may be very prominent in their careers.. :)

The DC - is the Descendant the opposite of the AC (the ASCendant) and rules marriages and committed relationships (not love affairs) that is 5th house with children.

As for the TransNeptunian planets (hypothetical ones) talked about on the various threads?
Here is a link that explains some of them:

Here is a link for the founder of the Hamburg School of Astrology which promoted these TNPs that are gaining more and more status and approval these days and more people using them in their work:

[ame=""]Alfred Witte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Furthermore bolded :

S/R = Solar Return oositions used at Birthdays to see where the planets lie for the birthday year's tone to the chart
TR = Transiting planet around the natal chart
Solar Return (S/R POF) is the Part of Fortune in the Solar Return chart or S/R around the natal.

Yes. (imo) there are.

Perhaps this sad case will finally come to and end.

added note
: I read that someone else's friend had jumped into a river there nearby, and since I haven't his chart, it's hard to say, but I pray that someone's family will find closure soon. Whether Kyron's or the other family who is missing their loved one. I'm sure you all join me in this heartfelt prayer.
Restraining order against Terri will stay in effect, judge decides

"Kaine filed a restraining order a few weeks after his son, Kyron, disappeared from his Portland school. That was a year ago and the restraining order prohibits Terri, the boy's stepmother, from having any contact with Kaine or their daughter."
Dear Astros,

I believe Mars and Venus are both in Gemini (though I don't know how long this will last). Any ideas on how (or if) this could have any effect on Kyron's case?

I'm especially interested in any upcoming breakthroughs involving communication. -- Which leads to my next question: is there a favorable time in the [hopefully near] future when something may break in this case?

I'm beyond discouraged, but would appreciate ANY word or theories at all. Hearing something, no matter how bad, is better than hearing nothing at all.


Thanks for your ongoing work and dedication to all...

I'm no Astro, but if I'm interpreting this right...

The long term changes brought about during the next couple of years with the “Tough right angle between revolutionary Uranus and transformational Pluto” will be triggered by today’s lunar eclipse of the New Cancer Moon according to astrologer Jeff Jawer.

Today is about beginning new things that may affect our feelings. These changes may pertain to family as Cancer the Crab seems most at home there. But the “eclipse pushes us back,” says Jawer… so issues from our past home life may be involved.

Any experienced Astros here with some input on this? Please? Let's not forget about Kyron. I believe his case moves forward without help of the task force, beginning today. :(

I know CA's case is fascinating now, but I just can't go there. I can't forget about Kyron. Please help. TIA

It IS beyond depressing when nothing new comes in to the foreground concerning Kyron or the other little children we are waiting for movement on. The adults too of course, the open cases of which of late seem to be so many of them.

I checked Kyron's next S/R for his September anniversary of his birth date.
The only "hopeful" thing I noticed was S/R MC conj. his S/R Jupiter......but then again some use the precessed S/R charts so that too may change. I'll check that later.

As for the Parans (what else is left?)......that we have not checked for his fate?

I took a peek at those.

for Kyron Horman, 9 Sept. 2002
Heliacal stars and parans according to Brady calculations:

Star list: (64 stars); Orb for parans: 0°30' in RA; for position at axis: 1°00' in RA
Method: Real parans between two sunrises

Your heliacal rising star: Alphard (7 days earlier)
Your heliacal setting star: Vega (5 days earlier)

Stars Rising ("Stars of Your Youth")
A Sun Denebola (Rise-Rise, 0°27')
B Moon Procyon (LCul-Rise, 0°21')
F Jupiter Mirach (Set-Rise, 0°07',cp)

Mean Node Denebola (Cul-Rise, 0°17')

For me and my life, my Parans are absolutely "right on 100%" and they definately fit my life to a "t"
Same with my husband and most I've checked in my family.

However I've not bothered with them for a long time, and now was curious about Kyron's

For Denebola as his Rising Star in Parans (lying hidden) and conj. his natal Sun as we can see by it's locale.
in Virgo - I checked the "Constellation of Words" site for what they have to say about this Star.

Here is what I found for the Sun :
(and the negatives, sure came quickly to the little guy.....only near 8 yrs. of age?)

With Sun: Honor and preferment with danger, public disgrace and finally ruin, disease, fevers and acute ailments. [Robson*, p.161.]

I believe I did read he suffered from these types of childhood ailments fevers and acute type of ailments according to his mother.

We do not gain much however in assessing his Moon conj. to Procyon, although it is a star most associated with dog bites (Canis Minor) and that's only with Sirius involved.
It does however speak of it's natives with this star prominent in their charts, being "timid', "shy" and "unfortunate" (and esp. dangerous IF configured with Mars & Pluto, which Kyron's chart did not have) however, he does have Saturn con. Aludra, a star in Canis MAJOR (in the tail) of the dog. This does not fare well either, so we might say the Dog Constellations and Kyron's natal chart had a type of synastry this way.
They speak of a configuration with the malefics Mars & Pluto, but certainly Saturn is a traditional Malefic, even moreso or as much as Mars would be.

It must be terrible when parents cannot bury their child and grieve for them although I think that the grief suffered by the parents has already come and will stay until they have some type of final conclusion to this case.

It's like you cannot rest ever until this case is put to rest and Kyron is located.

IF His Heliacal Rising Star is part of the destiny for Kyron, then it's very possible he was poisoned, or given any number of things to knock him out, according to this descript of Alphard

Ptolemy states that it is of the nature of Saturn and Venus, but according to Alvidas it is similar to the Sun and Jupiter in sextile. It gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, lack of self control, immorality, revolting deeds and a sudden death by drowning, poison or asphyxiation. [Robson*, p.130.]

Of a Saturn nature, however, there is a measure of influence of Venus and Neptune. This combination is of a disadvantage in most cases. Particularly matters connected with 'poison' are accentuated badly, e.g. blood poisoning, murder by poison, attempts of poisoning, poisoned hatred in women, gas poisoning, danger to life by wrong use of drugs and over indulgence of good living, smoke inhalation and danger of suffocation, snake bite, bites by poisonous insect bites, or bites from dogs with rabies. Danger is marked if either Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune, Ascendant or MC are linked up with this star
It IS beyond depressing when nothing new comes in to the foreground concerning Kyron or the other little children we are waiting for movement on. The adults too of course, the open cases of which of late seem to be so many of them.

I checked Kyron's next S/R for his September anniversary of his birth date.
The only "hopeful" thing I noticed was S/R MC conj. his S/R Jupiter......but then again some use the precessed S/R charts so that too may change. I'll check that later.

As for the Parans (what else is left?)......that we have not checked for his fate?

I took a peek at those.

for Kyron Horman, 9 Sept. 2002
Heliacal stars and parans according to Brady calculations:

Star list: (64 stars); Orb for parans: 0°30' in RA; for position at axis: 1°00' in RA
Method: Real parans between two sunrises

Your heliacal rising star: Alphard (7 days earlier)
Your heliacal setting star: Vega (5 days earlier)

Stars Rising ("Stars of Your Youth")
A Sun Denebola (Rise-Rise, 0°27')
B Moon Procyon (LCul-Rise, 0°21')
F Jupiter Mirach (Set-Rise, 0°07',cp)

Mean Node Denebola (Cul-Rise, 0°17')

For me and my life, my Parans are absolutely "right on 100%" and they definately fit my life to a "t"
Same with my husband and most I've checked in my family.

However I've not bothered with them for a long time, and now was curious about Kyron's

For Denebola as his Rising Star in Parans (lying hidden) and conj. his natal Sun as we can see by it's locale.
in Virgo - I checked the "Constellation of Words" site for what they have to say about this Star.

Here is what I found for the Sun :
(and the negatives, sure came quickly to the little guy.....only near 8 yrs. of age?)

With Sun: Honor and preferment with danger, public disgrace and finally ruin, disease, fevers and acute ailments. [Robson*, p.161.]

I believe I did read he suffered from these types of childhood ailments fevers and acute type of ailments according to his mother.

We do not gain much however in assessing his Moon conj. to Procyon, although it is a star most associated with dog bites (Canis Minor) and that's only with Sirius involved.
It does however speak of it's natives with this star prominent in their charts, being "timid', "shy" and "unfortunate" (and esp. dangerous IF configured with Mars & Pluto, which Kyron's chart did not have) however, he does have Saturn con. Aludra, a star in Canis MAJOR (in the tail) of the dog. This does not fare well either, so we might say the Dog Constellations and Kyron's natal chart had a type of synastry this way.
They speak of a configuration with the malefics Mars & Pluto, but certainly Saturn is a traditional Malefic, even moreso or as much as Mars would be.

It must be terrible when parents cannot bury their child and grieve for them although I think that the grief suffered by the parents has already come and will stay until they have some type of final conclusion to this case.

It's like you cannot rest ever until this case is put to rest and Kyron is located.

IF His Heliacal Rising Star is part of the destiny for Kyron, then it's very possible he was poisoned, or given any number of things to knock him out, according to this descript of Alphard

Ptolemy states that it is of the nature of Saturn and Venus, but according to Alvidas it is similar to the Sun and Jupiter in sextile. It gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, lack of self control, immorality, revolting deeds and a sudden death by drowning, poison or asphyxiation. [Robson*, p.130.]

Of a Saturn nature, however, there is a measure of influence of Venus and Neptune. This combination is of a disadvantage in most cases. Particularly matters connected with 'poison' are accentuated badly, e.g. blood poisoning, murder by poison, attempts of poisoning, poisoned hatred in women, gas poisoning, danger to life by wrong use of drugs and over indulgence of good living, smoke inhalation and danger of suffocation, snake bite, bites by poisonous insect bites, or bites from dogs with rabies. Danger is marked if either Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune, Ascendant or MC are linked up with this star
Thank you, leomoon. Could this (my bold, in blue) be interpreted as a woman who is responsible for Kyron's disappearance (such as TH, or even more than 1 woman...TH and DS?)?
Hi Cazzie: I missed that, (your bolded blue "poisoned hatred in women" ) and certainly, in the language of astrology which is seldom when it comes to the Fixed Stars "literal"
but often enough certainly is, it can go "either way"

Metaphorically, or literally.

For me, (and my husband too), the Parans stars were "literal" in the interpretations.

For those who study ancient texts and in particular, the Gnostic Gospels, we learn as recent as 2 yrs. ago, on the Discovery Channel, and produced by National Geographic, some old scrolls as old as 2,000 yrs now, were found, (predating the 4 known Gospels) or so some believe.

In this text, called the Gospel of Judas, it was pointed out that Jesus said,"This is your star" and it's a common theme in ancient times, to have a particular star guiding your life.
(remember , I'm sure most do, that the Magi,(themselves ancient astrologers/astronomers) followed a star described
only as "His Star"
Could that be the Parans? The Heliacal Rising Star? :waitasec:

I can only guess, and from what we know, and what we've been told, (the last day Kyron was seen) and the rumor of hatred towards Kyron, via emails (we heard about)
it certainly seems possible.

Someone took him,and usually the police look at the "last known person to see or be
with the victim" .....that is always where they look first.

We have no reason (as the public worrying about this child and his family), to look elsewhere for blame. Logically speaking! :(
I learn so much from this forum (only to realize what an incredibly vast amount is yet to be learned). It makes me wish that I had studied astrology for years and years, rather than having a casual interest that usually stayed "on the back burner". The good news is that the interpretations are not "100% Greek" to me (but close, LOL).

It is astonishing (but not really, IYKWIM) how accurate these chart analyses can be.

OT, I know, but the recent interpretation for Lauren Spierer just crushed me. I hope it's wrong, of course, but deep down I feel that it will prove to be accurate.

Thank you again (and all the other astrologers) for the important work that you do here.
Thanks so much, Leomoon! :tyou:

I hope this means that Kyron was not awake (and did not suffer) when he met his end. I wonder if he drowned off Sauvie Island?... If so, I hope he was unconscious at the time.


Thanks again. I'll take some small comfort and hope in that....


<<snip, snip>>

As for the Parans (what else is left?)......that we have not checked for his fate?

I took a peek at those.

for Kyron Horman, 9 Sept. 2002
Heliacal stars and parans according to Brady calculations:

Star list: (64 stars); Orb for parans: 0°30' in RA; for position at axis: 1°00' in RA
Method: Real parans between two sunrises

Your heliacal rising star: Alphard (7 days earlier)
Your heliacal setting star: Vega (5 days earlier)

Stars Rising ("Stars of Your Youth")
A Sun Denebola (Rise-Rise, 0°27')
B Moon Procyon (LCul-Rise, 0°21')
F Jupiter Mirach (Set-Rise, 0°07',cp)

Mean Node Denebola (Cul-Rise, 0°17')

For me and my life, my Parans are absolutely "right on 100%" and they definately fit my life to a "t"
Same with my husband and most I've checked in my family.

However I've not bothered with them for a long time, and now was curious about Kyron's

For Denebola as his Rising Star in Parans (lying hidden) and conj. his natal Sun as we can see by it's locale.
in Virgo - I checked the "Constellation of Words" site for what they have to say about this Star.

Here is what I found for the Sun :
(and the negatives, sure came quickly to the little guy.....only near 8 yrs. of age?)

With Sun: Honor and preferment with danger, public disgrace and finally ruin, disease, fevers and acute ailments. [Robson*, p.161.]

I believe I did read he suffered from these types of childhood ailments fevers and acute type of ailments according to his mother.

We do not gain much however in assessing his Moon conj. to Procyon, although it is a star most associated with dog bites (Canis Minor) and that's only with Sirius involved.
It does however speak of it's natives with this star prominent in their charts, being "timid', "shy" and "unfortunate" (and esp. dangerous IF configured with Mars & Pluto, which Kyron's chart did not have) however, he does have Saturn con. Aludra, a star in Canis MAJOR (in the tail) of the dog. This does not fare well either, so we might say the Dog Constellations and Kyron's natal chart had a type of synastry this way.
They speak of a configuration with the malefics Mars & Pluto, but certainly Saturn is a traditional Malefic, even moreso or as much as Mars would be.

It must be terrible when parents cannot bury their child and grieve for them although I think that the grief suffered by the parents has already come and will stay until they have some type of final conclusion to this case.

It's like you cannot rest ever until this case is put to rest and Kyron is located.

IF His Heliacal Rising Star is part of the destiny for Kyron, then it's very possible he was poisoned, or given any number of things to knock him out, according to this descript of Alphard

Ptolemy states that it is of the nature of Saturn and Venus, but according to Alvidas it is similar to the Sun and Jupiter in sextile. It gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, lack of self control, immorality, revolting deeds and a sudden death by drowning, poison or asphyxiation. [Robson*, p.130.]

Of a Saturn nature, however, there is a measure of influence of Venus and Neptune. This combination is of a disadvantage in most cases. Particularly matters connected with 'poison' are accentuated badly, e.g. blood poisoning, murder by poison, attempts of poisoning, poisoned hatred in women, gas poisoning, danger to life by wrong use of drugs and over indulgence of good living, smoke inhalation and danger of suffocation, snake bite, bites by poisonous insect bites, or bites from dogs with rabies. Danger is marked if either Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune, Ascendant or MC are linked up with this star
I hope this means that Kyron was not awake (and did not suffer) when he met his end. I wonder if he drowned off Sauvie Island?... If so, I hope he was unconscious at the time.
Thanks again. I'll take some small comfort and hope in that....

Astral Star:

I don't think we can take my musings over the Parans Stars and their locations including the Heliacal Rising "to the bank".......but they LE should continue of course to search everywhere, on ground and underground as I'm sure they have and will IF any good leads come in.

However, I do find them intriguing enough, when we've reached a kind of "end of the rope" finding Kyron after a year has gone by to at least consider them.

I also know they match up with many people's past musings over how Kyron could have been restrained as a little child in a vehicle when his questions weren't answered as to where in the heck were they taking him......:(

The planets and the stars in various charts, (like the Natal chart) simply REFLECT our lives at some point in time. Like a mirror reflecting back to us, so worthy of consideration.

They don't make something happen as much as we as human beings are part of this Solar System and therefore, subject to the laws of both earth and the System itself.

A Reflection then
I have a question and could not find an answer on the previous Kyron thread; I saw on a chart for Lauren Spierer that due to something with Neptune, that she is unlikely to be found; does Kyron also have this association with Neptune that leads to this conclusion? Thank you.
The gas poisoning, smoke inhalation, and danger of suffocation makes me think of carbonminoxide poisoning from vehicle exhaust... Many suicides have been comitted by doing this.... they think of it as simply going to sleep..
I could picture TH thinking the same... possible drugging him and then the carbonminoxide..
I'm just hoping Kyron didn't suffer...:(
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