Forensic Astrology - LINDSEY BAUM missing McCleary,WA 6/26/09 #1

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I remember something being said about a lot of logging roads out in that area, could he have possably been a logger? Maybe he watched Lindsey ride her bike up and down the road and maybe spoke with her a few times.
There are just so many possabilities, we have to figure out away to narrow this down.
This statement brings me back to the neighbor who sent Lindsey's brother home after the argument and later was one of the only ones to see Lindsey on her way home. They were said to be on their way to work in the evening hours at a state or county job if I remember correctly.

Usually, state or county employees who would be heading to work at these hours would be law enforcement, paramedics, nurses, firefighters, park rangers, DOT workers, prison guards, etc. People who would wear uniforms and be able to elicit a certain amount of awe and immediate respect out of children (explaining how they were able to easily make Lindsey's brother obey them even though he's had run-ins with juvenile authorities).

I don't think we've sleuthed much out on this person because not much info has been given, but I think this person warrants a deeper look, imo.

XPhile, I am in total agreement with you on this. I would love to know who turned brother around and sent him home. And who would Lindsey feel she would know well enough to get a "ride home" as there is no evidence of a struggle and no scent picked up past I believe it was 6th Street. This points to a snatch from the street or at least Lindsey entering into a car with someone she felt fairly comfortable with. There is a guy in McCleary who works for the government, has assisted in leading at least one of the vigils, is familiar with surrounding outlying woodlands around McCleary, is well connected in the Church that Lindsey attended, has conicidently lived in areas where other children have gone missing, has been reported as having taken brother Josh fishing and is known to the family. This guy was born October 13, 1964 in Corvallis, Oregon and now lives in McCleary - makes him 45 years old this year. Was married and is divorced - not sure of current marital status. Has had multiple court records in Washington including a restraining order.
Not on any witch hunt here so am not putting out a name, but this guy needs to be looked at extemely closely. Links to public records are available to backup all the information on this guy. Wonder if it were he who turned Josh around?
Has anyone asked yet for a chart to be done on WW dob 10-13-64?
Has anyone asked yet for a chart to be done on WW dob 10-13-64?

No, but I have all the links to backup the information on this guy - we will let Tuba, Soulscape, and Fifth digest the information and with their experience/knowledge they may decide to run a chart.

ETA: I would like to see a chart on this guy but it is up to our Astros to decide - it takes a lot to do the charts.
Previous commentary in this Thread from both Tuba and myself indicates:

1. Lindsey likely knew the perp (at least well enough to get into a vehicle with him).

2. Lindsey likely considered the perp to be an authority figure.

3. Several suggestions of possible occupations (including the possibility of being laid off/ unemployed) were given. (See various posts of Tuba and myself within this thread.)

This evening I was once again studying the Last Seen Chart and happened to key in on the solstice point for SATURN (the perp) --- 13 Aries.

In the Last Seen chart, 13 Aries is located within the 3rd House of Neighbors/ Near Neighborhood
. Moreover, SATURN in Virgo is disposited by MERCURY in Gemini -- sign and ruler of the 3rd House in the natural wheel. This is strong testimony the perp is a neighbor.

In comparing to Lindsey's sunrise natal chart, 13 Aries appears in the 10th House of Authorities.

The charts support each other. The perp was known to Lindsey, she likely considered him to be an 'authority figure,' and the likelihood that the perp is a neighbor / someone living in the local area is high.

i was reading your post Xphile and the first thing that popped into my head was that she will be coming home. don't know when, but i do believe she will be found. hopefully its very soon.
So many of you work tirelessly researching and digging deeper and deeper into the few facts that LE presents or the news sources report.

It is this sort of dedication and desire to bring comfort and resolve to families, to see justice prevail that drives one to investigate beyond the obvious, looking into the cracks and crevices, lifting up the corners of the rug, exploiting every possible scenario and questioning every person along the way.

These efforts, this harmonious force you are part of has made
the finest machine of it's kind on the net.

In doing your investigative research, many come to us requesting charts for persons you are curious about although they are not a 'major' player in the case nor considered a POI in the eyes of LE.
Out of respect for privacy, we do not post those charts of these persons. Additionally, the privacy concerns in the TOS/Terms of Service @ WS ask the same and so it must be this way.

Just so you know, our core Astros work together in the background and do take a look at the charts of the persons you bring us. Should the party be announced or reported by LE as a person whom they are taking a look at or considering integral to the case, we will post the chart at such time.

Please do continue to bring us the Date of Birth (& and location if known) of the person(s) your research qualifies an inquiry in to and do include a link from the thread associated with the respective research, news links inclusive.

Thank you ALL for being the voices of the 'Innocents', those who cannot speak up for themselves.


Oh my XPhile, this is terrible - I don't have dreams like this but you do have my sympathies - it has to be hard on you. You weren't sneaking any peeks at a particular Flickr account before you went to bed were you? Now, I have to ask did the perp look anything like this?


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Oh my XPhile, this is terrible - I don't have dreams like this but you do have my sympathies - it has to be hard on you. You weren't sneaking any peeks at a particular Flickr account before you went to bed were you? Now, I have to ask did the perp look anything like this?

Hi Elepher, You are an expert at MySpace accounts I know. I hope this is proper but I can't find a mod here to ask, but if there was an article about this case that mentions the name of one of Lindsey's friends who is a minor and there is disturbing info in her MySpace writings, can that be posted on this thread? Ta
This guy was picked up. Its been discussed on the main page about Lindsey, so I thought I would bring it over. He was covicted of rape in the 90's and failed to registar. Thought you might want to look into it.

I find it strange he was picked up and now the search has been called off.

Hi ~ I wouldn't post on this thread unless I thought it was extremely here goes....

From Here...

To Here REMOVED- believed to be a MINOR

To Here....

To Here....


Have to meet a friend for lunch. Will be checking back as soon as I fly in the door ~ Thanks!
Are we talking about RPHMF? The last link doesn't work for me.

Are we talking about RPHMF? The last link doesn't work for me.


Yes, Salem, that is the guy. I read this somewhere else and will go grab the article if you want me to as her name is in it. She mentioned a guys name that began with the first 3 letters of this guys name, thouught he was 30 - turns out he's like 20, but he tried to kiss this friend of Lindsey's and it totally revolted her. He lives in a town that is close by.

I think that is kind of a major possibility and we have actually looked at WW for less!

PS: You can understand I was concerned because of the site I found it on while reading if you get what I mean. It was just posted last night.
Hi ~ I wouldn't post on this thread unless I thought it was extremely here goes....

From Here...

To Here REMOVED- believed to be a MINOR

To Here....

To Here....


Have to meet a friend for lunch. Will be checking back as soon as I fly in the door ~ Thanks!

Pretty sharp there Haddie ;} It is the link with Zidane in it. He doesn't appear to be an authority figure tho as she said he was kind of childlike {my word} so it would just have to be his age maybe the tattoo's that would make a young girl even talk to him IMO. Kinda scary or creepy lookin' I think.
Hi Elepher, You are an expert at MySpace accounts I know. I hope this is proper but I can't find a mod here to ask, but if there was an article about this case that mentions the name of one of Lindsey's friends who is a minor and there is disturbing info in her MySpace writings, can that be posted on this thread? Ta

Hi Scandi, Really no expert on MySpace but I think it is important for WSers to see the information and do some more digging. Since it is a minor's account, I wouldn't post it directly onto to WS but would snapshot it and push it out to PhotoBucket and then link to the PhotoBucket article from the WS posting.
Hi Elepher, You are an expert at MySpace accounts I know. I hope this is proper but I can't find a mod here to ask, but if there was an article about this case that mentions the name of one of Lindsey's friends who is a minor and there is disturbing info in her MySpace writings, can that be posted on this thread? Ta

Hi Scandi, Really no expert on MySpace but I think it is important for WSers to see the information and do some more digging. Since it is a minor's account, I wouldn't post it directly onto to WS but would 'snapshot' it and push it out to PhotoBucket and then link to the PhotoBucket article from the WS posting.

(my bold above)

snapshot/screenshot/screen capture- same function but the reference name depends on software you're using

Thank you Elepher! good suggestion when looking @ minors
Hi Scandi, Really no expert on MySpace but I think it is important for WSers to see the information and do some more digging. Since it is a minor's account, I wouldn't post it directly onto to WS but would snapshot it and push it out to PhotoBucket and then link to the PhotoBucket article from the WS posting.

Hi, I've never studied Photobucket to get it to work. I joined and then was totally lost. LOL Same with making snapshots. I need to take a few hours and learn how to do those things. Ya Ya

He's not a minor tho, already been tracked thru Lindsey's MS account, right? Fair game to study I say. She is 14 and at his age made a big boo boo trying to kiss her, especially when he reviled him. I don't know how one gets birthdate info either.
Hi, I've never studied Photobucket to get it to work. I joined and then was totally lost. LOL Same with making snapshots. I need to take a few hours and learn how to do those things. Ya Ya

He's not a minor tho, already been tracked thru Lindsey's MS account, right? Fair game to study I say. She is 14 and at his age made a big boo boo trying to kiss her, especially when he reviled him. I don't know how one gets birthdate info either.

Hi Scandi,

I will spend some time and track through to see what ya'all are talking about and do some digging for birthdate and all that good stuff.

Pm me scandi, if you have questions. I have an accnt at photobucket and am a little familiar with how to do it. Hopefully someone more experienced will offer help, but I'll try!
Pm me scandi, if you have questions. I have an accnt at photobucket and am a little familiar with how to do it. Hopefully someone more experienced will offer help, but I'll try!

Thanks Waltzingmatilda, I'm out the door for work right now but I'd love to learn more. I'll find you maybe over the weekend. xox
Are we talking about RPHMF? The last link doesn't work for me.


No, the friend listed on RPHMF's page.... his 16th friend named Rick! Looks EXACTLY like the man that was arrested for failing to register as a sex offender in the early days of this case!

The last link I provided is a link to the photos in crankycrankerson's photobucket concerning Lindsey's case and is the arrest/police file picture of DRL.

I was hoping for your opinions or confirmation that DRL and Rick, who is 4 Myspace clicks away from MK's (Lindsey's best friend) are one in the same.

I can't believe that link doesn't work. I'll try again.......

(I just posted and tried the link and again it is not working correctly :( Why won't the link translate correctly??? If you can access the crankycrankerson photobucket pictures you will find the DRL arrest screen shot. )
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