Forensic Astrology - LINDSEY BAUM missing McCleary,WA 6/26/09 #1

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Tuba (post #9, page 1)

The Sun, descriptor of the nature of the event, rules House 8. The event is based on death, sex or others' assets. The removal or the struggle, the conflict, happened due to those concerns. Where is the Moon who denotes the actual activity in the event? In that same House of death, sex or others' assets. And she is with the responsible party, the one who committed the crime, Saturn. Saturn who is so shrewd, who planned this and, with his scythe, reaped in the event. The Moon operates at the behest of the Sun and Saturn and makes a choice based on conflict and under duress: she is not only restrained in an intercept but at odds with her dispositor, Mercury showing extreme antipathy for her situation of bondage. I say based on conflict because she rules House 7.

Saturn, who is willing to wait, who delays and obstructs and plans, is very different from the brother, Mars in Taurus, so brash and disobedient. Saturn has an inferiority complex: Capricorn rising and position in Virgo square Mercury for a most depressed attitude. Saturn is sesquiquadrate (135°) Pluto, a very evil planetary blend. Reckless indifference to human life and suffering, wild abandonment, one might say frenzy at the moment matters culminate. Who is this perpetrator and how to unearth him? To begin, he has a record. His one vanity is his well muscled physique.
The cusp of House 8, the death dealer, has solstice point at the Fourth House opposed Part of Misfortune. The Moon which is here depicting the activity of Lindsey is trying to make her way home. See her trine to House 4 cusp. What happens first? She sextiles the Part of Misfortune in Scorpio. And that sextiles the ascending degree for an even wider triangle of death~Sun to Moon to Misfortune to ASC. The ascending degree is one known for selfishness, despondency and jealousy. There is greed here. The perpetrator has not lived an honest life and has stolen from others, Saturn in House 8, thinking he has more need, is more deprived and deserving. He simply takes.

add'l note from TUBA:
The solstice point is important. This kidnapper did not come from out of town for an event nor was he passing thro to buy gas and that is a good narrowing factor.
Because of the Venus-Mars conjunction in House 4 and the presence of the Moon as H. 7 ruler, I have always wondered (aloud) about a female protecting the perp.

Soulscape (post #18, page 1)

The charts indicate the perp is someone Lindsey knows.

Tuba (post #22, page 1)

He has citations on his DMV file, at least one having to do with speed.

Soulscape (post #44, page 2)

As both Tuba & I pointed out earlier, the charts indicate the perp is someone Lindsey knows --- at least well enough to get into a car with him.

Soulscape (post #55, page 3)
You have to look at 'someone in authority' from the perspective of 10 year old girls in general, and Lindsey Baum in particular.

'Someone in Authority' could be: a parent, teacher, minister, doctor, coach, cub scout/girl scout leader, older relative like an uncle/aunt/grandfather, good friend's parent/significant other/relative, etc. --- as well as persons adults would consider to be 'someone in authority' such as police officer, etc. Some children perceive just about any adult they know to be an 'authority figure' while others don't.

The receptions between the planets signifying Lindsey (MERCURY) and the perp (SATURN) are such that we strongly sense she knew him (at least well enough to get into a car with him).

Tuba (post #62, page 3)

He doesn't have a profession in the common sense of that term but is a worker, a labourer. He could have been in charge of inventory and stocking it. He could have loaded trucks. He could have been a farmworker. That end of the food chain. He appeared to be an industrious or steady employee but as mentioned before, this man is not honest. Others suspected that, so he was one of the first to go. I should have made clear before that his dishonesty was not confined to taking what did not belong to him, he lies like a used car salesman.

Tuba (post #70, page 3)

Is the owner of the Baum rental named as a person of interest? If you look at the chart (post #53 above), you'll see that House 5 and House 6 have to be read together because II is found on both cusps. House 6 is the sector governing tenants. Mercury, ruling both cusps is the victim here. Also, the landlord is definitely an authority figure and Mars, co-ruling that House of Authority is found in the real property sector, 4 conjunct property ruler Venus. Further, we have the ruler of House of death in the real property Sign, Cancer. Co-ruler of the House of landlords and other authority figures afflicts and conditions this same Sun. This is Pluto of course, as discussed in earlier analyses, at the fatal degree matching the node.

But if the landlord is suspect, what has he done to hide this victim? The theme of landlord tenant is repeated in the Sign Virgo, which holds killer Saturn and the child's co-ruler. Virgo is the Sign of tenants in the natural zodiac. They are intercepted. That says that there is very important secretive activity occurring last weekend and hiding and deception. Do we know this man's movements last weekend; did he have an alibi for that Friday night?

Soulscape (post #74, page 3)

The charts give no strong sense of 'teacher.'

Rather, someone who works with/on the land is indicated, possibly with his hands (such as laborer). This person could work on the land, in a profession dealing with land such as landscaping, or own the land. A landlord would fit as an occupation here...

Soulscape (post #76, page 4)

Lindsey was neutral in feeling about the perp --- didn't like/ love/ fear or hate him, could take him or leave him. This is because MERCURY the Child is in none of SATURN's dignities. The only reason she got into the car was because she knew him at least well enough to do so. He was not a stranger, just some old man.
The perp on the other hand, was very aware of and even infatuated with Lindsey. We see this in SATURN's receptions --- he is in MERCURY's sign and exaltation and in the triplicity of co-ruler MOON.

There are indications in the Last Seen chart Lindsey may have been secretively stalked. The Asteroid DIANA (hunter/hunted) is intercepted (hidden) in Pisces at the 9th degree. With MOON Lindsey's co-ruler at 6 Virgo, she is applying opposition to DIANA and conjunction with SATURN the perp. What occurs is entrapment because Asteroid ARACHNE the sticky web at 18 Capricorn is inconjunct MERCURY the Child and trine SATURN the perp. The entrapment occurs in secret as MOON, SATURN and DIANA are in intercepted signs.

Soulscape (post #79, page 4)

SATURN, significator of the perp, typically points to an older man, certainly no younger than 40 and possibly 50's or 60's. This man likely owns or manages real estate, or works in the real estate industry or in a business that supports the real estate industry (such as landscaping services) because the Arabic Part of Real Estate is partile conjunct SATURN the perp in the Last Seen Chart.

Soulscape (post #86, page 4)

Lindsey Baum was Last Seen on June 26, 2009 at 9:15 pm, a time we believe to be accurate. That chart clearly advised she had been kidnapped by an older man she likely knew, that she was taken by vehicle (likely car or truck), and that the outcome would be critical.

Tuba (post #98, page 4)

We have a severe clash between authority and all things II including coming and going, schooling, neighbors, communicating. We know that in this case, authority gone bad is tapped as responsible for this crime. We know Lindsey was a likely victim for this type of twisted, hypocritical misuser of power because of her Saturn-Neptune square. Have we exhausted all possible McCleary authorities? Landlord, parent, principal, teacher, policeman, fireman, neighborhood watch captain, athletic coach, clergyman, construction super, store owner. I'm sure you can think of additional figures who impose themselves upon children.

Soulscape (post #105, page 5)

Previous commentary in this Thread from both Tuba and myself indicates:

1. Lindsey likely knew the perp (at least well enough to get into a vehicle with him).

2. Lindsey likely considered the perp to be an authority figure.

3. Several suggestions of possible occupations (including the possibility of being laid off/ unemployed) were given. (See various posts of Tuba and myself within this thread.)

This evening I was once again studying the Last Seen Chart and happened to key in on the solstice point for SATURN (the perp) --- 13 Aries.

In the Last Seen chart, 13 Aries is located within the 3rd House of Neighbors/ Near Neighborhood. Moreover, SATURN in Virgo is disposited by MERCURY in Gemini -- sign and ruler of the 3rd House in the natural wheel. This is strong testimony the perp is a neighbor.
In comparing to Lindsey's sunrise natal chart, 13 Aries appears in the 10th House of Authorities.

The charts support each other. The perp was known to Lindsey, she likely considered him to be an 'authority figure,' and the likelihood that the perp is a neighbor / someone living in the local area is high.
Thank You FifthEssence, Tuba and Soulscape! I wish we could pay you all a hefty salary for what you do here.

Fifth that took some time to compile, thank you for organizing into a single post.
Thank you for putting all this together. After reading your post, it seems as though it should be so clear as to who the perp must be.
Listing clue after clue, and it must be.... I feel like I'm snapping my fingers, cause the name is just on the tip of my tongue, and I've almost got it....
Hope LE got it.
Thank You FifthEssence, Tuba and Soulscape! I wish we could pay you all a hefty salary for what you do here.

Fifth that took some time to compile, thank you for organizing into a single post.

The compilation "SATURN the Perp" was prepared by both Soulscape and TUBA. I was merely the messenger.
wow.. seems the current Poi was "layed off" from his camp job.. and in terms of the children and elderly he worked for at the beehive and the camp, was an 'authority figure"...

thanks for the further charts. it is very eye opening! (to say the least )
wow.. seems the current Poi was "layed off" from his camp job.. and in terms of the children and elderly he worked for at the beehive and the camp, was an 'authority figure"...

thanks for the further charts. it is very eye opening! (to say the least )

But.... he is not old enough to be Saturn. Saturn is 40+ years in age. Also, I wouldn't think he lives close enough to be a neighbor? Not sure about that.

The landlord fits if you consider that he lived in his shop while renting the house out. Cars play an important role in the POI's life, so that fits also. If Lindsey did not go to the camp, why would she consider the POI an authority figure? I wonder if there is a connection with the type of work he did at the Beehive. Would Lindsey have thought that his employment as "lead launderer" gave him authority? (I don't know that he did laundry, I'm just using that as an example.)

Somethings don't fit. Also, I believe that Soulscape did a chart that indicated that the POI might not be the perp. No strong indications that it is him.

Do we have someone trying to force suspicion in a "non-threating" direction? Or is it possible that we have two perps? Or did the Perp tell our POI something? Maybe about dismemberment?

Salem your train of thought is along the same as mine. Last night while reading through the PC for the fourth time, the section describing the Landlord/Tennant arrangements caught my eye. Also the "working with hands/farming" element. The age of this person (older than DG I assume) could make him authoritative and also fit the 40 to 50 bracket. Who is this person? Does he have a well muscled physique, is he in town often, is he a landcaper or have ties to a landscaping company? I say this bears sluething in conjuntion with looking at DG. I also found the landlord statement about his tennant hinky, may mean nothing? He said the person (siting from memory may not be exact) is easily convinced of things that may not have happened, due to a problem stemming from drug/alcohol abuse. It's like he's laying the groundwork in case this person says something incriminating.

Two perps? Could the landlord and DG have some sort of connection to each other? How long has this person lived next to the G family? Where did DG get that *advertiser censored* he showed while babysitting at age 14? Could this person have supplied it? He has enough of a relationship with him that he planted a garden on this person's property. Maybe DG being investigated is along the right path, but said path is going to make a sharp turn ...

Forgive me, my mind is just racing and all the above could be inconsequential ...
Good points Salem. I'v been mulling over the last 7 days. Soulscape did say this young man isn't the perp. We know the affidavit presented to the judge was a broad standard SW to make sure that LE could obtain anything that connects to the discovery to obtain Lindsey's body. The need to be able to search so a second warrant wouldn't be necessary. In the warrant it stated this young mans car may match evidence of tire tracks & shoe prints at the crime scene. Since FbI is handeling the investigation it may be safe to say they have imprints of the tire & shoe(shoes) prints, because that is what they due. This tells me the detectives already knew the tires didn't match because they have hide this young man on their radar with others we have heard about. The investigators hauled the guy's car in for the thorough Forensic testing inside and out and possibly to match tire tracks. A W/S member saw this young man with car at the shell station night before last I believe, which would atest that LE gave back to the an important peace of evidence. This says alot with the statement that this person is no longer a POI due to no solid evidence connecting him to the crime. One tipster said they saw him and his loud car that evenning & gave LE anothers name that stated the same. We have 2 people that felt they witnessed driving in the small town of McCleary near the Beehive on June 26th. Did the mayor or other male neighbor or other neighbors hear a loud muffler when he saw the children playing? A loud muffler in that neighborhood would resonate so loud for only about a hundred yards and louder if he squeeled off. The neighbors within that hundred yards may have heard this unless not home. Wouldn't that type of noise draw attention to that area at that time since we heard the mayor say kids were still playing outside? I'm wondering if LE is now taking a closer look at the original tip given by KK's daughter and friend to her and she also told a W/S member interviewing her (I think the first part of July. I can pull post if necessary) The description given by the girls to mom, to member was that it was a station wagon with round lights. This confused our W/S member investigating on foot in McCleary in July, so he thought maybe the girls saw a Ford Taurus station wagon. LE has this tip. I wonder if LE is now looking into the tips beside this one? The charts seem to point to the confusion LE seems to be displaying. The charts also seem to be saying (to me) this was a broad & wide search and LE needs to stick to plan. Would this mean stick to plan before search and seizure or move outward from the first initial PoI in question? With all FithEssence quoted whre does the "caretaker" fit in with the investigation at this point. Would a chart for yesterdays private search help in the path to find Lindsey, combined with the actions this past wk. I feel I'v gotta dig deeper and outward from the point of the properties searched. In a spiritual way I feel that every good, bad, & ugly step taken in this case will guide us to answers and Lindsey. The difficult part is getting through the silt. I can't hang'em high with innuendos while sluething, until LE slaps cuffs on someone for questioning leading to a confident statement they have a suspect! Then I'll feel the freedom to go for the ugly questions that may have led to Lindsey's disapperence. :grouphug: Back to work :eek:nline:
Salem your train of thought is along the same as mine. Last night while reading through the PC for the fourth time, the section describing the Landlord/Tennant arrangements caught my eye. Also the "working with hands/farming" element. The age of this person (older than DG I assume) could make him authoritative and also fit the 40 to 50 bracket. Who is this person? Does he have a well muscled physique, is he in town often, is he a landcaper or have ties to a landscaping company? I say this bears sluething in conjuntion with looking at DG. I also found the landlord statement about his tennant hinky, may mean nothing? He said the person (siting from memory may not be exact) is easily convinced of things that may not have happened, due to a problem stemming from drug/alcohol abuse. It's like he's laying the groundwork in case this person says something incriminating.

Two perps? Could the landlord and DG have some sort of connection to each other? How long has this person lived next to the G family? Where did DG get that *advertiser censored* he showed while babysitting at age 14? Could this person have supplied it? He has enough of a relationship with him that he planted a garden on this person's property. Maybe DG being investigated is along the right path, but said path is going to make a sharp turn ...

Forgive me, my mind is just racing and all the above could be inconsequential ...
Knox! :clap::detective:
karenintheclaw, that is the question which interests me also. In fact, all trips and movement by any possible POI into eastern Washington interest me mightily.
Warrants released in Baum case
Filing reveals what cops expected to find at homes
Saturday, October 3, 2009 2:17 AM PDT
The warrant includes statements from friends and family regarding a man at the residence in connection with strange phone activity, disturbing conversations involving Lindsey, conflicting alibis and a past accusation of sexual assault.

In the court filing, investigators say they believe Lindsey has been kidnapped, and after what they have refered to as a &#8220;credible&#8221; tip, believed they would find evidence of her kidnapping at the home.

The Grays Harbor Sheriff&#8217;s Office has since announced it could not find any evidence of wrongdoing. Some forensic samples taken at the home and a neighboring property on Sept. 25 along Foreman Road still await testing. Results could take months.

A person identifying him or herself as a friend of the man&#8217;s family in an online forum said the family has always cooperated with investigators and has actively tried to help with the search for Lindsey.

&#8220;Someone has found someone to blame,&#8221; the poster wrote. &#8220;This is ridiculous.&#8221;

The poster said the family has been upset by the allegations and has had people trespassing on the property since the searches were launched.

Cops' Search in Lindsey Baum Case Comes Up Empty
Police Served Warrants, but Found No Evidence of Missing Girl
Oct. 4, 2009
Volunteers gathered in McCleary, Wash., this weekend to hunt for any trace of Lindsey Baum, the 11-year-old girl who has been missing for more than three months. Police acknowledged they are looking for new leads after a search failed to link a possible suspect to the girl's disappearance.

"There was no evidence that clearly indicated that the people and the individual we were looking at had anything to do with her disappearance," Undersheriff Rick Scott, of the Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Department, one of the agencies investigating the girl's disappearance, told "Having served these warrants, we found nothing, so we're pursuing other leads."

Girl's disappearance still a mystery
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Last updated 5:46 p.m. PT
Nine days after executing search warrants at the home of a "person of interest" in the Lindsey Baum disappearance, police now say that person is no longer a target in the case.

The 23-year-old McCleary man initially caught the attention of investigators after he gave conflicting alibis about his whereabouts on June 26, the night Lindsey vanished while walking home from a friend's house.

But after conducting a thorough search of properties owned by his family, detectives say they found nothing that "immediately" implicates him in the case.

Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott says some material was gathered during last weekend's searches at the McCleary family's properties, but none of it appeared to be incriminating.

"Should results of forensic examination come back positive for this investigation, he would become again someone of interest - but at this point we have no specific person or persons we are looking at," Scott says.

Police: Lindsey Baum's disappearance still a mystery
Story Published: Oct 4, 2009 at 4:26 PM PDT
Story Updated: Oct 4, 2009 at 7:16 PM PDT
Nine days after executing search warrants at the home of a "person of interest" in the Lindsey Baum disappearance, police now say that person is no longer a target in the case.

More than three months have elapsed since Lindsey vanished - seemingly into thin air. Scores of volunteers have searched the area surrounding McCleary, a small mill town where everyone knows their neighbors.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office says investigators will continue to chase every lead they get.

Meanwhile, the girl's mother, Melissa Baum, says she remains hopeful that Lindsey will be found alive.

Video: Police: Lindsey Baum's disappearance still a mystery

Leads fall off in missing girl case
October 5, 2009
It's back to square-one for searchers in McCleary. Police now say they have no "person of interest" in the disappearance of 11 year old Lindsey Baum.

The man the Grays Harbor Sheriff's office had been investigating is now in the clear.

Investigators say they have nothing right now that links the 23 year-old to Lindsey's disappearance, and they have no new leads and no people of interest.

Lindsey's mother Melissa says that while leads are drying up, her hope isn't, "I don't have a choice but to hold up. I've got to find my daughter, you know, that's my number one mission is to find her and that's what keeps me going every day."

Baum said about a hundred people were back out over the weekend searching the forest for her daughter.

Search for missing girl comes up empty
Published: Oct. 5, 2009 at 11:27 AM
A weekend hunt for evidence in the disappearance of an 11-year-old Washington state girl failed to turn up any leads, authorities say.

Despite the efforts of hundreds of volunteers, no clues were found as to the whereabouts of Lindsey Baum of McCleary, Wash., ABC News reported.

Observers said volunteers from McCleary and from throughout the state joined in the most recent search, which began Friday and continued through Monday in the area of where Lindsey was last seen on the evening of June 26, somewhere along a densely populated suburban street near her home.


The astros are not idle. Soulscape and I have been studying certain hombres around and in the round up. We've found some disturbing connections to the event chart for Lindsey's disappearance and to her natal and progressed planets. Professional ethics and WS guidelines both prevent our naming names at this time.
The astros are not idle. Soulscape and I have been studying certain hombres around and in the round up. We've found some disturbing connections to the event chart for Lindsey's disappearance and to her natal and progressed planets. Professional ethics and WS guidelines both prevent our naming names at this time.

THANK YOU I am so very happy to be hearing this....
The astros are not idle. Soulscape and I have been studying certain hombres around and in the round up. We've found some disturbing connections to the event chart for Lindsey's disappearance and to her natal and progressed planets. Professional ethics and WS guidelines both prevent our naming names at this time.

Hi Tuba,

I have never thought about this before now, but want to ask ... Not necessarily directing this question to this case; would the Astro's ever contact LE directly to suggest or supply information regarding the perpetrator of a crime? Thx.
With the addition birth info you recieved and doing more looking into the case
can you see any possible information that would suggest she is still alive?
From time to time a Websleuth has called law enforcement and occasionally an intermediary has done that with information derived from the main forum or the astro forum. Personally, I have not phoned the police or sheriffs.

Unfortunately, that initial chart foretold a sad end that came shortly after Lindsey's disappearance. Both the Part of Fatality 18:27 Pisces and the Part of Death 25° Sagittarius were terribly afflicted by Saturn at 16:20 Virgo and by Uranus at 26:36 Pisces (opposition and square, tight). All of this afflicted the child walking, 17:39 II.
From time to time a Websleuth has called law enforcement and occasionally an intermediary has done that with information derived from the main forum or the astro forum. Personally, I have not phoned the police or sheriffs.

Unfortunately, that initial chart foretold a sad end that came shortly after Lindsey's disappearance. Both the Part of Fatality 18:27 Pisces and the Part of Death 25° Sagittarius were terribly afflicted by Saturn at 16:20 Virgo and by Uranus at 26:36 Pisces (opposition and square, tight). All of this afflicted the child walking, 17:39 II.

If she's gone,Tuba, then can you tell them where to look for her little body? I'm thinking buried in the woods. Anything in the charts suggest woods, water, above or below the earth. Anything at all indicating dismemberment? TIA
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