Forensic Astrology - MACKENZIE COWELL last seen 2/9/10 WA

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There is a possibility that Mackenzie may have recently become involved with a guy whose date of birth is March 20, 1990. Can you possibly enlighten us as to whether this person may have had any involvement in Mackenzie's death?

Thanks so much for all of the astrological analyzing all of you do!! It's appreciated more than you know! :blowkiss:

Liz: I think all we might be able to do, with a place of birth of a person born on this day and year, is what a generically speaking, person may have been going through on the day she disappeared.

Not specific then (to one person in particular) but a "generic" answer for anyone born this day

What location was someone born that you had in mind, or are you just thinking near Wenatchee Wa?
Liz: I think all we might be able to do, with a place of birth of a person born on this day and year, is what a generically speaking, person may have been going through on the day she disappeared.

Not specific then (to one person in particular) but a "generic" answer for anyone born this day

What location was someone born that you had in mind, or are you just thinking near Wenatchee Wa?

I've been searching all over for a couple hours to try to find his place of birth, to no avail. I'm not the best sleuth, by any stretch of the imagination, and I don't have any paid subscriptions to any search sites.

The best information I have on this person is that he currently lives in the greater Tacoma area; more specifically Orting, WA. My best estimation (with help from Mapquest) Orting is about 166 miles west, southwest of Wenatchee. I apologize for not being able to provide a specific place of birth.

Thanks so much for your help, Leomoon!

ETA: Title
Natal Chart information:

For anyone born under a chart with these placements, the life would tend to be a person
Who doesn’t easily follow the rules, skirts responsible behavior, dances to the beat of his own drummer and then some!

First off, this person would have their Moon in Capricorn, (all day this day) not the warmest of emotions or signs for one’s Moon to be located . His Mercury at 1Aries, (critical degree), and Venus in Aquarius
Willing to give another their “space”….But his Venus is also square to Pluto (controlling and perhaps manipulating with lovers) so mitigating the " willing to give " part i.e. selfish person for sure (testimony of this, - see Jupiter's aspects)
And Venus is also conjunct the NN in AQ.

The most worrisome of such a person, for their life and others might be the placement of
their Pluto conjunct the Black Moon at 15Scorpio, a very critical degree…..and both of course, extremely strong, as Pluto rules Scorpio. So double the strength here to the square to Venus or quadruple it perhaps and even throw in the critical degree (at least quadruple the strength of Scorpio and Pluto with the BML)

His Mars would be in Aquarius – conjunct Venus, so one who perhaps is a ladies man, but not a “stayer”… who likes their freedom a bit .

Uranus is a problem for this person’s life, anyone born this day in this area of the Pacific Northwest., has Uranus 9Capricorn (Facies, - i.e. ruthless behavior)
Square to that critical Mercury at 1Aries, - and square to the Pisces Sun (in the Anaretic degree or 29th deg.of Pisces) so, again a critical position.

Not to mention, that Jupiter is also opposite Uranus square to Mercury
Opposite the Moon and square the Sun!
Not exactly a generous human being, or having trouble with generosity of spirit (imo)

Whoosh,:( this person is a caldroun of upset and angst, a walking landmine. Or perhaps a seething volcano?

But of course there are some people who go through life this way, and never commit
A seriously violent crime.

Free will prevails.

Transits for Feb. 9th, 2010: for the hypothetical person:

(I'll see if I can post a thumbnail chart here) Sunrise chart w/out the time of birth:

Synastry of Mackenzie and hypothetical guy: Note: Mackenzie is the Blue color on the Inside, and the guy on the outside in red as for the planets
This chap, we'll call him Boyfriend, has one strong tie to the victim's disappearance. Mars for the day M. C. went missing was directly opposite his Mars and Mercury was on his Mars when her body was found. This could easily describe a young man's emotions on learning his new love interest was dead~frustration on the prod because someone took out his girl. Alternatively, he could have set her up for this horrible fate. Could he have been the hands-on killer? The level of anger is there but the other direct involvement is not.
Thank you both so very much, Tuba and Leomoon80! I truly appreciate all your hard work! :blowkiss:
Thank you both so very much, Tuba and Leomoon80! I truly appreciate all your hard work! :blowkiss:

No problem, we love astrology on this site.

I'm just now reading that this is a rather complicated case,because there are so many "players".
From her mother's b.f., (a construction man?) many others, including a new guy she wanted to date from Tacoma, to the old boyfriend, who some say just bought her a Valentine's gift all of these issues and facts referenced on the websleuth's link below. A complicated history.

There are really a LOT of people, with a lot of questions here.

This is really hairy stuff and rather hard to keep up with. Personalities, non-withstanding. Too many people, too little correspondance.

So, I'd not take the one data, anymore heavier then if we saw the others to compare with as it simply wouldn't be fair to do so.

Sometimes (as they say) "Birds of a feather" what is it?

"Flock together?"


A dedicated thread for Mackenzie in the Forensic Astrology Forum
--- this is fantastic! Thank you all so much!!

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
No problem, we love astrology on this site.

I'm just now reading that this is a rather complicated case,because there are so many "players".
From her mother's b.f., (a construction man?) many others, including a new guy she wanted to date from Tacoma, to the old boyfriend, who some say just bought her a Valentine's gift all of these issues and facts referenced on the websleuth's link below. A complicated history.

There are really a LOT of people, with a lot of questions here.

This is really hairy stuff and rather hard to keep up with. Personalities, non-withstanding. Too many people, too little correspondance.

So, I'd not take the one data, anymore heavier then if we saw the others to compare with as it simply wouldn't be fair to do so.

Sometimes (as they say) "Birds of a feather" what is it?

"Flock together?"


I'm so glad you all love astrology. :) At times I feel like we are asking too much and working you guys too hard though!

Yes, as to this being a complicated case. As Tuba forewarned us "Remember, I did warn you in the first chart that many adverse factors afflicted this encounter. I am not making it complicated. It is complicated."

Complicated, and frustrating too, as I've previously expressed!

There are quite a few players and very little factual information to go on from Law Enforcement. LEOs are keeping most of what they know very close to the vest. Therefore, it causes us sleuthers at times to go off on wild tangents of speculation, that are probably nothing even close to the truth.
Mainly because we have so few facts to sleuth out.

That's why I was so desperate for you (all) to give your thoughts about whatever charts you could do on whatever you could do them on. There are many of us that do greatly appreciate everything you all have contributed.

I think you all are helping us to figure out a few things; even if it's that we'll never be able to figure this case out to where we will feel with any assurance that it's provable "beyond a reasonable doubt"! :crazy:

I hope & pray the crime lab returns some good forensic evidence; but at this point, I'm not very confident about that happening!

Thanks again, Leomoon; and everyone else, too, for ALL your help!
Is there any way you could do a birth reading on another suspect? Initials are JF and birthate is 5-27-68. Probably born in Eastern Washington. Is he in any way involved in MC's death?
Is there any way you could do a birth reading on another suspect? Initials are JF and birthate is 5-27-68. Probably born in Eastern Washington. Is he in any way involved in MC's death?

According to court records of his marriage license it says he was born in Vallejo, CA.
The helpful communication in the case of our victim, Mackenzie Cowell, will heave into view St. Patrick's Day.

Hi Tuba. I'm under the impression that several members are waiting with baited breath for some "bombshell" revelation regarding this information today. I didn't perceive your post as projecting that this communication will necessarily be revealed to us "civilians", but possibly to LE. And we all know how tight-lipped they've been regarding details relating to Mackenzie's case.

Can you possibly elaborate on this aspect?
1. Last Seen Moon 06 Capricorn partile (exact) inconjunct (150 degrees) JF's natal SUN 06 Gemini and possibly close inconjunct JF's natal MOON at 08 Gemini.**

** Natal chart is cast for sunrise so we do not have exact MOON position, nor do we know the true ASCENDANT, MIDHEAVEN and house cusps. The SUN, however, would remain in 06 degrees regardless of birth time.

2. JF's natal MARS 13 Gemini is partile opposed Last Seen VERTEX (Fate).

3. JF's natal (sunrise) EQ (a secondary ASCENDANT) and his Secondary Progressed MOON are in Event Chart's Fateful degree (same degree as the NODES) --- 19. (The Secondary Progressed MOON at 19 Sagittarius is partile conjunct Event CERES.)

4. JF's natal SATURN 21 Aries is partile sextile Last Seen SUN 21 Aquarius (opportunity).

5. JF's Secondary Progressed MARS 11 Cancer is close square Mackenzie's natal SUN 12 Aries and his natal PLUTO 20 Virgo is opposed her natal VENUS 22 Pisces (and possibly her natal MOON, 23 Pisces in the sunrise chart).


While I do not necessarily think we have 'pinned the tail on the donkey,' the interconnections are strong enough to warrant a most thorough interrogation of JF by LE.


: The Last Seen chart shows several indications of a relationship crisis. Testimonies suggest Mackenzie may have been having an affair with an older man who may have had a lot to lose if he were 'outed' and/or it is possible that something she may have told him triggered him into violence. However, I cannot absolutely rule out a younger perp, although after examining the natal (sunrise) chart of the Tacoma boyfriend, I would rule him out.
As written in a couple of posts, it is no fluke that the Part of Fortune is in II in both significant charts, Last Seen and the finding of her body. In part, I believe the footprints leading from her car are extremely valuable to the investigation but in addition, Part of Fortune in II points to communications that should help forge the link in the chain of contacts also important to the analysis. At least law enforcement in the involved counties is not as closed as those in Charlottesville or Blairsville. If you are in touch with an investigator, maybe you can learn what messages &/or papers are coming to light now. I certainly do NOT mean the Hey-Hey text messages between M. Cowell and her boyfriend.
The Vernal Equinox is scheduled to occur this Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 @ 1:32 PM EDT.

I'm curious as to how the Vernal Equinox's might (or might not) effect current investigations. If it's not too much trouble, can one of you great astro minds give us an idea if the Vernal Equinox is likely to enhance or hamper the investigation? Or, is it more likely to have no effect whatsoever?

When Mackenzie Cowell was last seen, Mercury was at the end of Capricorn and when her body was found, the Part of Fortune was at the end of II. That means the Vernal Equinox of 0° Aries will aspect both those placements and both those charts. Yes, it will provide activation. The "authority sector" is stimulated. Some of the crimes we have in focus were committed with Mars at zero degrees. Action in those will be powerfully galvanized. Evidence and individuals who were involved surface because Mars represents the violence and the acting out at the time of the crime & the Vernal Equinox revitalises the imprint Mars made in a particular time and place: the scene of the crime.
We had our first news in at least three weeks on March 30th, when Gregory Kennedy of Go Lake Chelan talked to the Chelan County Sheriff, Mike Harum about the case.

Link to podcast:

Link to Alt.Theory's transcription of the podcast:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, missing 2/9/10, Orondo/Wenatchee #14[/ame]

Worst part of the sheriff's report was the revelation that even after LE served the cell phone carrier with a 'preservation letter'; some of the pertinent cell phone data was purged by the carrier; which may be detrimental to solving Mackenzie's case.

ETA: Today, April 1st, Mackenzie should've been here having the time of her life, celebrating her 18th birthday!
Is there any way one of you astrologists can prepare a chart for WC (MC's mother)? Her birthdate is 2/1/1961 and she was born in Redmond, WA. I am wondering what was going on in her life on or around 2/9/10. TIA.
Mackenzie 3:40PM last Text to her boyfriend :

Note: Mars and Atropos over the ASC.
Black Moon Lilith and the Sun in the 7th in Aquarius, probably the one lying in wait to kill her....but had she purposefully met up with him, OR did she give him a ride that day?

The call at 3:40PM to the b.f. and responded to with a "hey" ....isn't much to go on. Was SHE the one doing the responding, or was it her captor??

Personally I cannot tell, we'd need to know who is the Moon in this chart (6th House conj.
Pluto) and WHO is the Sun (7th house conj. BML) in Aquarius?

I'm leaning towards the Sun & BML in teh 7th as the captor, and the telephone as the 3rd house
Saturn (restricting) her........with the Moon & Pluto in the 6th as a controlled, "hey", response, being controlled by another.

Any other observations or even if you see these symbols in another way, would be appreciated to know what you see.

Text from Liz earlier post :
Two tidbits of factual information, relating to times, that 'might' (or might not be?) be helpful, from
the timeline :

3:40 PM - Mackenzie's phone data indicate that her phone is at/near the Riverfront Park boat ramp. While there, the phone receives an incoming text ("hey") and replies with the same message ("hey").

5:42 PM - A cell tower bounces a signal off of MacKenzie's phone. This is the final activity on McKenzie's phone. Location has not been released by investigators.



Leomoon, Websleuths' member MelissaW has recently befriended Mackenzie's boyfriend (JV), and from her communications with him has been very helpful in providing some answers for us all. The exchange below between MelissaW and "notmyrealname" should add a little insight, with regards to the parts I bolded and colored (B&CBM) purple in your post above.

Just a few questions for JV:

1. When was the last time he saw MC?

2. Who initiated the text exchange on the day she disappeared, and were one-word texts common between them?

3. When was he expecting to see or talk to her again?

1. He saw her the day she went missing. She came into his work at around 11:30 a.m. to see him but he was with a customer so she left and went back to school.

2. Not sure who initiated but assuming it was MC because JV was still at work. They usually texted rather than talking on the phone & one word texts would be common when he was still at work.

3. They saw each other almost every day, so I think he was expecting to see her later that night when he was off work. Definitely talk to her. He said it was very unusual for her to go somewhere without telling him first. Example: Even if she was just going to the gym after the academy, she'd text him that because she wanted him to know where he was and she wanted to know where he was.

I've asked Melissa to try to find out for certain who initiated that text. Even though JV was at work at the time the "Hey" "Hey" text exchange took place, he could have been on a break and initiated the texting. I think that information is pertinent. I 'feel' that if Mackenzie initiated the text, she was most likely texting it of her own free will. If JV initiated the texting, then we really cannot be certain that Mackenzie wasn't coerced to respond, under some type of duress.

I hope this information is somewhat helpful to you. I appreciate the help you and the other astrologers have provided for us! :)
I am posting some more questions (and their answers) websleuthers posed to Melissa, who has been corresponding with Mackenzie's boyfriend (JV) of 17 months, at the time she went missing.

(I changed Melissa's replies to purple so they would stand out better.)

Melissa, could you please ask JV if HE saw anything suspicious or out of place in regard to MC's car when he arrived at PC? Besides it being abandoned there, of course. TIA.

I asked him if he knew where the keys were and if the seat was pulled forward or back & he said he didn't notice those things. The thing that stuck out for him was seeing her purse in there, because he said she never would have left her purse in her car like that, out in the open.

I would like to know how cautious he thinks MC was. Would she have been friendly to a stranger? Would she had allowed a stranger to ride in her car? Does he know if MC drove through the car wash on Feb 9. Would MC willingly ride in a stranger's car...some one she met just minutes before?
Thanks for asking him these questions. And, please tell him I send my sympathy to him, and MC's family.

One thing he already told me which may answer question: He said that as soon as he drove up PC for the first time and saw her car, he knew something was wrong. He said she never would have gone willingly with someone; she would have had to be forced and/or scared of the person.

Melissa, I'd like for you to ask him whether Mackenzie ever mentioned any type of inappropriate behavior or advances towards her by her mother's b/f.

If the answer to that is no - please ask if JV truly believes that Kenzie would have told him, IF the mom's b/f had acted inappropriately towards her in any way whatsoever. (Some gals may not feel comfortable telling their b/f something like that, for fear of what action/retaliation their b/f might then want to take against that person who had acted inappropriately. KWIM?)

TIA! :)

I can answer that for you. I did ask him this and he didn't know. Your speculation is probably correct. He seems to be very protective of her so I would think she wouldn't want him to get hurt, by someone who has experience fighting, etc.

I hope you find this information helpful! :)

ETA: A post from 4:11 PM today of Melissa's (about Mackenzie's fateful day, according to Melissa's correspondence with JV):

I have some answers for everyone:

JV is sure that MC never went to the spec house with friends.

Text messages- the first one she sent him before she came into his work around 11:30
just to say she was coming in and, like I said earlier, he was busy so she left. The last text message he got from her was at like 2:45 PM. She said "hey" and it was normal for her to send short messages like that because she knew his schedule and what time he worked and got out. After work he went home and was waiting for her to text him because she always did but she didn't. He then tried to text her around 4:15 PM and it said that his text messages were not going through & being received. He called over and over and left a message. He was worried because she never would just turn her phone off like that.

Man, just typing that up was emotional. I could imagine how horrible and helpless you would feel if that happened to you. :(

This last bit of information really narrows down the timeline considerably; since Mackenzie's last known text was sent (or received) at 3:40 PM. This means that between 3:40 pm and 4:15 pm, something happened to or incapacitated Mackenzie, so that she was no longer able to send or receive text messages and/or calls on her cell phone! :(

E(again)TA: Another question and answer for MelissaW, that makes things sound even worse!

How did he know that text message did not go through?

IMO if the phone is off the sytem sends the text when the phone is turned back on.

So here's a little more info on the text thing:

The last time JV heard from MC the day of her disappearance was 2:45 and that was when she texted "hey."

He was at work still so when he got off, he texted her back "hey, wassup" at around 4:15. This is when he got it sent back saying it wasn't received, or however that message words it. I have Verizon too and I've had this kind of thing happen once in awhile if I was in an area with no service & the message wouldn't go out, or if the person I was texting was in a no-service area.

He said he tried calling her multiple times after that and it went straight to voicemail, which made him think the phone was turned off.

So now it appears (according to her boyfriend) that Mackenzie sent her very last text message to JV at 2:45 PM; not at 3:40 PM which we had all been led to believe. And her last known cell ping was at 5:42 PM. So we now know it was Mackenzie who initiated that last text but earlier than we previously thought, but something most likely happened to her between 2:45 PM and 4:15 PM, when her bf tried to message her back.
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