Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

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If it makes any difference, I believe that MH was born in Charlottesville, not Roanoke ....
I hadn't heard much about this case, too much other stuff on my mind, but someone asked for my 2 cents, so I've been reading and reading, and am now totally confused. Can someone tell me if Morgan drove her car to the arena or was she a passenger in a friend's car? There are so many conflicting stories! I've read through the first thread on this, and skimmed the second one, and just made myself sick trying to look over thread #3 of the main threads. Even the related articles conflict.

Tuba and Soulscape, thanks for the chilling chart readings. I was able to give my friend the gist of what she wanted to know just from reading your posts. The astrology part is easy, going through the long chatty threads in the regular forum is work.

Thanks to all for your wonderful, insightful knowledge.
Aksleuth you had asked if she had taken her car or went with her friends. I saw her dad doing an interview on NG and he stated that she had rode with her friends there and that her car was at her apartment.
Dr. Harrington says in his appearance on Nancy Grace that Morgan drove her car as far as the first stop on the itinerary and then the friends piled into another car to make the last leg. She did not have her car at U.VA nor did she have the stub from her ticket to Metallica, required for re-entry according to reports.
If it makes any difference, I believe that MH was born in Charlottesville, not Roanoke ....

It would not make much difference. Actually, although I will use a place of birth if provided, I have found that relocating charts to the location of the incident works well in forensic astrology.

Determining where the body is located is often extremely difficult.

Using Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson's approach, the body would be NORTH NORTH WEST of place of Last Seen, possibly up to 20 miles away, at a higher elevation (hillsides, mountain meadows, near trees, hunting areas, detached buildings in clean or barren gravel fields) --- but possibly at ground level (in a higher elevation) because SATURN (significator of corpses), the traditional Part of DEATH, and the Part of FIND are all in Virgo, an Earth sign. SATURN, DEATH and FIND are intercepted, thus she is hidden and harder to find.

Another approach* suggests we look at PLUTO (planet of transformation) in energetic combination with SATURN (corpses) and the significator of the Missing Person to ascertain probable mileage.

I have added another experimental twist by also considering the Parts of FIND and DEATH.

In this chart, PLUTO 01 Capricorn squares SATURN (corpse) and VENUS (general significator of a young girl), and even (very widely) squares MERCURY (Morgan). Additionally, PLUTO widely trines traditional Part of Death 10 Virgo and Part of Find 8 Virgo and partile squares DEATH2 01 Aries. This suggests anywheres from 0 to 27 miles to me...

This is purely speculative. I need to find the time to thoroughly examine Last Seen charts in relation to Find charts in the hopes of uncovering a method that works more often than it doesn't.


*a combination of astrologer Renee Francis's laying the chart on a land map and astrologer Beth Turnage's experimental work with Renee's method.

When you have time Soulscape; I am interested in learning what you see for a potential location (in addition to the already stated).
Thanks about the info on the car. By the time I finished reading sometime in the wee hours of this morning, my head was spinning. As with other missing persons cases, there seems to be a lot of information not being shared by the people connected to the missing person - the friends seem to be holding something back and the parents only want the world to believe their daughter was a saint, all to protect themselves. Lots of missing pieces here.

Why would these friends leave without her and not notify someone that she was unable to be contacted? Did the charts mention any of this? All of this aside, it definitely looks like a stranger abduction. Thanks for your brilliant insight, Astrologers.
Not just at Websleuths but in all blogs on this missing person's case, there are questions about why the friends behaved the way they did that night. Under the 9:30 p.m. chart, the first paragraph pertains to the secrecy shown by the intercepts in the Fourth and Tenth Houses. Are these Houses important to your investigation? Very important. Saturn rules the day and the hour and Saturn is found intercepted in H. 4. Saturn rules House 8 and remember, Saturn of this event is exactly square Morgan's own natal Jupiter. Saturn is also quincunx or inconjunct Morgan's own natal Node: her associations, the groups she runs with. So we know there are family secrets, H. 4 and we know the authorities, H. 10, are not laying everything out for public consumption.

The friends, H. 11, appear as rude, inconsiderate and in tension with Morgan but the chart does not expose the friends as withholding information. Now they may be concealing some facts or conversation but it is not apparent in the event horoscope for 8:40 or 9:30.

The car issue is an important one and law enforcement and Dr. Harrington are putting out contradictory information about which car was in the parking lot at the arena. They need to get this sorted last weekend.
Tuba or Soulscape,

Does the chart show if she will be found?
Not just at Websleuths but in all blogs on this missing person's case, there are questions about why the friends behaved the way they did that night. Under the 9:30 p.m. chart, the first paragraph pertains to the secrecy shown by the intercepts in the Fourth and Tenth Houses. Are these Houses important to your investigation? Very important. Saturn rules the day and the hour and Saturn is found intercepted in H. 4. Saturn rules House 8 and remember, Saturn of this event is exactly square Morgan's own natal Jupiter. Saturn is also quincunx or inconjunct Morgan's own natal Node: her associations, the groups she runs with. So we know there are family secrets, H. 4 and we know the authorities, H. 10, are not laying everything out for public consumption.

The friends, H. 11, appear as rude, inconsiderate and in tension with Morgan but the chart does not expose the friends as withholding information. Now they may be concealing some facts or conversation but it is not apparent in the event horoscope for 8:40 or 9:30.

The car issue is an important one and law enforcement and Dr. Harrington are putting out contradictory information about which car was in the parking lot at the arena. They need to get this sorted last weekend.
Thanks all of you.

I dont know beans about this and some of the lingo shoots right over my head like Im reading Greek, but it is so very fascinating.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is there any way to expound on some of this? Like what family secrets? The reason I ask, is that it may speak to intent or state of mind perhaps? Even if she didnt' HAVE to hide any particular thing, she could have felt as tho she had to (?) If that makes any sense? IDK.

Also, something about the friends is bothering me and I have no great reason to think that beyond generalizations and assumptions. Anything else you guys can glean about the friends?


Any time you see II on the Ascendant of either an event chart or horary, the Part of Peril conjoins the rising degree. II was rising when Morgan left her friends and exited the building but there was not a planet afflicting the ASC and the Part of Peril.

By the time she ended communication at 9:30 p.m., Uranus in Pisces, ruling H. 9 and 10 was square the Part of Fortune and the Ascendant and Part of Peril. There was a sudden and unexpected spring from out of the intercept, Uranus challenging her. This would be the moment when the purse and cell phone were wrenched from her.

The Part of Fortune, which had been at the ASC both when she went out and when she said goodbye, gave her the sense that she could take care of herself. It gave her confidence in her own resourcefulness.

When one Sign appears on two cusps as Leo does here (as well as Aquarius), the two Houses should be read together. Transport and vehicles, House 3 are therefore contributors or producers of the final outcome, House 4. The ruler of House 8 is hidden in Virgo, concealed in the House of endings.

This makes me sound nutbar, but is there anything to suggest the possibility that she didn't make it to the arena?

The event chart is really geared to what went on while she was locked out of the arena and then disappeared. Therefore, House 4 serves mainly to depict conditions at the end of this adventure, whereas in a natal horoscope, House 4 is ones family and home setting (household & real property). Morgan's natal planets line up so that her Pluto in Scorpio is stationary direct in House 4. This is a powerful force in her family life and does denote once again, family secrets. These could be limited to the unusual codes used to communicate. Scorpio always means complications and Pluto is the coding or secrecy.

It really is not possible that Morgan never arrived at the arena because those other than members in her small party saw and even talked to her briefly. Since she is very tight with these long time friends, the conduct on both sides October 17 is passing strange. If the man at the gate told her she could not be readmitted without her ticket stub, as reported, why didn't one of her friends meet her with it?

We now know that a young woman meeting Morgan's description was seen crossing Copley Bridge. Bridges come under House 3 and the planets Saturn, Neptune & Pluto. We already knew that House 3 is allied to the final outcome, House 4 because Leo is on both Houses. Pluto the night of October 17 was exactly inconjunct the violence that occurred, Mars at the cusp of House 3, so there we have implication two ways of the bridge again.
kant, if your discomfort about the friends gels, please share your generalizations and assumptions with us.
Thank you so much, Tuba. It's not my business to know their family secrets so I wasn't asking out of deep curiosity. No, my questions were along the lines of a proper investigation. I do feel secrets are being kept all the way around. Maybe the family wants to appear a certain way, so they aren't truly forthcoming. The friends don't want to get into trouble, so they are eliminating key facts. That sort of thing. I've been watching these cases long enough to know when the people surrounding the case aren't being truthful.

Honestly, I'm baffled how anyone, especially people so close to a missing person, aren't doing all they can to help find their missing loved one. The charts show how secrets are being swept under the rug and the rug nailed down. You'd think her family would be forthcoming with any little clue that could show her state of mind, anything. There are just too many conflicting "facts" and I do believe which car was used is very important, it could be a clue.

Why would she wander away from the arena? Why leave the car if it was hers? Why expect to catch a ride when her ride was already setting in the parking lot whether it be her car or a friend's car? Did she and the driver have a tiff, thus she left the arena in a huff?

Too many unanswered questions. At least the charts let us know our questions are valid.

Something's just not right.
IDK... some things just bother me and i cant solidly support the reasoning so I feel like a moron.

I'm finding it difficult to believe that she was outside by accident. Iow she deliberately went out, but I dont' know why she did or even really why I think that.

The box office was closed IIRC so buying another ticket - which was the only way back in - was not an option unless she went scalper; and scalpers are normally gone after the show starts and they generally leave if it's rainy. (per the locals who have been there)

It's been said that her car was at the venue. Even if it was the friend's car she had a sure thing - a ride "home" or back to JMU as the case was. Some time had already passed, so why venture out in heels, no coat, alone, in the cold, in the rain (light rain but still rain) on foot AWAY from the arena when all she had to do was either ask for the door key to the car to sit in it, or wait a bit til the friends came out and then go back with whom she came?

Also if she wandered outside accidently and found herself barred re-entry, SHE would initiate the call to the friend inside imo. ("OMG Im locked out!") The friend made the call.

Also, why did the friend kiss her (as in kiss goodbye?) if she were only going to the freakin bathroom (or for a ciggy?) WHO DOES THAT?

Also why initiate a spoken call if there is a text option in a loud venue in which it's difficult to hear?

Why call her dad from JMU (the completed first leg of the drive) to say she arrived safely, but she doesn't call him to say she made the second leg of the trip to C'ville (JPJ arena?)

Why say to the friend (supoposedly) "I'll meet you at the car OR I'll get a ride home"? That doesn't even make any sense b/c with no further confirmation that doesn't tell the friends what the heck is going on and they don't bother to ASK?

and if they were so sure she "had a ride" WHY WAIT AT ALL?

Why dont the friends have her paged on the PA system at the JPJ arena after the concert as they are "waiting a significant amount of time" for her in the parking lot before they LEAVE HER? (b/c they know she is not there?)

They are out of town - not down the street from home, for cryin out loud.

We cant get a straight answer as to WHOSE car was driven to the arena from JMU.

It's been said that there were four concert-goers in their group that included Morgan, Amy (Morgan's roommate) Sarah, (one of the nine friends in the school friend girl group) and one anonymous dude who is the boyfriend of none of the 3 girls that went to the concert, but the bf of some other girl.... and he has conspicuously remained nameless ? WHY? is he minor? WHAT?

The "witness" who saw them in the parking lot did NOT mention a male. (and his sighting of the girl group was reported BEFORE the male was mentioned publicly as being part of the concert -going group) (sorry to be snarky but... how convenient?)

the girls did not even call or show concern the next day. It was Morgan's dad who reported her missing on sunday afternoon.

There are no shots or glimpses of Morgan on any entrance or exit security tapes ANYWHERE? in the arena? anywhere en route to the arena?

even no bathroom breaks, gas, food, drink breaks on the route into C'ville? NOTHING?

No cell phone or camera shots of the friends on their big day out? not so much at/during the concert b/c maybe the lighting was bad for photos (altho it looked fairly bright in the videos) but not even any candid shots on the drive in?

I could go on....
I wasn't trying to be nosy about the family secrets; the reason I asked is b/c I wondered if it speaks to her frame of mind or contributed to her choices that night... like was she compelled to do something (relathionshhip? rendevous? is someone married? IDK)IS it something that she felt she couldn't risk in her own town at her apt? (She lives some 30 mins drive from her parents' home. But her roommate would likely be aware of her every move at home) IDK... Im not trying to disparage her. I just get ths gut feeling that something compelling drew her deliberately OUTSIDE the arena... (if she were even there) Her phone and purse were there... but.... IDK...
INJURY TO MORGAN's CHIN inside arena

Morgan Harrington, the young woman who disappeared during the October 17 Metallica concert, received a facial injury before she left the John Paul Jones Arena, according to multiple sources.

“It was a minor injury,” says Virginia State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller. She explains that police chose initially not to release the detail because the injury was “consistent with what someone would suffer from slipping and falling, not with any kind of assault.”
May I please ask for directions to the latest forum for Morgan, the one I was reading, well I went to post and it is closed, yet I am not finding a new one. Please excuse me for posting here out of order, I am lost. thank you kindly ;)
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