Forensic Astrology - OMAHA DOUBLE MURDERS Thomas Hunter Shirlee Sherman 3/13/08

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Due to the concealed II Moon, it seems entirely possible but not in a way we would imagine. She is in adverse relation (a square) to the ignition actor, Uranus yet whatever was controlling this woman is Mercury, found in the H. of homicide. That is due to Mercury governing the Sign where the Moon is found: the Sun, Uranus and Mercury hold the power in this murder chart, they are in charge of the event.
If anyone is in a position to activate the inspectors and detectives in the Hunter murders, this is the moment to get out and push. The knife wielding killer and the director of operations have been lucky so far but the luck just ran out. Dark Moon Lilith is on the Jupiter of their crime, the Sun is on the concealed facts of the activity that occurred, Moon intercepted in House 11 and Mars, Venus and Pluto are in more than helpful aspect to the physical components of the murdering. Even impersonal Mercury is rendering aid as it sextiles the Sun of the massacre. Both Sun and Mercury have been busy assisting for the last few days. We want progress!:Banane54:

Many thanks for a posting that gives those of us follwing this case some hope that justice soon may be done!
I posted a paste of this on the regular thread- I have reason to believe LE is looking at that and will be notified accordingly.
One question to look into is comings and goings, Omaha, at the week of the crimes. The murderer arrived from a distance and moved on after commission of the homicides. He shows as Sun in Pisces, which means possible departure from Florida or Hawaii before arriving in town. This may only be helpful in narrowing among suspects if he drove. We no longer live in walled cities with gate checks. He also shows as Fixed Star Markab, so he considers himself skilled with his weapons of choice and others may hold that opinion as well.

You may remember that a New Moon chart was cast for the run-up to March 13. Jupiter and Neptune are dead bang on the Node of that chart and its Midheaven and the Full Moon today squares the crisis shown then in the way hospitals and the programs for the under class and jails were being administered.

There will never be a more illuminated moment to examine the facts of this case and act upon them. All the impetus now is on a successful determination of who was responsible and who acted in the hands on commission of the knife killings.
Due to the concealed II Moon, it seems entirely possible but not in a way we would imagine. She is in adverse relation (a square) to the ignition actor, Uranus yet whatever was controlling this woman is Mercury, found in the H. of homicide. That is due to Mercury governing the Sign where the Moon is found: the Sun, Uranus and Mercury hold the power in this murder chart, they are in charge of the event.

So would this mean that a woman perhaps played a behind the scenes role? Also if Mercury was controlling this woman does that indicate the possible motivation was that Tom had to be silenced for some reason?

Thanks for all you do for us Tuba, we sleuths are very fortunate to have you astros!:clap:
Who can understand this crazed thinking! Monstrous. One thing I do know, the Full Moon is occurring right on the victim in chief, Thomas and sheds strong light on what happened, including this woman who interests you, the Moon intercepted in House 11 at 15° II.

Only one factor I haven't said enough about, the tremendous rejection shown by Venus just into Pisces opposite Saturn retrograde. Something was going on at the hospital, that much is clear but I am not the one to tell you what it was. I have too few case facts.

How could the killer have expected to find Thomas alone? Yet he saw the housekeeper as an unwanted, unnecessary complication. I would appreciate a physical description of the housekeeper in health, not as she looked when found. But she appears in the horoscope as well upholstered.

It is no revelation from astrology that the murders were plotted but at least "the stars" confirm that. The Sun is semi-sextile Neptune and the ruler of House 12, the Moon, is square. Thus we have a plot and the matter is shown to have been established in advance of the killings by the Fixed Sign rising which means the whole crime was already underway, not murders in the heat of the moment. But, as I said, we already know that from witnesses who saw the man with the satchel casing the houses in that row to be sure of the address and description. Obviously, he came prepared to commit murder.

Who had an inferiority complex that perceived insult for the final time and took revenge?

What locale or state has peach colored license plates? What is the Mexican connection?
Tuba, prior to reading your posts I knew nothing about forensic astrology. While I still do not understand completely, I am in awe of your revelations in this case. Thank you!
If you look at the New Moon chart which is on this thread for Omaha, it is of interest that Jupiter, which rules all but one degree of the child in the murder chart, is about to reach out to a golden opportunity, Jupiter sextile Uranus. The Moon and the Sun, however, get there first and block his access. In the double murder chart, the Sun has already done this, and so has the Moon, six days earlier. This brought career elevation and travel for the Moon.

You may recall the blood chill when seeing that Thomas was the next name up on the hit list, his birthday Sun rising in the March New Moon chart. How terrible to be so distinctly targeted that your personal identity is blazoned across the horizon as portent of the month's events. Moon-Sun-Uranus all afflicting him and he, with no supporting planet.

The opportunity that was knocked from his grasp would have brought him a science award and, though but eleven years old, encouragement toward a career identified to that. It would also have provided the opportunity for him to broadcast a startling truth. A truth now :silenced: sealed in his coffin.
I am an infrequent poster, read faithfully and am rarely able to contribute , but I thought this license plate site might help, in addition to the site waltz posted. I looked through several states and am not sure about peachy... Georgia has a new one out, these were issued, starting, in 2008. Unfortunately, this is the only one w/o a graphic, but the description sounds like it is definitely peachy.

And, thanks for all you do.
As the years click by & the plates change, some that were peach are no longer. But Veracruz and Oaxaca, si.


Home > Americas > México > Oaxaca Passenger


Home > Americas > México > Veracruz Passenger
Sorry to take up so much space could not get the link to paste.
One thing that may narow it down quite a bit- wittnesses told LE that the car had NO front plate. Unless it was just missing that would be a clue, how many states don't require a front plate that also would match the description.
I do find it a bit difficult to conceive that someone would park thier car bearing Mexico plates- which aren't seen often at all in the Midwest US- in front of a neighbor's house while killing two people. I think it's more likely the car was fitted with phony plates beforehand then changed back right away.
That may be the case. The plates chosen should not have been peach, to avoid attracting attention. We knew the front plate was missing and that should be pursued but the police are probably well up on all of this. If not, big trouble.
Focusing on the boy Thomas at the time of the knife murder, his Cusp was 29:12 Scorpio, which has a solstice point or antiscion at the place of the transit Node of the Moon now. This marks a water shed location in the progress of the investigation. Jupiter and Neptune are directly on top of the node and House 8 Cusp of homicide, yes to the very degree. This represents good luck in discovery science at this time.

Evidence from the event is ruled by Mercury at 28:30 Aquarius and this planet also has a solstice point at 1:30 Scorpio sextile Pluto and trine Mars at the murders. The solstice is in the home, in the death findings. Mars just opposed this point, exposing and extracting the
facts available from the physical matter present at the crime. Carpet in the house has yielded up valuable evidence (Venus in Pisces in homicide sector with solstice point the Part of Fortune).

I wonder how Dr. Hunter entered at 5:30 p.m. The killer may have left a thumb or finger print on the door buzzer. We can't forget that the Full Moon fell in the House of the child and upon the activity that restrained them (intercepted Moon) that afternoon. Saturn, as we have examined, is now precisely square that Moon of 15° II. It trines the Jupiter of the event chart. When the solstice point of Hour Ruler Mars, 26:44 II is hit by the Sun in one week, while that same Sun makes the exact trine to Jupiter and Neptune, House 8 Cusp and node, the investigation should result in arrest.
~respectfullly snipped~

The opportunity that was knocked from his grasp would have brought him a science award and, though but eleven years old, encouragement toward a career identified to that. It would also have provided the opportunity for him to broadcast a startling truth. A truth now sealed in his coffin.


Does this imply a connection with the award and Tom's murder? Can you elaborate? TIA.

If anyone is in a position to activate the inspectors and detectives in the Hunter murders, this is the moment to get out and push. The knife wielding killer and the director of operations have been lucky so far but the luck just ran out. Dark Moon Lilith is on the Jupiter of their crime, the Sun is on the concealed facts of the activity that occurred, Moon intercepted in House 11 and Mars, Venus and Pluto are in more than helpful aspect to the physical components of the murdering. Even impersonal Mercury is rendering aid as it sextiles the Sun of the massacre. Both Sun and Mercury have been busy assisting for the last few days. We want progress!:Banane54:

Tuba, do you think the "director of operations" was connected to Thomas's school or to Creighton University?
waltzingmatilda, the connection would be, if connection there is, to the startling truth.

YellowDog, there was a problem with the school and that came out in the very first analysis but I am unfamiliar with the specific schools in Omaha and surround, so I can't really answer your question. I have a half-aunt who lives there and I will see what she has to say. In fact, I should have written her before.
waltzingmatilda, the connection would be, if connection there is, to the startling truth.

YellowDog, there was a problem with the school and that came out in the very first analysis but I am unfamiliar with the specific schools in Omaha and surround, so I can't really answer your question. I have a half-aunt who lives there and I will see what she has to say. In fact, I should have written her before.

This worries me, Tuba!
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